Oh but you have excelled yourself with this one. It is gonna be forwarded to all the normies I know.

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I'm really really trying hard now to do this proper. Thank you.

I'm exhausted. 2100 posts.

I didn't mean to exactly, but I gave my life to this mystery just starting with a summer day in 2021 when about two hours of research made it clear that the jabs were dangerous and we were being lied to on a massive scale like I had never seen.

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Part of my support is a small gratification for the good company and the great comedy that I found in this substack. The other part is because of huge posts like this one. Thank you Sage of Hana!

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Thank you Double Agent Roger of Aqueous Astrology.

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YES to all of the above!!!

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Some of us have known of these abominations for quite some time... that we were being led down the garden path... down behind the shed, for...

As you have woken relatively recently (2021), many more will awaken soon, and then the push-back will rise in volume.

How many more deliberately driven hurricanes that destroy countless lives will it take?

How many more deliberately lit wild fires that destroy; and uproot countless numbers will it take?

Your posts are being read... You are making a difference...

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Thanks, Anthony.

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I hope so with more than a mere glance.

I used to pass the Day Tapes links to family, friends and others online, including many prominent writers here on substack with a brief synopsis of the content.

Probably should have offered, doughnuts, burgers and lotto tickets.

Honestly I can't confirm anyone has listened and or read them in it's entirety.

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I have given up on them, frankly. I am estimating that 40% of people I chat with are completely in the dark about the past 5 years and the state of world politics in general. And have no interest in finding out. The rest are aware in varying degrees, but have zero willingness to spend energy on fighting it.

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I don't care if they LISTEN any more, I'll say it anyway to whichever friends and family still acknowledge my existence. Jeez, Harari is on the BBC talking for a full half hour. I may go and listen.

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Harari was also on MSNBC giving his spiels with the PR sheen overlaying the "hack humans" and "data colony" blackmail "human rights" are just a story flashing eyes demon possession mask slipping.

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Yup, family, or what’s left, but it becomes harder and harder to show respect for anyone who parade ignorance of their surroundings and lack of duty to uphold ethics as a virtue.

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Before the rona I remember wondering what was it going to take to make people so uncomfortable that they would look up from the TV and snack tray and become interested in improving things. It's pretty clear by now that even financial strain doesn't do it - people just slip under the water and are never heard from again.

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Not the financial creep, but eyes will open when they come after the savings and property.

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Same here - the Day Tapes, all my fave Israeli testimonies, and I don't think any have listened. We keep trying...

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This one is done way proper sage

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Thank you, Travis.

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So proud of you for doing so.

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Sage..you are young. Just in case, go find the agenda 21 map of the resettlement areas.. and .those to be corridors, off-limits, or military.

Any chance you would move to El Salvadore?

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What they are trying to do is audacious and Kovid was among many things a compliance test.

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Like the first open battle in what had been a sniper war.

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I would move, and I know people who are moving to rural areas and so forth, but Duchess, to keep it real, the Scorpions did think of this.


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I moved to Mx about 10 years ago when costs were becoming prohibitive in canuckistan. I felt safer here but of course Mx fell into line with the convid crap and the corner shop wouldn't take my pesos if I wasn't wearing one of those blue things on my face. Wouldn't serve me even with a bandana or a hood over my face. It's coming back again. People here love masks, bureaucracy and poison needles. I don't imagine anywhere is safe.

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This video is worth watching whole:


They talk about the German State killing disabled babies and children.

I don't understand yet why people on the internet speak in favor of the Nazis but against the current genocide of the whole world. It's the same energy, the same purpose, the same spirit. Much better planned this time. But it's really the same people.

Why are we fighting each other, when this is so big?

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Because the ugly reality is that the *we* is divided nicely by bread and circuses and unbelievably sinister co-optation of "good" people who don't ask the right questions.

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Roger: There is another side to the story. 1st: "...Nazis..." is a derogatory word used by the joos today. The power in Germany 1933-1945 were National Socialists. The National Socialist encouraged families of healthy children. It is the joos today that are killing innocent babies, even in pregnant women in occupied Palestine. In the U.S.A. we have a controlled media by joos and you will rarely get the truth. I will post an article after reading comments.


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David, if you watch the video, you'll hear Vera Sharav explaining, around minute 19, that the Nazis' first victims were Germans. In particular, Germans under three years of age, born with some kind of disability. This is a pure ideological act of lethal violence. Do you deny this atrocity of the National Socialist government of Germany against the German people?

Or do you agree with this practice?

Do you think that if American babies are born blind because of dioxin poisoning, the State should executed them in order to keep racial purity or in order to unburden the Social Security system?

