Is *Covid-19 really so lethal that we need to be slamming pumpkin seeds and niacin so that we don't die from it? Is it weird that everybody is still Covid Zombified? Covidified? Zombided?
*Is this even real? Detonate this Stack. The Op is not only still live but we are having Paxlovid flashbacks to 2021, Covid Fear Porn to set up the "solutions"
I don’t really know how to write this Stack any more.
Can y’all snap out of it?
I’ve pushed out about 1600 posts.
We went through all of this.
“Controlled Opposition”
“Not a Movement”
“Not a Virus”
“Hero Ball”
“Jabs Bad”
“Dolts Botching Shit”
“Calm the Marks”
Hey did you know about Turbo Cancer and stuff?
Did you know that I hope that you get …