I agree with everything you said, BUT, I wouldn't totally discount the possibility of aliens.

I think you're saying the problem is when aliens are used to avoid culpability. Humans are perfectly capable all on their own of being responsible for the evil we see, and we shouldn't push it off onto unseen, unaccountable, unstoppable entities. These bastards need to face justice for what they've done, aliens help us. 😁

I just had a flash realization of how little I'll be missed when I'm gone---What happened to Lipid-nano Corndog? I know he was battling both cancer and heart issues. I hope he's ok.

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I was not aware of his health situation. Miss his comments and humor. Hope he ok. 🤢

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Didn’t know about LNC. I hope he’s OK

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I've wanted to ask after LnC many times in the past many months, but figured there probably wouldn't be an answer.

Like we're not supposed to get too personal or attached "online".


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Are you an alien denier? Your social credit score will now be cut by 30% and your bank account cut in half and you can now buy no food except for billy g's Kricket's and Bits. And forget about heat this winter, unless you can find an alien to cuddle up with.

Ever notice that in any story involving REAL aliens, they always have human characteristics? That is because no one has a clue as to what a real alien would look like or act like. That is unless they were human and God wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

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Good point. But God doesn’t make mistakes…..

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This is a tautology and cannot be meaningfully discussed.

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Me learn new word. (Tautology) !! Always enjoy updating the ole memory bank. What's left of it. 🤣🤣

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Not over Doritos.

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It is important to understand that God *could* make mistakes: if God said: 2+2=5, that would be a mistake, more generally, a false assertion.

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At this point if it turned out the dungeon masters were all alien hybrids I probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid. It doesn’t change the overall trajectory of this shit show in the slightest. If I learned anything from this place it’s that… NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE YOU… act accordingly.

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It's not the insane cartoon characters that scare me.

It's the nice proper Doctor pushing the siRNA.

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My former doctor and neighbor, father of two lovely girls, devoted husband, pillar of the community.

Still jabbing.

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The nice proper doctor, injecting poison not into you, but into themselves and their own family.

It's this that still makes my head swim sometimes.

I know one who, after their 5th shot, developed terrible headaches for a week and could only surmise they'd 'caught a bug'. Still alive, but I'm waiting.......

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Just another misdirection I'm afraid. 🤔🤔

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For me it’s this:

“ You never win the middle by softening your message.

The middle goes with who they think is going to win.

Lesson Learned:

You fight the most extreme elements of your opposition the same as you fight against the more moderate elements among them.

To The Death.

You don’t muddle the message to the middle.

The middle goes with who they think is going to win.

Theirs is a shallow calculation. So understand that.

You don’t win the middle, unless and until you decisively destroy the most ardent factions of those you oppose with everything you have.”. [Thomas Lewis - https://substack.com/@uselessliberal/note/c-70346282

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If I'm not mistaken that dude is credited with Dowd with writing the Malone Doctrine.

I once told him on MCM's board that I hoped he gets eaten by a shark in HI.

That wasn't very nice of me.

The whole notion of "winning" is still packed smack dab in Sportsball/PoliticalBall /TwoPartyParadigm and vote harder and pretends that the Scorpions are not throwing an elaborate participatory game before they slap a shock collar on you.

I know this is brutal. I letting it rip today.

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I think I belong to the Ripp-on society myself. 🤣🤣

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You go Sage ! Seemed like some wheels were stuck. I know nothing about the dude. All that spelled out is true herd dynamics, wanting or not. Choices made, conscious, unconscious, but there goes the herd flinging itself off the cliff.

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...and no more IRS!...and what did I just say a minute ago? doesn't matter, doesn't matter. I'm a christian. I ain't no christian... yeah, whatever.... jan 6 detainees? who? what? maybe I'll pardon hunter. fire jack smith, arrest fauci day 1. omg! too retarded for words

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Controlled OppositionS. All for the Big Game Show. Players are Owned and will say anything.

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Maybe we're all aliens, two main differences.

Service to self. Service to others.

Psst the Grey's are us from a now alternate future, a very cruel transhuman future. Very ugly.

Just saying.

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I do not personally believe in aliens. I assume Tucker is just doing what he is paid to do which is keep the populace confused. I do, however, believe that people are basically evil, bad, mean. it's in their nature. They are not always bad. They occasionally do things that are nice or helpful. But most of the time they are in it for themselves and they calculate what is in it for them. They don't even think about it most of the time. It just comes naturally. And those aren't the ones who are setting out to do and be evil like murderers and thieves. Just the average person, including myself. We just naturally do evil. We think evil thoughts. We feel hate for others. I know I do. I feel hatred for politicians and for liberals and for my literal neighbors who are lefties. If they came to my door with a need I think thoughts of saying to them, " You're Harris backers, right? Go ask Kabala to help you." When I get behind the wheel of my car I am quick to want to obliterate someone who does some move that threatens me as I drive along. We are evil.

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The inevitable off-ramp into a paradigm that is all a certain cohort has ever known.

Batman vs. Superman.

