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Pretty sure that this documentary is a way to make sure that you know if you want to know and can be ritually humiliated and sneered at by the Creative Intelligence.
Because the Creative Intelligence almost certainly knows that you are addicted to this:
And not harsh realities about the nation that you live in.
Some of you perhaps grew up with Gleaming Talking Heads on a screen approximating family to you.
The world and its phenomena is complex and it sure is soothing to have a familiar face (root of *familiar is FAMILY) to explain to you how Radical Muslim Terrorists want to come get you but the good Jewish people and your American CIA want to tuck you into bed and give you a smoothie.
Something I have come to realize.
And it sucks.
I can show you the magic trick. The illusion.
And it doesn’t matter.
I can show you how they do it. With repetition and staged theatrical feuds.
I can show you the magic trick of pro wrestling.
It doesn’t matter.
You like the magic trick.
You like it so much you will kill your kids to preserve it.
Of course you would prefer to send someone else’s kids to kill and die and maim and be maimed.
But at the end of the day, those Doritos are too fucking good and those homeless assholes set those houses on fire probably.
And those fucking shitlibs who were put into your life to fuck your shit up so your new crop of heroes could ride in to save you.
Saw this with the shitlibs who decried the Dopey Right Wingers for not loving them some herd-culling Grandma-saving magical elixirs on the other fake side.
Round and round we go.
Baton back and forth and the citizens who love hypernormalcy can’t pull back and ever just…let it sit.
Covering Donald Trump for four years was not on my Bingo Card when I started analyzing Jabs Bad nearly four years ago, and so I am thinking long and hard about what to do about that.
Covering Donald Trump is reactionary and once you get into the reactionary loop, you may as well be Tucker Carlson telling the Useless Eater that he is a parasite for questioning 9/11 government narratives.
To my satisfaction, we solved how Donald Trump was brought into your fevered screen-glazed Brain Vector and was anointed long ago by people who are highly, highly, highly motivated to have the World under their control.
By any means necessary.
Most of this stuff is not that complex over time.
The Cheat Codes are there.
But who has the time, amirite?
ABC News with David Muir is coming on and you would rather sit there with a yapping dog, transfixed, filling the Brain Vector.
My little dog hates network TV! I guess she saved me.
That movie “The Prestige” comes to mind. “…because, of course, you’re not looking, you don’t really want to know.”