Thank you for the great work Sage Hana, you are calling out the right people because it appears that what TWC is doing is just simply funneling people right back into the allopathic medicine and Pharma models

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(It's not exactly a complicated mystery to solve!)


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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

I guess this is what happens when people stop thinking for themselves and hero worship footballers, actors, artists, political leaders, singers.

We are 'celebrating' Anzac day in Australia a time for all the soldiers to reminisce. Surely it us time these men know how they have been used in order for the Bush family the Rothschild's the Clintons and their like to get super rich at the expense of their patriotism and stop the next generation of youth drop following in their footstep to get killed

No country has been our enemy so why are the countries being destroyed continuously?

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Time they get "enlistment" hesitancy. or draft hesitancy.

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Well said Marianne.

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Polyamoury Chicken Rating test at extra low prices...

Is that the bird for you?

Find out with our easy to use 'Klaus' (patent pending TM) anal schwabb.

If it isn't a rooster, you might need a booster.

C. Foghorn Leghorn Testing Co. Wuhan.

(All products are used at risk of purchaser)


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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Let us know when you get the CDC approved continuous PCR monitoring colostomy bag back in stock. I know it's been difficult with your blowout prices.

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Bird flu "virus" is a fiction, like any flu virus is a fiction. Flu and common cold are endemic illnesses, related to lack of solar irradiance in the winter and lack of vitamin D, C, and other micronutrients. However, ivermectin DOES treat these issues, albeit it only gives you a temporary reprieve to help the body re-establish gut microflora. If you are a reasonably healthy adult, 1-2 doses at the early stages of common cold, plus vit C, D, zinc will clear it. Ideally vit D should be from the sun, but working adults in Northeast of the US do not have that luxury. Crapping on IVM because "virus-no-isolated" is kind of dumb. This has nothing to do with viruses.

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Im not a qualified lip reader, but I do think I can help on this one.

What I think Dr. Ruby is saying is that this Avian flu is BULLSHIT. She said it twice, but the sound went out.

She may also have said BIRDSHIT.

Which would also work and would be even more in context.

I don’t think she said BACKSTOP, as that would have been out of context.

Hope this helps.

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I said bullshit and I think you know that because the whole PCR thing is a scam and has been from the beginning

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I know, Doc. I know.

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Yeah I’m so happy Dr Ruby saw this!

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Do birds get the flu?

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The zoonotic transmission is important because it creates a paradigm where humanity is moving in on the animals habitat and thus we get sick.

it's eugenics under cloak of environmentalism. As the Rockefellers planned in a code switch after Nazi Germany's rationales were laid bare.

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It also allows the Government to move in on people’s chickens… “your birds tested positive, we have to cull them all”

No more food autonomy.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Jane Goodall - High Priestess of Human Encroachment So Humans Must Die

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Of course they get the flu!!!! They get it whenever the "someone" wants to deplete our food supply. Just like cows are farting up the air we breathe and also mad cow disease is real scary and probably a pandemic coming down the road. Milk, eggs, butter, also killers. Make them illegal.

Not to worry. They have yummy substitutes waiting in the wings. Unless you are allergic to soy and chitin. In which case you die.

Is it possible to raise chickens in your basement? Asking for a friend.

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About the cows farting: on the I-5 in California near the Harris Ranch I've watched over the last 20 years while a cattle feed lot has grown from a few acres with a few hundred cattle to a massive enterprise with thousands of cattle, all being fattened on their way to slaughter. The ammonia stench from this lot can be smelled from at least 10 miles away so every driver and passenger on every car and truck on the 5 gets to smell and look at this animal cruelty for a good long time. For some reason the PETA people have never objected, at least as far as I can tell. But definitely, the stench is a way to confirm the effect of cow farts on everybody traveling on that heavily trafficked roadway.

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There is a place like that off I-40 just west of Amarillo, TX. These poor animals are crammed together living in their own filth, and the stench is horrible. It’s been going on for years—probably decades. I’m sure they’re pumped full off all kinds of drugs because of their living conditions. It saddens me every time I drive by on our summer road trips. Then we get to Oklahoma, and I see rolling green pastures with cattle grazing in peace.

And we’re told how terrible beef is for people. That kind of beef is, and it’s terrible for the animal as well.

The factory farms with all the animals sequestered are easy to burn down with a match. If that doesn’t work, manufacturer a positve PCR test and cull the flocks and herds. Then make small family farms and backyard gardening illegal. Ultimately it’s about us having no other options than the synthetic lab-created frankenmeat, Apeel coated produce, and zee bugs.

