Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

After such knowledge, what forgiveness? Ts Eliot I think. Keeps echoing in my brain.

From the wasteland poem?

We will not ever be forgiven by this world..any one who sees behind the curtain.

Nor be forgiven for telling those in platos cave that these are but shadows, to come out of the cave.

The penalty will be to be alone in your soul until you die.

I shall walk along the shore and hear the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think they will sing to me.

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I would quibble with TS.

And this is as close to woo woo SFC as I may get:

Seeing behind the curtain is the task of anyone who wishes to become integrated (not alone) with their Creator who did (perhaps as some cruel experiment) the ability to see.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. I agree. I dont think it was meant to be cruel though….I think it is a kind of test…Narrow is the gate etc.

And because I just got up and haven't finished even one cup of coffee my crow like brain remembers another bit and pieces from isak dineson..”men are sent out to be tested, but if women are tested at all, it is to see how well …they can bear loneliness”

Both kinds are needed. so glad to be here

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Much of what I encounter in a first post 50-reads Stack is the bargaining of people who are still desperately trying to confine a "public health disaster" into some kind of limited Dolts Botching Shit hangout.

From the self important randos who reveal themselves within a few comments to the very very VERY clever Operatives who eventually must:

1. Lock up and take exit ramps, or

2. Turn their attention, steer it to a red herring

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana


Because I think most people cannot bear to have every thing they think they know as true pulled out from under them. It somehow leads to doubting how you think of yourself..you are not the person you thought you were..your identity falls off the cliff.

Too hard and frightening.

Plus, it's kinda like being in a huge car accident....traumatized, car totalled, all you can do is focus on the run in your stocking..or the hole the emergency brake just punched through your designer jeans...

You cant accept its also punched through your leg...cause all you can concentrate on is getting out of the car.

I think it's a built in survival thing...part of our human nature. It takes a different amount of time for each of us to contemplate the full extent of the disaster and accept yes this really did happen. Some of us never do.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28


Been there. Over and over. I used to get angry at the fact depression was a mechanism life has evolved. What crap is this? Now I see it as a way the soul maintains integrity at the very ragged edge of existence. A cool off period, as it were. Some shit is just too big to eat in one bite.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

of insidious intent

To lead you to the overwhelming question

Oh, do not ask what is it

Let us go and make our visit

(Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock). If memory serves. . .

Ok, I looked it up. Because those scenes of the NY streets and the music had a vibe for me of the first part of the poem,

"when the evening is spread out against the sky

like a patient etherized upon a table

let us go through certain half-deserted streets."

Later, Prufrock asks "do I dare and do I dare"

About the hands "that lift and drop a question on your plate"

and "In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

This is the state of many people, unwilling to look at what is going on, the indecisiveness, fitting in with the (apparent) social consensus instead, and then lying to yourself and everyone. It's a soul killing thing, to refuse to look. Yes, it happens in stages. I wonder if the people who fight you tooth and nail over the smallest thing are the ones who are seeing it more and struggling against that.

And a big part of it really is fitting in with the social rules of those around you, as Prufrock demonstrates.

And the world is lost to him in so doing. Because underneath he knows, he knows. He sees the scam but wishes to deny it.

Just my take. Thanks for posting lines from the poem.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Oh yes. Thanks for that. Something about his poetry stuck in my brain and comes out at times. I can remember parts now 9nly but you "explicated" this passage beautifully.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Ps and some never drive again.

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There are depths of darkness in life that my 10 year old self could never have dreamed existed. Some waves might just be too big to surf. It is what it is.

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I appreciate the light you shed on the BIG event, and the Honneger tape is so very well done. The Truth Tower video is also great and important to spread. And the works of Bollyn and Laurent Guyenot on Zionists in these events make it clear: the Israeli tail wags the American dog.

I thought that RFK, Jr. knew this stuff, and would, once in office, avenge his uncle's and his father's memory in spite of his open support for Israel publicly. There is still a glimmer of hope in my bargaining soul that the DJT assassination was a real attempt, and that an incensed DJT and RFK will get together and really clean house. If it was real, they could have done at least as good a job as they did for the Boston Marathon bombing or the Orlando Shooting to give us some good photos of more faux blood and gore. But all we got were a few trickles on Trump's face and a totally healed normal looking ear a few days later. As an ear doctor, I find it tough to swallow. So if it's fake, then RFK simply folds in to the campaign of the "best president Israel has ever had." It's been a tough few days for this Kennedy volunteer.

