
Acting is particularly hard when you have multiple liars trying to remember what they lied about and when. Oh, and ginormous egos make it really hard to just keep your mouth shut when someone calls you the fuck out.

Anthony Colpo lifting those heavy ass weights 👊🏼


I heard somewhere that the truth is like a lion…🦁

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Malone’s Vax story is like an out of tune cord on a guitar.

Completely, unavoidably unmistakable at first. Then comical.

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They just need to work on their “yes, and…”

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Maybe tiny Robbins has an opening for a coaching sesh 🤣

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That was an honest typo 🤣🤣🤣


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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Bwahahahaha! What a great typo. That’s an Orange Man level nickname for a giant human being.

The comparison between wrestling and all this Op shit is so apt. And the sad part is, the wrestlers are better on the fly, and in general. They don’t break character. They don’t fuck it up. And on the rare occasion they do, they are so slick at keeping the game going.

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That’s why I left it and didn’t edit 🤣

Agreed on the wrestlers…

I guess maybe Hatfill needs a wife that can hang off to the sides and mouth his script to/with him. Then maybe he wouldn’t make mistakes like that 😂

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I mean, maybe the wife can get in the ring and replace him?


Or, they could just stop the ops? Beuhler? Beuhler?

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Conspiracy Sarah accidentally donaled a stupid commie from Holywood. That makes my day!

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one of the best typos ever 🤣🤣🤣

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🎶Tiiiiny Robbins…

Iin the wiiine… 🎵

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One wonders why his character in Shawshakn Redemptoin had that Rita Hayworth poster on the wall, covering the entrance of his escape tunnel. Maybe he admired Rita in a non-heterosexual way? Stephen King was one mad occultationist!

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"The truth is like a lyin."

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Quite hilarious! Do you think they’ll play that clip on wef room?!

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I was ignorant of the Bob Roberts movie. Yes, they are all actors. Ronald Reagan, adored to this day. His actor wife. Both actor wives. Bobby K. is married to an actress. Since I had never watched Trump on any of his TV shows those clips were telling. Tulsi G. is so obviously an actress. They all are. And Zelensky. Wow. And Putin.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

...and Trudeau...he was even a drama teacher........

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Is Bobby's wife really an actress? I thought she was just being herself in that boring show.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I'm partway through the book "One Idea to Rule Them All." Edward Bernays developed "staging" at the beginning of advertising. Update of Bernays. Excellent. They have a workbook, perhaps for home schoolers. Easy read.

Yes, it all is the Truman Show. Except bigger and more dangerous.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Why do they need , so badly,

to "Control the Narrative"??

The War of Stories.


People. Trapped in a Story.

Middle East.

Looked at another way:

How far is "Control of the Narrative"

from Crowd Control?

From Mind Control?

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Damn you, Sage. I wish you weren't such a goddamn genius.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I hate it ot when Sage shares the movies in the Hana brain..You never can look at them again as just a movie.

But once you get over the shock, I love how Shakesperian it is au fond..."all the world's a stage..".

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Is it ever! For me, it's not so much the movies... it's the hero balls I fell for, even still in a tiny bit of my fee-fees.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I'm afraid of how deep it runs in me..the hero ball.

I read every damn fairy tale when I was young....including the entire 6 volume set of My Bookhouse my father kept....

I think it permanently warped me for life.

I think they should be banned..or restricted for only those over 18.....

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Nah, we want to believe in heroes, and they do exist. Hope springs eternal. If we lose that, then it's truly over. Not that we shouldn't expect heroism from ourselves, first.

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Joanie and Duchess, here’s a today hero clip …and it’s not John C from uk but the unscripted Jules G.. Aussie, a hero delivering a little hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbh_NB6LNaI

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I saw that..

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This is good; thanks, Leanne (not a fan of Campbell's but Jules is def worth listening to, and I followed the link to his substack article).

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This is a brave and true man, but the painful fact is that courts everywhere are wholly owned and operated by government and as such will never rule against it.

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Joanie you are very wise. Thank you for this. Gives me hope.

