9/11, aka Swarthmore CIA Wednesday is now in session, #1
Meth Posting Alexander Wolf COINTELPRO. The edges are getting a little frayed around the storyline but if you misdirect and scare the marks meeebbbeeeee they will go back in the Rhodes Holy Strip Cave
I do apologize.
I’m not sure how this one got in here. With our totally serious 9/11 post.
Sage will do better moving forwards.
Strangely the Pentalawn is pristine after those massive jet engines flew at 400, 500mph at ground level. These two fire trucks should have been at WTC to put out the jet fuel fires!
We simply deserve better Psy Ops than this. 😹
Come on, Monster.
Come on, Show Runners.
Do better moving forwards.
It all makes sense if you just don’t think about it.
Class, this topic is verboten and you are a terrorist for even raising your hand right now.
Because you are ruled by Dark Forces and they hire people to put on pancake makeup and go on CBS and zombify.
Set that fucking shit on fire just like those bad land management Hawaii fires and I’m too lazy to go cut another video of Council on Foreign Relations Tulsi Gabbard co-signing the Unwinnable War on Terror and then the Unwinnable War on Dangerous Germs and we need to come together with our Global Community and fight the new enemy The Coronavirus.
So vote for Joe Biden who will heal the divisions tearing this country apart.
We had false Nuke alarms in Hawaii in like 2018 which strangely found itself on fire in 2023 and all the billionaires started piling in as the Black Rock came to the island just like on Lost including the prior shock TV turned Hokey Spiritual Medium Oprah.
Fuck off.
I see you, you fucking hood-wearing Yalies running around campus like psychotic lizards.
You fucking children-burning, children-trafficking, genetic “vaccine” testing Satan lizards.
Oprah seemed a little too interested in the "power" derived from the baby sacrifices.