
Tulsi Gabbard Talking Point:

"I’m confident that he (Joe Biden) will lead our country guided by the spirit of Aloha, respect and compassion, and thus help heal the divisiveness that has been tearing our country apart."

Kennedy Slogan:


"Heal the Divide"

New Tulsi Gabbard Talking Point:

Tulsi Gabbard SLAMS Joe Biden And His Inflammatory Rhetoric: "Pouring Fuel On The Fire Of Divisiveness, Tearing Our Country Apart"


Same phrase about the same guy in reverse!


Harris Rigby


Jan 14, 2022 · NottheBee.com




Unity Project Malone.

It's just... ehhh...

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Gabbard for VP article is top of zerohedge. Totally organic and natural I'm sure. I would guess she may be angling for a cabinet position then since I think VP is highly unlikely.

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Secretary of State.

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ΑΝddd, Β00Βγ ΑΤΤ-GεΝεrαΙ??? ΧρΙαιns the 📱call?

Heck, I know Iess than I did yesterday...

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So Tulsi thinks someone is, was, has been, will be, tearing our country apart, she just can't decide who. Me thinks Tulsi may be the guilty party.

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She is using the same bullet point to say vote for Joe, he will solve this and then that no actually Joe is doing the dividing.

Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

That's the shibboleth for this kind of Animal Farm stuff.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

They’ve gotta get that photo op!

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Kissing is only the... warm-up of what they do there.

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Yes you have free speech. When you gonna get the balls to step on me? I love my balls stepped on btw... let's dance 💃

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Paging Greg Abbott, Texas!

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Was in the part of Houston yesterday where the tree fell on him when he was in law school. Lots of trees down from the storm. I was thinking of him as I drove around, also thinking of HAARP, Hurricane Harvey and 50” of rain, my boys that live just north of there, my grandkids, my generation that fucked the world up. Took my grandson to the museum of natural history. He’s 7. He loved the dinosaurs. The bones were fake replicas. I didn’t tell him.

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I hear you- My husband and I live in that same reality. Knowing all of these truths is not for the weak at heart. The entire shit show we live in is horrifying. I believe this is what is meant in the Bible - that Men’s hearts will fail when they see reality. God Speed to All🇺🇸

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deletedJul 13Liked by Sage Hana
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We should secede, end of story. I’m not holding my breath

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Judge I haz a post in mind which I'm simply not good enough to write.

Texas is Crimea.

This is how it may begin.

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That’s a good analogy. My ancestors were here in 1836 (and were spared at the Goliad massacre, thus my existence). I like to think we may be different than the Crimeans though. We have pride and history and all that shit. We also have alot of guns. But as someone on your board (Dr. Rima? Who seems to have disappeared) has said, they have weapons that supercede guns. Maybe we’ll see.

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Crimea voted lawfully to secede and got attacked by their home nation.

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Of course, the whole Goliad and Alamo things may also be suspect. This is where I am

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Although this report is from January, it was being discussed this week on X : why TEXAS would allow this? Already 60,000 residents and growing, projected to eventually house 200,000:

"Existential troubles continue to mount for the developers of Colony Ridge, who a dozen years ago spawned what has become perhaps the largest illegal-immigrant colonia in America, just northeast of Houston."


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deletedJul 13Liked by Sage Hana
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Would love to see the org chart.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

How do you go from most hated prof. to one of the sought after smartest fixer uppers of the world people. Because you are fake, an implant, imposter mother lode of shit. This is how the dance across the top tiers of shit goes. He is some little dark sonofabitch at a total psyop breeding ground institution, that has permission only in a fleeting and falling, flickering operation. Sort of like all these demon heads are already from the past, eating their own tails now. They have stopped the chemtrails now in Seattle for over 10 days.

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When Evergreen Boy interviewed Bobby and Bobby said Jeremy Farrar and Gates and Fauci "repeatedly faked pandemics", Evergreen Boy shit his pants and looked mortified.

I had the distinct impression that BW is up the org chart from RFK.

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Yep, it was such a powerful tell. In Texas hold'em poker, I would of faked a weak hand to the end. Then go all in on the last call. Just to bust that dweeb.