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💖 (be a braveheart)

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Scripted AND game planned:


“Training for the next crisis with “serious games”

To deal with natural disasters, pandemics and geopolitical conflict, a genre of gaming known as “serious games” helps first responders and government officials get the preparation they need in a “safe to fail” environment.

Imagine you’re a national security official tasked with monitoring activity off the coast of your fictitious country. Suddenly, a large tanker ship in your area goes silent. Its location sensor is offline, and it’s not responding to radio communication. What do you do?

Francesca de Rosa, chief scientist for gaming at the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation, poses that question in the Reliability Game, which she designed. It’s part of the genre known as “serious games.”

A tanker ship you say? Please, go on…

(*The Body, flexing his pecs…🤣…too good. Too good.)

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

"Imagine you’re a national security official tasked with monitoring activity off the coast of your fictitious country. Suddenly, a large tanker ship in your area goes silent. Its location sensor is offline, and it’s not responding to radio communication. What do you do?(!!!)

>>>Call the f*cking Coast Guard, genius.<<<

Dolts Botching Shit:

Rockefeller Zombie Medical Army: too big to fail.

US DoD : too big to fail.

The Glorious UN : too big to fail.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana


They are prepping the next botch. A mix of climate and disease. Setting up all the little rules and fiddly bits, before they really let loose the lasers and trails. "you get a dew! and you get a dew!"

I'm not sure if this one comes before or after the cyber or economic collapse. Ah hell, just run 'em all at once.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

I just looked at crisis actors on youtube and rumble. Lotsa footage. Even if there's a crisis, I imagine the crisis actors are sent in. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

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Vison Fairy ♥️

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Go read this now:


Re deadly gene therapy experiments on Jesse Gelsinger, an 18 yearold volunteer who wanted to cure the errors in his genes.

Quote: «“Not sure what to tell you. We killed an 18 year old kid.”

Let me emphasize: Those words spoken by the head of PR for the medical center where the murder happened.»

Also: «By the way, when they kill people in their “trials” they have a very exacting phrase for it: “Lessons learned.”»


To clarify: this post is from June 20, 2021, but the main feature of it is an interview with a scientist named Strohman from 2000. Strohman is another "prophet" like Richard Day, but this man was actually critical of fascism, not celebratory.

Sage, it's amazing how well they bury all this information. How much is it there hidden in plain sight that we don't know yet?

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry, but my head is ponging around with the idea that murder is only murder when it happens outside a hospital or a lab. How can this be? Where is law enforcement in all this carnage?

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The more general idea seems to be that murder is only murder if the victim has good friends or was useful in some way.

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The murder was made legal by code. Katherine Watt.

This is the salient detail that nobody running over to Europe wants to discuss.

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Yes, we should talk about that. But we can't because the "bad guys"(TM) won the second WW. And the people who supposedly should be talking about this are always bickering with each other, to not break the taboo.

'Legal by code' is 'Legsilation'.

Legislation is a form of central planning, and it ends in massacres, always.

Here's a quote from the year 1944, by Ludwig von Mises:

"The unanimous approval of planning by our contemporaries is only apparent. The supporters of planning disagree with regard to their plans. They agree only in the refutation of the plans brought forward by other people.

Many popular fallacies concerning socialism are due to the mistaken belief that all friends of socialism advocate the same system. On the contrary, every socialist wants his own socialism, not the other fellow’s. He disputes the other socialists’ right to call themselves socialists. In the eyes of Stalin the Mensheviks and the Trotskyists are not socialists but traitors, and vice versa. The Marxians call the Nazis supporters of capitalism; the Nazis call the Marxians supporters of Jewish capital. If a man says socialism, or planning, he always has in view his own brand of socialism, his own plan. Thus planning does not in fact mean preparedness to coöperate peacefully. It means conflict."

Pages 242-243 of the pdf here https://mises.org/library/book/omnipotent-government-rise-total-state-and-total-war


Earlier in that text the word 'megalomania' is used.

In 1944, psychoanalytic language was used in earnest by everyone, to try to talk precisely about the madness of that war and the years of madness that created it. Later, this language it was only used by the Marxists, only to keep people confused about everything. Which I think is mentioned in the Day Tapes.


An so, the saviors become the predators. By making legal what was illegal.