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Interesting. I've been near feedlot pig farms, same thing. The small farmer near that area got shut down for selling raw milk from some gov't, but the feedlot pigs never touched. We've seen this for years.. Not sure about the association between methane (cow farts) and ammonia, which sounds like urine related. PETA seems like a psyop to me these days, though I have no evidence, just how they operate.

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Correct. Ammonia is the urine metabolite and has nothing to do with methane, per se. Most people have no idea which is which and just know it stinks and there’s a lot of it. I don’t think it was designed tobe part of the psy op, but I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if there are people making sure it’s not dismantled. There have to be complaints, and for very good reason. Anybody who lives nearby is having their blood pressure raised by inhaling all that ammonia.

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Do the Russians love their children too? Do Africans know it's Christmas? Questions never answered.

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We are the World, We Are the Children, We Are The Ones Who Make A Brighter Day So Let's Get Injecting."

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🤩 🥳🎹

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

And what is actress Rielle Hunter up to these days?

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Only west of the Nile.

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"the vaccine hesitant". That phrase alone is as diabolically conceived as you can get.

No, bastards; "hesitation" is not in any microscopic way a part of the resistance to your PSYOP.

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It's WEFFIE Talk.

Thought Leader Language.

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I like vaccine HORRIFICATION.

Or plain old vaccine HORRIFIED, as in "Yes I am!"

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Vaccine screeching halted like Fred Flintstone with no skin on the bottom of his feet anymore

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Can they diagnose literally anything with a PCR test? Cuz that’s exactly what they try to do. Doctors are such scam artists. I don’t trust any of them anymore.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Kary Mullis (inventor) said if you set the cycle threshold high enough you could find anything in anybody.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Which is super great when you start with nothing.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Yep, we called it PFM (pure f'n magic) in the Navy.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

'LipidNanoCorndog' LOL. That's the best username I've ever seen on SS.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

The 'HIV' metric levels to define AIDS are not consistent across countries. And not all countries use the same PCR cycle threshold.

"Viral suppression is defined as <1000 copies/mL. Some countries use other thresholds (such as undetectable, <50 copies/mL or <400 copies/mL), and

require adjustment for comparability with other countries and for monitoring the global 95-95-95 target. UNAIDS recommends that countries adjust for lower threshold detection. This is done using the formula:

6− (1000)

6− ( 1)


In this instance, y is the standard (1000 copies/mL) viral suppression level, t1

is the country’s alternative threshold that was used, and ɸ is the regionspecific adjustment factor"


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Why yes, yes they can.

"And you too can do it at the convenience of your OWN home if you act now!

So grab your old 'Magic 8-ball', (no silly the TOY) and give that sucker a shake.

There you go mate, shake her again and VIOLA - you have calibrated

your 'at-home test' to equal that of most PCR kits."

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Because of PCR testing in the waste water, all medical facilities in Santa Clara county are under Mask requirements. The all knowing "selected not elected" dr. Sara Cody had deemed it necessary that a mask must be worn be everyone due to rising Covid numbers...for months now....They use a f*cking PCR test, and won't say the number of cycles they use!!

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"The fact that the maximal exhaled viral load of infected persons occurs before the development of actual symptoms should concern all who might come into close indoor proximity with maskless presymptomatic 'super spreaders'."

Pierre Kory, USA Today, July 1, 2020

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Hahaha, right!....,you have it without knowing you have it!! Be afraid, very afraid!!

It’s all a huge power boosting, ego inflating, blow job by anyone who thinks they can get away with it!!

PS- it took me hours to finally ascertain that determining the “covid levels are rising” by examining waste water was from PCR testing. Even people involved in the meetings had NO idea how that was determined. Nor do they seem to care.

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Hence the need for early/preventative treatment protocols upon suspicion of exposure- discouraged by CDC

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"a mask must be worn be everyone due to rising Covid numbers"

So are the peeps ACTUALLY WEARING THE FCKING MASKS again?????

omg...speechless here.

can this be happening again??

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, and here it is this morning, fresh from the Wellness Company mail-out:

“ Beat the Bird Flu With This Simple Remedy

Yesterday, the FDA made an announcement that quickly dominated the news cycle: testing has revealed traces of bird flu (H5N1) in commercially available milk. And while the FDA assures us that the milk is still safe to drink, one cannot help but ask the question: Haven't we heard this before?