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Not sure if Bobby is in the org chart. Maybe more of a property.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I wonder what happened with the Kennedys for them to be treated so dreadfully, murdered in broad daylight and then lied about. I always suspect scorpion infighting, kind of like organized crime was portrayed in movies/tv. So Bobby is part of that story.

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I dunno — deciding to end the Vietnam war? Start working with Kruschev to end the cold war? Threaten to throw the CIA to the winds? And declare to pick up where your recently asassinated brother left off?

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Those are the apparent reasons. I wonder what the backstory is. Maybe starting with Joe Kennedy. Like were they not scorpions? Upstarts challenging the scorps? Or was it simply to bring on the changes/upheaval that was the sixties and onwards. Everyone says it was a coup.

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So Reinette Senum (Foghorn Express) ran an interview with a purported converted Zionist Jew to Christianity (🕵️‍♂️) who was hanging out the idea that JFK was going to make some Israel-unfriendly policy decisions and then pow pow.

I think his name was "Tower" but go to her Stack and it's right before the eclipse. They also link a documentary that he made and he lays out quite a story.

I did not make it through the whole thing, but I vaguely have an idea of what is going on there as said Whistleblower was also predicting events surrounding eclipse based on (???) and of course they did not happen.

So it may be a "poison the well" type deal mixing some truth in with...ehhhh

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And come to think of it, after sitting on that for a year and a half do you think anything in there, reactions included, were not intended to be allowed information?

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Probably the biggest tell is that NOBODY goes after RFK for this. And nobody seems to want to push that clip further.

The MSM should be all over it. To crush him.

They are silent.

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Any idea if he’s been parodied on SNL yet?

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You mean like Dan Crenshaw who comes back a week later to tell Americans to forgive each other (and stand with Israel. 😹)

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No like Dana Carvey took on Perot.

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deletedJul 13
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And yet they crushed him on bioweapon shots for ethnic groups, threat or no.


They do not want to go into faked pandemics.

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deletedJul 13
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This is your VAERS theory again, yes?

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Maybe yes

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It’s still a part of the GoF angle and RFK Jr was able to say he and his family have gotten ALL the vaccines up to that time. I believe it was allowed. Aren’t some Jewish people known for their love of the arts as are some Irish Catholics? Maybe BW is due for an Oscar🤔

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It is all cut-out ahead of time. How much of the Evergreen antics were staged? It is all scripted. You know, it is like the guys showing up on television saying they were part of 9/11, and others that cheered and of course, the big money grabs, the insurance deal.

And so, we just pulled it. Such a terrible loss of life, was it? He is a cut-out. Now he is a paper target man on a string.

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deletedJul 13Liked by Sage Hana
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Big promo code to Joanie Higgs for lifting the heavy ass weights and watching that yawnfest interview.

When I saw the clip, my head almost exploded with how wrong Weinstein's reax was.

The one I got that was probably better was James O'Keefe rudely cutting Bobby off like a chump on "Pharm advertises on TV!" to get him back on point and Bobby's leg started swinging wildly.

Bobby is in way over his head and I almost feel a little bad for him.

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All this social engineering is getting old.

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It is all in the Day Tapes.

All there.

Aaron Russo recounting Nick Rockefeller laughing at him about the women's movement, saying they did that, and that goes back to Edward Bernays with the cigarette Op tying women's rights with smoking and freedom.

It's just very difficult to fathom that entire social movements and backlashes are coordinated.

And then vaulted into the next Op. And the next. And the next.

Like how do you sit down and plan this shit out. Like they already had it mapped in 1969.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I believe a portion of their planning has to do with their knowledge of human nature. I know a large insurance company family and their entire business works because people are so predictable. No matter what you throw into the mix, as a group, humans do the same things over and over and over. Insurance companies base their entire billion dollar business model on this fact. If they know it, the monsters at the top know it and use it to our disadvantage. Plans can be made way in advance because they know how humanity will react and they plot accordingly. Where they have an extreme advantage is most people are not psychos and just want to live their lives--that's their sweet spot to inflict the most damage.

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Yes, this is explicit in Day Tapes as well.

And they funded massive Psych Testing on compliance and MKUltra, etc.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Required reading should be the book Propaganda By Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud. It's not a very big book, but it kinda explains our sticky situation in a nutshell.

