
My board is sharp. From the Finland Kovid Detecting Dogs post:



11 hrs ago

Liked by Sage Hana

Those poor dogs all died of COVID from sniffing it all the time. RIP.

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Sage Hana

11 hrs ago



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6 hrs ago


'Hero Dogs to the rescue! '

But also: 'Chinese murder their Covid-transmitting dogs!'

They tried to start a Pet Progrom in 2020, but it didn't take.


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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

LOL. Remember the terrifying China videos in 2020 when they locked people into their apartment buildings and killed their dogs and cats, left them in large black plastic bags stacked on the sidewalk for pick-up? Many news articles rattling chains about pets spreading D E A T H.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you for speaking up for the animals, they can't speak up for themselves; and so terrible they were brutally killed only as part of government propaganda and psyops.

There's a special place in hell for these folks.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

Thanks, Sludge. My old goober headed to the eternal gopher hills sometime before the insanity started. Friends keep asking when I’ll pick up a new bud. I can’t tell them that I won’t, because I will kill to protect him. Need to blank out the exults about their mass culling. Yea, we were put on notice. This will return. Besides…there will be a flood of homeless animals soon.

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I'm facing the same predicament: to get a new spaniel bird dog, while knowing they will be coming for it one way or another, or forgo the pleasure and save a lot of certain additional grief?

I wouldn't breed a dog now, but any dog up for sale will be in their sights anyway, as are we all.

And the new dog and I can go at the same time, so good company will be assured on The Journey.

A year out in the fields and woods with a fine dog is worth ten without.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

So sharp I misspelled Pogrom as Progrom....

There were videos of Chinese health security official throwing dogs off balconies, and tying them up to lamp posts in order to beat them to death. (Maybe it was old footage from a Chinese cooking academy, 'meat preparation class'?)

And there's this: remember that European Ebola scare?

A poor dog was locked alone in the apartment of his Ebola-ed owners, coming out on the balcony to whimper, and eventually just shot, 'just in case' and cremated without being tested or examined in any way. That was their first attempt at a Pet Scare.

An epidemiologist at the time said they should have studied the dog, not shot it. But that would have given away the fraud, wouldn't it?

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Why don’t we have a pet cemetery/covid mashup yet? Criminal!

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

"A fun and exciting movie poster for an upcoming action movie titled "Krypto the Covid Sniffing Dog", starring Dr. Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, and a white lab dog named Krypto."


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Does Krypto get to wear a white coat??

Oh wait.

He's already got one.

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deletedAug 31Liked by Sage Hana
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We look from the heliKopter. Duh.

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So that helicopter bit is a big one.

The Scriptwriters like that storyline. First with Callahan in the Borrell Book and then again with Virus Hunter VandenBotch.

More logical anomalies:


"Oh the soles of your shoes are really bad..." paraphrase Hatfill. (Which lends credence to organophosphates, btw.)

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deletedAug 31
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100% LOL confirmed

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deletedAug 31
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Nanny State Helicopters Inc.

We have them in BLACK!!

Stop by Today!!!

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They died of Both it was excruciating

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deletedAug 31
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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

Covid Cycles Inc.

Longing for the Open Road!!??

Too BAD!!, Lock Downs for you!!...

BUT!! since we're bleeding customers left and right,

after our recent

rainbow/noahide/guillotine promotional campaigns...

we're having A BIG SALE!!!!

Stop by Today!!!

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Le Guillontine Brut...our baddest-ass shiny-black chopper in the herd...coming soon, the ladies' model, Madame Antoinette, in angel food white.

Limousine & Motorcycle: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv95IUE-H1E

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

LOL 100%!!

They needed you to boost(!!) the Paris Olympics opening!

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I think the dogs are 195% immune as long as they don’t shake off or flap their ears around.

That’s what I heard anyway…


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Dogs have special latent enzymes that are activated by electrolytes...but the electrolytes have to be from Gatorade, not from Brawndo. There's an official study by Nat'l Inst. of Horseshit, that was published on Pup Med (pier-reviewed by a Dolphin pox Thought Leader).

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People are just so lazy these days — only doing what’s expected of them.

Nobody gives 110% anymore

Well except Sage: 111%

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One of the best posts ever.

This one goes in the book.

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

They have Boston Dynamics dogs for next time they can sniff out anti vax bullshit with 107% effectiveness and are immune to all known viruses as detectable via Mcafee. Trick is when they are running a full disk scan they’re borked and can’t move.

