Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Sage Hana

Remember alla doze YOOGE red BIOHAZARD BINS all ovah NYC, right as da ting SPIKED!! soze youse could trow away your used MASQUE???

Yeah, neither do I.

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nope not here in Virginia,. Those masks are hanging around parking lots and in mulch gardens, clogging street drains, hanging from small branches on bushes, wound around shopping cart wheels, the wild animals are choking on them, homeless make soup out of them,. sewn together they make attractive bathing suits.

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soup? what kind of soup?

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Mask bisque

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Or Covid Consumme’. Very tasty!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

Zombie branze.

Covid masques.

PCR Swabs.

You DON'T !have to inject it!

We have it NOW!

Broth, Pill, or Suppository form factors.


Free Donut!!!



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I'm working on the death spike. It certainly wasn't a virus. But it does look like a real event.

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I want to know EXACTLY what happened.

Which may never happen as we have Ops and we have True Believer Performance Artists and we have Grifters all muddying the water.

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It's not that difficult for me to understand after researching it. My challenge is explaining it. We know a large amount of people died in hospitals and nursing homes, enough to justify the quantity. The question is why the dramatic, rapid rise and fall in deaths. I think I can answer that, but I want to do it with a good amount of facts and documentation, so it's a bit tedious and time consuming.

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This would fall under the heading of "metadata", but I always always always ask:

What would it look like?

If that large a spike of people perished due to ??? in eleven weeks, and Trump is warning about "freezer trucks full of dead bodies", we would have been treated to grisly shots of full freezer trucks.

Just like we would have seen video after video of a plane mowing the Pentagon lawn and leaving it pristine as it flew at 500mph at ground level into the Pentagon.

When they CAN produce evidence....they DO.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Not always. Sometimes a conspicuous absence of evidence is a power flex. Demoralization at the denial of an obvious fact.

“It was a jet.”

“But the lawn is pristine?!”

“It was a jet. Trust me bro.”

“You are clearly untrustworthy.”

“And? What are you going to do about it? Oh, nothing? Thought so. It was a jet.”

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There's a difference between producing evidence of false alibis and false narratives, and evidence that proves their guilt. Just sayin'

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And where were the interviews with the people who handled all those dead once-persons? Did any have PTSD? Did they get sick from the "virus" from the dead?

Of course if it was the military handling it or not handling it, who knows?

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You are trying to explain something to people who want no explanation. Their imagination and their fear is equal to reality. They are proud panickers.

So don't get discouraged when you hit the wall. Move along and tell the story to others, and you will find the small minority of people who are movable with data.

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And those people, for the most part, already know the truth. I think it’s now diminishing returns as far as opening people’s eyes. Still worth spreading truth.

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“ We know a large amount of people died in hospitals and nursing homes, enough to justify the quantity.”

How do you know this? You assume it because ???

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It's a sad to admit this but murder protocols exist.

They perpetrators brag about it.

Most people cannot believe they are doing this. It's too much.


This is Scott Schara. He's fighting in court because they euthanized his daughter Grace. He's done many videos explaining this. I think he makes a solid case this is real. It makes the blood boil.

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I've written about this and talked to him a few times.

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Maybe… but do you realize how that works in real life?

Protocol, doctors orders, pharmacists check it, nurse has to verify it with another nurse.. call the doctor if something is risky or potentially dangerous…

Signatures, notes, computer records…

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Lots of reporting procedures were suspended. Nursing homes didn't even report large amounts of deaths. Cuomo Executive Order 210.10: https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/EO_202.10.pdf

"health care providers are relieved of recordkeeping requirements to the extent necessary for health care providers to perform tasks as may be necessary to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak."

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Outside the context of the "emergency" hysteria, it's very easy to kill people a pretend it was pneumonia. Opioid drugs depress the ability to breathe. And benzos like midazolam also achieve the same effect.

In old people it's easier: it was her time to die, granny was too old, the infection was severe, blah blah.

