
Bonus Stacking: Added a (:22 video) of news anchors calling the plane "coming out the other side".


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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

My brain hurts with so much cognitive dissonance. I’m gonna go smoke some weed. The half awake people still act clueless on this. Our government never, oh no, they wouldn’t.. & the trauma worked perfectly for years on me. I didn’t question it until later. Late to the party 2012, 2013 . (One good thing about being gangstalked, ya do learn a lot & fast. All sold out cowards basically)

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Legal Disclaimer: SH.STack takes no responsibility for lawn mower accidents and so forth from the use of cannabis stemming from cognitive dissonance.


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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

What’s good for increasing appetite? Anybody? Thanks in advance.

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Weed is the only thing I can think of...that and the smell of bacon

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What are your comfort foods? For example, I crave heavy cream. Straight shots in a shot glass, lol. Forget the coffee, that's just an excuse for the cream.

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Find a Thai restaurant...go in...sit close to the kitchen. BBQ joints with on-site smokers work for many who are not into Thai.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Another day, another 'CME' ::glances at HAARP:: ...nice auroras, thanks, but... I see you...


What I find interesting is that they are jamming solar terminology and event scales into peoples brain vectors. Almost every damn week. Now, why do you suppose that is? Why do I know what noaa scales are, and that g2 is just so so? Why was polygon scheduled on the 11th, of all dates?

Lots of angles being set up for "oops! net went out. how could we have known? Damn terrists/sun/ai/etc. Here, wear this collar."

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Ok I hate my tablet and do NOT Have my glasses on..but how can the nose of the plane go in and then out with no damage? It can't. Aluminum cannot do that.

So it's not the israelis or the deep state. This took both our deep states.

Prove me wrong.

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"...it's tremendous power and tremendous heat..."


Guess who? Two daze after calling bullshit.

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It’s not just aluminium, it’s an alloy, much harder than pure Ali. Lead can go through steel, and is much softer than aluminium, if it has enough energy. The blackout of frames is a puzzle though and Sage’s explanation as good as any …..

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Can’t. Stop. Watching. 👀😬

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It's right there.

A modern day Asch Experiment.

A modern day Emperor Has no Clothes.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

It's a good thing that HD tv didn't come out until...checks notes...5 minutes after 911, historically. 911 HAD to happen when it did, or our current tech would have poked a zillion holes in the story. Selfie videos alone would have done it in.

Same thing is happening right now, but for the internet in general. Gotta get the collar shenanigans in right quick, before increasingly powerful internet tools make a joke of the Ops.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

That country club snob guy that didn't open his lips or mouth? Ny 1? Real tim? That was the type who my mother wanted me to Marry.

I never did.

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Sep 13Liked by Sage Hana


Yet even now, after 5 years of naked psychopathy from the The Sewer(TM), 5 years of unmasked Evil, there are a large number who still believe.

"It was OBL!" they chant. Even today.

Totally plausible that OBL phoned LizardLarry(TM) and warned him off. And that a pair of special collapsible planes were used that day, the kind that can be swallowed up in the earth like a magician's trick, or collapse down like a missile targeting a very particular part of the PentaGram. Or, the OTHER 2, with their special steel-penetrating aluminum construction.

Unfortunately, it is totally plausible that Mossad knew - because they were part of it - AND they warned LizardLarry et al off while posturing their dancing crews for the big day.

One wonders, when will the reckoning come, when will the killers swing? Ex-Heads of state down to the trigger pullers, explosive fitters, and MockingbirdMedia?

Belief in 9/11 (narrative) is not even an IQ test. It is a test about whether you still sleep, even now.

And if someone can't see that EvilLayerCake through the narrative, then how on earth does one trust them to see anything at all?


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Sep 13Liked by Sage Hana

Ok, this post explained my question on my comment in your previously read post about if there were any videos of a long range view of approaching planes. Thank you. Also I would think that 2 tall towers could provide several points from which to launch a hologram. And you're right, that explosion after the plane appeared coming out of the one building totally saved the illusion!

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Shih Tzu Mz Congeniality

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I mean...AI Bot Female Impersonator has been known to tell people to decorate their fridge with their brains and to do so in front of their children, so...

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I have seen such....why am I still here?

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Only you can answer that, Debra. 😅

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...and the SH chorus chimes in: (hate when this happens!)


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I'm so ruined that even as I listen and enjoy great tracks, I just keep thinking...Tavistock....Protocols....Social Engineering...

::stares out window::brews coffee::

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

I have the same feeling for all modern culture. But now, when I see a painting from the renaissance, I consider it here too. It was old hat when Tavistock came around.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

That's not so bad. Actually felt lucid alarm this AM as "found" myself walking down street singing Trololo. I don't sing, never in dreams.

::shakes head so hard ears flap

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

oh god...

the lovesick generation...fools in love...gotcha. fools fools fooled...slapping myself awake now.

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Sep 13Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for that, Debra. Four Tops were the greatest and Sugar Pie Honey Bunch was terrific!

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“Mostly sunny and comfortably warm”

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

I've watched most of the NY1 video. While this was happening in real time some of my family were dealing with a serious health event in a family member. Family members together in the hospital during surgery concerned for our loved one when it happened in real time. Let me tell you, that combination was surreal. Plus, staying at the hospital, we did not want the TV on for our loved one to make things seem worse, so no watching it on tv during the time this was coming down.

I was so focused on the family matter that I missed some of these details at the time, and never filled in the gaps, like Bldg 2 going down so quickly on the first day. Of course I knew the general details. I do remember Bldg 7 and it seemed incongruous, but then there are so many incongruities all the time, one comes to expect it. And I've learned more since realizing it was a hoax.

Looking at it now, knowing what I know from this stack and a few other sources, it seems like a staged event. You know, in the movies, there are always the good guys nearly getting blown up. Lotsa things going boom! The devastating thing here is that real people, innocent ones, were murdered on that day and it turned into a pandemic that is still murdering even more.


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Bleeding hearts!!! Appeal to their EMOTIONS!!! Tug at the heartstrings!!! Cheney?!!!! Like, enough already. Oh! Too bad I just HAVE to choose between the lesser of two evils. I don’t want to do it but if I don’t they’ll think I think the pets are being eaten. And then what?!

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Sweet Summer Child playing with Directed Energy Weapons.

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