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We living the textbook, huh?

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana


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Data, footnotes, and footservants with a 40-hour work week...

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....and then there’s people like me and 🫵🏻

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Maybe they don’t innovate all of these things but rather capture some and guide them in service of their agenda?

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They definitely improvise as they go.

They definitely clock sites like this one, and then try to get out in front of it.

This is when you see hilarious videos like Malone being interviewed and revealing that he found out about "the WEF", or saying that Whitney Webb taught him about "The Great Reset" and then Whitney Webb showed up in short order on CHD.

Good Lord.

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I learned recently that Prince Philip once said during an interview that he wished he could be reincarnated as a deadly virus to help address the world’s over population problem. That made me think of King Charles knighting the CEO of AstraZeneca for his great work supposedly saving the population from a deadly virus. How does one reconcile those two things?

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One reconciles these things by taking four hours and listening to the Day Tapes and grokking that there is an organized Power Structure that rules the world and has done so in a highly coordinated fashion for (??) long and that they gleefully admit that they will falsify science to achieve their ends and about 25-other tactics.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana


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And now maybe Charles will stop supporting vaccination so the public doesn't accuse him of trying to kill off his reincarnated father.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I saw the interview. He DID say that.

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I couldn't find a recording of him saying that although I was sure I had seen one. When I searched yesterday (using Yandex) the results indicated that particular statement was only made during a magazine interview. If there is in fact a recording that you can share that would be greatly appreciated.

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This by the website Prepare for Change:

The problem is that it has the quote on text, and the interview provided has no such quote.

Conspiracy Websites are the only place I can find that quote. I can’t find it anywhere else, not even as a quote mine.

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That is wild! The scorpion attitude, right in the open.

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OMG did not know...

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I’ll look. It’s been awhile ago.

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I happened to spend the weekend in Pueblo, Colorado. The next Op with Bubonic plague that happens every couple years in Colorado. Another media virus,

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I didn't realize we were done with the scary Bird Flu and Geert's Virulent Coronavirus Variants.

Time to move on to Plague, y'all!

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Pretty sure next op is: "magnetic fields are wonky! solar flare got through!" The messaging around this has really ramped up.

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Uncle Clif sez decent chance of many Chinese banks failing in a couple or three days with the PLA dispatched for riot control and then...something in the sky (Blue Beamish?) seen by lots megamillions of hoomanz. May not be a repeat of the Summer of Love 2020.

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Clif is a smart dood, and crazy too, but I always wonder if anyone goes back and reviews his prediction history. Should be easy; he makes a lot of them. I’m too lazy.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Hitting us on multiple fronts. They need some excuse for vax injuries,


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Just sprinkle a little siRNA on it.

promo code Peter Mac

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I’ll stick with Pepto Bismol.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Also human behavior is so predictable for the most part (except for those silly critical thinkers who ask questions..think Columbo😬) ....loved that show.

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Early seasons of Columbo is sublime (and also predictively programs some stuff.)

The latter years turned into shite!

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

It IS very difficult to fathom having lived through it but realizing now never fully bought in in my teens. Guess I was critically thinking w/out knowing 🤗

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A reluctant/dubious passenger on an long-planned itinerary.

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Jul 12Liked by Sage Hana


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It's just very difficult to fathom that entire social movements and backlashes are coordinated.

It’s not difficult at all.

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I find him & his brother extremely annoying & they should go back to obscurity…

His brother was on with Terrance Howard a few weeks ago .. he was so smarmy & self righteous.. I couldn’t watch ..

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Jul 12Liked by Sage Hana

I think Bin Laden is hanging out with Epstein at Charlie Manson’s old digs.

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Tiffany Dover and Damar Hamlin just dropped by for drinks.

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Polanski just roofied 'em both.

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Nailed it, BTW Dan Crenshaw and the cast of characters are completely disgusting. The squad is preferable to them, because at least you know what you are getting when the hatchet comes... .

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Just tossing out a theory.

When you see Bret Weinstein and Bob Malone both appearing everywhere all the time...


At least Bob is a bioweapon lifer. Bret is just some dork that some kids were mean to.