In young people it takes probably more drugs to cause liver dysfunction or kidney dysfunction. Then the blood is overwhelmed with the toxicity of drugs that cannot be neutralized and expelled from the body. The murderers can simply say "it was the natural progression of the disease." The phrase "Plausible deniability" falls short in this context.

They just invent symptoms to push drgus that will kill people, and they keep adding a 5th drug, and a 6th one, and maybe it takes 10 different drugs to do a young person in. Like a firing squad: no one can tell which of the 6 or 10 bullets caused the death. The soliders are safe from revenge because of that.

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It happens. I know a woman whose mother was admitted to hospital last year and was basically murdered. She had had a mild stroke and the only difficulty she was having was speech but they said she couldn’t walk unsupervised and was put in ICU with. Foley catheter because it was too much trouble to walk her to the toilet, they failed to giver her her medication, and starved her.

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You nailed it-PROTOCOL. Tell us what the protocol was for someone suspected of having covid when they entered the hospital? Especially if they came in with flu or pneumonia symptoms? Oh, that’s right, we didn’t experience any flu for over a year…again, what was the national PROTOCOL during this time period?

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It is still going on in the nursing homes. I have a friend whose mother has dementia. It’s been a very rough road for her trying to get her mother into an adequate nursing home. She switched them several times. In one of them, she told me how way too many people were dying. And that’s not the only one that she saw like that. The current one appears to have nonsensical protocols, but there is one administrator there who is doing what she can. That’s as good as it gets. The question is how long before the Covid thing was this going on? They slipped into murdering people rather easily, didn’t they?

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Good question. I plan to summarize those sources at some point.

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A good paper, indeed -- and one I shared on the platforms and among the people I've been able to influence when it was published. I think people are finally beginning to see.

With sincerity, and to you only:

I am a hopeless "romantic" (and skeptical optimist, per my graduate advisor), but I believe that you & I will meet face to face someday - if only before the Father, seeing Him with unveiled face, as He is.

I knew you lived in PA but learned only recently that you live in the State College, PA area. (Yes?) I am fascinated by that fact because I worked in that area as a consultant, with SCASD and Hempfield Hills. I loved going there. Some of the best days of my professional life...which effectively ended in 2020.

Does that detail "mean" anything in God's Grand Scheme? I don't know.

I also don't know what this particular Substack is or isn't. But SH said one thing that has stuck: That you and I are unintended consequences (of a corrupt system and tool of The Enemy, in my view). If that's true, then it is by the sovereignty/grace of God alone, and I am humbled and awed by the prospect of having played any very very very small part in His plans to expose and punish evil.

For what it worth, when people have asked me, "What do you think of Katherine Watt?" I have said (in essence), "I think she is the real deal and is not unlike me, as far as I can tell."

But because (like you) I spend time trying to do the Actual Research and advocacy, I can only spend so much time looking at what you've done. What I've been able to take in, I consider excellent and authentic.

FWIW, it was people in PANDA who first asked me about/made me aware of you. It was in a Zoom meeting with a smaller group last year. Someone said you and I seemed a lot alike. After reading a bit, I said, "I think you're right."

I say these things for the record because I'm more aware than ever that each day could be my last. "No man knoweth the day nor the hour." My/your/our days are numbered. :)

So carry on, Katherine. Good people doing what they do best, to the glory of God, can only bring a good result, eventually.

Ephesians 5:6-21


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Why would the alleged pathogen pick only big cities and only in some counties and not others and omit Toronto Canada?

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Because the alleged pathogen could not have been a pathogen in the classical spreading sense.

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A variation on the sutton rule applies.

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Nope, because there would have to be a “bank’ first to rob, right?

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That's where the people and actors and cameras are.

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I don’t think it’s any one thing. They rolled with it a lot. If it looked like they were losing a grip on it? They speed it up.

It’s a high velocity bullshit buffet.