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..clean house 🤔 By bringing in the digital surveillance state - in the air, on the land and water using the border wall concept? By putting himself, the US president under allegiance to Israel? Or by ensuring that the beautiful, beautiful vaccines will continue to kill and maim ? He openly promised all of this (and more). No, really, he MEANS it. When they tell you, believe them.

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Dogs seem more popular these days.

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there is that little buried remark...'it is the glory of God to conceal a matter...and the glory of Kings to search it out.'

what is SFC please?

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Sky Fairy Concept.

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oh dear...the depth of my ignorance on that little mash-up

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😅 If you are more nautically oriented, you could use, Sea Fairy Concept!

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I do favor surfing goats...

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Yes & No

Man is cruel

God, the Creator was not & is not.

He set the rules - they were incredibly simple-one tree - leave alone, do not eat from it or you will die (spiritually & physically)

Man freely chose to break the rules

A righteous, just God decrees Justice - whether we like it or not.

My solace thru all of this mess…

Romans 8:38,39

Ultimately-God is LOVE

Embrace HIM!


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"The penalty will be to be alone in your soul until you die." I think we're all alone in our soul really. Maybe even after we die.

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The other penalty is to fiddle with the remote control and realize that you have nothing left but empty daze and Doritos.

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Waiting for death.

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So in that moment...one can move out against the entropy.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

I saw videos on TLAV of a Palestinian teen with both arms blown off.

I had a family member very distraught about seeing carnage on the news.

Me: How many bullshit wars have we been involved in? What did you think it looked like?

hint: not this:


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«Act 2

Orfeo returns with the main chorus, and sings with them of the beauties of nature. Orfeo then muses on his former unhappiness, but proclaims: "After grief one is more content, after pain one is happier". The mood of contentment is abruptly ended when La messaggera enters, bringing the news that, while gathering flowers, Euridice has received a fatal snakebite. The chorus expresses its anguish: "Ah, bitter happening, ah, impious and cruel fate!", while the Messaggera castigates herself as the bearing of bad tidings ("For ever I will flee, and in a lonely cavern lead a life in keeping with my sorrow"). Orfeo, after venting his grief and incredulity ("Thou art dead, my life, and I am breathing?"), declares his intention to descend into the Underworld and persuade its ruler to allow Euridice to return to life. Otherwise, he says, "I shall remain with thee in the company of death". He departs, and the chorus resumes its lament. »


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Souls reach out to each other with language.

Corrupting language is unjust punishment for souls.

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Jay Bhattacharya said “we

Must not become the monsters themselves” re: sending Fauci et all back to hell where they came from.

Wow! How is that “becoming a monster”?

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Because he has blood on his Stanford Rand Corporation Public Health Economics Expert hands too.

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On Aug 26th, I commented on eth Illusion of Consensus substack that he has with Rav Arora because they are interviewing Malone and they are asking for questions to ask him..... I have yet to "hear" back from them...never expected a response.... the comments are interesting from others, as well.... here is mine.....

"StellaMaris Aug 26 Unfortunately, he is a meddler....no more attention should be given to him....

Study Hall Malone in 2024: Keeping his story straight? -- (30 July 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief

Monday Meddlers Medley -- (22 July 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


I guess if you want to ask him something, ask him why his travel partner said Malone never got the shots...... Robert Malone's Travelling Partner Reveals He Was NOT Vaccinated in 2021

We all knew Sly Malone's 'vaccination' claim was bollocks https://anthonycolpo.substack.com/p/robert-malones-travelling-partner"


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Wow Duchess! that's quite perfect but I'm hoping we're in the process of changing that outcome so we're not alone anymore - so only those who love the shadows and existing behind the curtain, will be alone in their souls to die.

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Ezra Pound was right all along.

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Sage, I just subscribed but have read you every day for months. You are in the handful of true journalists still brave enough to speak the truth and shatter illusions without apologies. I commend you. And I recommend you to others, but sadly it is too late in the game.

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Truth is relentless... counting on it... especially with your dedication. incoming coffee ;-)

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Ahhh, thanks, Debra.

Took over my life in 2021.