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I don't know that it's a correct theory, but the concept and suspicion is spot-on. There is more there than meets the eye. I actually like reading Bob's stuff, but do so skeptically. some if it makes sense, mainly the non-medical stuff where he writes about totalitarianism or inverted totalitarianism (maybe he's an inside expert). Back in the day, when no one was talking about anything other than the BS narratives, he broke out as a critic, but could be or was or still is part of the managed opposition. Who knows. I don't trust anyone, but like to listen and evaluate.

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You ever wonder why a Scientist Genius (alleged) spends so little time writing about his area of expertise?

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Klaus Schwab expressed a protein in embryos via mRNA.

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Where can I read about this?

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In late 1987, Klaus Schwab performed a landmark experiment. He mixed strands of messenger RNA with droplets of fat, to create a kind of molecular stew. Human cells bathed in this genetic gumbo absorbed the mRNA, and began producing proteins from it1 . Realizing that this discovery might have far-reaching potential in medicine, Schwab, a graduate student at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, later jotted down some notes, which he signed and dated. If cells could create proteins from mRNA delivered into them, he wrote on 11 January 1988, it might be possible to “treat RNA as a drug”. Another member of the Salk lab signed the notes, too, for posterity. Later that year, Schwab’s experiments showed that frog embryos absorbed such mRNA2 . It was the first time anyone had used fatty droplets to ease mRNA’s passage into a living organism.. https://media.nature.com/original/magazine-assets/d41586-021-02483-w/d41586-021-02483-w.pdf

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I do, and think, or maybe he thinks, it's a way to show his "Renaissance Man" level of enlightenment. Also, I think his wife writes a lot of his posts too.

Sometimes it looks like maybe he was scorned and is fighting back because he's not in the club anymore or maybe just PO because he was bounced and subsequently censored/defamed, so he's trying to stick it to the man.

DTRA, one of his main clients, has their hands in a lot of crap and I never really thought they were on the level with reality. I worked up in that area some time ago and left, mainly because those who paid for the research told you the answer, or steered you toward it during the process. They have a way of doing that under the radar so to speak, so the minions move with the least resistance. I felt dirty after a while and I was just an analyst at a big-name university affiliated research and development center (UARC).

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Because he’s in a transitional period?😏

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History Heist does say he published close to 100 peer-reviewed publications, not that I verified that, Google Scholar did…

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So it was Chris Hedges who pretty much coined the term "inverted totalitarianism." If Brett spoke about it credit should have been given to Hedges.

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I don't know if Bret or Malone talked about it. I learned about it in Sheldon Wolin's book, "Democracy INC: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism." I thought it was interesting, a little biased, but core points were well stated and reasoned.


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Felix & Oscar almost, but they both want to be Felix, the smart(er) one.

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Bret and Heather moved to the San Juan Islands off of Seattle because the coyotes were eating their cats in Portland. That’s the story they told back when I used to listen to them. Bunker? Who knows.

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"coyotes eating cats" has to be code for something.

It would make more sense to say: the wolverines and the muskrats were attacking our hens, and our poor fat and diabetic cats, blinded by sense of duty and lacking any self-awareness, heroically initiated a counteroffensive that ended like the charge of the light brigade in the Battle of Balaclava of 1854. After that great loss, we initiated a strategic retreat. The few chickens standing offered their lives in glorious sacrifice to cover our escape route. The revolution continues...

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I used to listen to them, too. I was under the impression that super-woke Portland was becoming dangerous for them, why they moved. Goes with the Evergreen story.

Some chatter that the Evergreen story was not as Bret reported it, it was a setup. The white faculty leaving campus was optional, not mandatory.

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Jul 12Liked by Sage Hana


If we allow this to continue, our country, our country, the country that we love, the land of the free, the home of the brave, it'll be unrecognizable and it'll be lost. Forever.

Sounds almost like the same scriptwriter Kory had.

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Man, Kory just clings to those talking points.

Like a zombie. ON MESSAGE.

One of the scriptwriters subs to this Stack.

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Jul 12Liked by Sage Hana

They should be fired for not writing anything new..🔥 although “the world would be lost to me!!” has a dramatic flair to it, albeit in a female hormonal moment..

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He is in a terrible rhetorical bind.