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We also have division and confirmation bias within the Not A Freedom Movement Hangout factory and associated warehouses

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Jun 5·edited Jun 6

Well said. It is more and more apparent that the so-called healthy skepticism of "Jabs Bad", COVID alternative treatments, Kirsch, Kory, RFK, etc., is now becoming more and more indiscreetly aligned with "Jabs Not So Bad". In other words, "Not a Movement" and/or "No Pandemic" is now quite openly morphing into "Jabs Not So Bad" which is very convenient for covering up all the excess deaths from hospital protocols and jabs in the last few years. But the truth still stands, dead bodies do not lie.


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It's very rude to question another person "reality."

The Enemy (TM) exploits this weak spot.

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Oh sure… says the sextuple agent…

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Hmm. These are brave statements

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Why do you say that?

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Implies a degree of certainty I don’t think is possible yet

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Do you deny that a large amount of people were killed in New York in Spring 2020 with ventilators?

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I do not

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Vents were a cover for the drugs and the fraud.

In my humble opinion.

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Charles, thank you for your work and willingness to share. Quick question, do you think the spike protein was introduced in the Fall 2019 flu shot. As I recall reading, there was some legislation signed at that point to green-light upgrading and modernizing vaccines, medications, etc.

Also, have you looked at the Graphene Oxide and 5G frequency angle? Those who have the first, would potentially be much more susceptible to the negative effects of the second, once it’s turned on. It would explain the hypoxia cases at least.

Again, thanks for all of your efforts

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I haven't looked into the flu shots. But if you have a link I'll read it.

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These F-ers all have to pay homage to the narrative or get canceled again, and again, and again. No one has the courage to say the ''pandemic'' was fabricated to build fear to justify the emergency actions. Thier cognitive dissonance may be willful, but in any case they just can't take that step to admit the full truth.

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Jun 5Liked by Sage Hana

i dati italiani fanno SCHIFO !!!!! hanno cambiato più e più volte il modo in cui sono stati rilevati. hanno cambiato più e più volte le cause di morte. non hanno mai fatto una suddivisione per dosi di vaccino. prima morivano tutti di covid. poi sono tutti morti per altre malattie... MAI quella vera !!!! l'italia fa schifo... e lo dico da italiana. mi vergogno di/per loro: per quello che hanno fatto, per quello che hanno detto e soprattutto per il fatto che continuano ... perseverano nel loro modo di pensare, fare ed agire. sono disgustosi !!!!

scusate lo sfogo.♥

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You're right, everything is corrupt to the core.

Everybody in the world is ashamed of their own government; that's a sign of decency.

(By the way, almost everyone here likes rants.)

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Yep. Not unique to Italy, so we’re all in bad company

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Yes, yes and yes indeedy

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Was listening to Uncle Clif High’s recording from May 31 today. He must still be listening to the Darkhorse podcast (I gave it up about a year ago). Clif says some interesting stuff about Bret, that he can’t discern some things because he was circumcised. How about that for a take on Tier Two, Sage?

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More division. Roundheads v Cavaliers

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The people who hang out in the Tier Two Limbo space really are strange. It's one short half step from 'huh! Tier two is sus as shit!' to 'oh...ALLLLLLL of tier two'. But for some reason, certain people take that half step and make all of limbo fit inside it. And it's always the smart people. The people who should know better. Perhaps there are reasons... (:: taps nose twice::)

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Viruses and virology are a clown show...better than Bozo and The Three Stooges. If there ever was to be a deadly virus, millions would be dead before the clown show knew what was happening. And how would the clowns protect themselves while the rest of us were at risk? And if the clowns released a deadly virus how would they track it? If the deadly virus was from nature, how would they track it?

In any instance, how would they control it? By the time they figured out what was happening, millions would be dead and it would take months to make up a fake vaccine (mRNA poison) and test it. Unless they had all this nonsense planned ahead of time and it all fell together like clockwork.

