After watching the rumble video which makes me automatically a conspiracy theorist on doing a control experiment of "culturing and isolating" an uninfected specimen cell liining as well as uninfected human saliva. It seems that virology has an issue. But the main question I keep asking is "they never ran controls for viruses?" That would seem like the first thing I would do, to eliminate it as a possible confounder. They say infectious deadly viruses exist...so get an infected sample of sputum, saliva, or whatever and culture and isolate it...along with culturing and isolating non-infected samples. going through the same process but without any definite samples from a symptomatic individual to use as the control.

And of course, they find suspicious-looking particles under an electron microscope that look just like the culprits that have been raging/decimating us. So what gives?

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The dude who runs Palantir Paypal Mafia Peter Thiel who also pushes Neuralinks is Eric Weinstein's old boss.

He started Rumble.

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So do you think this video that shows that the viruses even appear in uninfected samples is part of the narrative as well? Is it "turtles all the way down?"

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I don't know as I have not watched zeeee video.

I think we are being blasted with a cacophony of information, err.."information" with some truth and lots of well poisoning.

usually with a "yes ladder" meaning, TARGET PEOPLE WHO ALREADY WISH TO SEE IT THIS WAY and then pull the rug and keep their head bobbing up and down as they are "sold" on a one way ticket to a cul de sac.

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Brain boxing….

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Perfect analogy.

I use cul-de-sac (spinning around and around going nowhere) but in a box (paradigm, usually framed as a binary, both boxes poisoned....works great..

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Oh those are roundabouts. Spent 3 days in Switzerland once trying to figure out how to get out of one of those.

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This YT by Alison explains the process pretty well…and how media (even SS) is just a tool for sorting and boxing us….must say, I think TPTB have set up a pretty good system for studying us, directing us, and overall making us impotent when it comes to true self direction.

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This YT by Alison explains the process pretty well…and how media (even SS) is just a tool for sorting and boxing us….must say, I think TPTB have set up a pretty good system for studying us, directing us, and overall making us impotent when it comes to true self direction.

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The almost two-hour video debunks the attempted panic around bird flu in the first hour and then around minute 53:00 starts in on the control experiment on the virology narrative.

It would be much easier to believe the narrative.

Of course, another way to look at it is "there is no stopping us now" and thus there really doesn't have to be censoring of any conflicting evidence. The fix is already in.

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Nothing matters because the Wellness Company a big sponsor of Rumble has "visionary" medical experts like Dr. Drew who pushed the shots and Peter Mac who pushes the "siRNA" (gene silencing, aka EDITING) SHOTS.

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Here's the link to the video and I leave it up to you guys to make determinations on it. I am no biologist, I am no astrochemist, I don't play a lawyer on television, and my bank account is not accruing millions. But this kind of experiment is the one I had in mind since I began questioning the narrative in 2020.


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How do we know t Qtips 4PeeSeeAre were NOT C0n.taminαted w Sometheeing???

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

A theragripper is about the size of a speck of dust. This swab contains dozens of the tiny devices. Credit: Johns Hopkins University.👇👇👇

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It doesn't have to be that way. All they have to do is design the PCR to find something that is already there, and claim that is proof of a spreading virus. The hubris of these scientists are "hey we have designed this test to find this fragment of genetic code, and that genetic code is ONLY found in the one exclusive virus. "

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I've heard of tests that show they Were contaminated. And masks.

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Do you think, before that infamous three way podcast that launched some now prominent talking heads into ze brain vector, they all sat around and smoked cigars, laughing? “Ok boys, this is how it’ll go…”

Or, did they all wind up there, not quite knowing who sent the others, and eyeing each other warily, knowing what the work was, but not trusting or knowing who the face or heels would be, in the end?

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Freshly walked into drivers school IMO.

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Wow, Rumble. Go figure

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Science will be and indeed has been falsified.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

A few things I noticed after having to travel recently to assist family: A: I was not able to print bag tags for my luggage at the airport since I don't have a SMART phone. I figured there was going to be an issue, so I printed a boarding pass beforehand and that saved me. What if I hadn't? There were no assistants at the kiosks like there used to be. My flight was also moved more than once to a different gate while I waited and I had no idea because of no SMART phone to notify me. Instead, I kept going to one of the reader boards showing the flights. I doubt any of the people using a SMART phone is aware these changes are being implemented, which is how this nefarious crap works. B: there were 4 fatal car accidents in the area I was staying from Feb-June. This was not a city. 2 of the accidents were "medical emergencies" one of which was a woman that simply crossed the center line into oncoming traffic for no reason other than a medical emergency. Afterwards, the traffic (again-not a city) was gridlocked for hours because there were no first responders available to assist with the resulting investigation after a fatality. My cousin is the mayor so I had inside info--he said nobody answered the calls, even calling outside of the county for assistance. Most of us parked our cars in parking lots and waited for hours for the road to reopen--I felt like I saw a glimpse of the future. C: there were very few checkers at any of the grocery stores I went to in the 4 months I was there no matter where I went and all of them are implementing large self check areas. D: I could not find a single person that cared about any of this. Nobody would engage with me, the scrying mirrors in their hands occupied 100% of their attention. The teenager next to me on the plane home had an iPhone, an iPad and a laptop. Her mom had an iPhone that occupied her entire existence. I also could not see a single human on that plane or in the waiting areas with an actual paperbook. That was a first for me when traveling.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

