"AIDS Emerged from Oral Polio Vaccine Tests" Fauci Disinformation SWAT Team is Ba-a-aaaaack in "Lab Leak-2: The China Covid Sequel"
HIstory doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes
This will be the first of at least two dives down this rabbit hole.
All I’m doing is aggregating the fine work of others, standing on the shoulders of giants, finding the points of convergence, and plotting them on a graph on my Etch a Sketch.
The graph seems to be pointing to Anthony Fauci! Once again!
And to the corruption of science. Again.
Won’t you come with me on this journey? (“A most warm welcome to this Dr. John Campbell video where we may hint that something is amiss with the safe and effective exp. injections…”)
This Sage Hana Productions book report was triggered by two posts; one by Kirsch and one by Dr. Toby, and you could probably toss Michael Senger and Naomi Wolf in there as well, as the latter two are most definitely veering into “All China, All the Time” in their explanations for the actual and geopolitical genesis of the historic Psychological Operation Injection-19.
Let’s unpack.
Here is Kirsch on the rejuvenated efforts to spin Lab Leak back to a zoonotic Wuhan Wet Market species jumping bats and pangolins type angle…and note that China Focused Michael Senger is also echoing the “Lab Leak is bogus” theory, citing his Intelligence Community sources.
Because the United States Intelligence Community is always a bulletproof reliable source.
Kirsch explores this terrain (yes I will, Monica!) and also links to Doc Malone who has his own terrain exploring take.
Here’s what you need to know:
Kristian Andersen is an author of both papers. What a coincidence! He was on the original call with Fauci after the breakout and participated in the cover up to make it look like it came from nature.
Kristian Andersen blocked Chris Martenson and then deleted all his tweets after Chris Martenson called him out. Is that how science works?
Andersen initially told Fauci the virus was man made in an email on Feb 1, 2022 that you can see right here (at 19:00). He said it was inconsistent with evolutionary theory. Then there are redactions to the FOIA emails and then a week later, there is a paper on how the virus came from nature. Pretty hard to cover that one up. Chris Martenson did a great series on this. It’s really hard to believe this wasn’t from a lab if you take the time to watch Chris’s video. It is awesome. If you are short on time, watch from 19:00 for at least 2 minutes. It’s one of my favorite Chris Martenson videos ever and it is the best 2 minutes you’ll ever spend if you are wondering where the virus came from.
etc. etc.
Dr. Toby
Now an excerpt from Dr. Toby’s latest fantastic exploration into separate but related monkeypox issues:
I. The origins of HIV
Edward Hooper is an independent investigative journalist in the U.K. His book The River : A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS is one of the most extraordinary works of investigative journalism ever published. In the book, Hooper presents compelling evidence that HIV made the leap from animals to humans as a result of early clinical trials of the oral polio vaccine in the Congo. If true, this would mean that the unintended consequences of the polio eradication campaign killed over 36 million people worldwide by introducing an animal retrovirus into the human population.
Any serious discussion of HIV/AIDS must contend with the extraordinary research in this book. Yes, there are books and articles that attempt to knock down Hooper’s premise; no they are not very convincing. The mainstream media suppresses any discussion of this topic because vaccines are sacred.
Edward Hooper
And this leads Detective Etch a Sketch to Edward Hooper’s page where as it were, Hooper is himself connecting the dots from his seminal Oral Polio Vaccine purportedly giving rise to AIDS work (using chimpanzee kidneys rather than Indian rhesus monkeys to grow the poliovirus)…to the modern day Lab Leak spin cycle.
If you would like to take a third party background rabbit hole exit, here is one from Lancet, 2004 on the monkey poliovirus vaccine issues. Below that, I have a YouTube documentary link, The Origin of Aids, which I will probably do a summary review of in my next post.