If you fear any virus, as they demand that you do, then go ahead and get a safe and effective injection. Then plan to explain to your family and friends why you acted out of fear and surrendered your life to a bunch of anti-human terrorists.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

What is Jessica Hockett's rationale for cherry-picking a random place (or few places) such as Bergamo, Italy to imply (without saying it directly) that mRNA vaccines are safe and don't cause excess deaths? Why avoid looking at ALL the data worldwide, or at least the data from the ENTIRE Italy which shows catastrophic levels of excess deaths?


And if we aren't supposed to trust the worldwide data then why should we trust the validity of Jessica Hockett's cherry-picked data that at best represents a tiny tiny fraction of the world's population? I am not saying that I have all the answers, but simply that if asking questions is good, then there should be no fear of questions in ANY directions.

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Bergamo was essential. The industry in Northern Italy has many ties with Chinese industry. They said that some Italians often fly to China due to business. So they brought the killer virus, right? And in almost in the center of Europe, where it can radiate and expand freely.

This was part of the Event 201 games. The viral spread starts in big cities with much travel. The ability to travel was also a target of all this.


The case of Madrid was different. I think it was an example of how internal political fights in a country can make an epidemic of disease worse. Which means that countries have to be intervened.

Each place was selected to represent one archetype of risk and one reason to establish a world government.

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yes...the Chinese have been buying the Italian leather companies and sending their workers there (a way to boast that it was genuine Italian leather.) I was working in Sarajevo every 6 wks and noticed hordes of Chinese 'tourists' who looked like they'd never been anywhere. Poorly dressed, fed...hacking, touching everywhere and munching fever control pills so they would be allowed in. Bosnia was a cheap vacation spot for them. My last evening there, I dined w my hosts and their friends who were hospital admins. They had just set up a hush hush isolation ward for their 1st covid patients.... remembering the 1000 Sparrows program of China, as well...

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Agent, do you claim that the deaths in Italy were due to an engineered virus or not?

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No. No virus.

Those who died and were not pretending to be dead, as Italians are known to do very well, were probably killed by some form of poisoning.

This was political and never medical.

An American doctor claimed the other day that the perpetrators had the "Covid vaccine" prepared since 2014. If that's true, 2020 was a year of democide, not of pandemic.

Democracies always produce mountains of skulls.

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I suppose I should have known that you were only advancing the Johns Hopkins Event 201 narratives because it's absurd, and you only wanted to highlight that. The part about China though, that's your contribution to the false narrative, though, isn't it? Or did they also discuss this in Event 201?

And perhaps you could explain why you suspect poisoning in Italy, as opposed to the obvious use of ventilators.

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I don't know why you show hostility to me. We are on the same side. Maybe you have yet to learn to not eat your own.

Four years ago people were saying that the virus was spreading in Italy because of the trips to China. This is the same myth as the idea that illegal immigrants spread communicable diseases, but seen from the other side, of wealthy executives traveling around the globe.

People actually believe these stories because they make sense. Their reasoning is "it makes sense to me because it confirms my fears, therefore it is true." The logic is as bad as that.

I think they needed many people saying they had loss of smell and "a weird flu". Some people claimed they had "a weird flu" in October '19, November, December, or January. One obvious explanation of those claims is that the intelligence agencies told the influencers to say that, and then their follower would repeat that story. And maybe some people actually lost their sense of smell and maybe had a "flu" of some sort simply because of the nocebo effect, or another imitative phenomenon. But it's possible that some sort of toxin was used to make some people sick. I haven't discarded that one yet. That poisoning would have kickstarted the mass hysteria. After that, it was all pretense and culling dying patients and disabled people. Whatever method was okay. You know, there are people in hospitals, with severe diseases, and they were treated horribly those days of mass murder. Iatrogenocide is the word. The doctors who did that should be burned at the stake.

