Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

We can never thank you enough for what you do. Love to you, so much love to you. Our Hero.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Ditto ❤...I have unsubscribed from many recently but not Sage.

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Everybody loves the shit.



Until they don't.


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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Loving you for a long time now..... 😘

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Sage is in love with her handicap, errr...dis-ability, errr...superpower...errr...gratitude.

Oh, never mind.

Nothing matters...

...Until it does.

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Very good, Sage. And well done, Hanna. I have mi own 911 folder with some 150+ videos from 911 onwards (onwards?), because when I saw those buildings peeling like a banana, I was hooked. Recently I watched some of those again and, yes!...alas! ... same thing indeed. I was astonished, also because nothing seemed to have changed much. Like we've been on that groundhog day thing. Same with HIV/AIDS, even more similar, including the same characters. If a trick works every time, why change it? But I think what Israel is doing now, it's taking it to the next level. Maybe?

Back to my Sunday stew.

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Yea, I knew immediately when some news media interviewed "a guy on the street" after the controlled demolitions occured, he had a baseball cap on and decreed, " Well this was obviously Osama Bin Ladan!" Oh really CIA guy? Studied it all from there. Architect and MIT engineer family members can't go there as they can't go there with any of the current insanity...can't live in the REAL world I guess😎

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Seems to me NOT being a so-called expert is an advantage in terms of clarity of vision and analysis because you're not stuck in the prison of underlying assumptions that hobble the minds of said 'experts.' PLUS your paycheque doesn't demand your silence/complicity.

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Great idea. 💕

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

You've been right all along.

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Thanks, but not all along.

I fell for the Tier Two for a long time.

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Are any of your stack about ZIM? I had one in the works but if you already wrote about it I won't publish mine...

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

Not sure what ZIM is but I'm guessing it's ...Zionist "Independent"Media?







You should most definitely write your post as your research is far superior to mine.

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Pfffft! Paaaalease! You are the bestest and your work is what I strive to write! ZIM is the shipping company the Rothschilds had a 50% share in (not sure about currently). It's also a company out of Israel. They broke their lease and moved out of the twin towers on September 4, 2001. Nothing to see her. LOL. Lot's of controversy with this company.



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And what about all the wreckage from the WTC? It was all shipped overseas after being rapidly removed. Is there any connection to the shipping company and that part of the operation?

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That would be interesting to find out! Good point.

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There are conflicting stories about it...but it is all really interesting!

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You have given me lots to look over again this weekend. It still amazes me that people bought this story without question, but then again, so did I. Until my daughter introduced us to Loose Change, which changed my world view on everything.

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I was one of the first 9/11 truth street activists in San Francisco. I knew it was a false flag that morning. That activism lead me to all the other stuff. Vaccines and such. Craig Bartmer a NYPD 9/11 whistleblower stayed in my apartment for a couple weeks when he was doing security for Cindy Sheehan. 9/11 guilt the proof is in your hands is a good documentary. Barry Zwicker did some good work. I had both don Paul and Jim Hoffman on my show. I also had Richard Gage on the show along with Cindy Sheehan, Kris Millegan and others. Oklahoma City was an inside job too. A noble lie is a great documentary on that one. www.wtc7.net www.patriotsquestion911.com is a good one.

Thank you Sage for all of your hard work and your clever wit.

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I think its “tags” in the stack settings, and I think it’ll make a tab at the top that groups all these together (after you tag each of them I think). Of course then you need to come up with a set of categories to divide all the 2000 posts into

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you. This is valuable.

Interesting about Trump initially speaking up than shutting up about the "discrepancies". Now that we know he was being put in our brain vectors for decades.

Of course not everyone is given information on everything. But still, it's odd to me.

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Sep 1Liked by Sage Hana

red pill bonanza!

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It has been long enough from the 9/11 event that perhaps people can begin to discuss it rationally.

Many people would parrot over and over, it is disrespectful to the dead to suggest things

are not what we were told. I never understood that sentiment. And after two decades, no one has ever been held accountable for the crimes of 9/11. It was never really investigated, yet it immediately became a cold case.

Over in Facebookland, for years I have had people block me or unfriend me for suggesting

that 'The Official 9/11 Narrative' might not be true.

They get upset and will not even consider obvious anomalies that they can discern for themselves

by just looking at the pictures and video from the day. The most obvious was the collapse of

WTC 7, which is about all A&E911 will discuss. But there were 7 WTC buildings that were eventually

all demolished in the wake of 9/11. The most interesting is actually WTC 6 which had two massive

circular holes from the roofline through the basement levels, where the vaults just happen to have

tons of gold removed the night before. No one has offered any rational explanation. The only place I have seen that kind of destructive capability was with the extraterrestrials in 'Independence Day'.

A similar technology brought down the Twin Towers. What was it and who has it?

After 15 years of researching, my position has evolved to:

There were no Arab hijackers. No planes were hijacked.

