
Promo Code: Джил


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Apr 19Liked by Sage Hana

I got my shots based totally on Dr. Phil’s advice. He also manages my investments.

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Dr. Drew assigns the "benefits" of the vax to both doses but disingenuously assigns the risks to only the first dose. Faulty logic. And we know the risks outweigh the benefits by far.

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Apr 19Liked by Sage Hana

Guvment shill. Dat boy. How is it irrational to be “hesitant” or down right against it when you already have significant neurological issues? And the last thing you need is more neurological issues. How is it irrational to be “hesitant” when you just witnessed a love one or a friend die or become permanently disabled due to this jibby jab? How on God’s green Earth is it ever irrational to be “hesitant” when they say it’s EXPERIMENTAL? And when they tell you it’s being rolled out in Warp Speed? How is it irrational to be “hesitant” when your child is already autistic or on the spectrum from previous “vaccines”? Or if you’ve already had a bad reaction previously? Or maybe after the first one? How are any of these reasons deemed irrational? By doctors no less? One, a psychologist? I didn’t think Dr. Phil could be that moronic! These idiots are insane themselves. They seriously need to rethink this whole thing. Those beliefs are utterly ridiculous & dare I say, very unscientific!

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Well, Dr. Phil is right about one thing: "the numbers don't lie."

But the scumbags who creatively collected & discarded the relevant data to make them up to appear to be factual sure did! Over and over and over and over...and it was parroted by the "media" over and over and over and over. They are nothing but celebrity-hosted INFOMERCIALS for death.

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Apr 19Liked by Sage Hana

If we’re getting Dr. Phil, they’re running out of options for Gleaming Talking Heads. I find this strangely encouraging.

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"What I normally say is, it's going to be intense, the second shot, but you are already in. "

Of course! Studies show that the intensity of any given intervention is directly correlated to the safety and effectiveness. This has been repeatedly shown by triple blinded, triple randomized, quadruple inverse square linear regression derivative analysis using quantum supercomputers. True Story...

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Sage, awww I have some Intel of sorts, of some information penetration.

Someones authentic activism is well...

Weeez penetrates zeeeee mainstream media like bossez

I believe some of the day time and evening time TV celebratory knows in Australia. My parents were watching TV as they do, I caught a glimpse of older comedian Australian woman with a blue tongue. Yes not blue hair. 😂She was being teased by her co-hosts. Australian comedian woman didn't want to talk about her new supplement.

Curiouser and curiouser. 🧐😲🤯

I make Steve Kirsch bet.

I bet $1 million, no $1 billion fiat dollars, she is taking methylene blue.

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Hi Sage,

I don't know how to contact you directly. This most likely be off subject. You mention the Day Tapes frequently. So I though you might like to check this out.


Professor Michael Hudson traces the current events back to planning done 50 years ago. That from his personal witness. I hope this is useful

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Dr. Phil is one of those that is the blowiest blowhard that ever did blow.

"The easiest way to lose weight, is to just get up from the dinner table and quit eating."

I want to see Dr. Phil and Neil Degrasse Tyson have a debate about scientific consensus.

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Sage -

You should open up a store-front BACK-PEDALING CLINIC.

I hear the reduced shoplifting penalties have opened up quite a few vacancies in Beverly Hills.

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i am not interested in either doritos or liver, sh. yours, anyones or any animals.

paraphrased from the video:

i'm sorry. i was stupid. i am a man of science — not *the* science, which doesn't exist — and i knew better and freaked out — [because as a man of science i had had my brains washed out and away by my edumacation?] — and going for the big jabbowski was the biggest mistake of my life.

did he (bongino?) promote it to his audience? (i don't know who he is.)

and an australian doctor has stepped forward and apologised. hmmmm.

in elementary school my 'bad' classmates would either get the strap — which in the one room school all of us could hear — or was directed to stand in the corner in front of the room when they were bad.

when antony (of rome and lover of cleo) admitted that he fucked up he killed himself by falling on his own sword. (although, in a perversely funny way, he actually botched that too and didn't die quickly or well.) he did take responsibility, in a way, for his failed effort. and when oedipus learned that he had been copulating with his mother, he immediately plucked his eyes out as a step towards ameliorating that moral wrong of being blind to what is true.

will that be a measure of true remorse? i've failed my profession, and so offer myself to the dead, hurt and dying to be pilloried? hung? stripped of all dignity? what?

the shitters are so everywhere, what will be the appropriate non-kumbaya approach? have them attend the convid victim hospices? begin paying the victims of the jab and scam, not always the same, pay back with money and time? what?

perhaps a truth and reconciliation process? where reconciliation is to begin when full responsibility is accepted, and not the rather flaccid and meaningless gestures we have gotten from drs phil and drew who duck under full responsibility by creating a blame and complain apology that the government failed all of us and so 'i'm a victim too in my victimising you at the beginning'? what?

it didn't fail me, with convid, because i saw it was fake. and now i am taking responsibility for my part of failing my government back when i knew it was faking and playing me, and i wasn't able to call them out. my failure to stop the fakery of endless war and economic religious enslavement is on me. i am sorry for my part in empowering those who took on that power and enacted convid.

the deep psyop of the convid is to distract people from this genocide that this has been a plan from... well, at least the 1800s, with the details being firmed up since the 1930s at the very least. the deadliness of vaccines was described in detail in the late 1800s, and yet *the* science still promoted them. so... *the* science, our medical allopathic science, has been at its core a covert iatrocide driven genocide agenda since the beginning.

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If Dr Phil was honest with his reported questions/statements did someone have a talk with him? Dr Phil holds a nice chunk of power at the Paramount lot where his show is taped. His other show “The Drs” taped on the adjoining stage mostly run by his son largely oversees “The Drs”. SAF-AFTRA required anyone on set get jabbed once the shots were released. The union for crew IATSE sent 101 pgs of work requirements demanded by SAG-AFTRA to work on set. The big requirement get poison injected with proof or no can work on set. This changed a union contract with no union members voting on the change.

Bottomline if Dr Phil was honest with his talk did someone intervene with a powerhouse or maybe some show sponsors had some input.

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*Dr. Drew, "celebrity addiction expert".*

We gotcher dubble-speak rahhht heah!!:

Iz that...

Celebrities with addiction issues?


Peeps addicted to celebrities??

Why not BOTH!!

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This stack has ruined needles for me.

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Screw your science. Catch the damn thing and get it over with. Build natural immunity, which is robust.

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