Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I stopped reading Igor when he started gently floating the 'there's too many people' line. The 'phrase it as a question, ask for debate' bit is not convincing to me.

Personally, I think the least useful people in society are those who feel they have the moral authority to decide to cull others. They lack the humanity necessary to usefully contribute to society anything other than murderous impulses. We need to protect the rest of humanity from their rapaciousness.

I was just teaching Polybius's cycle of political revolution to my kids and he lays it out exactly: the legitimacy of power is exactly in proportion to its ability to reflect and enact the popular sentiment of justice and good.

Without that, government of any form is a simple tyranny of the powerful. No people will ever consider it just that a tiny group of elite get to cull them for arbitrary reasons with arbitrary justifications. Anyone who proposes such is a tyrant in the making and an enemy of humankind. Everything said to justify it is hot air and tripe.

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Like 👍 very much

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There not the slightest evidence anywhere that “the earth is beyond its carrying capacity”.


Evil people dreamed up this notion & they’ve run with it for most of my life.

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Malthus was obviously and blatantly wrong. Were they starving when they painted caves or built pyramids? This thinking has been a scam from the very start.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, for an AI dod honeypot troll operation, you got a lot of heart. I dig that.

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yeah, it's a problem that I'm working on.

this whole heart thing. 😅

very grateful for you, S...

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“What’s the matter with me is that I care about the babies and the people being culled.”

👆And this is why I love you. I have never found you to be incongruent with exactly that statement.

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"Calm down, victims."

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Calm, not calm. They probably don’t care either way. Just don’t make a scene. Die quietly please. No need to be gauche in front of the Queen.

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Love you tooooooooooooo....❤️

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Anecdotal...but I know someone personally that abruptly miscarried at 4 months (she was very vocally unjabbed) She was 28 at the time and appeared extremely healthy with zero pregnancy complications. BUT her day job was spending 8 hours, 5 days a week around troubled youth, who according to our local paper that was doing a feature on them, were 100% vaccinated.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I ponder this more and more lately. How I might have been proximity vaxxed. Or maybe that monoclonal thing just might have been another chute in the scorpion cattle lot.

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Flurm gets mad on this one.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Me not know. Me just pawn yeti in game of life.

It’s possible.

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I think it's a double tap, yeti.

Of some sort.

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If you think in general terms, this happens quite a lot. Anything a person puts in their body come out their skin and potentially into other bodies. Viagra, chemo, vaxes of all kinds, other meds/supplements. Just relax and think broadly. You'll have a common-sense understanding of how to move through the environment safely. Some of this just happens, some was no doubt planned.

Example: oncology nurses were getting cancers associated w/chemo exposure some yrs ago. They no longer administer the infusions. Now they suit up in hazmat, a machine punctures the bag and administers the chemo. The microscopic airborne particles from the puncture are enough to endanger them over time.

You have most likely come in contact. Assess your state of health and remember that the body has healing potentials that are far-ranging. You may have experienced a dip in your health (I went through some of that personally), but your body has resolved the issues over time.....

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I think about it a lot. Self spreading "vaccines".

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You used monoclonals?

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I did. Had I not I am 100% sure that on Thanksgiving 2022 you’d have found me a grave man. It did what pounds of vitamins, Mectin and HCQ couldn’t. For whatever reason.

Pretty desperate situation.

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Good info, thanks ! Shedding references were in the Pfizer trial documents. It’s getting progressively easier to stay away from the jab fanatics as the gulch of priorities and communication challenges deepens. Congrats on your raft recovery fellow paddler.

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The “contagious vaccination” that they say is “in the works” is already in play for YEARS. This includes acute/tactical weather modification, DEW… everything. Absolute monsters.

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As horrific as that picture of the dead newborn is, it MUST be understood as REAL, and not just some secret little "side effect." So THANK you for posting it Sage.

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"No. The inferior are selected, Sage." By whom? I'll pick the side of "the inferior" any day. I'll pick the side of the soft and stupid, the rejects, the genetically flawed, the naive, the trusting, the burdens, the perpetually poor, the misfits, the elderly and wise, the dying, those who were tricked... any day. I'll pick the soft, stupid humans over the cold and calculated scorpios.

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Me too.


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Me, too.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Sage...so many jabbed can’t handle the truth. One’s encountered, either are completely dismissive 😳 or make up some justifiable excuse!! It’s 🤯!! Reasoning with them is absolutely useless and senseless.

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That ship sailed a long, long time ago.

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They can't be wrong cause they're soooooo INTELLIGENT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Dear Lord, this account made me tear up. Such horrific avoidable loss. As a Christian I shouldn’t wish anyone to go to hell, but I do wish those responsible for this carnage spend eternity in hell. Every last one of them. I don’t know how you nurses continue to do your jobs.