I checked out after the Iraq War. Literally stopped consuming almost all media for a while as I saw what was hebbbening.

I'm older now and I have seen this movie before. I have run the 20-year cycle.

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that lends perspective.... what a shift! You were meant to 'come online' for this time.

Hyemeyohsts Storm made the most sense to me when he taught that our most potent and important life's work begins at this later stage. People look for easy and downhill but in reality we should power up and help shape the future for the younger ones. thank you for your patient and tireless efforts Sage....

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I wouldn't exactly say..."patient" efforts. 😅

More like MKUltra surviving Sweet Summer Child Emperor Hast no Clothes efforts.

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no one says it better...lololol

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Haz daily haterz who roll in to inform me otherwise! 😅

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punks.... embarrassment bites, eh?

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Naomi Wolf is beyond insufferable.

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My sense is that Naomi Wolf has a job to do very much like Charles Eisenstein.

This job was prior done writ large by the likes of Oprah Winfrey, etc.

It is the job of the Troubadour.

When you have Poetry Rhodes Scholars Vagina Writers in Presidential positions and you have philosophy Sweden barefoot Woo Woo types spinning yarns and ALSO ENDING UP IN PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS....not really organic.

People are selected for their positions of prominence, "made guys", and the selection process has a series of RightThink interviews.

I could be wrong. (I'm not wrong.)

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Sage you’re wonderful! We all appreciate your work! Thank you for keeping it REAL! 👍❤️

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Stay on topic...

Stay on topic...

Use the farce, Sage... Let go, Sage...

He's turned off his targeting computer...

Sage, you've turned off your targeting computer...

Use the farce, Sage...

WHump, whump... Boom

Great shot Sage, now let's blow building no.7 and go home...

Remember Sage, the farce will be with you always.

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Plowing through Barbara Honneger's massive report there is a segment on the NORAD version of Emergency Room "Simulation Experts" like Colleen Smith, Pierre Kory, and Eric Blutinger.

I wonder if there is anything else that remains remarkably consistent about the players that emerge like bat to pangolin fake viruses with furin cleavage sites promo code Bret Weinstein.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Once you have a good recipe you tend to stick with it until you’re forced to change it due to some problem with the ingredients or tools. Then it never tastes the same again. And you may just stop making it all together.

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Yes, the recipe seems to always involve:

1. Simulation Experts, "Planners"

2. Firefighters who suspiciously show up with matches and a dripping gas tank

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Firefighters or first responders are a great tell. Notice how they’re always so hero photogenic. Used to turn off critical thinking because they’re “trusted”.

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☝️ This is why they went with Garden Gnome over Michael Callahan.

The Mockingbird press was trying to make Michael Callahan a hero. Based largely on the Brandon Borrell book which was excerpted in about 10-15 Mockingbird publications with swashbuckling James Bond "Virus Hunter" absurd vignettes. Like Top Gun.

Problem: Michael Callahan reads SOCIOPATH like Ted Bundy in about five seconds.

Enter Bob Malone.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

What’s nutty is, they have waves of people that have been planted from long ago. Right now, as we speak, a few dozen people are prepping for their roles in whatever is next, hoping to get the call: “congrats Bill. You got the part”

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Know the players, know the game...

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I made a scene in the bank today. And immediately was jumped by hushing, disapproving ‘allies’ assuring me they too could see it, but, whispering, to keep the peace I needed to hush up, seal my lips and go grey. Like a good damn citizen. The lid came off when the beaming teller informed me that my account featured a fat red notice needing verification of my govt ID -routine deal now you know. IDENTIFY YOURSELF. This place has less than 1K residents. 😆. I instantly NEEDED this to be a Digital ID/Social Credit learning curve for anyone within shouting distance. And they stared out the window and they intently watched flies and studied their shoe laces and a movie playing on a blank wall, while the tellers tried to get this thing under control. But they didn’t. And it went from there to the plexiglas germ protectors still pretending to be some sort of shield, in a room full of air, 5 yrs later. Some folk had tremors today in their cubicled lives and tangible fear a wall may crumble.

