
Promo Code: Utah Saint

I feel like doing 9/11 for a while.

The videographer of this footage is Jules Clément Naudet.

Jules captured the only clear footage of the first jet, American Airlines Flight 11, hitting the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The footage shot in 2001 was made into the 2002 documentary 9/11.

He is on the right in the below pic with his bro, Gédéon Naudet.

They are filmmakers. On 9/11/2001, they were still learning the craft, and making a documentary about New York City Firefighters.

From Spookipedia:

The Naudet brothers were in the process of making a documentary on New York firefighters, following Antonio "Tony" Benetatos, a rookie firefighter or "probie," through his experiences in New York City Fire Department (FDNY) academy training and into a firehouse.

On the morning of September 11, Jules accompanied several firefighters as they headed out to investigate reports of a gas leak in Lower Manhattan, leaving Gédéon in the firehouse to continue filming with Benetatos. On the way to Lower Manhattan, Jules and the firefighters had stopped at the corner of Lispenard and Church Streets when American Airlines Flight 11 flew right over them. Jules filmed its impact as it flew directly into the North Tower of the World Trade Center (WTC).

So this is by far the best footage of plane hits building that I’ve seen.

I tried to see if I could pick up the American Airlines markings.

I did freeze the video to a frame or two where the wings seem to disappear into the building, but no gash is present in the building. Then the wings seem to re-appear on the plane and then re-enter the building.

Would it look like this?

Also, would the wings shear back upon impact? Break off?

Attention Engineering and Physics Smarties. Weigh in.

I am about 75-25 Team Plane as of right now.

99-1 Team Demolition, No Fire.

95-5 Team No Plane at Pentagon and PA.

To clarify on that 75-25, I’m just not sure if the planes that hit, if they did, are the same commercial jet airliners that took off that morning.

Below is a Promo Code: Jim H fascinating interview.

The account of career Flight Attendant Rebekah Roth who goes deep down the rabbit hole, and purports to debunk the passenger and flight attendant phone calls, which include some information that suggests that the plane is actually on the ground in a hangar when they occurred.

Roth has many revelations, one of which is that the planes had the ability to be commandeered remotely in the event of a hijacking. This would take control of the planes out of the hands of the pilots, the real ones or any hypothetical hijackers.

I may try to seek out AA Flight Attendant Betty Ong’s phone call audio to sort out other discrepancies.

Such as saying that the alleged hijacker in Seat 9-B. Oh wait, 10-B. And 9-B turns out to be a US-Israel Intelligent Agent who speaks Arabic.

And flight attendant accounts of macing, which would have disabled the hijackers themselves.

And being on the phone for 27-minutes. 😮

And saying, “We are in the air.” (No shit. Why would you say that?)

And saying the hijacker is upstairs? *Really need some Shih Tzu Detective work on this one*. Did Betty Ong or other Flight Attendant say this?

The screen shot for this YouTube video has to be doctored yes?

If the Firefighter Cam is the only shot of the first plane, then how would this photo exist?

Which definitely looks more like an American Airlines commercial jet than the Plane Two footage looks like a United Airlines jet. In all those Plane Two shots, it looks dark and undecipherable.

So the cover for this YouTube video is Fake News?

Oh, one more thing.

About our young French filmmakers. Here is some of their later work, again courtesy Spookipedia.

Featuring interviews with all 20 living White House chiefs of staff and two presidents, Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush, the latest documentary The Presidents' Gatekeepers was broadcast on September 11, 2013, on Discovery Channel.

In June 2018, they released November 13: Attack on Paris on Netflix, a documentary featuring interviews about the November 2015 Paris attacks.

In collaboration with Chris Whipple, the Naudets produced and directed The Spymasters: CIA In the Crosshairs, which includes interviews with all twelve living (current and former) Directors of Central Intelligence. It first aired on Showtime in the United States on November 28, 2015.

Sounds like they are made guys covering the made guys now.

Again, if anyone saw either plane go into either Tower with their own two eyes, please report in as to what you observed and describe the plane.

I only want to know what is real.

I only want to know what is real.

