World Council for Ivermectin Brain Chips
"It's going to become a first line for many people with neurological health conditions."
Okay, I am going to write in a neutral fashion about things I am not sure about and suggest potentialities about things I am sensing.
This style of prose pleases few, but it’s a way to discuss things that my gut is way out in front of my brain about.
These posts piss people off.
I noticed that World Council for Health, Tess Lawrie’s answer to the World Health Organization, is now promoting Covid-19 Antibody tests.
Actually, I didn’t notice, but Denis Rancourt, NOTHING WAS SPREADING, linked this post in Notes.
Says Denis Rancourt:
I love Mike Yeadon.
Just a note: Antibody tests are not performed by PCR.
I have an article spelling out how bad antibody tests actually are (worthless!) in high-profile applications:…
I am critical of players such as Prof. Ioannidis who blindly accept antibody tests as specific and valid, here, for example:…
Here is the post by Lioness of Judah, which features a No Virus admonishment to Tess Lawrie about testing for something which he does not feel exists.
Both Tess Lawrie and Mike Yeadon did “Mistakes were not made” readings for Margaret Anna Alice.
Interesting tight little crew of folks who comprise the names of the Tier Two.
I already did a bunch of posts on World Council for Health and World Ivermectin Day and if you are new here, sorry, we can’t go back and make this the Stack about Everything.
Suffice it to say that I believe you were given a Second Tier of Trusted Experts to reify that there was a Dangerous Germs Pandemic and we will need to do all of this again.
Saw a comment rebutting Yeadon and followed it to a South African Doctor who is co-signing all of the above, the Threat Matrix and the early treatments for ??? and so forth.
Cool. Whatever.
Scrolled down.
Like a Time Warp.
Here is Rockefeller Friend Meryl Nass still doing an old Tier Two Classic: Fauci Bad.
Here is Geert pal, Dr. Philip selling the next COVID STORM.
ANOTHER OUTBREAK OF THE DANGEROUS VIRUS. (This Neurological stuff from shots and I suspect, the Mectin, is going to be the spur for Brain Chips, post working.)
Again, we are still on the ALTERNATIVE TO THE TIER ONE, THE WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH South African doctor FEED.
Artificial Intelligence for Cancer.
Ivermectin Magic.
More Nass on the Jabs BAD hopium!
Hello, it’s 2025.
They got the shots into millions of bodies based on your Fear Porn of DangerousFakePandemic Sales.
That ship sailed.
This is SPARS Calm the Marks the latter chapters.
The people are already dead and have cancer.
WE did it!!!!
Let’s shift gears to the agendas of the Owners.
Watch a short video now about the rollout of Brain Chips. It’s WEFFIE Media.
(1:17 video)
“It’s gonna become a first line for many people with neurological health conditions.”
You are thus going to need lots of people with neurological diseases to test the chips upon.
Willing Lab Rats.
What do you suppose was causing the neurological diseases in Africa?
It’s about brain chips, me thinks.
Get chips in bodies.
Neurological problems needed.
To have willing testees.
This whole video is excellent.
“It’s gonna become a first line for many people with neurological health conditions.”
Gosh, where are you going to get all these people with NEUROLOGICAL HEALTH CONDITIONS to put your fancy chips into?
From the mRNA shots?
(Which they will frame for Tier One as from Covid, as Phil did above)
From the Cockroach Poison that you also sold as treatment for the alleged Rogue Virus?
I wonder if there is a neurotoxin that was pushed almost as hard as the shots to a particular subset of the Jabs Bad Island.
With excessive dosage and frequency?
Ivermectin as DePop?
Dual use.
Cancer Experimental Drug?
As prophylactic for dangerous germs?
Seems dubious.
This is from Tess Lawrie’s World Council for Health page.
She had a World Ivermectin Day.
Tess Lawrie is from South Africa.
As is Paul Marik who she may have known from South Africa at the same university.
Paul Marik and Pierre Kory with the FLCCC also pushed the Ivermectin.
As did Bret Weinstein.
And Steve Kirsch.
And Noahide Law dude who strangely advised the American President.
And Adam Gaertner. Covid Candy.
If only I could sort out some kind of shared commonality in the Ivermectin as Panacea Crew
I wonder if the fenbendazole dude also shares this commonality.
Joe Rogan pushed it. I wonder who Joe Rogan’s minder is.
Ari Emanuel.
Whatever, Trust the Science.
Trust Bill Gates.
Trust the Antibody Tests for Kovid.
Trust the monoclonal antibodies.
Trust the World Council for Health.
Take the mRNA and if it injures you take siRNA and then take the AI mRNA for Cancer and keep using the Mectin and the Brain Chips will be here soon.
What if brain implants cause neurological conditions?
What if anti-depressants cause depression?
What if anti-fertility drugs, like birth control pills, cause infertility?
What if anti-anxiety drugs cause anxiety?
What if anabolic steroids used to cause muscular hypertrophy, or inordinate muscle growth, actually cause cancer?
What if amphetamines used to "treat" Attention Deficit Disorder cause neurological conditions?
What if morphine causes people to become sleepy and euphoric?
What if fentanyl causes people to become very sleepy?
What if cocaine changes the way you see things?
What if nicotine will protect you from imaginary nanobots and the bites of flying serpents in the ceiling?
What if semaglutide causes sarcoma?
What if semaglutide causes heart failure?
What if fear causes people to ask for drugs and tests and then more drugs and more tests?
What if all doctors are marketeers selling stairways to heaven, and all nurses are exotic dancers too ugly to show their faces?
What if chaos agents use microscopes and manipulate mentally ill people to believe that the interpretation is an observation and a fact?
What if vegans drink Rockefeller piss all day, and then teach ethics to unevolved and angry monkeys who don't wash their hands?
What if those who monger radiation fear are worse than vegans?
What if people who get neurological conditions from drugs have been listening to fear mongers who use reverse psychology to sell tests and drugs that cause neurological conditions, like anti-parasitic drugs repurposed to pre-treat pre-cancers they are pre-getting because their amygdala is pre-venting rational thinking?
What if marketeers do not make errors?
What if victims are always guilty and responsible for all the horrible things the marketeers are not doing to them?
What if psychiatrists and psychotherapists revel in blaming victims?
What if your day job as also your hobby?
What if reading the NYT causes neurological conditions faster than reading the Sun or the Daily Mail?
What if all the data is false, and data experts are just a glorified version of the magician who chops in four parts his buxom Danish assistant named Sandrah?
What if the immune system is the original flat earth theory?
What if the Freemasons are not free?
And who will liberate them, Spartacus, perhaps?
What if Stanley Kubrick sung all the songs by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in a private ceremony?
What if Napoleon never died?
What if Hitler went to live to Vancouver and became a pastel painter under the assumed name of Thomas Kinkade, and he was running a pygmy rabbits farm, and was selling super fluffy rabbits' foot charms all over the world by mail, and postcards and artistic chocolate boxes full homeopathic remedies?
What if a neurological condition is just another term for Medical Doctors screwing up unsuspecting patients?
Is there a test for sociopathy? I may be positive.
My husband's sister told me, shortly after the first boosters in late 2021, that she was having memory problems at work. She hadn't realised until colleagues brought things to her attention. Later that year, she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. That's over 2 years ago and she doesn't seem any different to me, so who knows if she's got Alzheimer's or not? Anyway, she's taken it all 'positively' and is signing up for every study going and attending conferences and suchlike. I hope she wouldn't be dumb enough to let anyone chip her for neurological experimentation, with the promise that the Alzheimer's may not come to anything.