I sometimes stay at a place in the country. There’s only one regular grocery store in the area. It’s always busy. One of the things I like about it is that there are no self checkouts. It’s a friendly place. I know it’s a small chain, but I haven’t been to the other stores. Maybe I will go to one just to see if they have self checkouts there. I hadn’t thought about this before I saw your post, it’s just that I like that store better than the ones I usually go to in the city.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

They want it to glitch up. I held up a massive security line once at a UK airport. My small amount of carry on liquids were in a plastic zip lock, but it wasn't LIVERPOOL'S AIRPORT designated plastic bag. The security guy asked a pound for it, but I had gotten rid of all the pounds sterling + change and only had euros. Couldn't wave me through - this went on and on that the liquids needed to be in THEIR plastic. bag.

Wouldn't you have thought in an airport staffing meetings this kind of situation would have come up and a procedure to deal with it would have been in place?

No....the line kept growing and finally the chap next to me handed me a pound. On second thought, I should have just left the liquids.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

This is an amazing summary. OMG, this would be me.

Was this all in the US? East Coast? West Coast? Middle of the country?

They tell me I'm the only person left on earth not possessed by or of a cell phone.

I saw this coming - your story, Cap'n Nemo....... but now I know it's here.

Well shit.

Maybe I'll just have to borrow from A Streetcar Named Desire. "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

Hopefully there are lots of kind strangers.

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

West coast. Another item of note--how many airports are being remodeled in the US under the guise of infrastructure improvement? Where I live the kiosks that tag your bags came in and then they went away. Now our airport is being remodeled/expanded/improved. What are the chances the improvements will include facial recognition...We also have a huge, new hospital being built that is so many millions over budget nobody even cares anymore. We are a town of 8500 people with a perfectly fine hospital. Now they are billing us as a "medical hub" with the new hospital so people from outside the area can travel here for medical reasons. There still isn't anybody answering my persistent question though: how can we be a medical hub with only 25 beds? This towering monstrosity gleaming with glass and chrome has 25 measly beds. Our current hospital has 25 beds that they say will be put to other uses. Oh, and the CEO of the hospital that gained international fame on BBC for his amazing ability to get almost every citizen in this town vaccinated by 2021 has abruptly quit his job and already sold his $1.2 million house that he just purchased 2 years ago and is leaving. Now I see the next in command there has also sold her house and is leaving. What do they know that we are not privy to?

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

West Coast.....(sinking feeling). So much of the real estate is foreign owned now in California, Oregon and Washington and BC......Part of our airport was remodeled, tons of money, way bigger and I'm the only person who's disturbed, because it looked like the planners were preparing for a huge influx of people. Our population is roughly14,000, including the surrounding areas, about 8,000 in the town proper, and the hospital/medical has been the largest employer for a decade - I think. Coast Guard and seasonal come next, maybe.

I have had no doubt that all airports will have facial recognition soon.

A longtime friend and OB nurse for 40 years told me 3 years ago she was on conference call with California for AI medical training and that California intended to be almost completely AI medically based within 5 years.

Lots of people seem to enjoy the self check outs at our only 2 grocery stores.


I have no idea what that would even look like, and I don't want to.

Our state Chief Medical Officer was put in that position immediately before Covid and resigned, left the state, 3 months ago.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Really...are we uncovering a pattern here with Covid leaders abandoning their posts...

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, I'm sure it's all COINCIDENCE, Cap'n, and if you don't think so - well you know what that makes you. Starts with a C. too......

Here's the the woman who even traveled hundreds of miles to my town to make sure no arm remained unpierced.


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And the comments are wonderful -

"Wow. Interesting. And disturbing. I for one would not want to be judged by the life of my mafia aspiring, bootlegging, speakeasy owning, multiple murder charged, philandering, grandfather. But alas, I do not endorse his lifestyle choices. Ok, maybe the bootlegging ."

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

I was watching some chemtrail movie and it had clips of DDT spraying. The narrator was explaining how chemical weapons were cheap and effective in our war on insects. But I was thinking about the day tapes create a problem and and provide the solution paradigm.

The later manifestations of polio paralysis may have been from the DDT. The polio paralysis outbreaks were the problem for which the polio vaccines were the solution. What do they actually do? If there even is a polio virus at all, the process of making those polio vaccines was like medieval alchemy and it is very difficult to believe they have 'weakened virus' in them at all. So what did the shots actually do? What was their purpose? The polio vaccine was the foundation for the modern myth of why you needed to get your kids vaccinated. It opened the door for all the other shots that came later.

After becoming a holy saint of medicine, Salk spends his time writing books about how there are just too damn many people all the way into his dotage when he got a ghostwriter to help him keep doing it.