Like on cue, in the post office I came face to face with the teller who had stuffed my mail out the back door, serving me on the ramp, like a dog, for over a year, while I kept telling him this thing is an operation. And suddenly he had disappeared - until today. Full of clots and too sick to stand upright for 3 years. His head snapped up, still looking like hell, and he glared at me like the reaper just walked by getting the mail. The Silence is O V E R, as Yuval Harari would say.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

I feel like am Rosemary and everyone around me gave up pretending.

Nice insert there with the pic , it got the memelogic going 😎

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I notice that map of Greater Terroristan includes Kuwait at the far east of the shadowing, that little country that sold a passport to that Russian weird guy from the Telegram digital concentration camp.

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Being a USA citizen for 90 years (born Chicago '34), the USA is as guilty as i$rahell for occupied Palestine and New World Order. Hitler saw the world problem (joos) clearer than any other leader, perhaps 2nd was Gandhi.

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Old Testament: not "from the Jordan river to the sea" but from the Euphrates river!!!

Notably, there are many similarities between Zionism and Islamism. A peaceful israeli is the one who doesn’t take literally the Old Testament’s mandates to exterminate the neighboring nations and to submit the world for the coming Messiah (a prerequisite for the Messiah to arrive and rule), just as they are not taking it literally to stone to death, homosexuals and adulterers.

On the other hand, the narrative of Israel’s government say that Palestinians have refused peace treaties because they don’t accept a 2-state solution, which is completely debunked by the historical non-existance of such offer (complying with UN decolonization map).

One thing might be a leader and another the people ... hijacked by the authoritarian/deceptive/manipulating leader ... like Netanyahu or Hamas. Regular people, the majority, want peace, either in Israel or Palestine.

Most Israelis don't care about submitting the world to the coming Messiah just as most Palestinians don't want to murder all their neighbors.

Both Zionists1 and Masons believe they are pre-destined to global domination. Only then, the Messiah will come and they'll hand their world government over to him... not realizing he's the AntiChrist.

One thing, is to support the bio-Jews, and quite another, Zionism a type of ethnic radical-nationalism similar to Nazism (that’s why some call it Zio-nazism). The UN and the Pope ask for a 2 State solution to the Palestinian conflict and a special status to Jerusalem as a religious capital, while condemning the ethnic cleansing of Gaza, including the slaughter of 20 thousand innocent children by the Israeli Government.

In the Old Testament, God commanded Israel to go to war, but only through a prophet. All other war efforts failed, because they were not under God's command, just human self-destructive whim. Netanyahu is clearly no prophet. Since the rejection of Jesus, the Messiah, Israel has no prophet, no Temple, no Sacrifice, no priests, no Levites, no scrolls, no sacred vases, no High Priest (replaced by the new Pontiff, Peter), nothing! They even got their scriptures from the Christian parchments.


Biblical history showed that “the Israelites killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys. Only Rahab, her parents, brothers and all "those who belonged to her" were spared. They were incorporated into Israel. Joshua then cursed anybody who rebuilt the foundations and gates, with the deaths of their firstborn and youngest child respectively. This was eventually fulfilled by Hiel the Bethelite under King Ahab's reign”1 and his firstborn and youngest died.

In the Old Testament, God ordered the complete extermination of the neighbors (even animals, which could be possessed by demons) because they were completely involved in satanic cults (pagan gods are demons). Also, racial mixing was banned due to the possibility of demonic physical contagion and the certain curse of sin for 4 generations (even more in the case of Cain or others).

Being killed by the Israelites was turned by God into a God’s blessing, when considering eternal salvation, Avoiding eternal hell is more important than earthly life. For example, those innocent, especially children, would go to hell if they’d be raised by their satanic parents.

Note: The intergenerational curse is cut through Trinitarian baptism and keeping in a Christian state of grace.

The whole economy of salvation was changed by Christ’s infinite graces won at the Cross, to pay the debt of sin to Justice. Until then, to save the world, under the “rules of the game” with Satan, God had to prioritize saving His People, until Jesus family tree became so holy as to be able to enable God’s incarnation. By the way, that’s why most of the apostles were relatives.

Instead of fighting their semite brothers (Ishmaelites/arabs), and Christians, who also believe in a coming Messiah, why not all wait in peace until He comes and settles all disputes?

Atheists and agnostics would start to find answers in peer-reviewed Near Death Experiences. Consciousness, intelligence, will, are all spiritual properties of the spiritual immortal soul. How do we know that? some of the blind from birth see in colors for the first time when they are brain dead (no electricity, no activity, no bloodflow, no oxygen) and also no heartbeat and no breathing. The same happens with some of the deaf: they listen for the first time to conversations around or if they go up, even celestial music!

