During the happy announcement of the donny’s death and damage shots made by fauci I remember duper donny happy to include a hiv shot could also come out of the c19 shots.

Would love to see what excuse the trumpie cult pulls off the list to protect their pied piper duper donny about this excellent log of info.

Excellent work Sage Hana.

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I have great detectives who bring the salient data points and then I close zeeeee eyes and let the chess pieces move around where they are wont to go!

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still, a big TQ for all the work you do

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I humbly and genuinely appreciate these kind words, mary-lou. 😻

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you're welcome. you do your thing, we do ours and sometimes the twain shall meet (indeed).

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Shared efforts:).

Thank you for all your info.

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Good grief, even worse than I thought. Funny how Wiles worked on both of Donny’s campaigns.

It was a Wiles associated lobby firm that represented Monsanto. After RFK Jr won a CA case against Monsanto products duper donny signed an EO protecting Monsanto. Wonder how much Wiles had to do with that. RFK Jr talked about the EO in an interview prior to him running as potus.

25 Jun 2019

Trump Has Made It a Lot Easier for GMOs to Enter the Food Supply


“Trump has publicly aligned himself with pesticide-seed companies to promote the cultivation of GMO crops.”

13 Jun 2019

Center for Food Safety | Press Releases | | CFS Statement: Trump Signs Executive Order to Further Gut Federal GMO Oversight


11 Jun 2019

Trump orders simpler path for genetically engineered food


30 Apr 2019

Trump EPA insists Monsanto's Roundup is safe, despite cancer cases | Monsanto


30 Jan 2020

Center for Food Safety | Press Releases | | Siding with Monsanto/Bayer, Trump EPA Once Again Greenlights Roundup


Below are excerpts from Trump’s 2019 Exec Order to make GMO products easier to be created. The link for the EO is at the bottom of the last excerpt.

“Biotechnology can help the Nation meet its food production needs, raise the productivity of the American farmer, improve crop and animal characteristics, increase the nutritional value of crop and animal products, and enhance food safety.”

“Sec. 2 Definition.

For the purposes of this order, the term “product of agricultural biotechnology” refers to a plant or animal, or a product of such a plant or animal, developed through genetic engineering or through the targeted in vivo or in vitro manipulation of genetic information, with the exception of plants or animals, or the products thereof, developed for non-agricultural purposes, such as to produce pharmaceutical or industrial compounds.”

“each of the agencies shall take steps to update its regulations and guidance, as necessary and appropriate, to remove undue barriers that impede small, private United States developers, the United States Government, and academic institutions from bringing innovative and safe genome-edited-specialty-crop-plant products to the marketplace.”

“Sec. 7 Domestic Engagement Strategy.

(a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Secretary, in coordination with the Administrator, the Commissioner, and any other Administration officials that the Secretary deems appropriate, shall develop an action plan to facilitate engagement with consumers in order to build public confidence in, and acceptance of, the use of safe biotechnology in agriculture and the food system.”

“Sec. 8 International Outreach

The goal of the strategy shall be to increase international acceptance of products of agricultural biotechnology in order to open and maintain markets for United States agricultural exports abroad.”

“Sec. 10 General Provisions.

(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”

11 Jun 2019

Federal Register :: Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products


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I recently heard a reference to the history of Monsanto. Apparently founded by Jesuits. That was wild to me, MonSanto=MySaint. And here we thought it was MonSatan, LOL.

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Looking at Suzie Wiles I always think, she looks like a matron. the very essense of "matronly." The warden in a women's prison is called a matron. Also in some other situations where you don't want to be.

The name "Suzie" does not fit her at all. Maybe the "wiles" part does, but not "feminine wiles."

And then there's Billy boy and the "covid days." Just remembering the good old covid days. Back in the day, the covid days, that is. Oh, the reminiscences.

All actors, characters in the theater of the absurd.

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HIV is nonsense.

There is no vaccine for AIDS.

This man is a montster.

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Even if "HIV" actually existed and could exclusively cause the disease "AIDS", a "vaccine" development would be highly problematic, because how would it work?

An "HIV infection" is still tested for with the "ELISA test", a procedure which, according to Hans Gelderblom, a member of the expert group around Robert Gallo (inventor of "HIV") at the time, was developed with "80% dirt".

