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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Oprah seemed a little too interested in the "power" derived from the baby sacrifices.

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That lady was lying. All for the show. I believe it does happen, but she was a fake. Fuck Oprah for blatant visceral manipulation of her audience. She, above most, understands just how it all works, being involved in it for a lonnnggg time.

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Sep 12ยทedited Sep 12

I think they were normalizing this stuff. There were shots of other people with weird expressions. For show, too.

Prurient intrest.

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How do you know she was fake? Just curious!

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

I've been following Adam Green's rabbi videos for a while, and I'm convinced that the psychopathic Rothschild banking cartel that rules over humanity is deliberately following Jewish religious prophesies. At the top of this post, there's a rabbi video on 9/11:


Also, I'll really be convinced that they are following Jewish prophesy if they put Trump back in b/c all of the Jewish prophesies surrounding the 7/13 ear psyop. And if that happens, then I'll really start taking them seriously b/c apparently in Jewish prophesies we are slated for destruction b/c America is Edom or the New Rome.

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Ron Unz argues that the majority of Zionists were atheists Marxists and are not descendants of any person from Judea from ancient times.

What if the Jewish "religious" stuff linked with the political violence of the Zionists is just for show?

I think maladjusted adolescents used to say something like "PSYCH!" in these cases.

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Yes, I've heard that most Jews are Ashkenazi and have no genetic connection to the land (converted in the 700s or something). But I'm not really concerned with that. I'm just saying they seem to be following Jewish religious prophesies, like a playbook. Who wrote them, I have no clue. Also, they might even be following some Islamic prophesies. Years ago, I listened to a monetary historian David Picock (British guy, converted to Islam), and he seemed to think that Islamic prophesies were coming true w/all the tall buildings going up in Dubai. He told this to Daryl Bradford Smith who had an antiZio radioshow/website. But Daryl's take (and I agree) is that whoever was controlling events in the world, they were deliberately following these prophesies to make people believe what's happening is destiny rather than being controlled/orchestrated by a cartel of psychopathic trillionaire central bankers.

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ancient texts can be great coverup for anything

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Who knows if they are even ancient.

These people rewrote the Bible w/the Scofield version for the Christian Zios.

And I heard something yesterday about the word Jew not being in the Bible until the 1300s/1400s. I think Dr. Lorraine Day also said they messed with/altered the Bible.

At this point, we know they lie to us about events happening right now.

As for as history goes, especially ancient history, IMO anything is possible-we've been lied to about everything. Some, like Joe Atwill, Acharya S, Kenneth Humphries, even say that the oligarchs from back in the day made up the Jesus story.

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I'm just saying they seem to be following Jewish religious prophesies, like a playbook.

Sounds like they got nothinโ€™ else creativity-wise.

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Yeah, it's really convenient when you can prophesi things and then work to make them happen, huh. Not sayin there aren't real prophets, but.the idea has been hijacked . Plans.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Holy shit...you have to see this.... Monarch Watch: What Was The Occult Purpose Of George W. Bush's Visit With School Children on 9/11, 2001?

And Why Did "They" Ever Release This Utterly Creepy Video? And What Exactly Is Wrong With G.W. Bush's Face? https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/monarch-watch-what-was-the-occult

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Zeebaddfooooddddd is the way they tried to kill off people (esp Americans) starting decades ago. The herd culling shots are much quicker and more effective, especially on people with "bad foods syndrome." The shots caused so many to get diabetes.

The foods thing is so yesterday, Bobby.

Also, most vegetables are toxic.

If you've had the vaccine, then exercise might just kill you.

It's all one opp. Except don't mention the elephant in the room. The quick kill bioweapon. Make it look like the bad foods are the problem.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Yep, anything but the shots. Both him and drumph laser pointing like mad. So obliviously obvious. And Why doesn't any journalist call them out about this? I would love to see the shock on their faces if one did lol. I believe bobbi would completely lose his voice:) and drumph would do his little face squinchy thing lol.

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And Why doesn't any journalist call them out about this?


Because they are:

1. In on it.

2. Working for people who are in on it.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

3. They/families have been threatened

4. All of the above

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Yes I know. Still, praying that someone does. Once it's breached, it will take off like wildfire. This gonna STEP UP in the mainstream news! You know who you are! Do It. Future generations are counting on you. Such a pivotal time right now. Call them Out! One journalist, pushing their way to the front, do or die, shouting our the question for all to hear, "why aren't you considering all the deaths and harms of the mrna shots when you talk about the chronic diseases affecting the people's health in America?!! And Keep on doing that, till it's finally heard by the population at large, and then be a part of the dialogue, to spread far and wide. Into the conscience of hammers:) so much evidence of harms, can't be denied.

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This hope that "mainstream" anything is going to go rogue is...

They are "mainstream" because they do NOT go rogue.

So then one goes to the Tier Two. And they are bought and threatened too.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Recently you said something like how, for most people, maintaining a sense of "normalcy" is more powerful than you'd realized. I've been thinking about this ever since. Mainstream=normalcy.

It's what people crave.

Even if a reporter came forward with all of this, went rogue, it's no guarantee than anyone in the rest of the 'stream would listen. They might just pile on that person, scapegoat them. Kill the messenger kind of thing.

Normalcy, it's what people crave.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

I'm talking about someone going rogue, outa da blue, that has access to mainstream media, and very cunning:) Breaching the question, being so obvious that it leads other journalists to take heart, step up, include it in the dialogue, to grow and be realized, (confirmed) by most of the populace, who like sage says are pretty savvy ( common folk, taxi drivers, pit bosses, etc) just need a spark to demand answers to this question of chronic disease today. Funny how they're pulling up all the things they Should have been discussing long before now.

Food, air quality, pesticides oh my! But this latest assault thru bioweapons and toxins cannot be hidden or suppressed for long. To the Spark!!! AND OH, THEY'LL LISTEN, KATIE

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About that Oprah video with the killer whale.


From spookypedia, the satanists' encyclopedia:

"Dominguito del Val (c. 1243 โ€“ c. 1250) was a legendary child in medieval Spain, allegedly a choirboy ritually murdered by Jews in Zaragoza (Saragossa). Dominguito is the protagonist in one of the first blood libel in the history of Spain โ€“ stories that grew in prominence in the 12th and 13th centuries of the Middle Ages, and contributed to antisemitic incidents. According to the legend, Dominguito was ritually murdered by Jews of Zaragoza.

Saint Dominguito is no longer included on the official Roman Catholic liturgical calendar; however, there is still a chapel dedicated to him in the cathedral of Zaragoza. There exists little historical evidence of Dominguito aside from the stories and legends built around him."


On power: They took a saint off the lists of saints. That's power.

After the horrors of the Gaza genocide and all the lies about that, I'm inclined to say that these "blood libels" stories are very likely real stories.

When satanpedia says "little evidence" AND the article is about defending the zionists, it's safe to assume the opposite is true.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana


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Go ahead SHโ€ฆ tell โ€˜em how ya really feel!

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and felt.

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Hear Hear!!! Fuck them

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