Oct 15ยทedited Oct 15Liked by Sage Hana

The people who will believe that this woman speaks for God, are already religiously mind-controlled, most likely vaxxed, and will believe Donald Trump when he tells them there's ANOTHER fake deadly virus, and to quick take the next genocidal vaxxine. And they will :(

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God just told me in a Spirit Vision to burn some kids alive in HI and then in Gaza.

I mean...read the damned Old Testament, Infidels.

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Well Sage, for Gaza may I recommend the SPICY Walnut Sauce. It pairs beautifully with Old Testament blood sacrifice! ;)

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In idiots we trust...not. Never accept any authority as being smarter than a donut. They are not.

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Or likely an authority figure offering donuts ๐Ÿฉ or sweets for getting the inoculation. Be aware of people who bribe, they are up to something.

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Good one.....my new motto: Authorities aren't smarter than donuts!

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Gullible enough to believe in organised religion, gullible enough to take some more jabs. The only ones I feel sad for are the children of brainwashed parents.

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Oct 15Liked by Sage Hana

On a roll here!!

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๐Ÿ˜… I was so manic yesterday that I was trying to go to sleep and remember posts for today...and thinking I should jot this down...zzzz

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party in da house yesterday!! ๐Ÿชฉ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ˜˜

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POS fake preachers are sold-out to the ๐Ÿ˜ˆ.

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Which do you like better, Sage, Walgreens or CVS? ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Iโ€™ll answer. The vetted Indian doctor from Bangladesh.

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So inspiring Gov Hochul would go preaching to worshippers right out of an eye doctor appointment like that.

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๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคช โ€œI canโ€™t see! My pupils are still dialated! Who am I talking to??โ€

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ow ow crap where are my sunglasses

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Ahem..... did you know that the earth is Very charged up right now due to many sun blasts in a row? I say we use this time and take the bull by the horns to project our intention for Devine enhancement of Goode from our inbuement (hey it's a word, lol) of Energy avaliable to us now! I'm feelin this. Use the Force. This is The Way. Imagine the world as you want it to be! Expand on that in the days to come, because we're gonna be in this phase of energy coming from the sun for the next couple of months at least. Plus, coming into the galaxy's energy plane. Very auspicious, don-cha-know:)

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Your title!!!!!!Bahahahahaha! I cant stop laughing! That is GOLD!

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If I'm going to document the most historic Psy Op in human history, I'm having some laughs!

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What is wrong with these people? I think it would be in the best interest of everyone to stop with the inoculations. They do not work, in fact they do harm.

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What is wrong is that people form proxy logics of "good" and "bad" and this is largely emotion-based, not rational.

The psychological principle is that it is difficult to connect unpleasant contradictions in one's brain and when it goes wide to a large group (cult, mass formation), it now becomes exponentially more difficult to unpack and re-construct.

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I am wondering why people would knowing poison someone else?

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Sure. If only someone would explore this with say 2,100 posts from soup to nuts.

If only.

The reason is that "people" are predatory and want to control and dominate one another.

The Dominators want less people to control and deal with and have to manage.

The next layer are dipshits who just go along to eat at Chili's and watch football and have a Tesla.

โ˜๏ธOversimplified, sure. Buy me a Kofi.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana


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Hana: What make/model/year car do you drive?

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A Gas Tank Exploding 1972 Ford Pinto but I'm not anti-car.

My name is Sage and I live at 139857 Hana, err...Manna from Heaven Ln

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I'm wondering why the whole medical system and the people in it have morphed into hired killers.


Examples of this in Canada, Netherlands and the UK.

People entering US hospitals even for the most minor procedures are asked to sign a DNR order.

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Like maybe telling your kids to get this life saving juice or else ... and now , how that directive has to be some sort of dissonance or more to the point - maybe now women can compartmentalize just as well as men . Is that a politically incorrect thought ? Only asking because our kids seem to have eye issues with all the rolling they do whenever I say something .

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Note to Kathy Hochul-you canโ€™t call yourself a Catholic and be a pro-abort. Hello. The two are mutually exclusive. So Iโ€™m thinking youโ€™re probably not a reliable spokesman for Jesus Christ.

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I have discussed religion with red-faced fellow citizens since I was a very young AI Bot.

Every...and I mean...EVERY discussion with EVERY sect, denomination, creed, cult ends up in this:


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Lol, I always wondered where that came from. I'm sure other nationalities have that same bent, but that it's more well known pertaining to the Scots kinds makes me proud, as I'm Very idealistic and independent thinking, even from a young age, and having a let's just say, an inordinate and ridiculously not my type of person mother, I struck out on my own very early in life, lol. I remember her just SLAPPING me to the ground one day right after I got home from school after reading my diary where I called some girl a bitch for reasons week deserved. BOOM, outa nowhere! And Reading my private thoughts that I thought were safe. Never trust a parent that gives you a diary for Christmas, lol. But I'm scottish descent from my dad, English from mom, and I'm pretty sure I have French from that Scottish side. Heard they often traversed that mountain range to and fro and many liasons parlayed. So I'm fiercely made, to say the least! Always grateful to be such.

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"Religion IS the opium of the masses." Hitler's toning down of religion to his people was GR8. 88&8's,Dave

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Praise God and pass the ammunition...

Sorry, that was for the GWOT.

Rebooting for Dangerous Germs playlist...

Praise God and pass the syringe!


They are shameless. Every last one of them.

Everything that was good or had the potential to be good has been corrupted.

One need only look at the Holy Father with his blackened eye and insane policy positions, to realise The Monster tentacles are everywhere.


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Love this bent:) so appropro. And doesn't she look Soooo Christainy! The whole outfit and the name tag really does it. Such blasphemy was outrageous. No words. And every time i see drumfph he looks like a carney.barker (bokor). with the hand jive distraction. Such a stupid, disgustingly base gaslighting MF. I cringe in embarrasment of him. Changes the subject to men in women's sports. Just jawin' wit da peeeeple. How People could be fooled by him is beyond.me. but yeah, go with this angle. Good stuff

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LOL. ๐Ÿคฃ Jesus take the syringe! aha ha ha ha.

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After lining up to drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus adrenochrome harvest remembrance, the least a spirit-filled team player could do for those worker bees who dodged abortion and autism is 'not' sadddle them with a hundred million elderly to support.


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These people are wolves in sheep clothing

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their 'god' is a war-monger alien reptilian.

MY 'God' is a peace, get along with each other, promoter.

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