Now this test is fishing for particles that are interpreted as "antibodies" in "HIV research", THE signal that an "infection" is present. So what is to be achieved by a "vaccination"? That everyone has a "positive antibody test" afterwards? The "antibody hypothesis" has already been twisted into absurdity by "HIV" anyway. Antibodies are suddenly a signal to be avoided. So what is the aim of a "vaccination"? Or are we witnessing a dogmatic shift in which all the "findings and rules" of "virology and immunology" will be reinterpreted to the contrary in the future? Oh no, we already had that with the introduction of the "symptomless disease". Of course, that would instantly turn everyone into a patient. As with "measles" and "covid": "antibody levels" are imprecise and, depending on the interpretation, meaningless, so always "vaccinate" as a precaution. Ridiculous, grotesque, "science" for the rubbish bin.

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"Science would be falsified" said the Day Tapes.




Next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable - at least for along time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "is this was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease.


Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation.

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Hmmm...is Wiles a woman? Am I the only one wondering...?

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Eddie Izzard calls himself Susan (or some variant thereof) nowadays so...

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There is now proof of the government spraying all kinds of crap upon us from aluminum particles to vaccines. https://thehighwire.com/watch/ Episode 407. Climate Control. There is a very good segment about the spraying of chemicals (chemtrails) and other things. Will our Lord and Savior, Sir Trump, stop this on day one? Virtually anybody can get a permit to spray crap in the skies from NOAA.

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Remember that Highwire dude Bigtree did the show with Ryan Cole knocking down the idea that graphene oxide was in any of the shots.



Also just wants more confidence in mandated vaccines! 😹 👍



Oh look!


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We never did find out what John-John knew that he shouldn't have known or wouldn't roll over for did we?😉

Maybe his "accidental" death was a warning to someone to play ball or else ? Maybe it was also a bargain made...?🤨🤔😐

It's all a big stupid chess show that entertains the masses. Fools them into thinking their vote matter, count and that they influence anything. Until people recognise the long con, the open air, barless prison they are living in, then it will be same cell, different wardens.😉

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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What the hell is it with the NAMES.

Osama, Obama

Trump Pence Trump Vance

"Womanly Wiles" Susie

(I get multiple emails weekly from SD Lakota Sioux who really, really detest Noem, though they like shots and hate climate change.)

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That better be bullshit….if Trump hawks more poison shots he’ll shoot to the top of my shit list

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Is she the new John Podesta?

Susie's got the look... maybe not pizza, maybe she prefers cheesecake.

I don't even know what that could even mean

::Breaths in a paper bag, thinks in a happy place::

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Yeah gates is "interested" in the HIV mnra shots, the same as cancer mnra shots, since both were included in the covid "ingredients" to produce said diseases. I heard his interview yesterday and thought MF.

And Suzie 'bag man' wiles. Isn't lobbying for a foreign gov treason?

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I take for granted that Willie is out to softly murder us all… I’m just confused as to why that interview posted appears to take place in the middle of a desert? You reckon they dragged their own stools out there or their minions helped?

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*Willie is a designated villain to make sure that people don't grok the "Good" priest fucking the kids up the ass

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is her name really Emma TUCKER, WSJ Editor in Chief? ...nah. no relation (wikipedia explains).

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How long were Billy and Donnie yuk'n it up for?


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Ok i have completely stepped over the line into cra-cray.

Yesterday my brain gave itself a shake..and all of a sudden there it was.

The complete agenda 2030....

Biden job was to wreck the economy, starting with oil pipeline cutoff, then jab as many as he could, then mount a full scale invasion in..unjabbed military age illegals ...and anything else the cia could make him sign to wreck what is left, including chickens, the debt, the middle class...

Trump is now in to complete the job...CBDC through the backdoor of bitcoin, which will be used to further enrich the already rich when it blows up; so they can buy up the real assets left; censorship. (Tiktok ban..red note coming along w Meta who have increased censorship since Zuckface had his "conversion");to keep money flowing to Israel, ..and to build the new 15 minute LA smart city. He's also agreed to take the fall for the failure of dollar, the complete meltdown of the stock and bond markets, and of course fast track the AI centers which will control any of us left.

It's a big club...and we aren't in it.

Boy this is coming at speed of a freight train.Right On time.


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My guess is and I could be wrong is that the only reason that you feel cray is that you exist in a world of normies and still spend time in that sandbox of reality?

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And this makes sense as well..I think I can still read French ok…

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I don't want to..but I have no friends left who are unjabbed and awake…blue state blues… ..nor family…it sucks.

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But doesn't it all fit?..I mean what else makes sense?

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These are not good people. But at least they all die.

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