The ventilator campaign was absolutely ridiculous. They were pretending to have "engineers" quickly designing little pieces of plastic, membranes or something, daring to break the sacrosanct laws of intellectual property, to maybe save lives. Total hogwash. The 3d printer cult would have saved the quadrillions of people who died each week if not for the legal obstacles, yada, yada, yada. At the same time, people were saying "I'm fine. I went to the hospital, they told me I was positive and to stay ay home fifteen days and take paracetamol if I had a headache or sumthin' lol idk"

Then people were applauding like idiots from their apartments every day, for months. It was such an absurd torture. Women yelling form the windows at people who took the dog out more than twice a day, as mandated, or remained more than 10 minutes outside. Those evil communist retards were the first ones to get jabbed and they volunteered to coerce everyone. There is no redemption for them. They attacked their own country on behalf of the Mongols and they are proud of the permanent damage they have caused.

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Jun 5Liked by Sage Hana

I’ve questioned the flu shots people received before the genocide. It strikes me that there could have been “hot lots” for the flu jab like it’s been postulated for the c jab.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

What about the overuse of high-dose oxygen in Italy? Do we know anything about that? That looks pretty suspicious from other accounts. And it would have gone along with the idea of Chinese people bringing the virus to Italy.

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You didn't answer my hostile question about ventilators in Italy.

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Alright. Let me try this before somebody gets themselves hurt.

Let’s cherry pick New York State, and cherry pick a particular time window.

Lets look at that specific case, see what we learn from it, then see how it maps elsewhere

New York had a fascinating bunch of people seemingly die in late winter-spring of 2020. Here are those counts by week:


And this shows a couple years ahead of time, and some months trailing.

And there you will notice in the plot there is this fuzzy bit in 2020.

That fuzzy bit is a prediction what you should see there based on what was seen in the prior years.

So based on that you can make an estimate of what the Excess is over prediction.

So that is here:


Or you can toggle back and forth between these two by hitting the “excess” switch on the page.

And what you see then is a flat line, an explosion starting March 2020, then a flat line.

Lets zoom in a bit:


So if this were an outbreak in New York of a spreading death causing disease, what this shows is it not present until around late Feb 2020.

How do I know that? Because of how fast this outbreak ramped up. If it were present earlier, you would have this amazingly fast spread earlier. You mathematically can’t do it otherwise.

OK cool. Then it reaches a peak in a few weeks. This means its hit an equilibrium where its just keeping up with just enough newly infected people to keep up with the rate of dying.

Before it was ramping up because there were all kinda of available fresh tinder, more getting infected than the fatality rate takes away.

And then it starts ramping back down. The outbreak is running out of fuel.

Fewer and fewer are available to get infected through week 20-30. May-June 2020.

In a simple outbreak model this happens as people are infected and recover and become immune to the disease. Fuel burning away.

And then by June, deaths are back to baseline. The pandemic in NY incredibly rapidly and efficiently exhausted all susceptible people in the entire state. COVID was done there.

And this is why its fascinating to look at these cases piece by piece because here you apparently had this pathogen which got every single vulnerable person in ALL OF NEW YORK STATE IN EVERY SINGLE NOOK AND CRANNY

And somehow didn’t manage to do this in…



Washington State, where the famed Snohomish Man floated in from Wuhan and disappeared in January 2020.

Zero zip nada as the red pantsed say.

So then you get to a place where you struggle to explain that with a spreading disease. How was it so efficient and thorough in NY but couldn’t manage a Whimper in Washington

But you CAN explain it if you allow for someone to be getting jiggy with the data

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You can explain it with mass homicide, not virology. Run an equation with the reported 80-90% fatality rates of those who were placed on ventilators.

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Yes, and Dr H’s assertion of wholesale fraud can also explain it. Pretty sure all of the above are involved.

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Fraud on the death certificates as far as cause-of-death? Very believable and almost certainly true. Fraud in the all-cause death statistics as far as how many excess deaths there were regardless of cause? Very possible to a modest degree, but very unlikely if the claim is that ALL or MOST excess deaths around the world were fraudulent. And if that is the claim, then one must be equally open to the possibility that excess deaths were UNDERCOUNTED to cover up vaccine-induced deaths. Can't be open to only one way but not the other.

