"We not only have the (outdated) software that biology runs on (our genome), but we have the means of changing that software (our genes)...with such technologies as RNA interference"
They are running tests on you, World
Cancer is a disease of aging (Jay Bhattacharya, Rand Corporation)
Mike Yeadon-immunosenecsence clip, shots could have never been useful for the elderly
Trump NIH nod Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, “older” dangers of Covid, get shots
Robert Malone, Dore clip. Vatican. WA Times op-ed. JAB THE OLDS.
Medicare, Boomers costs/Culling the Herd
ShamWow “But wait! There’s More!” Shots and Turbo Aging (Turbo Cancer)
Ray Kurzweil and “How to Combat Aging”
Senolytic “therapy” for Brain Aging and “Covid-19”
Summary#1: In addition to DePop, they are continuing to experiment at a massive global scale on the populace to attempt to sort out the human genome and aging. This is pitched, as are Neuralinks, and all of the ongoing exciting new “technology”, paging McCullough and siRNA, aka gene editing, under pretext of a health benefit for YOU.
Summary #2: It is not a benefit for YOU. You are merely the necessary Lab Rats for the endless experiments involving gene editing and transhumanism. It is to enable them to live forever. And they will continue to kill and die trying.
The previous ten bullet points are all reflective of areas which I have explored.
I linked them if you wish to go back and explore too.
For a Normie Friendly post, I would need to go back into each one and re-present.
The sum total is that I would have a small book which nobody would plow through.
A 291-minute read. On Substack! 🥳
So this is not a rando drop by friendly post.
It’s a scattered Bot Brain trying to get out the large dots and then exploring a couple of them.
I know what animates and drives the Scorpions.
It is not saving you from viruses or “public health”.
They want to live forever.
With less of you assholes to contend with.
Digging in barely.
MIT, which is Kirschland and along with Stanford near Ground Zero for Overlord Training and Indoctrination.
Back to futurist dude, Ray Kurzweil.
How to combat aging.
Entropy is not the most fruitful perspective from which to view aging. There are varying error rates in biological information processes depending on the cell type, and this is part of biology’s paradigm. We have means already of determining error-free DNA sequences even though specific cells will contain DNA errors, and we will be in a position to correct those errors that matter.
The most important perspective in my view is that health, medicine, and biology is now an information technology, whereas it used to be hit or miss. We not only have the (outdated) software that biology runs on (our genome), but we have the means of changing that software (our genes) in a mature individual with such technologies as RNA interference and new forms of gene therapy that do not trigger the immune system. (I am a collaborator with a company that performs gene therapy outside the body, replicates the modified cell a million-fold, and reintroduces the cells to the body, a process that has cured a fatal disease–pulmonary hypertension–and is undergoing human trials.)We can design interventions on computers and test them out on increasingly sophisticated biological simulators. One of my primary themes is that information technology grows exponentially, in sharp contrast to the linear growth of hit or miss approaches that have characterized medicine up until recently. As such, these technologies will be a million times more powerful in 20 years (by doubling in power and price performance each year). The genome project, incidentally, followed exactly this trajectory.
Hayflick cites the automobile as an example to support his thesis that you cannot stop aging. Yes, automobiles will wear out if you don’t maintain them adequately. However, we do have the knowledge to perfectly maintain automobiles and completely prevent aging. There are century-old automobiles around in vintage (perfect) condition that are still driven around. That is because the maintenance was sufficiently aggressive for those cars. Most people don’t think it’s worth the trouble with regard to an automobile, but it will be worth the trouble for our bodies. With regard to automobiles, we have all of the knowledge and tools needed to completely stop aging. We do not yet have all of the knowledge and tools to do this with the human body, but that knowledge is growing exponentially.
As for the implications of radical life extension, Hayflick assumes that nothing else would change. But the same technologies that will bring radical life extension will also bring radical expansion of resources (nanoengineered solar panels, water and food technologies) and radical life expansion (merging with the intelligent machines that we are creating, virtual reality from within the nervous system, etc.). We have already democratized the tools of creativity so that kids in their dorm room can create a full-length high-definition motion picture or write software that results in disruptive change (e.g., Google). Hayflick has not considered the implications of these recent developments. We don’t have to do any of these things perfectly (and there is no such thing as perfection in the real world)–just well enough to stay ahead of the curve.
Our intuition is linear, so many scientists, such as Hayflick, think in linear terms and expect that the slow pace of the past will characterize the future. But the reality of progress in information technology is exponential, not linear. My cell phone is a billion times more powerful per dollar than the computer we all shared when I was an undergrad at MIT. And we will do it again in 25 years. What used to take up a building now fits in my pocket, and what now fits in my pocket will fit inside a blood cell in 25 years.