“there are characteristic features that are commonly observed in NDEs. These characteristics include a perception of seeing and hearing apart from the physical body, passing into or through a tunnel, encountering a mystical light, intense and generally positive emotions, a review of part or all of their prior life experiences, encountering deceased loved ones, and a choice to return to their earthly life.”


5 peer reviewed experiences (among dozens):


Struck by lighting and came back from near-death to tell us about how we will be Judged:


"God is love" says the Bible, the Word of God (1 John 4:7-12) Do you believe in love? then you believe in God. How do you prove love to yourself? If you prove love, you prove God! There’s no love without God, the source of all true love. He’s not only the love of my life, He’s the life of my love!

Jesus said “I’m... the life.” (John 14:16)

“God gives life to everything.” (1 Timothy 6, 13)

Do you believe in life? You prove life, you prove God, eternal life, source of all life:


That is where you should start your journey of discovery, but first pray: "God, life of my love, if you exist, please show me the way to find the bliss of knowing You"

or even better:

Think this with your heart: “Jesus, if you are the Son of God, I consecrate my heart to your Heart. Please send me the Holy Spirit so I can see Truth and have the courage to convert and follow Him wherever He leads”

Mathematical proof of God’s mind

Who could have imagined that mathematical images could be so beautiful?:


Movie Review: After Death


Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Which Christian denomination is more Biblical?


Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


If you want to find the true Church, among 40 thousand denominations, start reading the writings of the first Christians, before the Roman Empire, like Augustine of Hippo (start with Confessions):


Irenaeus of Lyon, etc.:


You'll discover which Church is the most faithful to the Bible and early Christianity before the Roman Empire. Hint: which religion you would belong to, if you were born 600 years ago, continuing uninterruptedly the teachings held by the early Christians?


PS about 9/11 did you know about the masonic Deutsche Bank?

two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



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If we have any power at all against the middle managers it is this. “Are you for protecting the children? If so why are you maiming and killing them with poison and bombs.” If they can’t answer the first question yes without rationalizing the second question, then they are not a human. Call them out. And loss of the middle managers will affect the bosses. Not that they will change but will have to react or redirect the op. And being off script brings out vulnerabilities.

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They will weaponize caring about the children.

Like...it's hard to grasp how this gets done unless one can extrapolate to the mind of a Scorpion and how they process a task to be done.

You can call them out but you will run afoul of every single normie and normie lite who still hast heroes and are just not ready any more than Catholic Church Bureaucrats are anxious to discuss priest pedophilia.

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They already have….educators, administrative ranks, school boards, pediatricians have all been indoctrinated by the machine to believe they know best and their righteousness (backed by the state) entitles them to set the standards of care relative to the youth….any parent, guardian, neighbor or friend objecting or weighing in must be a busybody of the first degree who needs to be reminded of their “place”….which is as a supplicant versus a sovereign individual with rights relative to their child and community….not rights of ownership but the right to express care, concern and love in a life affirming way. But the state is asserting its monopoly relative to those values…i.e. weaponizing a certain set of values as absolutes.

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Naomi Wolf reads the Bible to people and is Real happy about the whole Trump by the Kennedy collaboration. Jimmy Dore Won’t have Jared and Elee Beck back on. They’ve been censored in depot form for years. Jimmy went to cover the DNC and there are lawyers who prosecuted them for fraud. It’s a really bad situation situation. I honestly think that some of these indie media people are some of the worst.

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I think I discovered a giant flaw in the taxonomy

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And apologies I've got a brain like a crows nest..

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Gods law ? They were never being instructed by god. Just some crazy possibly mad MF.

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"God's Law" is a sophisticated version of "Trust the Experts" and a magnificent way to turn humans into executioners.

Be it via bombs, chemical weapons, or "vaccines".

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LOL, Hamas and Israel agree for a humanitarian pause in fighting to allow the IDF to administer 640,000 polio vaccines. (Checks history of who "used to" fund Hamas). WHO confirmed a few days ago a "baby was paralyzed from polio virus" in Gaza. Uh huh, yeah right.

So if you still didn't know, now you know!

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