
de Passport! de Passport!

Agent Graham Crackers picks up the phone.

“Did you feel the earthquake, Agent Rose Bowl?”

😅 ( I went with it.)

Agent Rose Bowl.

::pulls hard on vape::

“We could go back to Agent Ehrlibaker?”

Agent Graham Crackers pauses.

No Agent deEisenstein nixed that one.

Notorious GVB dials in from the chopper.


This is a fun Stack, huh?

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No real whale was ever isolated and purified.

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Ableist!!! The King will no longer do walkabouts.

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King Sudden the III of Faroe Islands, who in the year 1487 killed three French accordeonists by throwing his wooden leg at them, and issued a Decree that banished National Orchestras from hiring accordeon players, which is respected to this day.

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You've obviously never met my sister.

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Oh boy...here we go...

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They can stage an alien invasion. Or the second coming of an antichrist. The possibilities.

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Believing is seeing

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Actually made me lock up a bit.


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"Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes." Some old New Yorker cartoon.

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Had a local barn stack going for some time, attempting to shore up the civic foundation - (which I still think is where we need to insert the crowbar) but found a glass wall after grasping: ignition fail, flatlining…missing spark plugs. The new entertainment mandate, while fun, collided with intent, and presented a major conundrum. It felt like the beast had me cornered to monetize entertainment rather than fundraising tangible results, all-the-while bracing for ultrasonic spin-off into WEFland. Clearly clever entrainment switches in Stack psy 🤔 correctly profiling - us,…behaviour, exhaustion, endorphins, escapism, fear, just wanting a life and forget 😫. I haven’t worked out yet where I am going, LOL, except for: the glass cage is real. Masses of observers, frozen in space, watching the train, learning and enjoying the ride and listening breathlessly for its whistle, unable to take their eyes off the spectacle. Most mornings I wake up nodding into that the ultimate life journey is amassing as much true insight into our existence here as possible. And shudder that I may leave never knowing what even I had been part of. Striking some wins, no? Observers of our own destiny shaped by seemingly invincible powers. The rest of the time I am raging in this glass cage, wondering why we don’t just hammer down the walls. What would that catalyst look like ? Thanks for keeping the mind expansion activated

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Why I meditate everyday—>mind expansion! And contraction is what the hammer of worldly household life brings in. Only to be turned from outward looking to inward focused with a bit of Sage on the side. Lol

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Eric Weinstein and Del Bigtree just endorsed Trump and basically said those who don't vote are responsible for the loss of the republic and freedom around the world. They then relayed the pillars required to restore our freedoms. Trump nor Harris represents any of those presented. Sigh

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It's Israel doing more of that WE Run America stuff.

The whole damn thing. Intellectual Dark Web. Bret Weinstein. Tucker Carlson getting Evergreen Boy on the air. All the Rogan visits. The "Unity Ticket" and the Pandemic Expertise from this one dude who's pops worked with Bobby Kennedy's pops.

Amazing Operation. Unity Ticket all with Zionist Supporters.

To get this guy Trump.

Steve Kirsch in 2022 when Trump was not really on the radar: Trump will clean up the agencies.

When the whole staged "Iranian" assassination attempt went down and I asked who was front-running the rollout of the Tier Two and it was Zero Hedge who I had been told that would not allow commenters to even type J-E-W in the comments.

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I bore witness at the Hague in 2018 to a request that the International Criminal Court bring the State of Israel up on charges for crimes against humanity. I've read Ben Gurion and the Balfour Declaration and what Truman said. I think reading up on International Law would be a good idea for anyone even thinking about the oval office, new or trying a repeat.

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Talk about playing the long game.

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Tulsi will save us!!!

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"it's time we once again stand together with our Global Community and fight the new enemy: The Coronavirus."

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That subtle header image... *chef's kiss!*

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That image did seem to capture all of the *stars*.

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straight from the horses' mouth, saying it out loud


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This: https://x.com/EndTribalism/status/1833183097904398422?

Switch flicked. And wool coat pulled over blinking eyes.