With regard to Hayflick’s own limit, he acts as if that limit is impossible to engineer. Just in recent years we have discovered that just one enzyme controls the telomeres and that cancer cells use telomerase to become immortal. Now, I realize that it is not a simple matter to just apply telomerase to overcome this particular aging limit, as we have to figure out how to administer it, and we don’t want to encourage cancer, but these are all solvable engineering problems.
Ask yourself a basic question right now.
Why would the same people who are preoccupied with saving the planet from too many humans and consumption also be preoccupied with extending human life?
A: They do not wish to extend YOUR life.
They wish to extend THEIR lives.
Fuck you.
You need to hurry up and die, assholes.
So in addition to a herd-cull, *Kovid* was a large scale pretext to study aging.
Even before I knew any of this, reading the Pfizer mRNA sales pitch about “proof of concept” made it glowingly apparent that the fix was in.
mRNA was predetermined.
So the Richest Scorpions who own and rule the world wish to study aging and cancer, which is a disease of aging says Jay, and then follow up with treatment modalities to run the wide scale experiments on those who are now Turbo Aging.
They will frame this as “Covid”.
And cancer.
“Kovid” is magik.
Aging is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is linked to severe neurological manifestations. Senescent cells contribute to brain aging, but the impact of virus-induced senescence on neuropathologies is unknown. Here we show that senescent cells accumulate in aged human brain organoids and that senolytics reduce age-related inflammation and rejuvenate transcriptomic aging clocks. In postmortem brains of patients with severe COVID-19 we observed increased senescent cell accumulation compared with age-matched controls. Exposure of human brain organoids to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) induced cellular senescence, and transcriptomic analysis revealed a unique SARS-CoV-2 inflammatory signature. Senolytic treatment of infected brain organoids blocked viral replication and prevented senescence in distinct neuronal populations. In human-ACE2-overexpressing mice, senolytics improved COVID-19 clinical outcomes, promoted dopaminergic neuron survival and alleviated viral and proinflammatory gene expression. Collectively our results demonstrate an important role for cellular senescence in driving brain aging and SARS-CoV-2-induced neuropathology, and a therapeutic benefit of senolytic treatments.
Senolytics are a class of drugs that selectively target and eliminate senescent cells, which are old and damaged cells that accumulate in the body with age. These cells contribute to inflammation, tissue damage, and chronic diseases.
Mechanism of Action
Senolytics work by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in senescent cells. They do this by targeting specific signaling pathways that keep senescent cells alive. Some common senolytic drugs include:
dasatinib, quercetin, fisetin, and navitoclax.
Potential Benefits
Preclinical studies have shown that senolytics may have potential benefits in treating a wide range of age-related diseases, including:
Cardiovascular disease, Cancer, Neurodegenerative diseases, Musculoskeletal disorders, and Metabolic disorders.
So gut way way out in front of brain.
Because I understand the destination and now I can grok the journey.
Magikal Kovid-19 can mean anything and is the pretext to help the Owner Scorpions run the Global Lab Tests for lots of stuff.
Including Brain Aging.
Just like Ray would need to make his visions come true.
Bhattacharya, Rand Paper
Effects of Cancer Treatment on Medicare Spending
"Cancer is largely a disease of old age. For example, about 60 percent of cancer patients in 2001 were age 65 or older. Because cancer treatment is expensive, changes in cancer treatment would certainly affect Medicare spending. A team of analysts used FEM to project spending on cancer care among the elderly through 2030."
To capture the uncertainty about the nature of future cancer treatment, the team estimated the future costs of treatment using five widely varying scenarios of technological change..."
Shots and turbo aging?
And what a fertile topic for study! (Linking from new Shrew Virus dude...)
Ergo the problem with being a non-STEM with an Etch a Sketch.
Ray Kurzweil and Futurist Tech Cadets want to solve human aging.
Others (Kirsch) from the Tech Tribe would like to solve overpopulation.
These two things don’t go together.
How might they run the tests?
Many are surprised to learn life has a 100% fatality rate
They must love my sister-in-law. I tried to tell her what was going on back in late 2021 (her brother/my husband had ended up in hospital a week after his booster). But I told her what was behind it too. She basically told me to stop, and said something like 'I can't deal with that' and we never talked about it again. Funnily enough he also said 'I can't go there - I have to function as a doctor'. Shades of Pierre, although he didn't get quite that verbose. All these people who just can't go there.
Anyway, a month or two after she got her first booster, she told me she was having memory problems at work. Later that year she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. The family are all happy with the explanation that it's 'in the family' although I don't think any of them got it young like her (60s). But she took it very positively and is enrolled in every experiment and conference going. Endless notes and feedback. It is infuriating knowing that it could have been avoided if she'd even listened after #2. In many cases it seems it's the booster that makes the difference (not always and some people have had 8 or 9. 😨) But she's providing them with more data than you could shake a stick at. Result, as far as they're concerned, I suppose.