"Trump Gaza #1", the viral AI video posted by the King of Israel Donald Trump on his Mossad Social Account, now updated with NEW AI Amalek Crispin Cuts
Amalek Social
Here is the link to the AI Video that the King of Israel DONALD J. TRUMP posted on his Mossad/US Intelligence Truth Social.
I went ahead and included that in full in the following Experimental Film RE-EDIT followed by some Amalek AI inserts.
Just exploring the room.
*I think I may have gotten this YouTube channel banned. We probably on the way out too.*
I have had enough of the Zionist Jews and the Zionist cukolds.
What do you think is going to happen when all of the Israeli hostages are released?
Right now, the mother and 4 children I directly support in Gaza, are without permanent shelter as a tent(which comes from humanitarian donations) cost $1000 to acquire.
She's alone, as every family member she had has died in the genocide.
It's just her and her 4 children that live.
I can tell you also, she trust no one in Gaza to come help her, because she tells me that many are taking advantage within Gaza of those that can not do by themselves.
She is a scared mother cat with 4 frightened kittens in tow, and she's in a very vulnerable predicament with no male to protect her.
She has only survived because GOD wills for her to live.
Sorry SAGE, but to understand what she has seen and lived through thus far, she has divine protection even if you do not believe?
Trump is evil demon POS Zionist that will eventually pay the ultimate price for his continued bragging about his accomplishments.
He along with the rest of our entire Zionist POS politicians will pay the ultimate price as well.
When that time will be, only GOD knows, but it will come, because evil is always defeated and with the harshest of endings.
You have to wonder now, what the world would be like had Hitler succeeded?
The truth on that matter was buried successfully by the demonic Zionist Jews.
I am an old man. I eschew all video. But when I read the poster may have gotten the site banned I did look and was educated on educational satire/caution. Bravo!