Few back then grasped that these vaccines might also be a huge, inadvertent, uncontrolled experiment in interspecies viral transmission. But from 1955 to 1963, according to a 1976 US National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study, 98 million Americans alone probably were exposed to polio vaccines contaminated with SV40—a monkey virus that can cause cancers in animals.
Now, a July 7 report in New Scientist has raised fears that hundreds of millions of eastern Europeans, Asians, and Africans also may have been exposed to SV40 in Soviet-made polio vaccines. Michele Carbone of Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, USA, announced at the 2004 Vaccine Cell Substrates meeting (Rockville, MD) that the Soviet vaccine could have been contaminated until the 1980s. This is worrying since, despite 44 years of medical debate, epidemiological studies have yet to establish conclusively whether SV40 has or hasn't caused cancers in people.
When Salk developed his vaccine, instead of using human tissues, as did the scientists who won a Nobel Prize for first growing poliovirus in tissue culture, he used minced-up rhesus macaque monkey kidneys, which were remarkably efficient poliovirus factories. Those who sought to supplant Salk's formaldehyde-inactivated vaccine with live, attenuated oral vaccine also used monkey kidney cultures.
Despite a manufacturing problem that, at best, left six children who received the vaccine paralysed in the arm, and despite concerns about wild simian viruses, Salk's shots were declared safe and effective after 1954 field trials. The next year, after grudging approval by sceptical government regulators, free Salk shots were made available throughout the USA.
You may want to watch this YouTube documentary video which centers on Hooper’s investigation into the origins of AIDS quickly, as it allegedly gets removed often by the YouTube Overlords protecting Pharm and Vax Friendly conclusions.
*edit: This upload has been up for five years, I did see another that has been up seven years, so maybe it is allowed to survive, but not so in 2013.
Note that YouTube does currently attach their little warning sign steering you towards Right Think, much like the Spotify Covid Hub.
With me so far? Okay.
::big breath::
Here again is the website of journalist and author Ed Hooper, who wrote the aforementioned investigative journalism book, The River : A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS.
The River is also available for free download on his site, which conveniently leads us to this article where Ed Hooper connects the dots from the smears of his historic AIDS work to the current day “SWAT Team” efforts commandeered by our own lovely Anthony Fauci to obfuscate and lie and steer the genesis of SARS-Cov-2 to the Wuhan Wet Market (again!) and away from the WUHAN INSTITUTE OF RALPH BARIC UNC DARPA GAIN OF FUNCTION BIOWEAPON VIROLOGY.
The United States War Dept. and Science
More background!
Here are two more links if you want to keep diving down that rabbit hole as to this unholy merger between The Science and The Rationale for Bioweapon Research which is spun as Gain of Function and “We Want to Protect/Heal You”, and finally to the depressing reality of where we are right now.
DARPA and EcoHealth Giving Away the Game with Predictive Programming
From 2015:
From 2018:
NEW YORK – March 2, 2018 – The result of its continued surveillance of people and animals in emerging disease hotspot regions, EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization working at the intersection of animal, environmental, and human health on a global scale, has found evidence of viruses closely related to SARS in people in Yunnan Province, China. Published today in Virologica Sinica, this research confirms that coronaviruses capable of infecting humans continue to lurk in the wild. It also confirms the importance of continued study of these unknown viruses before they create outbreaks like the 2002-2003 SARS pandemic.
"We want to be clear that this doesn’t necessarily indicate a brewing outbreak," paper co-author and EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak said. "It does, however, quite clearly show the value of continued biosurveillance in hotspot regions like Southeast Asia. If we know what viruses are out there in wildlife, and which people are getting infected, we have a chance to stop pandemics dead in their tracks."
EcoHealth Alliance scientists, in partnership with Wuhan Institute of Virology and Duke-NUS, found SARSr-CoVs in bat caves near Jinning in Yunnan Province. Human testing revealed antibodies against SARSr Co-V in six people living nearby, though none recalled any symptoms related to SARS infection.