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So they’re down to evoking dogs now? Everybody (all good souls anyway) love dogs. I do know that I trust my dogs. And they are nearly 100% effective bullshit detectors and double plus good bad people detectors.

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That was 2020. When the Panic was ramping up.

They evoked the doggos early.

Nice touch.

Every splashy story made sure to co-sign the Threat Matrix.

see we all just disagreed about how to treat the Threat. Mistakes were made.

the lede was buried.

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Imagine if people were psycho enough to force their pet dogs and cats to "stop COVID". Ha-ha, that would be insane.

Oh, they did that to their own kids. :-(

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Should have known. They have all the simulation vectors covered. Puppies, kittens, and pets, oh my. Doh!

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

I have female from a line of medical support dogs. Several of her pups are medical support dogs. What they detect is poisons and failing body organs.

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deletedAug 31
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I have one that’s stealthy. No warning. Right to the lunge and snap. Always have to be on your guard with him. Generally calm, and well behaved around most people but his criteria is beyond human comprehension. Loves all little girls though.

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::sad trombone::

‘There is no evidence that dogs can smell DNA - Comment on "Individual human scent as a forensic identifier using mantrailing"’


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Has a human being ever eyeballed DNA to identify?

What would be the proxy defining reproducible metric and what device provides it?

Honest question. 100%, errrr...honest. 😅

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Actual eyeballing might not be possible. Probably technology providing sequencing is the same gear they say they sequence covid variants with. Dr JJC I guess has more lately been questioning if even they successfully sequenced the human genome so 🤷

Pretty sure though the device is not a dog. Not sure what they are keying on, but don’t think they directly could detect any disease. They could definitely detect unconscious cues from their trainer though.

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If a doggo could speak Hooooman could they unlock the Human Genome and cure cancer?

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Maybe thats the cancer cure alluded to in the Day Tapes

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Not sure but they could definitely explain how to isolate a virus

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Speaking of unseen things is fraught with peril.

But they have tried to photograph a single double helix of DNA.

And, if I understand it right, they had to irradiate for many hours with x-rays the supposed molecule so that an image could form in the picture plate.

How do we know that such amount of bombardment with electromagnetic radiation does not alter the subject of the picture? Maybe there is a good and credible answer for this difficulty, but I haven't found it.

When they do a chest x-way, it takes only a few seconds of radiation to form the image. But ribs and lungs are big and visible structures. DNA, if it exists, is very damn small. Maybe very small self-assembling organic structures can dodge most em-radiation most of the time, haha!

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Quite upset that something as spectacularly useful as ‘science’ (the process), has been tainted and corrupted past all recognition for anyone who is honest with themselves. More machine now, than man…as it were. It’s one of the great ideas to spring out of the human skull, and for my money, it’s completely untrustworthy and useless at this point. A crime against humanity, what’s happened.

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So x-ray crystallography is not done on a single molecule of interest, but a crystal of it. A crystal is a repeating array of many like molecules. They determined the structure of DNA by diffracting xrays through crystals of it and measuring the characteristic diffraction pattern one would expect from a double helix. That at least is something repeatable.


Maybe more to the point


Which… of course is paywalled… But point is xrays damaging is a thing, so that limits how precise you can get. I think the trick now is to flash things fast enough in a high energy beam to capture the state before anything has a chance to move. Kinda like a shadow of Bugs Bunny on the wall from immediately before the stick of dynamite went off. Actually that likely would have been Daffy Duck. Bugs Bunny was usually too tricky.

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What is a crystal of DNA?

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This is chemistry magic. But any molecule you can make a crystal out of — big ones are just hard to do.

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About the article/comment from Cobb and Comfort (what kind of name is comfort anyway, that has to be a spy.)

I read it and I think “it’s blatant the dark triad behavior of all these scientists, why people pretend this is normal?”


I suspect Franklin was killed in 1958 by doctors. Perhaps to silence her up. Why would they do that? Why wouldn’t they! What if she changed her mind? What if she had lived and by the 1980s she would say that there were no infectious DNA or RNA and HIV was mind control bullshit? They can’t run that risk!

One year before, my Grandpa was killed by radiotherapy for lung cancer. That’s how I interpret the story, anyway. I think in the 1950s they roasted people alive with the new machines. Giving a new machine to a psychopath is like giving an AK47 to a child.

