Three Bombshell Stories involving Trump pick for HHS Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that the Tier One Media will not investigate
*Tier Two "Alternative" Media wants none of this either
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. alleged that Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and Wellcome Trust’s Jeremy Farrar “repeatedly faked pandemics”.
(:37 video)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asserts that Pfizer and Moderna did not manufacture the Operation Warp Speed mRNA shots, but rather were simply paid to stamp their label upon them as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. These Pentagon/Intelligence Community military contractor-produced mRNA Vaccines (*Emergency Medical Countermeasures) were sent out all over the world to Build Back Better at the behest of both the Donald Trump and the Joe Biden Administrations.
(2:37 video)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was asked by missing Pharma Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston to speak with Dr. Robert Malone to call off a CIA assassination plot against her.
ABC-7 Chicago reported the missing persons case thusly.
Authorities are investigating after an American woman went missing while staying at a resort in Mexico, local authorities said.
Nekendra Karen Kingston was staying at the Barcelo Hotel in Playa del Carmen, ABC News reported.
The 49-year-old woman has been missing since Aug. 9, and her family filed a complaint on Aug. 19.
Local authorities said they opened an investigation into her disappearance.
Authorities did not immediately provide further information.
Natural News reported the story thusly.
Roughly two weeks ago, vaccine researcher Karen Kingston posted a video claiming she was being "hunted like an animal" by the CIA, claiming that Dr. Robert Malone was somehow involved in a CIA assassination attempt against her.
In her original video, Karen had implied that Dr. Malone was somehow running a CIA hit squad, and she asked RFK, Jr. to order Dr. Malone to call off the hit, saying, "Mr. Kennedy, I beg of you to please talk to Dr. Robert Malone and not have me killed." In this video, she seems extremely anxious, frazzled, or even on the edge of a nervous break of some kind (my opinion).
Mike Adams of Natural News covered the story on his Brighteon channel. Here are two clips.
(2:07 video)
Later, Adams speaks about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. being targeted for assassination and asserts that we are in the midst of a Depopulation Campaign using bioweapons via the shots run through the United States Dept. of Defense.
These allegations are congruent with the assertions made above by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the above clip.
(1:14 video)
When I follow the same dots of genesis and distribution of the shots and arrive at the public contracts and statements of both Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as well as Redacted News and Sasha Latypova, Karen Kingston makes a veiled swipe that I am a traitor to America.
For following the evidence to the perpetrators of the cull?
Now it’s not the CIA and Robert Malone, now it’s the Chinese Communist Party hunting people down.
Maybe she just got some new talking points from The Wellness Company team?
Tier Two now just wants to talk about Froot Loops and Tier One wants none of any of this.
These stories all should be hhhyyyyugggeeeeeee.
If you don’t think these are significant stories that call for massive wall to wall coverage by all tiers of media, then how read-in are you to your new normal?
They just (poof).
Go away.
And the world just keeps pretending.
Don’t you want to know what happened?
In August, 2023, Karen Kingston says in the Mexico video that "the government wants me dead."
She is speaking about the US Government.
She is asserting that the USG wants her dead for calling out the dangerous shots.
She is not saying THE CCP WANTS ME DEAD.
I find everything just goes 'poof!'
People as a whole are completely unreceptive and unreflecting: for instance, newspaper headlines will scream 'We Are Firing Missiles At Russia!' and it simply doesn't enter into conversation at all. That is a huge story: would the reaction have been the same in the 1950's?
Dumb, blind, deaf and brain-extracted would seem to sum up fairly the people we are surrounded by. It's horrifying.
Governments and corporations can do anything they like to a population like this.