I’m wondering if Moderna ever developed from a “Move fast & break things”, rock ‘n’ roll, privately-held biotech to a properly constituted, modest-sized public pharmaceutical company?

I stumbled upon Moderna in the early to mid 20-teens during a period of frequent visits to Boston, Mass.

What I learned told me that it was most unlikely to be what it purported to be.

The most obvious problem was that the CEO of this, a cutting edge biotechnology startup, had no background whatsoever in this field, let alone in the company’s unique intellectual property.

In my around a decade of immersion in the sector (being parallel to, but very unlike, it’s grown up peer, big pharma) I hardly encountered a start up in which the CEO wasn’t a deep expert in their core technology.

Certainly not one who’s offering was so cutting edge that most big pharma R&D divisions have tapered down or exited the area (too difficult to make it work as required).

There were repeated stories of furious rows in which senior staff were fired or resigned. Guess what people deduced about how it was all going?

I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that the company isn’t real but a front for a DARPA project. Note, this would be possible even if some staff have no idea about it.

Best wishes


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I have taken many earnings calls for both Moderna and remdesevir maker Gilead. Something seemed very off about both of them. I suspect that MRNA (yes that is Moderna's stock ticker) has been a DoD controlled front operation since the very beginning, whereas Pfizer and the like were legit companies that got bought into it. They just were losing money year after year but did not seem too concerned about their research and development pipeline...

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I suspect they are all DOD/military whether they know it or not.

Private partners.

Pharm is bioweapons.

see also: research universities, aka all of them

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They are now for sure...a lot of idiots still think Pfizer controls the Monster 😅🤣😂🙄 right...as if...

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Have you heard Dr David Martin, and the packets he gave to every AG and Senator /Congressperson outlining the patent histories and timelines of the op. ?

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Sound and fury signifying nothing.

Has David Martin been hammering the USG and Trump/Bobby for not going after the TERRORISTS?


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Gilead has been around for quite some time, though. I associate them with generics. The name is curious.

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Gilead is a little different. They claim credit for their medicine miraculously turning HIV/AIDS from a death sentence into a manageable condition. That is I am quite sure a whitewash but I never dug deep into that funny science specifically. If they are DoD they go way back. I wonder how many shares Fauci has in that one?

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and to paraphrase Sasha & Katherine…

the NSA, DoD and H&HS connections would suggest the DARPA pass through to Moderna

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Bada Bing, Bada Boom!!! 😎😎

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I share your impressions.

And I note that Fauci publicly stated his covid jabs were Moderna's. (That is, IF he actually had any mRNA-LNP injections and he was not simply an advertising spokesman for Moderna.)

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There are credible articles stating that the initial Chinese C-19 vaxes, Sinovac and Curevac were NOT mRNA vaxes, but I'm not sure if that's correct or not.

They also stated that it wasn't until 2022 or 2023 that China finally approved the mRNA vaxes. Interesting if true.

On another Rockafella topic, I just ran across this interesting tidbit about them.

The story about Mrs. Louise Auchincloss Boyer is fascinating.

This link should scroll down to the part about where the gold went.


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CureVac's current website identifies their covid injections as "mRNA-based."

In contrast, Sinovac's current website identifies their covid injections as "COVID-19 Vaccine (Vero Cell), Inactivated-CoronaVac."

(No mention made of mRNA.)

So, if I understand correctly, that means Sinovac was cultured in African green monkey kidney epithelial cells.

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Yes, supposedly back in 2020, neither of them were mRNA based, even though Curevac is now. So China was slow to get on the mRNA bandwagon, compared to other countries.

I don't know what Sinovac is based on, and I wouldn't take either one, no matter what!

African green monkey kidney cells is where SV-40 comes from isn't it?

That sounds even worse than mRNA. Unless you want cancer?

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Equally bad, I'd say.

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Indeed I know at least a couple of people who had stroked after taking Sinovac. Ironically many people took it because they assumed it was fake and therefore relatively harmless. All the people who took it got sick anyway to some degree but then that’s what all vaccines do.

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Murderna has more 'front' than Blackpool...

Clearly a MIC construct.

Bancel must have been frothing at the latest 'spending' bill with it's provision for another dozen or more biolabs.

The gloves are off.

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It's just odd that I immediately can name the head of Pfizer (Bourla) but don't think I've heard much of the Moderna head.