Pro Wrestling Faces and Heels.


The other assumed paradigm which is apparently quicksand to get out of.

Tucker was already wealthy.

Do you really think that he is motivated by a paycheck?

Honest query.

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Tucker was groomed from birth.

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I think that no matter how much money the rich have, they always want more. Some poor people, because they have never known wealth, are not that worried about having lots. They are really rather free-spenders. not careful with their money. I know because I have lived among them and am related to some of them. Most rich and certainly the super rich seem to never, never have enough. They'll do whatever it takes to get more. They don't factor in that their life is short and at their death they will have nothing. I suppose many get great thrills from having massive amount of money roll into them. But now it's not even money. It's 1s and 0s or it's worthless fiat pieces of paper that have no value. Life is so full of lies.

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Crimes in poor hoods align with different line-items, but none the less, are in the charts of evil. Running on a smaller scale, affecting fewer people. Pocket thefts vs usury. If they knew how to pull off a bigger scam, would they do it?

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You are not evil for self preservation and being angry about what we've gone thru, and worries about more being done to us, if things aren't changed. We are Not born in sin. That's just an age old propaganda to control you.

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“We are evil”. But surely - if you focused on it - you could rattle off a list of ‘good’ things you freely do on a daily basis. Reaping emotional rewards. How is that balance (?) may be worth some reflection.

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SH: Being nice is the first and necessary step in any confidence game.

A confidence game means garner confidence.

Me: I like this subject and wanna riff again. This is the tip of a dangerous iceberg that is not always thought to be dangerous. Notice the trust/confidence/secret personal relationships causing today's social problems. I give a definition of confidence below.

confidence (ˈkɒnfɪdəns)


1. a feeling of trust in a person or thing: I have confidence in his abilities.

2. belief in one's own abilities; self-assurance

3. trust or a trustful relationship: take me into your confidence.

4. something confided or entrusted; secret

5. in confidence as a secret

More to learn link if desired: https://quotesanity.com/trust-is-earned-quotes/

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the evidence trail leads back to some 4,000 yr old clay tablets, where the evidence is pretty clear. Sumeria. The fertile crescent. Pre-biblical. All the sky fairy stories make sense when you realize they are basically bad repackaging and rebranding efforts with various agendas overlayed on top. But the OG truth is right there, out in the open. Space Aliens. Or Interdimensional entities. Pick your lane. Either way, they are not us, they came from somewhere else. Not Kansas. They are generally very hostile and treat humans like breeding stock for a slave class, that they occasionally cook up and eat. Nephilim, Archons. Clif High is a good source (if you can read through the noise) he does an excellent job of tracing Judaic death cult to the trauma of being genetic rejects cast off by the nephilim in an early breeding experiment that has resulted in the current raging psychosis of a particularly special little tribe.

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The Fifth Kind

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Is Trump an alien?

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By "alien", do you mean:

Perfectly human person with narcissistic tendencies fueled from genetics and childhood trauma who was co-opted at a very young age by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and Israeli mob and maneuvered into position to become a celebrity and political figure/pro wrestler.

One who will say anything to anybody as needed for his bosses and is remarkably useful to keep motivated reasoners of all stripes in a cul de sac prison?


If so, the verdict is: ALIEN.

"You're fired."

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I have a hard time according him such high status...more like mutant humanzee perhaps?

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A throwback?

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yes...kind of a base man with that universal appeal we've been taught to admire...travis kelce, anyone?

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Safe and effective. 👊

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I think I hear Joan Jett in the background. 🎵 you're a heartbreaker!!🎵

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Genetics…… 🤔

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Is Zage an alien?

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Is la Bamba Sayanim?

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quarter, afaik

father was half

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Should The Sky Fairy want this...

Tough decisions must be made.

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Well....I saw a video taking about how Eisenhower met with beautiful tall nordic looking pliaedians FIRST, and refused their offers of help in Not destroying the world with war technology, and wanting to let earthlings KNOW about them and their offers. But Eisenhower rejected their plan, and Instead, later on, went with "the Greys" to get More technology for war and 'sech', in exchange for them to experiment on us! BUT they had to provide a LIST of the people they ABDUCTED to the Majestic Twelve, promise not to hurt them, and return back, with no memory of the abduction. So yeah, sounds about right. There are pictures of the Plaedians spacecraft on a tarmac, with Eisenhower's plane parked nearby, and Lots of scientific and military personally in attendance.

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I've noticed it's one of the very few targets you haven't shoot at yet.

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Zage is a construct.

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Who are you and what have you done with Flurm?

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I’m here.

And for the record I also didn’t unsubscribe


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Have you never wondered what’s under that orange -uh- topping?

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This is why french cuisine (or cooking at all) exists. Transform those living things into some strange object like a bowl of 'beef bourguignon'. I defy you to find beef bourguignon in the wild. So when your father or cousin our friend is chowing down, and you glance over, you don't have to remember all the killing involved to get there. And that we are all violent animals.