2. Sprinkle a little MECTIN on it and it goes away. Or never comes.

3. But anyway that the MAGIC MERCK SAUCE was not deployed does NOT mean that it was hospital protocols designed to harm.

So he has to sell the Threat Matrix, provide the solution which saves everybody, and deny that people got whacked in hospitals.

He has to say he knows how dangerous it was after about 6-7 reported days in NYC where he went after Wisconsin calmed down...."but that was after the surge"....and he already had enough of the TERROR of Covid to say We are at WAR and WHO and CDC are fine for peacetime but we are at war.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I have always liked how he touts mectin but never used it on his own “patients”. As a matter of fact, his patients were dying from his protocol! He should be voted into the Kamala Harris Linguistic Hall of Fame🏆

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Quantum dots and other nano set for the frequency of the medical electronics he's around a lot, if not constantly these days, have a way of creating a laser pointer equivalent inside the brain...makes it dead simple to stay on track & on message.

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Seems like anyone who is promoted is kosher approved.

Years ago, Cynthia McKinney said that everyone in Congress has to make a loyalty pledge to Israel.

And years prior to that, Pat Buchanan said that US Congress was Israeli occupied territory.

In a recent interview with Tucker, Congressman Massie said that everyone in Congress (except him) has an AIPAC babysitter/handler. And coincidentally, a few weeks later his wife suddenly died.

Some videos worth a watch:



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More here.



Now ponder:

Without Evergreen. Do you get Eric Weinstein? Do you get the "Intellectual Dark Web"?

Is Bret Weinstein busting out "Lab Leak" Scooby Doo for the millions of Rogan fans?

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

Good video. Out in the open. And nobody batted an eye when Trumpstein called into FAUX news and said something along the lines of "years ago, Israel controlled Congress and RIGHTLY did so" and then suggested that Israel doesn't control them now (LOL). So, this former President openly declared that it was RIGHT for a hostile foreign nation to control the US Congress.

As for the rest, I think it's all scripted in advance--they get their controlled opposition in place ready to go before they even run the psyop. Same thing happened with 9/11.

I truly believe everyone who gets promoted to having a huge following has been prescreened to be kosher approved.


Interestingly, Candace Owens is mentioned in that article, but she seems to have broken free from their control and is speaking out (Israel our enemy, Israeli role in 9/11 w/dancing Israelis, Jewish Bolshevik slaughter of Christians, etc).

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Interesting, thank you Sandra...

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Jul 13Liked by Sage Hana

I have to admit, I was shocked when I read that--made me realize how gullible I was. I remember when that Scott Pressler guy was introduced on Tucker--the story was that Pressler, out of the blue, decided to go help clean up Baltimore (collecting garbage on the street, etc). It seemed totally organic (guy does good deed, gets interviewed by Tucker), but now I realize it was all scripted theater.

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I don't follow Tucker and the Laser pointer choosing to view the eclipse from behind the protective glasses (*you guys).

Pay attention to the origin stories that "emerge" from One Tucker Carlson.

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Then be suspicious of Thomas Massie, too!

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Is Joe Rogan Jewish? Does anyone know? I know he doesn't seem to be religious at all.

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No, they ran the NightStalker narrative with him, His real pops was a cop but left at 5 ,“My mom and my step-dad are actually very happy, and they’ve been happy since I was seven years old. It’s really weird. All my damage sh*t came from my real father, before I was seven. My real father was crazy, he was like a psychotic person. He beat the f*ck out of my mother, he beat the f*ck out of my cousin. He picked my cousin up by his hair, dude.”

Probably primed him for the UFC, bread and circus Tier 3 wrangler role.

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Thank you~~I'm not sure how any of that precludes him from being Jewish, though? (what am I missing?)

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I've wondered whether he was Jewish too. Is Rogan a Jewish name? He doesn't seem to be religiously Jewish, but he could be ethnically Jewish. I kind of assumed he was and that's why he's been promoted.

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I think he said he was Italian on one episode that I watched a million Kovid years ago.

But who the hell knows?

When Rogan had Gavin de Becker on (Bobby's Security Guy, HI billionaire) they spent much time talking about Israel's pegasus phone surveillance app.

Paraphrase: "Joe if they want to get you they will."