Great trick!

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Great recommendation. Thank you.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Why do they need , so badly,

to "Control the Narrative"??

Moved...to reply to Katie's "One Idea to Rule Them All'.

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Apr 24Liked by Sage Hana

Watching these scat show caracters perform, one could begin to understand the billionaires.

Golden globe for you Sage.

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I love Doritos.

And beer.

I love Doritos and beer. And, thanks to my unearned privilege as a member of the “Elite”, I can pretty much afford Doritos and beer for life at this point.

What to do? Should I ride the gravy train over the cliff, OR take a stand for the unwashed subhuman carbon credits who stand to be eliminated in the coming global reset/cull/cleansing/apocalypse?

And I didn’t even get invited to the ball. (But I still feel pretty.)

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

It’s like the character ‘Cypher’ in the Matrix. Wanted to revert to the Blue Pill. I have sympathy for that yearning.

I can’t unknow what I know. Pretend.

That’s why I won’t be offered a carrot. It will be the stick for some of us.

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Many on JBI*1 did this. So did much of the MFM

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still here SAGE, your work is entertaining, informative, you are smart...a bit over the top with TWC crap...so I just read...nothing has changed...I regard your subscribers. but when you are fully informed then I will opine again. you think you know re TWC...like some twisted nutball writers out there...sometimes best to be quiet. not all as it seems is as it seems. we know who I am but not who you are so one sided in a weird way. its interesting that I even reply but you called my name. so I decided to reply...you dont know me so all I ask is for respect and I enjoy giving people what they give me. nothing more, nothing less. other than that, some of your work is good, really good and I tip my hat. stay strong and stay in the game...a needed voice.

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Shalom, Paul.

I don't think I will be quiet.

Go fuck yourself, Paul.

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We know who you are Dr. Paul and your support for genocide.

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“Twisted Nutball”

Well… who isn’t, at this point?

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$7 for a bag of Doritos? I don't do Doritos, not for 7 cents a bag.

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Good thing. They are filled with nanobots and other junk, which make them extra crunchy and addictive. (🤣. just in case someone takes this seriously)

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Who takes nano-bots seriously?

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Doritos comes with prizes now?

Hopefully good ones and not the stupid stickers you get in Cracker Jack now

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Prizes with Doritios for $7 (US) you get an LED blacklight so you can watch the pulsing of your blood via the nanos you just ingested. Or maybe a sticker that glows saying, "Warning: keep 6 feet away from any EMF emitting device" For your forehead.

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"I’d put in the shots of Peter Mac in Times Square with his Cardiologist of the Universe Award and take the Statins and the Tamiflu with the big titty beauty pageant lady and Christine Anderson but that is still too depressing. I’m a Sweet Summer Child."

Sage, I looked through all of your April archive and couldn't find the above easily........ pleeeze post it again? Jack needs to see it. He was never fooled by Peter Mac - too many citations too fast - so he's looking forward to seeing The BIG MAC at the NASDAQ in this starring role. He missed it the first go around.

Thank you,

Jack and jill

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https://youtu.be/686heq5QFPk. Sep 23, 2022

Iain McGilchrist has been outlining for many years that a fundamental problem in the way we are perceiving the world is likely to lead us into trouble. Now in 2022 he believes the situation is reaching a crucial turning point and we need to wake up urgently.

In this conversation with Rebel Wisdom's David Fuller he talks about how our current culture's domination by a 'left brain', reductionistic, materialist and literalist perspective had reached crisis point.

He explains how this is manifesting as a 'war on reality', and a series of attacks on free speech.

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Ps...why don't I like Doritos? I think they taste like crap. Never eat them,never buy them.

Of course this from a French fry with mayo addict.

What if the CBDC only allows me to eat doritos with that new cricket flour?

I could settle for potato chips...

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Thanks for James Taylor.

Haven't been able to listen to it in almost 30 years.

I am old now..and time heals most things...

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James Taylor was born in Boston but grew up in Chapel Hill, NC (Carolina In My Mind). He’ll be performing at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center on May 5. My wife loves his music; we’ve seen him in concert à number of times, the best was in Chapel Hill while we were in school at UNC.

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