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Sage, spend a little time with Ethical Skeptic on Substack & X.

Go down through the comments on the theory of crustal displacement.

We, humanity, have apparently been a "food source" on many levels for something/someone nasty. "Archons," or whatever. And held enslavement. So it's time for us to unilaterally say "NO!"

Which we can. We just need to believe in our Free Will Universe & a an Intelligent Universe...and our own intrinsic power.

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Katherine spend a little more time with a loaded gun pointed at your face.

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oh dear

surprise ! It's FridgeHanna! haha

just kidding. Not

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WOW! Sage, such a lover you are! Lol! I can feel that sweet, compassionate intelligence percolating all through cyberspace!!

PS- Spend some f'ing time with the thinking of people like- Ethical Skeptic, Arkmedic, El Gato Malo, Jessica Rose, Toby Rogers, A Midwestern Doctor, Ardy Sixkiller Clark, John Mack, Danny Sheehan, Karl Nell, Jim Garrison, (the New Paradigm Institute,) David Grusch, etc., & you might find a little bit more moral compass & thoughtfulness than is currently being exhibited in your repertoire....on more than one topic. ; ))

Blessings, Sage, it seems you need them!

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Blessings to you too!

You might find that I don't give a fuck who you read.

So take your compass and shove it up your ass.

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Yes, it is very apparent what force is jammed up yours, lol! ; ))

Blessings Sage, you need 'em more than most.

Another recommendation on the whole Service to Self reality- they cannot graduate past a certain level, but will simple dissolve into the background energy of our conscious universe. So there is that. And, again, Ethical Skeptic might help that hole in your chest a bit; you might want to reconsider my recommendations.

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Please reconsider my suggestion that you go shoot yourself in the face in front of the fridge and make a colorful collage!


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Ethical Skeptic was naval officer of intelligence if I remember correctly.

It's a tradition in the navy to tell people about UFOs and shit. Anything goes to redirect the attention from the Gub'mint.

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really? agent of eternal wow...

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agent of eternal diplomatic wow..

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it does feel like 'they're' terraforming the planet to better suit their species. Poisoning the air, water and soil. Phil Schneider (Google him) told a gnarly story of encountering some creatures inside the earth while drilling the military DUMBS and there was apparently a big kerfuffle with high intensity laser weaponry and many in his unit were killed and he lost his arm. He spoke about it at length for awhile a few years back and then found himself dead. Just sayin'-

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Why didn't Peloton come with an alternator, a dynamo and a battery?

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These are the real questions!

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You wanna pay an extra $2,000?

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I need a Smart Peleton that can access by body's electrical system and not only track my heart rate but kill me if I venture into WrongThink.

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"From the Nodding Donkey to the Peloton Skeleton"... The history of Western bi/tri/poly-cycling and one/two wheel/s good, four wheels bad, personal FITbitness and responsible technocracy by Red 'Roid' Fukoffski... Get peddling!

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dinner and a show

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Since I don't want a gerbil wheel in the first place... No. Although I think your pricing high for said components.

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I would prefer that they just go full alien psy-op. I feel it would make it easier for us to say, Hey can you see how insane they are now?! At least a few more people might wake up when that happens. Maybe. I want to believe.

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Yes, meebeee….. there are a few things though that don’t fit the “We all M👁nsters” bill. Though most humans can go a long way there under pressure or emotional flight. Such as cannibalism and murdering. Maybe it’s all in ‘socializing’ the monsters, and we are born bloodthirsty and ruthless and are held only in check by early childhood ‘defusing’ while we gnash our little jagged baby teeth. Maybe parents forgot the proper recipe…. And maybe deep under I’ve always been lusting to adorn myself with a belt fashioned from my neighbour’s entrails. I dare say tho’ it’s not in my stars. Who knows, maybe, had I been raised in North Africa. History shows otherwise or we’d have a lot more Mengeles, Green River Killers, Epsteins, and stoning was a daily past-time in the hood. I haven’t read the volumes of psychoanalytical books undoubtedly written about it, but life experience tells me that painting whole nationalities with racial sin is a psyop - although there isn’t a culture lacking crime and policing measures. It’s a matter of degree and I’ll be the first to say I’ve always felt safer roaming in the wild with beasts, than in a city. I am pointing to the hieroglyphs depicting what looks like space ships, old texts and archeologic digs uncovering bones of giants. I don’t trust any of it until I can see it with my own eyes. But until then, I can’t completely discount it either.

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Jagged Baby Teeth Gnashing Productions


Anybody who has been attacked by a mob of children as a child will have zero trouble sorting out the Alien question.

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Oct 25Edited


Weekly World News.


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No doubt. Pull up your chair in the chicken coop. But even there you have degrees of individual boundaries.

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Oh noes! I think I lost my unsubscribe button!

At least I'll hear about the alien invasion here first.

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Evil or bad is not the binary opposite of good (a false dialectic). It is the absence of good. There is a difference and it is offset by teaching and developing good (which cannot be done nowadays because it discriminates).

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Anyone else here getting lost?

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