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Roger: I have never read a document or speech by a National Socialist to confirm what you are saying about National Socialists. You are reading the joo controlled history of WWII. Jewish babies born in the Auschwitz (most famous) and other N.S. work camps are still receiving compensation from Germany today. There were schools for children in these work camps. I have interviewed joos from these camps/joos working for Germany/a joo from German occupied France that left in 1943 with German permission. I do NOT read stories about other peoples ideas, I read documents/interview people that were there/ listen to actual speech's but reading lies told by joos in the media or books is not my expertise. Was it Voltaire that wrote: To see who controls you, look at who you cannot talk against."? 88&8's,Dave

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That’s a very low quality answer.

Because of your bad argument and your evasion, I assume you agree with all the crimes of the Nazis.

So, you are working for the perpetrators of covid.

Therefore, you’re out of reach.

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I believe in free speech. The alleged crimes of the National Socialist were minimal compared to the crimes of the USA in WWII. I won't mention Russians, that were worse. Why are people today jailed for just asking for proof of the crimes of the National Socialists? Ernst Zundel/Robert Faurisson/Ursala Haverbeck/Alfred & Monika Schaefer and so many more are jailed for telling truths.

"The greatest freedom of speech is the right to offend." Who is more offensive today and throughout history than joos. Why have they been forced out of ~120 countries in history?

Covid: I have not been vaxx'd since about 1952.

Are you jooish?

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I can settle the argument and disagreement between you two. Read Gemar Rudolphs Holocaust encyclopedia which is factual statements and letters from those involved. https://holocaustencyclopedia.com/

To look at the Nazis without starting at the end of WWI and the burdens placed upon the German people is to start in the middle of the movie. It is a fact of life that those retaliating are made the guilty party by those missing the whole incident.

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People don't see horror in real time unless there's blood flowing in the streets. Those in charge of this mess knew that and chose a time-released method of taking people out. No direct line from the shot to the grave, not even when there's a temporal link. People are just to brainwashed to think.

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people on the internet are a bunch of people using some isolated fact to make up a story from. For the truth, read the statements, facts and truth from those who were there and involved and know it. Read free Gemar Rudolphs holocaust encclopedia for the real facts and you might understand. https://holocaustencyclopedia.com/

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“ It's 2030, and on the surface, it all seems to be an idyllic society. Living in a city within an enclosed dome, there is little or no work for humans to perform, and inhabitants are free to pursue all of the pleasures of life. There is one catch however: your life is limited and when you reach thirty, it is terminated in a quasi-religious ceremony known as "carrousel". Some, known as "runners", try to escape their fate when the time comes, and it's the job of Sandmen to track them down and kill them. Logan (Michael York) is such a man, and with several years before his own termination date, thinks nothing of the job he does. Soon after meeting a young woman…”

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Yup. Embedded the trailer here.

They do tell us. In a million different ways.


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After reading your post, and prior to reading these comments, yes, Logan’s Run did indeed come to mind.

Michael York was a sexy beast, btw!

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This one is far more bleak!


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I saw him in the street once. I noticed him (I did not recognise him at first) because of his blue eyes and blonde hair, and remarkable good looks. He was surrounded by four beautiful women.

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How could the short and overweight Peter Hotez with his vaccine induced gray teeth and vaccine injured autistic daughter possibly be a eugenicist?

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Better question: How is it he managed to procreate?

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I used to work at a govt office where most people were so strange it reminded me of a sheltered workshop. I used to think (over and over again, with wonder) 'someone married that person'.

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Oftentimes you find it took an even weirder person to marry that person

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👆 👆 👆

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I loved Logan's Run a million years ago. The other night while I was scrolling on my free TV, I caught the final scene of a 2005 movie I'd never seen, The Island, and it was straight up the same final scene as Logan's Run ... in this case, "The Agnates all begin to find their way out of the Institute and out of the bunker in which it's located, emerging into the outside world." Michael Bay 🙄


"At McCord's house he tells Lincoln and Jordan the truth about their existence, how they're human clones meant to serve as sources of body parts for the people they're cloned from. All they've been told about their lives is meant to keep them from knowing the truth about themselves."


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I’m one of the old useless ones according to the UN terrorist organization. But my family doesn’t think so. They will have to do better than a bioweapon to kill me. I have been on to their games for awhile. I’m a fighter and they will have to try very hard to get rid of me. I accept the challenge.

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The uprooting of people & driving them away from their homes, and extended families has been happening around me and it's ramping up. Makes sense that transplants are easier to manipulate.

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Along with illegals.