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Part of what makes the NY case interesting, is it completed before the shots, so that complication is not involved there.

Probably was confusing by my using “wholesale”. Meant in the NY context, in that there could very well be fully made up deaths in that data. Nobody has been able to see death certs from there, even after persistent freedom of information requests by Dr H.

After and wider scale definitely the shots have been killing people. Though I also know there are over/under estimates on both sides there. VAERS for example contains both adverse events from the shots themselves, but also breakthrough disease must be reported there, so even VAERS is high (maybe 1/3 effect last I looked)

Messy business

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Ok, all reasonable points, but I think it's important to not get TOO fixated on Spring 2020, because the vast majority of worldwide excess deaths occurred after that: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/cumulative-excess-deaths-per-million-covid?tab=chart&time=2020-06-30..2022-12-31&country=USA~GBR~AUS~JPN~ITA~DEU~CAN~KOR~NZL.

Let's even say (for argument's sake) that there was fraud or massive fraud in the early 2020 death statistics in NY or Italy or wherever. That prospect may be very appealing to the "fake virus" crowd (which I think is now morphing into the "Jabs Not So Bad" crowd), but EVEN IF there was massive fraud in early 2020, that would not at all establish that the virus is indeed fake and it certainly would not establish that the jabs were "Not So Bad", because again, the vast majority of excess deaths were long AFTER early 2020. So the "fake virus" crowd would now need to shift focus towards proving worldwide fraud in late 2020 and 2021 and 2022, instead of the much simpler task of fixating on POSSIBLE fraud in a few places for a few months in early 2020 to claim "see, fake virus!"

And you made a valid point about VAERS, but since VAERS is predominantly limited to only short-term deaths within the first few weeks post-vaccine, I am ~100% certain that VAERS is severely UNDERreported for that reason. The gold-standard RCTs done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves showed no excess vaccinated deaths within the first month, but BOTH of the RCTs showed excess non-COVID (mainly cardiovascular) deaths in the vaccinated by SIX MONTHS post-vaccine (after which the RCTs ended). That DELAYED vaccine mortality closely matches what I and countless others have personally witnessed in real life, and also matches the overall trends in excess death data worldwide.

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The cause of death is the fraud.

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I think it is also not clear if the magnitude of that spike was correct (double counting, fabricating, accumulating prior unreported deaths to be able to amplify and/or qualify for pandemic bonuses) or shaped as its presented in time without having access to actual documentation — the death certs NY is not able and/or reluctant to produce.

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It seems to me like the reconciliation and forensic accounting of the data isn't the story here, and that professional skeptics are trying to create impression that there was no large death event in New York in the Spring of 2020. That said I'll take a closer look at the data and the shape of the spike, but I start from the fact that something very big and ugly did occur before questioning every little detail that's unclear to spread skepticism in the public about an event that very much did happen.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Do you sincerely believe what you wrote? Your own link for NY shows substantial excess mortality (to varying degrees, but double-digit percentage excess for much of the time) persisting for 2.5 YEARS AFTER June 2020. All the way to the end of 2022. Why did you cut the time frame off in June 2020? Did the world end in June 2020?


And if anything, your own link for WA shows even worse excess mortality than NY from 2020-2022.


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No it did not persist. It ended that summer. The flat line back at baseline meant that horrible fast burning fire had ended full stop.

Indeed something new started killing people later. Why do I say its new? Because nothing ever seemed to reproduce that unique efficient few week apparent spread in early 2020 New York. Epidimiological characteristics, should you attempt to determine them were completely different.

Well no. That’s not true.

Bergamo may have acted like it.

But OK then you get to another interesting place. In NY apparently there were thousands upon thousands dying each week.

How did they deal with that number logistically.

Have you ever carried a guy? Hopefully they were alive when you did because the dead ones are harder. Don’t help you balance at all.

And then thousands and thousands every week

And somehow all these dead were processed and moved with empty streets in the city.