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Stefan Bancel.

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He was never put in my brain vector like Bourla. I don't watch mainstream media, though.

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French business executive. According to Forbes, his net worth (2024) is $2.1 billion USD.

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I’ve suspected for some time that Pfizer will be the “sacrificial lamb” in the faux justice stage of this drama. Pfizer will cease vaccine production, and Moderna (which is basically a front organization for DOD / DARPA) will be used to deliver all the delightful mRNA and siRNA shots in the future.

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Agree and J&J was the first to be sacrificed

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It was so clever the way they did that, too: They “admitted” that the J&J caused clotting and heart problems and pulled the J&J out of distribution — resulting in shot recipients then pivoting to Pfizer and Moderna, whose products . . . cause clotting and heart issues.

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And continuing to ignore the NSA, DoD and H&HS connection

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They did the same with AZ. Here in Canada they threw it under the bus quite loudly. For the same reasons the others should’ve been thrown under…

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Yep, they're just cutting out the middle men, one by one.

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Pfizer continues to dominate vaccine production way beyond COVID-19. The now have the vax for RSV that is slowly killing children. They pursue vax for infants, the reconfigured mRNA vax for pneumonia, flu, shingles and combined all 3 into single shot. Pfizer is an empire builder, production still has ties to China and biolabs elsewhere. Who's got the power to make them a “sacrificial lamb”? They have ties to WEF & all their billionaires; Soros, Shultz etc. What's the motive when the power-base is is worldwide? Can't ignore the FDA cartel, the Fauci cartel, Gates cartel. Pfizer is highly useful to them. Bouros is their pimp. Pfizer also continues to buy out other companies like they're collecting coins to flip.

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F. C. LLC , sounds like you're spot-on on all counts.: (all the way around.)

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The ‘elegant’ ones..

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It’s pronounced Murder-na

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Would love to hear a podcast with Dr. Robert Langer from Moderna and people from this Substack go at it over what he's been up to over the past almost 50ish years. He's a total douche canoe. Forget Malone. Langer is the person largely responsible for all this "technology".

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Bob Langer isn’t really “from Moderna”.

Langer has a finger in almost every pie in the East Coast biotech “scientific mafia”.

If your biotech investable idea has, as a critical component of its technology, anything to do with formulation, investors will ask the biotech CEO, “What does Bob Langer think about your technology?”

It’s not acceptable not to know & it’s not acceptable to give an answer that isn’t “He loves it”,

Langer often ends up as an advisor and he’s also a member of their board of directors.

He doesn’t work for free.

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True that. He stepped down from his role. But he was a co-founder of Moderna according to records. And his tissue engineering looks a lot like the calamari clots found in the post-vaxxed. He's invented some pretty dang questionable stuff! https://mestuff.substack.com/p/oh-what-a-tangled-web-we-weave

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Moderna is DoD front IMHO, so I'm less interested in them, so much as I'm very curious about the german BioNtech and have been since the beginning, when I noticed the difference in the naming conventions and formulations for the proposed 2 different version of Pfizer's shots, when applying for EUA.😐

People have not dug up much on BioNtech at all, always same, limited info, and then brick wall of silence, and Germany went OTT on all things to do with C19. There is definitely threads that need to be pulled there.

##follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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BioNtech was the "authorized version" everyone thought they were getting, but there was a switcheroo. I remember that discussion.

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This feels like another fake red herring.

Tacitly implicit is??? one of the versions was safe(r)?

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That was what they wanted us to think, perhaps. Then blame "contamination" of lesser products with bad results.

The other feature is that they were blatantly doing sloppy medicine. Taunting the public.

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My understanding, and Jordan Schaefel did the earliest and most in depth investigation on it, was that BioNtech-Pfizer's "Comrinaty" was the EUA approved version, which was distributed globally, with a certain number of product availability, to various countries. Hence the global bidding wars in late 2020.

Meanwhile, at the same time negotiations for Pfizer Inc's fully approved version (based on the EUA approved version with but with formulation changes), ALSO called "Comrinaty", was future contract purchased in various countries globally. With most countries committing to purchase enough shots appatently for each person at least 7x.😐

BUT, the Pfizer Inc "Comrinaty" shot would ONLY be produced AND distributed by Pfizer Inc, IF and when ALL of the Pfizer-BioNtech "Comrinaty" version was used up.😐🤔🤨 Albert Bourla even said so himself on tv and podcasts.