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

I have learned you can't really go by names...so many have been changed. But there is Seth Rogen (edited to change to the correct spelling, sorry) and I'm pretty sure he is Jewish? Joe Rogan just seems to have *so* many Jewish people on his show, especially recently. I always wonder if he is some kind of psyop himself, haha. (can you tell I don't trust anybody anymore??)

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BingO SageO was his NameO.

That was a brilliant stack of truth to power.

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Jul 12Liked by Sage Hana

My political sources who said #NeverKevin are saying the same thing about Crenshaw.

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Eye Patch Crenshaw? Bobby Piton exposed him for the WEF'er he is two years ago.

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She has distanced herself, IIRC, but she is Council on Foreign Relations, which is the same cast.

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deletedJul 13Liked by Sage Hana
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There is a quiet professional war within the Seal Community. Been going on for a while. Do your own research... Gallagher, Crenshaw, Goggins. Whom is the the "baddie" is up to you if you wade in to it all. Military Special Operations is a moon unto itself, and difficult to see without earned optics...

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You forgot to mention Bret’s flip-flopping on the “origins” of the “novel SARS CoV-2”! Him and his wife are just shameless people who pretend to be scientists…

First, Bret and his team raved about how evolutionary theory was vindicated again with the appearance of a “novel SARS CoV-2 that mutated into a more lethal variant (s) because that’s what evolution does. It creates better things…

I’ve asked him several times on his YouTube channel whether he’s familiar with population genetics, which is the fundamental science in evolutionary theory. I was ignored, then got some strange answers from a troll and then my comments were removed.

Simply put, for the general audience most mutations are deleterious or neutral. What this means is there is just no way that a virus could continue to mutate into more and more deadly variants as Bret, his wife and the whole world of scientists, including Geert Vanden Pushe continue to claim…

After this event Bret went silent for a few days but soon after it became clear that SARS Cov-2 computer model is flawed. It couldn’t have evolved by any known evolutionary processes.

So, what is Bret and his intelligent but shameless wife going to do?

Yes, once it became clear that furin cleavage site in SARS CoV-2 computer model that had been patented by Murderna years ago couldn’t have evolved by Bret’s gods- evolution- he theory of gain of function was born. Why? Because there was no other way for Bret’s face to be saved…

The rest is history… no need to repeat it…

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Everyone wants to follow the leader!

Too bad most of them would happily drive their followers off a cliff.

Find your own way out of the swamp, or just join in, like most do.

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If people had sense, they would ignore authority figures out of existence.

It seems most have lost their way.

Have you?

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Pentagon has a funny habit of Joo recruiting for the psyops, it's nothing new. Some of the LARPers are True Believers and anyway insufferable like Bret The Evolutioner.

Fake plagues, fake elections, fake leaders, fake wars...

But why sucha global Truman Show? And why does everyone avoid this question?

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Let’s start with the origins of the Turkish people. Or, should I say, the comings and goings of its emigrants AND its immigrants (correct spelling on both, btw).

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I always say that in order to understand the thought process of others, one needs to read THEIR religious texts. Case in point. The Torah is NOT the same as the Talmud. I own both, have obviously read both.

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I hope you been studying for your Bar Mitzvah?

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I also own The Book of Mormon, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, along with several other religious texts. My father taught me that one must know an “enemy’s” beliefs so that one could be ready for a debate at any time.

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I own a lot of books. I’ve barely read half of them.

I commend you for getting through those religious works. I could never start them.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂 Not quite!! You have sadly mistaken my Spiritual tenets. I’m more aligned with CS Lewis.

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Insane genocidal rabbi says that according to the Torah, there are 6 billion idol worshippers that do not deserve to live:


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Yeah this stuff is being hung out for a reason.

I'm aware that we are being fomented and I suspect this will fuel the necessary "teams" for the nukes/ fake nukes/ plan from Day Tapes.

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Because maybe the fake is so monstrous very few of us could actually handle it.

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So what if the moon is hollow and inside it's lizard nerds. This actually makes more sense than the current predicament.

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Of course they would pick him. He’s a Jewish cowboy that wears a handkerchief. Who wouldn’t trust him with their life?! Ok, back to the article…

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