No aircraft hit any buildings. The narrative is impossible for many reasons.

The three free fall building collapses were obviously controlled demolitions.

WTC 7 was a conventional CD, but whatever demolished the Twin Towers

was far more sophisticated. Never seen before or since.

My hope is that the Convid Plandemic charade awakened quite a few people to the

Deep Dark State that is running things in the shadows and hopefully they will

question everything to do with 9/11. Pass out the Red Pills.

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That would have been paid to the Geneva bank to buy injectable for Israel 🤣

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After you presented the Day Tapes EVERYTHING began to make sense (which is something I really need) no matter how abhorrent the sense it makes.

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Great work! Thanks for all of your research on this and everything else. I still can't believe there are Americans out there who believe the official BS story.

Off-topic, fwiw just thought I would pass this along. Listening to this w/CAFitts and Whitney Webb/Mark Goodwin, and at 55 min, CAFitts says she's fallen out w/RFK over Gaza. Used to be friends w/him, but said if you are going to let them get away w/murder in Gaza, then what are you going to do w/when it comes to US financial sovereignty w/all of this digital finance. Then says comes down to who are you loyal to, who's your master, who's pulling your strings (wonder if she suspects blackmail)


This financial stuff really puts me to sleep, but also heard them mention Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Luttick, who reminds me of Lucky Larry Silverstein. Most of Cantor Fizgerald employees supposedly died b/c I think it's their offices that exploded (not hit by plane, so explosives deliberately planted. And I say supposedly died b/c from looking into September Clues, it seems like there was something weird w/victims, they had a "vicsims" report maybe not as many people really died? But this CEO guy got lucky b/c was taking a kid to school that morning.

Also, years ago, (08?) Max Keiser on RT said something about how Cantor Fitzgerald was counterfeiting US treasuries (hundreds of billions? trillions?), maybe supposed to come due 9/12 and all the evidence went poof. I this audio, w/CAFitts, they said that Cantor Fitzgerald was heavily involved w/US treasury mkt, so maybe Max was right (I get the feeling that despite all of my research over the years, there are many more crimes and financial crimes this cabal has gotten away with--I think CAFitts says 21 trillion missing)

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

CantorFitzgerald were one of the first-out-the-gate with a carbon trading scheme, and, therefore had * a target painted upon their backs*. (Hat-Tip: AbelDanger).

The C-Fitz CEO had a "wardrobe malfunction" on 9-11, similar to Lucky-Larry-Silverstein, and WAS_*ODIGO*ABSENT *_when all his colleagues were wiped out, on the 101st - 105th floors of the WTC....BUT(!) philanthropayhy to the rescue!

Derpderp borkbork.


"Cantor Fitzgerald Office Locations within World Trade Center

Cantor Fitzgerald, a financial services firm, had its corporate headquarters and New York City office located on the 101st to 105th floors of 1 World Trade Center (also known as the North Tower) in Lower Manhattan. This was before the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Tragic Loss -

On 9/11, the Cantor Fitzgerald office was destroyed, resulting in the loss of 658 employees, nearly 70% of its total workforce in the New York office. This represents the single largest loss among any single organization during the attacks."

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On August 2, 2024, Lutnick hosted a fundraiser for Trump and his supporters in a marquee at his home in Bridgehampton, N.Y.[25] Two weeks later, Trump tapped him and Linda McMahon as co-chairs of his 2024 presidential transition team.[26]

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

The cattle must be guided to their "sacred demise".

You'd be be forgiven for mistaking it...


Eclipse any day now.

Be sure to bow down to your "masters".

Can't manage themselves.

Won't manage themselves.

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Building 7!

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Building 7 looks a lot like the Manafort Building demo eh? Manafort Brothers were awarded the contract to demo what was left of 1, 2, and 7, and also demo surrounding the buildings 8 days after 9/11:


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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

If you create panic/terror in people, they won't be able to think clearly (The thinking part of the brain will shut down). Then the storage of the information won't be clear either. They will be easily led into whatever narrative is "given." Then they will be so relieved that the terror is "over." They won't want to look back.

So history will be "written" by the scorpions and gladly accepted by the traumatized ones. Cries of "don't look back" and "move forward" will be heard. Also, don't hold grudges, as if the truth were a grudge. So if the pieces don't fit together, they will ignore those/discount them, avoid cognitive dissonance, cherry pick the things that fit their curated history (confirmation bias) in order to live happily ever after. Except they won't. Living in the lie. Accepting inconsistencies as the way things are. Living in the lie.

This is why this work is so valuable, putting forward a history that brings forth more sense, pointing out the inconsistencies. Reminding people over and over that there is something beyond the created, curated history.

It is said that people with Alzheimer's lose pieces of their history and thus, lose track who they are, lose their loved ones who may be right next to them. It is something like that.

Thank you for keeping these things at the forefront!

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