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Sorry, it was Brett Weinstein

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Peter Thiel consigliere Eric is out there too.

Never in my life have I gotten so far out in front in understanding on anything.

All from covering Kovid and following the strands. Just calling ball after ball out the chute and the shifting floating narratives and the game theory.

And look where we are right now. With THE KING OF ISRAEL, HIS WORDS...set up by the Zionist Experts who no one and I mean NO ONE should give a shit about.

Palantir Hedge Fund dude and Evergreen Prof who got wokelashed.

Who said wear a mask and stricter lockdowns would have worked for the fake new virus.

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"Don't you wish you were in New Zealand right now"

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Sure was fortuitous that some kids were mean to him that fateful day.

And he ended up lecturing Ron de Santis and going on Bill Maher and ....


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Both Brett and Del have big bags under their eyes and look 10 years older than me, while the opposite true. They are having problems sleeping at night.

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Go back to the start of CHD and Highwire.

Bigtree around 2015-2016.

Founded by anti-vaccination activist Eric Gladen in 2007, the World Mercury Project was a relatively minor group until Kennedy joined its board in 2015. Its budget jumped to nearly half a million dollars and in 2018, changed its name to Children's Health Defense.

They knew the pandemic was coming (Good Club, Operation Lockstep 2009-2010)

Holy. Shit. Do you see what happened?

Do you see...The Long Game?

I do. Agent 99 was out in front of half of this, now the other half is realized.

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Yup, I didn't get it till that Fauci forgiveness email back in 2022. I was a fan until then.

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They code switched.

They got errrrybodddy all anti-vax, hedging all the way.

That was their SIGNATURE ISSUE.


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The Queen of De-Nile.

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Ehmmm, Del has a case of hemorrhoides too.

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Ok, well, they need to spend more time around James Roguski - who made the perfect case in a recent interview that voting takes place EVERY DAY of our lives, in fact multiple times a day. If we all focused on DAILY VOTING with even a tenth of the intensity we spend on voting every FOUR (4) YEARS, we would have much less need for a managing/controlling government, being a largely self-regulating society. Where we deliberately choose, support and spend our wealth on products and thus corporations that are healthy for us and our environment, better food choices, medical treatments, energy consumption, absolutely everything in our lives, every day. There is very little we cannot find alternatives for if we are motivated and any inconvenience is short lived when realized and new demands are incentivized. We all know that this upcoming ‘voting’ will have zero impact on improving our lives and the question everyone needs to answer is: what exactly are we voting for, before returning to stupor for another 4 years?

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CA Fitts made the same point in an interview with Ryan at TLAV recently...at least monetarily, we vote every day.

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It’s the real voting we do. While we are typically on autopilot.

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I'd run as a national write in candidate and promise to do the job as outlined by the position description. It’s in an Article of that public social compact that those two are desperately trying to ignore and stray into sections of other's duties and responsibilities. Neither of the two wouldn’t really pass a good thorough background check for executive leadership imo.

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I miss these ones! More of this please!

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Dat’s Kwackers to you, buddy!

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Love this!

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I especially enjoyed the chill emoji. Comedy/Tragedy is the name of the game.

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I wrote a post about this very thing some time ago. Do you mind if I share an eschatological perspective here? I refer to Exodus 20:4, a commandment of God: "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below" that we hold before our reverence of the Lord. Besides electromagnetic communication as enabled by 5G, the "image" is always exalted over man and the masses. This is demonstrated in some installations we have seen recently depicting dragons, whales, people–all manner of things. The technology being utilized particularly is drone and holographic design. Here the image is extrapolated and invoked at a greater and greater scale, becoming the fabric, so to speak, of our reality. Just look at the flying dragons (orchestrated by 1500 drones) in Shenzhen, China. Or see the way 7D holography has enticed audiences in Dubai, Poland and Japan. This will be grafted into an ambient control grid. And at the greatest scale these entities will showcase their surpassing power through the HAARP, the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program, funded by none other than DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Program, who developed the vaccine nanodevices to connect to the 5G grid and geospatial satellite system. In many ways, this science will be used to showcase and compose Satan's "omnipresence", and will be used to display wonders and signs on behalf of his Antichrist.