“If we know what viruses are out there in wildlife, and which people are getting infected, we have a chance to stop pandemics dead in their tracks."
Or, you know…take them and enhance their dangers and use them to kill you and stuff. Why get hung up on details?!
BACK TO ED HOOPER and the Origins of AIDS
It is known that in the years since 2013 Chinese virologists such as Shi Zhengli were backed by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense in the US, to enable them to initiate Gain-Of-Function (GOF) research on some of the bat viruses, designed to alter their properties. In particular the so-called DEFUSE project, a collaboration between the US and China, “proposed using US defense funding to take coronaviruses collected in China and give them ‘humanised’ protein cleavage sites that would enhance their pathogenicity”.
Some of these grants were administered by an agency called EcoHealth Alliance, led by the British zoologist Peter Daszak. Professor Daszak has played a less than noble role in the origins-of-COVID debate, for it has been discovered that he was the secret organiser behind the publication of a letter signed by 27 leading Western scientists in The Lancet on March 7, 2020, which piously announced: “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.”
Worryingly, neither Peter Daszak, Shi Zhengli, nor the Chinese nor American authorities have provided full and clear accounts of the bat virus research that Zhengli and her colleagues were carrying out at the WIV.
Latham identifies seven individual members of the so-called SWAT team. As I have pointed out in previous posts, four of these seven have a past history, in that they have previously played leading roles in attempts to debunk the OPV theory of how AIDS began. I had discussions with all four men in 2000 and the years immediately following, when I suspected (and now firmly believe) that their opposition to OPV/AIDS was based on erroneous analysis. They are Eddie Holmes, Andrew Rambaut, Michael Worobey and Robert Garry.
At the start of the millennium the first three were all members of the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford, where they effectively established an informal coalition in opposition to the OPV theory.
This happened shortly after the death in March 2000 of Bill Hamilton, from the same Oxford department, who was my mentor and one of the leading proponents of the OPV theory. The fourth man, Robert Garry, is an American researcher who has previously criticised the OPV theory on the insubstantial grounds that Hilary Koprowski, who was the leading scientist behind the polio research and subsequent vaccination campaigns based at Stanleyville in the Belgian Congo, said that the theory was untrue.
Back in the 1990s Garry published some similarly dubious data on a teenage boy from St Louis who, he claimed, had been infected with HIV-1 back in 1968-9. Other scientists have demonstrated that the sequence published by Garry was far too close genetically to the HIV-1 control sample being used in his lab, and was therefore in all likelihood a lab contamination. But Garry has never properly addressed such arguments, let alone acknowledged the possibility that he might have made an error. Yet for some reason, he appears to be one of Fauci’s chosen favourites.
Another member of the SWAT team (one whom I have not met) is Kristian Andersen, the lead author of a March 2020 paper that was strongly opposed to the possibility of a lab leak origin for COVID; [see below].
And we are back once again to Kristian Andersen, who Kirsch and Chris Martensen discuss up top /\ .
And now, Ed Hooper mentions as a new member of Anthony Fauci’s revamped SWAT Team.
Let’s leave it there for now. This is pretty dense. Discuss.
We are going to have to sort out the credibility of one Shi Zhengli, the Bat Woman at some point. But I have to come up for air before another deep dive.
If someone has watched Chris Martensen’s video that Steve links, please report to the class some summary notes! Thanks all!
Curious timing: Walter Chestnut zeroing in on amyloid proteins and amyloidosis as mechanism for spike protein injury, and the sudden “debunking” of the theory that amyloid proteins are key to Alzheimer’s and related neurodegenerative disorders.
To clarify: I think Chestnut’s work is credible, and TPTB are muddying things and discrediting the links between amyloids and neurodegeneration, most likely to cover tracks.
Just passing it along as possibly another example of the pattern you’re digging into.
Fun fact: I read all 3284 pages of Fauci's leaked emails. Including those from one Kristian Anderson who smells fishier than a can of whale blubber.