See what they did there? Thats why when peeps looked at their vax certificate and it said "Comrinaty", they believed they were getting the fully approved, ticked all the safety boxes, and therefore effective, blah, blah schtick.😐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Jabs Bad was used as a chip to capture a political tribe and code switch to Chosenites Wars and Causes.




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The comrinaty thing, circuitous. Thanks for the clarification.

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Bait and switch, and unfortunately I think it's technically legal. Shady AF, yes, but technically allowed.🤦‍♀️🤬🤯🙄

There were 2 "Pfizer's" essentially. And the BioNtech version I believe was the DoD sponsored, while the other was the actual company.😐😱

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Genocide is legal if it's a pandemic emergency, that's the thrust of KW's work.

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My understanding is that there was no material difference between what was in the EUA-labeled vials and what was in the BLA-labeled vials. And both Pfizer and BioNTech are DoD-sponsored, DoD fronts.

Batch variability and adulteration/contamination was rampant in both sets, because there is no way to standardize or purify vaccines, because the contents are mixtures of living cells, substances produced by decaying/dying cells, synthetic chemicals, metals, solvents, and many other large and small molecules.

I think the main reason for staging the BLA events was to suggest that BLA products pass through a higher level of evidentiary review (evidentiary review is fake for EUA and BLA), and to supplement the government's position that the products (EUA or BLA) could be legally mandated as a condition for employment in the military, other government agencies and private employers.

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Once the public realizes that clinical trials are nothing more than marketing schemes presented as “science,” well stop falling for whatever snake-oil Moderna or Pfizer try to sell us:


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But so many haven’t & won’t. Day tapes in action. I had 2 memorial services last week. Both elderly guys got pressured, caved & made a lot of money for the cancer industry before they died.

& man, hospice is a lot quicker than it was around the turn of the century. I used to volunteer. People were there weeks, not days.

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I noticed that too about hospice. They seems like quick euthanasia centers now.

Back in the AIDS/HIV era, patients were in hospice for months, not just weeks or days.

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+1 Bhattacharay Rand Corporation paper in 2006 about the economics of the aging Boomer populace pointing to this timeline.

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Sage and all here,

Enjoy this bungle in the jungle, since I really can't say more about this than they do.


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Zeke Emmanuel warned us about this.

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I hospiced my papa at home. He lived two years! It was a bit grueling on my blood pressure. He was so stoic it is commendable. Rip dad. I miss you.

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You gave your father a wonderful gift despite the toll it has taken.

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Thank you

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I volunteered at a hospice in 2008/9 in Scotland and they were placing patients deemed as end of life on the Liverpool Care Pathway, this was a protocol widely used if patients were labelled as terminally ill. Despite patients being able to eat and drink if assisted by a helper all food and fluids were withdrawn plus sedation was administered via a syringe driver. When I questioned this practice I was put firmly in my place, not one member of payed staff objected to it, it was inhuman and often patients died of dehydration not the disease.

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Liverpool Care Pathway was allegedly stopped in 2014 (I think), because of public objections. It had already been exported to other countries, including to Obama Care. It was just renamed 'End-of-life care' and they carried on as before. During 'covid' it was transposed for covid use (NG 163 - NICE guidelines). If you go to the NICE site now and put in NG163 it comes up with the replacement protocol as it's being memory-holed.

Very good interview here with Maajid Nawaz and Stuart Wilkie on Midazolam and end-of-life care. Quite old now!


Stuart Wilkie is a health researcher. He accidentally found out there was a secret protocol in the House of Lords library which involved quotas that had been used for years in bumping off people in NHS care. Wilkie's parents were both euthanised during covid, within days of one another I think.

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Yes 2014 in name only, it has continued to live on quietly with a more public friendly title as you say in 'end of life care'. I looked at the NICE site during the fake pandemic and it is much the same protocol. The British government are experts in these matters and they truly came into their own in 2020 when our health minister Matt Hancock quietly advised the medical institutions on how to 'help' the vulnerable when diagnosed with covid so they would not become 'distressed'. The 'help' given was end of life protocols done with high doses of midazolam and morphine which are efficient respiratory depressants. The very last drugs you would want to use when someone has any type of respiratory infection.