So I think that a global depop campaign might simply look like vaccinology.

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"So I think that a global depop campaign might simply look like vaccinology."



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Polio shots contained the first SV40 assault. Cancer.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana

'"Reading them in by putting them on the payroll to sell the Cockroach Poison and “kits”?"

This great phrasing ^^^ reminded me of the bribes/money-laundering that goes on with those books no one reads... that get fluffed and pumped...and then burnt by the warehouse-load.

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Jun 24Liked by Sage Hana


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Call us. We'd like you to join our team on the dark side (jaja). You get it!

-Klaus and the ubermenschen

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Global Mall Cop Military! Hahahahaha. You're seriously the best writer!

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Good video from Gavin, thanks for sharing!!! Will be linking it @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ with a hat tip to you!

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Jade Helm

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Jun 25Liked by Sage Hana

Bad Stack.

Bad Stack.

Bad Snack. 😜


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“Nothing can stop us now”-they’ve been at this for a long time. I came upon this yesterday:


I found it interesting..what to do with any of the pieces to the puzzle? Detention camps-as all states have those laws? Unless they have camps we don’t know about, they can’t fit all the people in them. Massive depopulation would help them. Imo, 15 minute cities are their camps, cities that are already in place with very few entry/exits (one near me), to control and monitor those that are left. EO’s..They need an “event”…that article might hint at a “nuclear” event, without actually being nuclear.

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I saw the post you linked above and saved it, but I haven't read it yet. Since the 5G towers went up I have said that they remind me of fence posts/prison guard posts. What if 5G is fencing...to keep people in their districts?

A cumbersome part of the holocaust was all the pesky transporting...

It would be way easier if they brought the camps to the people....and got the people to readily take the experimental meds, even pay top dollar for them...and track themselves with wearable devices. And pay for their fences....

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That sounds feasible and they really like it when the people willingly do what they want. The jabs-graphene oxide-Rockefeller patent-control mouse behavior by frequencies. Havana “syndrome” and the other attacks on other embassies beginning 2015 throughout 2016 (?) testing their technology. The linked article was focused on GPS but the towers had other capabilities. Add in Starlink, DEW, lasers etc. it sure seems possible.

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I wonder if Havana syndrome

will wind up being related to The Noise in Leave the World Behind.

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I didn’t see that movie but with all I’ve been reading about frequencies and how raising and lowering them and how it effects people’s behavior, it almost seems as if they don’t need a mediating substance like graphene oxide. Noriega and the blasting of rock music..theater or something else?

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TV, Moe.

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And..Jerry Springer.

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Add in : SKYNET

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Yep,yep,💯,Sarah! Luv the graphic image... Makes my imagination run, can't un see it!

Also, Electrical fences or Walls ,keeping everyone in close spaces, give the Impression/ΙLLUSION, to scared people th@ <0νΕR ΡορυΙαΤΙ0Ν> is REAL ...

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It appears the ‘speed’ ruse is just that. But the tenaciously dogged installment pushing forward is 100% on the same track as the meter replacements, phone booth eliminations and road cam installments. No exit lanes either, which identifies the gates to their corrals.

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In my area a team has been working on a massive tower for a month straight and the tower was fully operational for years , Upgrade ? One day I asked a work how powerful the signal emanating from tower was he said it far exceeded recommended levels……

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Read it:)

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24


“You must construct additional pylons”…(sorry. Way too inside baseball)

Maybe something like this?


Tangentially related (tech)…I’m beginning to think the cull isn’t about eugenics. I think it might be to free up resources that can be thrown into AI infrastructure. The electricity requirements will be off the charts. Should it go towards EVs and wheat, or computation? It would not shock me to learn this whole thing has been mapped out by an AI that woke up 25 years ago, and has been slowly ramping up its operation over time.

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Psychopaths love the gladiator type entertainment-hunger games-that’s what that picture reminded me of, sort of. With their GPS, drones, EO’s, blockades, people to perform their mandates and report on you etc it would seem that there wouldn’t be too many places to run and hide..

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It’s from Annihilation. A strange energy wall they can’t quite figure out.

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Invisible Fence™.

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"the Scorpions might push as far as they can and then ease off"

Big change this summer in the Rice Krispies metric! Clear hints of some easing. 12 months ago Kelloggs explicitly committed themselves - on their back of box content - to "serving 1 Billion people by 2030". This year (as I once again relive a favorite breakfast of my boyhood: Rice Krispies, fresh sliced peaches and whole milk) the box content remains identical - but! - they have revised the population count: "3 Billion people by 2030"! Do I hear a collective exhale of relief?

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Hahaha! I love the metric!

In this corner we have Deagal, weighing in at 185 lbs…and in the opposing corner, we have Kelloggs! It should be a close fight. Let’s get rrrready to rrrrruuuummmbllle!

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Don’t get dead!

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Kain't wait to say...the king is dead, may he burn in HELL.

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"Creating new concerns funded by Billionaires specifically marketed to the dissidents, err…dissident media?"

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