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Beware the Blue Pill Covidian who skips the shuttle to JBI*1 and arrives directly at JBI*2

Imagine the rage of those who complied...and then rudely awaken

Promo Code brandon is not your bro and Edward Dowd

The breakthrough is when an individual finally realised that governments are quite willing to kill you and don’t care at all.

Most don’t believe it so demote every threat.


As I predicted here, many of your made guys on Jabs Bad Island are beginning to take the off ramps.

Primarily the Dolts Botching Shit off ramp.

Sage’s Newsletter
Dolts Botching Shit
Rosemary’s Baby is the most frightening movie that I’ve ever seen. Not because it is graphic in its gore, but rather because it pulls back the curtain on human malfeasance and the nauseating and horrifying gaslighting and lying and betrayal that necessarily accompanies it…
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“It’s too painful for me to process human evil and the intention to kill. I don’t like to pay attention to the history of humanity. I don’t want to live in a world where a few people can coordinate a plan to murder our elders and our babies and small children and men and women and poison our pregnant women and their babies. Thus it was all a mistake. I like Rich People Dorito’s and Gleaming Talking Head Dorito’s and anyway the Monster only hits us because he loves us.”

Sage’s Newsletter
"You hold them until they die."
"I want people to understand these placental abruptions that lead to dead fetuses. I want them to know some are born alive but too young to resuscitate so you hold them until they die…
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Shibboleth glossary of terms abbreviated.

The off ramps are also known as Mass Formation Breakout Variants.

The top three are:

  1. Hero Ball

  2. Dolts Botching Shit

  3. Kumbaya

Basically all are forms of bargaining to avoid a nightmare.

“It’s too painful for me and I still consort with politicians and experts who are still negotiating furiously. These are good people and thus it was all a mistake.”

Dolts Botching Shit.

Ask your negotiating thought leader how every mistake in pattern after pattern continues to result in death and maiming all over the world.

Ask them about the Build Back Better slogans and coordinated creative intelligence behind every action.

But they do not want to look past their structures which have informed their existence; to go another layer above them and one more and keep tracking up the chain until the outlines of a Monster begin to emerge.

And let’s be honest, these experts and WEFFIE leaders are not going to do anything, until the tail (us) wags the dog (them).”

They are not in it to win it, generally.

They are in it to calm the marks.

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter
Controlling the 'Mark' after a Con Trick
A couple of comments from yesterday’s ‘excess deaths’ post got me thinking. Governments will never acknowledge any mistakes because a) the entire narrative would collapse, b) they are worried about liability and accountability and increasingly c) they are worried that there could be a massive wave of unrest if the people finally understand they have been…
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The full video is for paid subscribers

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