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Call me paranoid, but I now believe the NHS was specifically brought into being with an eye on what's happening now. I especially think that since I learned recently that one of the Rockefellers was involved in the conception of the idea. We were told it was the brainchild of Nye Bevan and Wm Beveridge, but apparently Beveridge had a meeting with whichever Rockefeller it was before it was set up. It's also the biggest data mining operation in the world, which is part of how the UK is being set up as a hub for all this nightmare biodigital healthcare stuff.

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Before the evil side of this started to become apparent, most people I know (liberal area) thought the Canadian and British medical systems were so far superior to that of the U.S. More psyops. This attitude helped usher in Obamacare.

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You are not being paranoid, when needed the NHS are efficient dispatchers of burdensome problems. Anyone caught in their system and tries to fight back are treated ruthlessly, this is not a benevolent organisation but they hide it very well from the public.

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We all need to stop and think about how we deal with a real emergency situation, such as a heart attack.

How far is the nearest ER room?

How long will it take for the ambulance to get to you?

Will you or anyone even be able to call them?

Can you do CPR?

Do you have an AED?

This is why the odds for survival of heart attacks is so low.

Without immediate local intervention, which almost never exists.

Unless you are lucky enough to have an ER nurse as a spouse who has the needed equipment to save you!

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My mother had knee replacement surgery. At the time she was healthy. Thing is, they gave her drugs after the surgery that were never supposed to be used in combination. This was not obscure information. Luckily my sister was at her bedside when she stopped breathing. She got help and they revived my mom. It appeared to be a medical error but now I'm wondering.

And later she got misdiagnosed by at least two doctors, just ignored, which was nearly fatal until my brother found another doctor and was insistent. She had a long road to recovery because they were so negligent.

We hear about the prevalence of "iatrogenic" deaths and I always assumed it was dolts botching shit. Now I seriously wonder about both these things. I'm sure many people have had such encounters and some loved ones survived, some did not.

Because my mother had five children, there was a good likelihood of someone being there with her. With smaller families and nearly everyone working full time, that is less likely today.

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Prevention is the key.

Exercise regularly, “food as medicine” should be your motto.

Fresh, organically grown/ home grown organic as often as possible fruit, veggies, lots of herbs, proteins grass fed meats, wild caught fish rather than farmed (ocean caught over river estuary caught unless in pristine rural areas).

NO sugar (fruit ok), no processed foods (if it comes in a can, bottle or box leave it, no omega 6 oils.

Avoid plastic packaging.

Don’t just think of your blood circulation (provides nutrition), lymphatics (cleaning system) is equally important.

Lymphatic massage (look up big six lymphatic for starters / skipping rope /mini trampoline for 10 mins once or twice a day (starting gradually if not fit).

Grounding as often possible

Research everything knowing that everything is getting censored / narrated.

If they are going to crash the system (banking, food, fuel etc. you will be limited to your local area & will need self / local assistance.

That’s a start for now.

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What ever you do, don't send your loved one to a hospice or hospital euthanasia center, unless you want to get rid of them.

Hospitals are only for broken bones or gunshot wounds or heart attacks!

I'm looking for a good AED device for heart attack treatment, since I won't make it to the ER in time without one, so what's the point with that anyway?

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If only the public would realize anything.

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Moderna never made anything marketable prior to C Jabs, and Inside Pharma substack says they are just a shell company.

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That’s my independent opinion as well.

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Just another dummy company waiting for a cause.


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Moderna is a soviet-style company. They are all just ghosts. Simulacra of human beings.

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Were there any whistleblowers from AZ?

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Witness Protection - relocated

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No. Because Moderna is a creation of the US Govt. Hence, you blow that whistle you sign your death warrant.

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So you acknowledge that the US Govt. is behind the cull and that the figurehead heroes like Trump and Bobby are selling the millions of Americans out because they are saving their own skin.


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Lots of redactions.

Made at a military bio/chem weapons lab, pg 2

“ A.1 The U.S. Army Contracting Command - Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Natick Division has a requirementforupto500millionSARS-CoV-2mRNA-1273Vaccinedoses (100m)insupportofJointProgram Executive Office - Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND), the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA). All doses of mRNA-1273 Vaccine referenced herein are 1001.tg doses. All doses will be delivered in a multi- dose vial with a volume sufficient for 10 doses per vial.”