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Where did you find that? Are the people standing there seeing that or are they pretending to be seeing that? Where was that happening? What is that tall blue thing?

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It's augmented reality. Meaning, if you were there in person, with no device to look at or through (a phone, headset, tablet, neuralink, etc), you would see nothing. It's kind of like PokemonGo in that way.

However! There is a deliberate blending of a whole host of different technologies right now, such that, in a short time something like this will probably be viewable in reality. Drone shows are getting pretty off the wall. They are currently about at a 'pong' or 'centipede' level of resolution. Shouldn't be difficult to scale this up to a 4k equivalent, in theory.

https://youtube.com/shorts/GVlZJtfDk_c https://youtu.be/y0KNhSejkOI https://youtube.com/shorts/poZhbc8Dg8s

But this only works in the dark, and if you don't mind it glowing. During the day, high resolution versions of something like these, tacked onto a balloon or drone, might be useful in the mix:

https://youtu.be/6RXFmDajwsk https://youtu.be/eeT8cpnTkxQ https://youtu.be/zLdNeatXCvE

I also wonder if the crap that is sprayed out the back of planes, when properly dispersed as a fog across the sky, might be able to be projected onto? Maybe from orbit?

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So on this post, I opened up the floodgates. And to be clear, I do not know if there were planes or if there were, they were military switch-out plane drones.

The videos have problems I will def. say that.

Anyway, I opened up the floodgates.


Finally had ONE person say that they themselves saw PLANE from Citibank building in Tribeca.

They did allow that they did not HEAR the second plane.

Dunno....*(they were annoyed with the question as people get.)

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I don't know anything either. Just that it don't add up. Beyond that, pretty agnostic.

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It doesn't matter in this sense:

Once you see even ONE anomaly and then you see a LIE covering it up....it's over.

The root of it is OVER.

You don't have to construct the replacement theory. You have a government CONSPIRACY THEORY that is a lie.

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Are there any videos showing the planes coming in from a great distance from the towers? Seems like all the ones I've seen just show a narrow view and right before impact.

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I could also see these applied to a drone, one on each of six sides, like a cube, and projected onto. Then, sync a bunch of these up in the sky like drone shows, and you could do something pretty mind blowing.


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Like this but newer & w/o the infrastructure? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ow0ET-ob3E

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This is a fun Stack, huh?

Admit it. You are both learning and enjoying the content.


Me: How long since you got some sleep? Pics were interesting but you sound like someone who took speed instead of sleeping last night. Just sayin'. I hope you are taking care of yourself........


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Me no normal

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We sure are different because I am the only person I know that is normal. Pphhhttttt.....

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What are you saying their was GRAND CONSPIRACY to fake flying whales with CGI on a VIDEO? I SAW THE WHALES ON FACEBOOK111!!111!! WHAT DO YOU THINK THE PEOPLE REACTING IN THAT VIDEO WERE ACTORS OR SOMETHIN!?!?!?!?! Why would people DO THAT? Pretend to SEE FAKE WHALES!!!??? Nobody would do that, *I* wouldn't do that, so therefore nobody on Earth would. The whales are REAL. In fact I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW that I personally know 38 PEOPLE WHO DIED FROM WHALETAILS!!


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Also. I’m actually a double agent, Agents Kwackers AND Ehrlibaker. I both work for the same agency though so it gets confusing.

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Ehrilibaker provides good Intel!


So, thanks on both counts!

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Typo. I’m Earlybaker (and Kwackers). I don’t know this other “good intel” guy. Sounds suspich. I only do mediocre intel.

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When did everyone commenting on this stack become so serious and boring?

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As opposed to your trademark exciting insights?

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Yes! Exactly! Nobody made me laugh this time cept you!

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Because I'm hilarious?

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Don’t push it. Funny. Hilarious is Ben Bankas.

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De Whales wit De Pyro-Tech-Neeks.... now Dat would be sumtin'

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Okay, but what is the whale thing? Is that a movie? So weird, haha.

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