And then where do you put them?

I’m sure some death certs will straighten this out right quick.

Wait. New York doesn’t have them?

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Again, I never claim to have all the right answers. But if I had to bet my life on the truth based on the TOTALITY of evidence, I would bet that COVID hospital protocols and mRNA vaccines were the two main culprits in the excess deaths. Plain and simple but maybe not popular or convenient.

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Likely true to the extent excess death is represented accurately in the plots.

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Yes, I agree with that point very much. You contributed a good discussion which I greatly appreciate, unlike the person saying "Retract that Statement!" and the sheep who "liked" it- that just screams cowardice and fear.

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Great comment, thank you so much!

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Google Bean, why do you think the death spike didn't occur in the State of Washington first, with the first reported deaths and cases?

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Look at the last link in my reply above — the spike is completely absent. Thats the thing about that spectacular NY spike that we’re all told is due to disease spread. If thats the case such an efficiently spreading thing which burns out all susceptibles in that whole state within weeks _has_ to have done it elsewhere. But it didn’t. The first cases and deaths in WA, other states, CA, WI, etc., whatever they were, didn’t do that. So it calls into question that whole model of what happened as primary explanation.

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First of all, your links show a "spike" in deaths. Second, the cause of death was not a virus- that much we agree on. Why not just admit that a large amount of death occurred due to medical malpractice, especially ventilators, instead using convoluted word salad disinformation to create the false perception that a large number of deaths did not occur? Do you have an agenda to hide the truth of what happened in hospitals and nursing homes in the Spring of 2020 in New York?

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Those things undoubtedly happened. I even believe there were actual sick people. The line you draw from that and the line the CDC draws do not meet though … AND IF THE FRIGGING AUTHORITIES IN NYC COULD BE BAITED INTO ACTUALLY GIVING UP WHAT SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC RECORDS WE WOULD BY GOD KNOW THIS.

But they don’t even give up death records to a freedom of information act request. So that then even begs the question how many of those deaths that we can’t corraborate from other sources actually happened?

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You need to retract that statement...

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

A lot of people are suddenly overcome with fear and even want to encourage censorship the moment worldwide or Italy-wide excess deaths are brought up and the integrity of their Hero Jessica Hockett is questioned. What are they so afraid of?

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I question Dr H all the time and have the bootmarks on my ass to prove it

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When has she ever said the vaxx is safe?? Seriously what the fuck are saying??

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5


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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Why not spare the abstract metaphors, CAPS LOCK, emotions, hero worship, etc., and simply state your facts and positions instead? Did COVID hospital protocols and mRNA vaccines kill many thousands of people? Yes or no? If I had to bet my life on the truth, my answer is a solid yes for both. How about you?


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Whatever this Substack is, I absolutely love the way the comments show exactly who does and does not know WTH they're talking about. Kudos to you/they/it for that, if for nothing else.

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This Substack is my let it rip say and speculate and think type of joint.

It was never supposed to get this big, primarily because it makes me ponder murdering people.

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You could just call me Sage, but that might require manners that a Twitter legend, Emma Woodhouse, who found my inbox like all the "names" strangely manage", can't muster.

Don't come in here and be disrespectful, Emma Woodhouse.

I appreciate your work, but if you were to get shot in the fucking head I would not shed a tear.

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I'm no legend and this is not my first time commenting here. My identity was not a secret when I used the eponym.

I have many shortcomings and faults. Whether I lack courage I'll let others decide.

Take care ❤️

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You do not lack courage. We have had plenty of constructive exchanges.

If you think that everybody should have digital ID then you are WEFFIE ready.

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Welcome to the party...been here for a while now. Katherine Watt as well. Even Yeadon and Malone have been known to drop in here.

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Yeeeehawwww a repository for Covid "celebs".

Big fucking whooop.

I didn't know any of these people before the Owners of the World ran a Psy Op and we ain't doing hierarchical flow charts starting now just because for some reason people don't know what to do with "LET IT RIP".