Pg 40-42 interesting

09 Aug 2020

Moderna HHS contract w/DOD


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Somebody may have mentioned this already but there was that thing with the two Moderna "process engineers" who didn't identify themselves but put their observations and predictions on 4chan. I never saw anything further on that.


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Dec 19Edited

Here are examples, but if the goal is to claim that there are none then of course one can find reasons to disregard these and any other examples.



I just don't think there's anyone who sincerely believed that "Pfizer's shots are unsafe but Moderna's shots are safe and beneficial" and then actually got a Moderna shot. I haven't seen anyone pushing that ludicrous view either: no one who discouraged getting Pfizer even indirectly encouraged getting Moderna- they all said to avoid any mRNA or any COVID vaccines.

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Next rollout may be brighter!



mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter

"We all have the tendency to paint issues with a broad brush. That is to see things one way for intellectual simplicity. “All pharmaceuticals are bad” or “I don’t trust any vaccine.” It is even more tempting to take a negative view on all new technology when the product launch in humans fails to a large degree.

These old mental saws could apply to mRNA vaccines. Halma et al have published a scoping review of lipid nanoparticle-mRNA products with fair balance causing the reader to consider future possibilities."



This will make some people upset, but I need to emphasize that accelerating synthetic mRNA technology was another silver lining. It is a revolution in medicine, like going from analog to digital.

The Covid mRNA vaccine dosage level was too high and having a zillion booster shots was idiotic, causing more harm than good imo, but I am convinced that synthetic mRNA is the surest path to curing cancer, among other things.

11:36 AM · Apr 12, 2023







“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!





Mar 07, 2024, 6:47 PM




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McCullough is a grifter getting richer and richer off people’s fear. I once trusted him as well!

Anyone ever see the Baphomet looking head drsss Elon’s mother has worn? Trump hanging out with his new best buddy Elon confirmed to me Trump is a devil, if not the devil.

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I firmly despise Trump and think he is exponentially more corrupt than other typical corrupt politicians, but to a large extent still "trust" Marik, Kory, and McCullough in the sense that after thoroughly scrutinizing the evidence myself as a scientist, I believe the majority (not all) of what they say is true.

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If anything, Moderna’s product would be expected to be even more unsafe than Pfizer’s.

Their dose, whatever that means in the context of laughably poor quality control, is nominally three times larger.

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Where are all the Moderna Yeadons and Brook Jacksons?

Ripping the cover off?


Oh look.

While you were being Laser Pointed to PFIZER, PFIZER, PFIZER...Moderna has been spying on you with real life FEDS and WEFFIES


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Dr. Yeadon… off topic here but… sure hope you’ll consider (if you haven’t already done so) Agent 131711’s research on Vitamin D and the Supplement industries…

Very compelling, but not-so shocking, revelations regarding Pharma’s role in those industries’ contribution to the global sickness management/depopulation agenda since Rockefeller.



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Great stuff on that stack

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I know several Moderna whistleblowers. Also, there is an AZ whistleblower - the person who provided the AZ tape of the CEO Pascal Soirot and VP Mark Esser that I published, which implicates Robert Malone's "mentee" Col Matt Hepburn (DARPA). https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/audio-leaked-from-astrazeneca-covid?r=uaapz

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If there are, keep them away from O’Keefe where all whistleblowers are silenced! 😈

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relaxing after his triumphant cage fight with Pfizer exec




At least Bobby's We did IT! Pacification and Control tweet is still up and doesn't melt my computer like Ivanka's DADDY ORDERED THE SHOTS FROM MODERNA ON JAN. 13, 2020 YAY JUST BE GRATEFUL AMERICA!!! tweet.


But yeah...

What was that "TRIUMPH" again, Bobby and James?

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Don't need no blowing whiskers to know that all vaccines and mRNA poisons are the pits. The Cloud Brain has been euthanized as it sucked on one to many lightening bolts trying to become more energized since windmills and stupid panels are petering out as the dark forces of cloud seedology blacken the skies.

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Yes, there are ex-Moderna whistleblowers. I know them.

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Sasha, are there any J&J whistleblowers I’m not aware of ?

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no, I don't know of any. Both I and Mike Yeadon know Mathai Mammen, ex head of J&J vaccines. After Mike confronted him about deaths and injuries, Mathai abruptly resigned, leaving a lot of money on the table.

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Wow indeed. So he must know about the death certificates of those who died.

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Yeah, that is interesting.

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