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Thank you for not looking away, and for showing us what you’re not looking away from -- by which I mean the “inferior” dead and wounded, as well as the face of ostensible “superiority.”

Yet you don’t give us despair without counsel, since you also show us Brandon the laborist, who doesn’t look away either and in fact is directly battling the beast’s work.

More of us need to do more looking and more direct battling, face to face. We may lose, but not to fight -- to look away -- is as nihilistic as Cg the cynical craven enemy.

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Do it for the children

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Keep hitting this hard Sage.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

I pray for all who got affected negatively by the jab.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

There are more FastEddys than I thought.

Tell me you’re an ardent eugenicist without telling me you’re an ardent eugenicist.

Fuck this timeline.

It’s about the guppies. All of them.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

Hear Hear! Guppies Rule

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

The perp’s have a very strong corp of social psychologists. They knew, quite certainly, in advance of the vaxx rollout that it would be successful if enough fear was generated. Once they accomplished that they knew they were well on their way to a massive eugenics program. Jmho, of course. I’m sure the next step is already in place. Radiation? A new Scamdemic and corresponding vaxx? Poison in the skytrails? All of the above? A lot of us here understand this and plan to resist and despite our tiny numbers they pay attention to us, probably just to let us know we are being surveilled. They are pretty thorough, clearly. I know one thing, the honest resistors who follow “cg”’ advice and join Tier Two managers can expect the same outcome as the real revolutionaries in 1930’s Russia: show trials and Siberia or just swift execution.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

OK, here we go. I need 7 billion volunteers who for whatever reason are willing to bite the dust. Any takers? Gates is depending upon you, yes you, to allow yourself to be sacrificed for the good of his planet. Come on now, don't be shy. Accept your extermination with a happy heart.

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Jun 27Liked by Sage Hana

True story.

Despite being very aware of and in agreement with early whistleblowers at the start of the jabocide as to the risks and harms, an ex-friend stunned me one day in late 2021 saying he had just been jabbed. Compassionately, my immediate response was: “Is it because it offers a slow suicide?” He had been having a rough time at home, with work etc so I figured this was his out. I followed up with “Is everything OK?” Then he said: “I guess I must be a sheep”. And proceeded to tell me he took his wife and first born to get jabbed too.

It seems billions have acted out of pure, unadulterated mindlessness and selfishness, but hypnotised to believe they did so out of selflessness.

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I have a bucket full of these first hand revelations. 🤔. Been pondering ever since the hotly anticipated goodies arrived in a handbasket. It has to do with congruency and reward, no? Say you had an empty room containing only a table on which you put a small bowl with a few colourful candies. And a group of random people in the adjacent room, where you discuss and provide information to the toxic content of these particular candies. And they all ‘get it’. You then invite them into the candy trap room one at a time, where you discuss how these toxic candies have just hit the consumer market …but are in short supply… and here they are on display. And some sugar crumbs around the bowl suggest that s o m e o n e may have helped themselves. Your buddy stands with his hands in his pockets and laughs about ‘the idiot’. Then you feign an immediate emergency and leave him in an unobserved frame with the candy. By the last turnover the candy bowl is empty. Is this how it works? Is it the consumer-conditioned (toilet paper) score frenzy and instant reward addiction they used to hijack millions of minds? Just curious, because the scripted & super boosted years of endless truth spreading has missed the targets by a miserable long-shot. Even a large contingent we thought we had made progress on. I’d love to know how many pro-jabs were prevented by social ‘truth spreading’ save those fairly opposed in their minds already. I venture the number is dismal. It did though keep thousands of awake stuck on their keyboards designing memes and technical flyers for years. Just questioning the effectiveness of counter warfare when pitching intellect against emotional psy and branded hooks. Are WE learning anything? As we obediently deliver AI with a refinement of psychological analyses on this platform.

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Jun 26Liked by Sage Hana

Well done SH on the cg 🐀.. I got that 💥 and felt repelled…

his ‘us’ group is gonna be treacherous, maybe fun for that type … let’s hope he personally embraces his depop cause like a hero.

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I wonder which cosmetic company purchased that fetus to keep the billionaires and celebrities young looking,

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The same people buying the guts from dead Ukrainian soldiers from the battlefield.

It’s a thing. You see, there is this squatter country that has a religion and complimenting laws that forbid organ donation, but…allows organ transplants.

Mothers receive their dead sons with organs and eyes removed.

It is in their ‘enlistment’ contract.

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Not dying on that ‘battlefield’ then. Live organs.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

They are pressganged from the streets of Ukraine

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Holy fuck

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ditto 🤢🤮

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Just like MAID in Chinada, Uyghurs and millions of missing children.

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Not only that, they've killed orphaned children or any child they could get their hands on, for organ harvesting. War makes that so convenient, donchaknow.

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You are suitable outraged.

I am too.

While permanent anger isn’t good, I never lose it. Not faintly.

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