As the Global Fake Klimate Change Fire crisis entered its eighth week, divisions emerged like alleged bat to pangolin viruses spreading the globe and Fire Fatigue began to settle in.
Fire Experts divided along party lines in their quest to create, errr…prevent more Directed Energy Forest/Wildfires, engaging in a blistering argument that spilled out onto Rumble Sayanim Media and both Tiers of Legacy Media.
The Trump Administration remained steadfast that the best way to stop vehicle hood-melting, aluminum river flowing, Dangerous Fires was with AI-mRNA Fire Vaccines.
“We can target each fire ember at the molecular level and stop it from happening before it even has a chance to blow across an empty parking lot and melt steel,” declared Oracle’s Larry Ellison, a cancer and fire expert.
Meanwhile the Democrats responded with a position statement of their own.
“The Science is settled. Firemectin at the base Directed Energy level will escalate, err..stop the torching of the Useless Eaters and the persistent land grabs.”
Joe Rogan immediately platformed Billionaires Gavin de Becker, Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Andreesen, and Elon Musk for an emergency Firemectin vs. AI mRNA Fire Vaccine podcast.
After much marijuana usage, a consensus was reached.
Fake pandemics were not moving along quickly enough as the Agenda 21/30 Murder the World Global Sustainability plans were behind schedule.
The Rockefeller Foundation issued a statement:
“At this rate, the next Satanic Olympics will have to be canceled and that is not how winners make things happen. We need to ramp up both our Global Vaccination Program and our Burn Back Better programs and potentially shut off the food supply.”
Both parties agreed that there were too many useless fucking eaters and to save the planet, the burn back better option would need to stay on the table.
From her bunker in Hawaii, Oprah crowed, AND YOU GET A FIRE AND YOU GET A FIRE!
Roseanne Sayanim Barr responded with another rap video and The Rock appeared at Summer Burn 2025 and made a heel turn igniting a firestorm of controversy.
I mean…a firestorm.
I mean…The Rock burned down the audience.
Sage, i love your sarcasm. I Keep it coming.
Firemectin only treats your symptoms. To fix the underlying cause of your condition you need Scorpiomectin.