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Jessica Hockett is doing excellent work debunking the "spike" in NYC covid deaths.

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What are her conclusions?

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Here is an example of Jessica Hockett's most recent work:


Jessica Hockett is patiently and methodically, through FOIA requests, seeking to document the purported NYC spike in covid deaths. Where are the death certificates? How were the corpses transported? What entity transported them? Where were they taken? What do 911 records indicate? What do ambulance records indicate?

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Thanks. An excerpt:

"National Guard and U.S. Army teams were in New York City assisting with body removal in those months, but sources conflict as to how many bodies were handled and from where.

Media reported that FEMA sent or helped send refrigerated trailers for use as temporary morgues, which gave the impression of a city suddenly besieged by carnage. FEMA told me the agency didn’t have a contract for mortuary storage services in New York City and hasn’t yet fulfilled my request for records about facilitating Department of Defense trucks."

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all you need to know is this: Here’s Pfizer’s OWN safety data that Pfizer DEMANDED to keep SECRET for 75 years: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

Look at Table 1, under Fatalities, and then check out Table 6 under Pregnancies & children... It's better than the morning after pill, as the miscarriage rate is over 90%! & as far as children go, ALL had adverse events following being injected.... then go to The Appendix...

In case you believe the FDA did not know about what to expect... check out: http://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download and look at Page 16 (it was a slide, during the original presentation) and it shows that on October 22, 2020 they were already aware, and so should the "Public" health professionals in the US, and by extension the world.

Also: https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download Page 22 (as of Sept 17, 2021, FDA knew people who got injected with the mRNA “vaccines” were 2x as likely to get infected with Covid)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3335060/pdf/pone.0035421.pdf - 2012!

as a result... at 1% reporting (https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf Page 6, paragraph 3), here's data for the US: https://www.openvaers.com/covid-data - Open VAERS data.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6-QDVYbv8 - one of the "experts"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9PqIZ31M - Bill Gates says: “SADLY” Omicron is a type of a vaccine

At this point, ONLY Nuremberg 2.0 will suffice. Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! I believe the punishment for breaching the Nuremberg Code has NOT changed since it was established.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ0_VAEniVM - there was “NO compulsory” vaccinations, NZ

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706676593261785178 - Musk’s OWN on X, re: “highly effective”

https://rumble.com/v3mcvyu-no-one-is-safe-covid-19-montage-by-matt-orfalea.html - “no one is safe”

PS. In case you’re unable to see the Safety Data, Google: “5.3.6 CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021” and you WILL find it that way…

and there's more... much... much more!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6

That Kennedy/BW clip is interesting. Kennedy appears to have been used to speaking freely and assumed BW was on the same page, then picks up on BW's discomfort and realized he needed to walk it back. (Could he have been a sweet summer child in that clip?). But then was he leaned on?

Then BW held back publishing it until the damage had been done. Imagine that sniveling idiot interviewing an "historic figure" and then sitting on it whilst publishing all manner of BS artist interviews.

True, I can't see someone like Kennedy being that naive, but he had published the Fauci book by then. So was this a slip in their plans or a part of their plans. Not sure it matters, just curious. Of course his uncle and father were both murdered by the monster for standing up to it. His whole family has disowned him, anyway.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

"Changing another country's weather is classed as a war crime under the Geneva Convention of 1976."

Facebook fact posted for today.

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Greetings from Lunenburg! Hubby and I are on the road and STILL see the occasional mask-wearing panic stricken person, or the other variant that is virtue masking to show their support for the alphabet kids. Also our hotel room had a “seal” on it saying it had been “sanitized” for our protection. Some people are never going to be able to see the truth no matter how many graphs Jessica posts. Lost and best forgotten.

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Pharma doesn't own crop dusters. What it does own and controls 100% is vaccine manufacturering facilities & distribution systems. The spikes coincide with flu vaccine distribution.

It would be so easy....

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its rare for a doctor to say covid was a hoax. they are all androids

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