Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

The fact that Kissinger lived until 100 y.o. proves that they are doing medical studies on the poor in order to prolong the lives of old scorpions like this asshole. He was seriously unhealthy and obese and probably shouldn't have made it past 70.

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Dude melted into a kyphotic worm.

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Still had 7 vertibrae left. 🩻 Coulda gone further. Prolly was the shots.

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Good movie. 💥💥 And the islands sound really lovely. 💕

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🎬 "I don't know how you do the same thing every day...."


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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

a familiar whiff in the air, Sage?...and it isn't rotting whale carcass. Dot connecting: a young woman I know, protege of Lady Gaga grew up in that enclave. She is described in Balkan Trilogy -the Balkanization of America https://debra152.substack.com/p/balkan-trilogy

Gaga is connected to Marina Abramovic-Zelensky appointed ambassador to Ukraine to help rebuild the country’s schools for children.. You can take it from there...

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

That was an excellent post of yours. I sent it to a good friend who is Serbian.

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Thank you so much! I'm honored... My substack intro is a tribute to Serbs... https://debra152.substack.com/p/whats-inat

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

Verrrry interesting....

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EU has changed travel into EU now it is required to get a permit to travel into EU for 90 days


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As foretold.


Travel, instead of being easy for old folks, travel then would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID. This would at first be an ID card you would carry on your person and you must show when you are asked for it.

It was already planned that later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual. This would eliminate the possibility of false ID and also eliminate the possibility of people saying "Well, I lost my ID." The difficulty about these skin implant that ID was stated to be getting material that would stay in or under the skin without causing foreign body reaction whereby the body would reject it or cause infection, and that this would have to be material on which information could be recorded and retrieved by some sort of scanner while it was not rejected by the body.

Silicon was mentioned. Silicon at that time was thought to be well tolerated. It was used to augment breasts. Women who felt their breasts were too small would get silicon implants, and I guess that still goes on. At any rate silicon was seen at that time as the promising material to do both: to be retained in the body without rejection and to be able to retain information retrievable by electronic means.



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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana

The San Juan Islands look wonderful. Interesting journey for Bret Weinstein, from Evergreen to Portland then to the San Juans.

Do you think any poor people live on these islands? Are they safe there? Will someone (goliath?) try to drive them off or murder them? All in the service of "a better world." The world for the rich scorpions is better when the poors/workers are out of sight so the richies can enjoy the wonders of many islands.

Great film!

I love nature, btw. I've always thought the National Parks in the US were a wonderful thing. Now I see a possible hidden motive. Those National Parks sometimes housed the homeless and poor. You were supposed to be able to camp there for free, unbothered. I believe that's changed.

What better way to keep these "preserved" for the elite. I doubt they will actually enjoy them. They are hard and cold people. If this is to keep these lands for them, I now have great reservations about the whole thing, started by Teddy Roosevelt. For them it's all about the owning and not about loving the natural world.

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

They're trying to kill us. The San Juan islands are very beautiful. Have a nice day.

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Another beautiful island is

Island Oasis Amidst Mountainous Dunes

Mount Desert Island: A Treasure Trove of Natural Beauty and Rich History

Located off the coast of Maine, Mount Desert Island (MDI) is a 108-square-mile gem that boasts a unique blend of rugged mountains, pristine lakes, and scenic coastlines. The island is home to Acadia National Park, one of the most popular national parks in the United States, attracting over 2-2.5 million visitors annually.

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I best check my carbon credits for permission.

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Said the United States Military...


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😢 😳 😢 😢

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Sep 6Liked by Sage Hana

Plum Island, off the north coast of Long Island, is another awesome vacation spot.

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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana

I hope you get to visit that beauty a lot to refresh your heart:)

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Maybe one day! 😇

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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana

I hope so too:) if I ever win lottery, I'm giving you half!

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Hopefully before they tank the economy and make money meaningless! 😹

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Sep 5Liked by Sage Hana

Lol! Yes that. But seriously, you have done so much for me. Kept me from going fucking crazy, as I to just want to know the truth above all. Gives me something to "work with". I'd be losing it by now trying to discern what's going on and Has gone on. You've given us so much valuable information. Can't thank you enough:) I wish I could contribute to you Koffee fund.. I'm just barely making it on SS. But Everyone who can, Please help Sage out! She is doing priceless work keeping us informed on Moist important things! She deserves a break to replenish her spirit from time to time:) To the Lottery!!! The Great Sky Fairy would approve:)

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Jewell, this makes me very happy.

Just that it helps somebody to not feel crazy to call the balls out the chute. That goes both ways so much.

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And everything just gets worse and worse.. The San Juan Islands are lovely, though.

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Yes, That kind of Better World!!! I just love your voice:) an your Band is amazing!

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San Juan? Is it near San Jose? How do you get there? What are the Tritium levels like?

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Traveling to the San Juan Islands offers a range of options, each with its own unique appeal. If you’re coming from outside the state, flying into Seattle-Tacoma or Bellingham airport in Washington, or Vancouver, B.C. in Canada, is a common starting point.

From there, you can drive or take a shuttle to Anacortes, WA, and then board a Washington State Ferry to the islands. Alternatively, you can opt for a small plane or seaplane from locations like Seattle, Everett, and Bellingham, or even travel by private boat.

The Washington State Ferry is a popular and scenic way to reach the islands. However, it’s essential to plan ahead, especially during peak seasons. Making reservations for the ferry is recommended.

It’s advisable to arrive about an hour before departure to ensure a smooth boarding process. For inter-island travel, the ferries operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and some have limited capacity for cars, so it’s wise to queue up early.

If you prefer a more direct route from Seattle, the San Juan Clipper, a passenger ferry, offers a picturesque four-hour journey through the Salish Sea to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, though it’s currently unavailable for 2024.

Once you’re on the islands, there are various ways to get around, including biking, using the transit or trolley, or even renting a moped. Exploring the San Juan Islands Scenic Byways by bike or car is a great way to enjoy the stunning landscapes.

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Sep 4Liked by Sage Hana

You missed your calling Sage... Travel Agent extraordinare!!🤗

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but the FERRIES don't work anymore...

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Okay, well I'm just quoting from the travel agency PR site!

Thanks for the update!

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But its only a matter of time before the Puget Sound orca join their Spanish brothers in the revolution

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Dude - when I was a teenager I sea kayaked around the San Juans with a group of kids (Outward Bound). That was awesome. I played hide n seek w this one harbor seal for a long while. And fought some crazy currents. Bald eagles galore. Stunning place. We were just camping on beaches.

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I've had the experience with some animals that are not used to people and they behave very differently in some cases at least. I found it remarkable.

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The seal people are very playful creatures. Hence the term “sea dogs.” Also very vicious. Quite a lot like human people.

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Since the WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES are now an admitted DISASTER , getting to the San Juan Islands is a whole other story...

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What’s happened with them? We rode last year and thought they were far superior (& more affordable) than the BC Canada ferries.,

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I guess we know why that plane went down in Brazil, eh... carrying all those cancer doctors who had some important information to share?

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