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Detonate the Stack Saturday: Tucker Carlson is the Greatest Limited Hangout Mockingbird Media Op in History 🏆

"You may not have even heard that before, because clearly they have been suppressed."

Someone told me once that Walter Cronkite was CIA.

Say it ain’t so, Walt.

Dan Rather. Can see it.

News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller
What we might learn about this next election from what happened on November 22, 1963
Here’s Dan Rather, on November 25, 1963, solemnly telling the American people what he had just seen (or so he claimed) in the Zapruder film. If you haven’t watched this video, the crucial moment is at 2:12, when Rather says, concerning JFK’s physical reaction to the (alleged) third shot, “ “His head could be seen to move violently forward…
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You understand to keep the work alive, you gotta be high on the “like” scale.

And it helps if you have an “Awww, shucks…” demeanor and if you can give out lots of confirmation bias candy.

This is one of Tucker’s big confirmation biases big hooks: “the media i…

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