Far be it for us to be alarmists. Dr. Peter McCullough of our Chief Medical Board recently weighed in on this topic and stressed that "H5N1 poses limited risk to humans."

!! However, he did warn that a mutated version of the bird flu (through gain-of-function research) was a risk, and we know from news reports that the USDA and Chinese Academy of Sciences have been collaborating on mutating H5N1 through mallard ducks, Chinese geese, and Japanese quail since April 1, 2021, at the University of Wisconsin. !!

This is why we wanted to talk about oseltamivir today.

Oseltamivir, commonly known by its brand name Tamiflu™, is a powerful ally in the fight against the flu, especially influenza A, like the bird flu and swine flu.

This medication works by stopping the flu virus from spreading inside your body, which helps ease your symptoms and make you feel better sooner……”

The $5,000 question: What’s a limited hang-out?

Just in case Oseltamivir doesn’t do it, the Govt of Chinada has a new strategy for you: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024JEDI0020-000621 Vitalus Nutrition. Don’t drink the stuff from the source, until we adulterate it - muuuch better for ?you?

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That one guy that 'got it' did end up with pink-eye. Soooooo, there's that?

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On closer inspection maybe also has a hernia from lifting heavy sacks of feed and toe fungus from wearing gumboots. There are countless ways a chicken can kill you.

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Right on the mark Sage.

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WTC is cashing in. More $250 kits

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Apr 25Liked by Sage Hana

Good points Sage. Today it was reported bird flu in the milk... LOL. Now, here's what I have to say: milk is.. um pasturized which should kill things like that off if they were indeed 'in the milk' fear mongering my friends. That said, I'm happily snapping up the medical kits - never hurts to have of the 'medicines' on hand when SHTF and supply lines are getting short and tight and the doctor (hospital kill zone) is controlling your access. Just saying, I like the preparation. I'm working on getting Nitanizoxide from India (great for H Pylori did you know? 500 mg 2 daily for 2 weeks). Beats Giardia and Cryptosporidium in the water supplies or otherwise food borne sources. I got my Fenbendy for Equines and my Maquis (great coccoidal for cats, dogs, humans - no more giving pet Albon for 2 weeks - works in 3 days no more Coccidia). Got my IVM and HCQ. My doxy and clindamycin, regular pharmacy I got going. But this is the JIC play for when the lockdowns might come back OR I'm too non compliant and doctors won't treat me or my pets either (vets are getting in on the whole vaccine *shit* too.... )

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Good luck with the countermeasures. 🤛

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Thank you. It helps to know I have it JIC. Less anxiety. I know 'they' have something planned for 2025 or before (election time?). I'll feel better if I have to hand what I need when I need. And not have to go begging or scrounging around. And to be fair: the emergency kits are useful, the wound care first aid one and the travel one...

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CDC & FDA joint spokesperson (a new Title) : "WE (CDC and FDA) are here to announce a new venture - Public-Private Partnership - with private organization called The Wellness Company. We know people in leadership at this organization and they have worked or partnered with us (read insider / spook). We even have very good relation with the owner of this Private company, this person has worked with other Government Agencies (alpha-soup) personnel (spooks) and have worked keeping close contact with them in past. So we feel very confident in this new Venture, as we did in past with other private Organization"

thank you.

truly Yours.





The Chief Medical Board of The Wellness Company has been closely watching the avian flu (H5N1) outbreak here in the United States over the last few week – recently adding Tamiflu to the company’s Contagion Kit. While it is far from certain that this most recent strand of bird flu will result in a pandemic, Dr. McCullough said:

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are adding Tamiflu to the Contagion Kit. Tamiflu is a safe medication approved treat Influenza type A, viruses like avian flu. We will continue to closely monitor this situation and make further recommendations as warranted.”

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Out of an abundance of caution I am staying away from TWC.

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Covid isn't dangerous


it's not a problem,

Trump something or other bad,

Covid isn't dangerous,

Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

Then BAM overnight we have a pandemic of the worst sickness doctors have ever seen.

That's how I expect the 'bird flu in the milk' scheme will play out. Maybe they'll ban beef in time for the BBQ season. That'll be fun.

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What is "Covid" again?

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Apr 26Liked by Sage Hana

Certification of Vaccination Identification?

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Nice to see people delving further into the Fear Marketing of the US$300 per person Contagion Kits by Dr. Drew Pinsky and many others from The Wellness Company


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