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There are many different dnas in any given animal or human body.

Assuming each one has a different smell, how could they distinguish one from all the mixed jungle of unique smells?

That's overloading. Dogs probably have a way to shut down the perception of most smells just to focus on one, like humans can discard much visual information to focus on letters and symbols and specific patterns. But there are not that many patterns out there. I think most things we see do not follow a pattern.

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I think the trick is the following:

An emergency is declared. Disease bad. You spread it you kill grandma. Nobody wants to kill grandma. Don’t travel and spread that thing to everyone’s grandmas.

But you gotta travel. You got to do that thing at the place and its really important plus you spent a couple grand on that nonrefundable ticket and shit your friend came down with something on Thursday

So you travel guilty

Dogs can sense guilty

And hey looky there those dogs who sensed guilty found all kinds of asymptomatic and covid infected people who didn’t even come up on an amped up pcr!

Amazing ability them pooches. Can detect covid better than everything

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Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana

Or they just made the whole thing up. Every aspect being pure bullshit.

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A man who is a delusional psychotic probably feels not guilty all the time. Doggos turn head sideways and think "nani desu ka"

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It doesn't matter because the whole ostensible reason is giant lie anyway.

Potemkin Village of public health.

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Akshually...it can't be a potemkin village. Would they pause a war to vaccinate if it was a lie?


(/S <- if I could control font size, this would be a giant /s)

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Amazing that all these wonderful drugs can treat covid for which no test on the planet can confirm you have it, whatever they say it is. It came from a computer algorithm in which they guessed what covid might be.

Read any college level textbook on microbiology and you will discover that so much of what they teach is ambiguous and subject to a lot of maybes, might's, or it may be types of conditions and conclusions. In other words, your guess is as good as ours.

Dogs detecting covid makes for great theater. Can any of these morbid clowns explain a shred of how this is done? Show me the virus they use to train these dogs.

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Not treat. Detect.

Although given where we are now in Made Up Land, they may be administering Doggie Injectable Ivermectin at airports soon!

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deletedAug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Sage Hana
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☝️ Now we moving. Now we moving with zeeee logic.

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Anyone notice at the time that Bourla's 100% effective post was on April Fool's Day?

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Unnoticed, but of course…

Rev Bourla, a 100 % gut wrenching comedian with impeccable timing.

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They don't want to kill us, Sage.

They want us broken...and easier to kill.


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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Why train dogs when vaccinated large nosed humans will do?

"Humans and dogs have different strengths when it comes to their sense of smell, but both are capable of detecting a wide range of odors:

Dogs have a more powerful sense of smell for certain odors

Dogs have a higher concentration of olfactory receptors in their noses than humans, which makes them better at detecting certain smells, such as those associated with explosives or tracking down drugs.

Humans are more sensitive to certain odors

Humans are more sensitive to odors that are relevant to their daily lives, such as those related to food and environmental hazards. Humans are also especially attuned to picking up odors in urine, human blood, and bananas.

Dogs have a larger olfactory mucosa and a larger part of the brain dedicated to odors

Dogs have a larger olfactory mucosa and a larger part of the brain dedicated to odors than humans.

Dogs can sniff more or less continuously

Dogs can sniff more or less continuously because the spent air from their exhalation swirls out and helps usher new odors into their nose.

Humans can learn to track scents

Some studies have shown that humans can learn to track scents like canines. "

-Via a Google search.

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Sometimes I read stuff that makes me regret not downing the entire drink last night https://open.substack.com/pub/danielnagase/p/japans-plan-to-destroy-the-world?r=94r9t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Hey, you won't get a non existent disease of you take Pfizer. That sounds effective.

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The scam by the un-evolved to remove the evolved amongst us has been clear for a very long time.

It is the play of life - those who have not [jealousy] find excuse to destroy those who have peace.

i.e. The unevolved Israeli's may inherit the earth because they have not yet done 'the work'. But, The evolved Palestinian's are all going to Heaven [dealt with all their Karma] and no longer need to reincarnate.

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Next up, to finish off, 100 percent, kool-aide mectin repackaged, sold easily to pesky wavering ‘‘resistants’ via you tube Weinstein-like fireside chatting and all that whining….to let the dog in..

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JFC. Weinstein and Ivermectin. Scum.

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