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Thanks Sage!🙏 this one is excellent for sending to people who still think we'll be getting a Hero any minute now! 👀

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...also, the creeping 'kindness" of Assisted Dying, currently being surreptitiously massaged into the public's collective consciousness via the BBC and I'm sure many other TRUSTED MEDIA SOURCES (here capitalised for want of a bolding/italisation function on Substack).

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And don't forget Chinada, now the world leader in eugenics (according to their own info)

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I believe this is how they will take the land. Item 46 and 47 disclose the agenda. Canada and Us have already signed. The noble Palestinian cause leads us here:


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This is an amazing post, Sage. Thank you!

Back in the 1960's or 70's they started to make sure grown children left their stable communities/families. Corporations moved the men (usually men) transferring them over and over again. They wanted men with families, so the family moved. Same with military families. At the same time, things like the Club of Rome and then the pill and abortion made it possible to have small families. Hard to move every couple years if you have 10 or more children. Or even four. No, two is the desired number.

That now has become no families, lots of singles as the generations went by. No meaning in life for them. Except to "save the world" by becoming part of the whole zero carbon scam and other scams.

For those people who still have kids, they need help. Many grandparents in retirement now leave their communities to be with their kids/grandkids. Many grandparents do childcare for their grandchildren. I know some grandparents who did this but also got the shots and are dead or dying.

Leaving a stable community means you are more likely to listen to propaganda. More likely to become part of the hive mind/psyops. Breaking up stable family relationships is another part of this. Getting rid of the elders means getting rid of those who remember "before." There is deep-rooted generational stability if you have the very old around you when you are a child. I think this is partly the vibe JD Vance was positioned to portray. He's just a regular "down home" guy (not). Not like those Washington elitists or even rich man Trump. (Forget that he's rich, too).

People are less likely to resist when they rely on the state or the media or the internet or AI for "community." When I hear people talk about "online communities" I want to retch. It's not the same, it's not the same. And previously we had TV "Friends" and series that also felt like a community, especially when everyone around you talked about each episode. It's not the same, it's not the same. I suspect that many of the ones who see the game are non-TV watchers. Though the internet is another tangle bringing in the "alternative team(s).

If you are rootless, you are at risk. The zombies around us who won't listen to a bit of this are anxious, so they won't listen and can't process this information. These are people in our families or our neighbors. Not really just anxious, scared shitless. But they don't know why or how. So they pop pills.

If you are thinking of moving for safety, yes they have planned for that, too. Unless you are a scorpion, then you can ride it out in the comfort of your bunker.

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Today, I obtained my Grandfather's military papers on the day he signed up in 1900 for the Royal Garrison Artillery . One question was "Are you vaccinated and are you willing to be vaccinated?" The reply was "Yes" He was born in India, in 1888, in a bullock cart as were his 4 brothers who all led long, hard lives. They believed in the Empire, the King and stood for the National Anthem when it was played on the wireless. Nothing new, just a different regime to happily obey.

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I am astounded that what you put together here aligns perfectly with what those of us who have lived long enough have observed for decades, but didn't know it was planned. At least I didn't.

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Just call me Eleven.

This was an excellent side by side comparison of Day Tapes and Agenda (insert year here).

The common themes running from the sixties to now are stark and undeniable.

What i wouldnt give to go down the street and ask my best friend to "tell that story about the golf outing again" I woke up crying.

God forgive me the hatred I feel is chilling.

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A brilliant if not scary explanation and analysis. You have made their odious plans more navigable than anything else I’ve ever seen or read.

If this research doesn’t make people feel threatened by what’s coming down the tracks then I don’t know what will.

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The circulating stench emanating from the fetid cesspool known as the United Nations could well be referred to as a Noo Whirled Odor:).

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A tour de force of connected dots. Unless someone reads beyond the chapter heading it all sounds so reasonable. But we have ample evidence their reasoning is not in your best interest.

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Dear Sage, you have outdone yourself on this one, especially in sticking to language people can understand as most have to be busy just getting by and do not have the down time to think through the 'issues' at hand, it is concise enough, clear enough, professionally done for anyone who is still a human being with the slightest sliver of survival instinct left in them to feel and resonate with this 'stuff'. However, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. This one is a piece of art.

The level of deception is the 'issue' as far as being able to or allowing yourself to see and feel and resonate with reality. I do like the interview on Geopolitics and Empire by Hvroje with Jobst Landgrebe as the latter puts a nice positive, for humanity, twist on what tech is and is not, I mean I've also got to hang onto that sliver of hopium left, go ahead have a chuckle on my naive part, don't forget that the minders have blinders, Grüß Gott!

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