Thanks be to God he took the vaccine! Just think of how much worse it could have been. Bullet dodged.

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The astonishing thing is the last few months getting crushed by Ivermectinians with the same crazed logic: YOU ARE HARMING PEOPLE BY SMEARING (INVESTIGATING) THIS MIRACLE DRUG.

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It's election season, which means it's pandemic season.

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and Assassination Season.

and War Season.

and False Flag Season.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

And most importantly, mail in ballot season!

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and give us your bang-bang (a Peggy special) Season.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

It’s another “election infection”. Or is that Bird Flu? I can’t keep up.

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I think these mail in ballots have bird flu on them.

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I’m safe then. Whew! I was getting worried.

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And effective. You may however start molting. And have a strong desire to travel south for the winter.

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I’m already south.

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That alone means your infected. All of us here in the south are infected. Because we migrated here..or our parents migrated here...which makes us birds.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Can’t wait to unwrap that October surprise!

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Mushroom (Cloud) Surprise

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana


At least you’ll be all studied up.

Man, I don’t recall an election season, or just geopolitics in general, outside maybe 89-91, when so many things were up in the air. Metaphorically of course. The scenes have been written. I just don’t know what they are yet.

Too much uncertainty.

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S...just stay sharp.

We all (I) haz that feeling of foreboding.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I’m pretty mellow, in general, but my head is on a fucking swivel. Getting dizzy.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana


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Re: foreboding. Look, another week, another ‘solar’ storm. These stories come every week now. Use to be once a year? Every other year? This Op is live and running.


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Ouch, that’s a scary thought

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Its all fine. I heard it was only mild symptoms, and he’s fully vaccinated.

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Was he on the Mectin?


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That’s not even funny! Except for the psychopaths ! 100 fold for them for all they desire for, ”We the Living.”

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So now it will be the Progressives vs, the Advances?

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Can't wait to see what he does. Not

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

That needed a spew alert. There’s coffee up my nose and on my monitor. Send help, and disinfecting wipes too so I don’t get a virus.

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We used to joke about adding a screen protector to the merch store.

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I'm overstocked on T-shirts & hoodies, but I could use a screen protector. Pshaw...

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Covid?! He's had umpteen jabs, so what's the problem!? I'm seriously starting to thing the actual plan is to gaslight us to the point where we simply give up and take our own lives just to make it stop.

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I wonder if he got the Virulent Variant that you know who is warning against.

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Time to death ballparks around two weeks from onset. They may need to stretch it out a bit to hit sympathy right for the convention.

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It's magical because both of these geriatrics love them some mRNA.

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It’s a beautiful technology Sage

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Define “he”. Which version of Joe are you talking about?

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You mean you haven’t noticed that cough picking up since the debate?

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Haha right! Don't fear the reaper! Blue Oyster Cult

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Wow, COVID is still a thing? My spell checker doesn't even suggest it anymore. Wasn't Biden threatening me with sickness and death if I didn't get vaccinated? How'd that work out?

This is totally off topic, but here's a story for you--- My 18 yr. old son got questioned by the FBI today. The damn FBI. They showed up on the job site! That always makes customers feel comfortable, lol. He bought an AR 15 on his birthday and ordered 200 rounds the day after the Trump spectacle. Apparently we're on a list. They told him he fit the profile of a school shooter! This kid has never had so much as a speeding ticket, so I don't know how they could say that other than the gun and ammo purchases. They asked him if he was upset about the shooting and did he plan on getting revenge? What his politics were and did he hate his school? What exactly did he plan to do with all that ammo? I wasn't there and I'm not sure how I feel about this. It makes me wonder. How can they track my kid but not this Thomas Crooks kid? I mean he just ordered the ammo 3 days ago and they're sending agents to question my son? Are they trying to stir shit up? Anybody else hearing any reports of anything like this?

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Whoa....Wild story.

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Oh, I forgot, they also asked him if he was a "second amendment guy". He said, "I'm for all the amendments." 😁

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Smart kid!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

He should also in the future if they ever show up to Ask any questions like this ever again, say, “I don’t know anything about anything y’all are asking me, I’m just busy being an 18 year old kid just newly celebrating being able to exercise my legal and constitutional rights in America, but please feel free to ask my attorney any and all further questions, thanks, here’s his contact info, I’m

Sure he/she will be able to

Help y’all!” Bc what.in.the.heck?!? Some of my favorite constitutional law professionals/attorneys other than the ones I’m related to, are on YouTube and specialize in all you, as a citizen interacting with law enforcement, behaviors and words you say, to anyone in ANY law enforcement— regular city cops, feds, agencies, sheriff, doesn’t matter. The extent of any citizen’s words to ANY of them when being stopped or spoken to/questioned, regardless of circumstances or even if you know them as friend,

Should always and only be “am I being detained?” With respect and even kindness you can ask that question, and then, you shut the fuck up while providing your attorney’s info IF they say yea you are being detained. Otherwise, in ALL cases and ALL the time you shut the fuck up!

I’m sorry they did that to your son! Glad he was smart and then was free to go!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Great answer!! 😎

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Yeah, it pisses me off. My son fits the profile of a school shooter? Why in the hell do they have a profile on my son, and their profile is broken if it picked him out.

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This is the surveillance state that comes right out of the false flag of 9/11.

Same Op.

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Yeah, it just hit home today. Bastards.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Absolutely full on bastards! I have 16 and 19 year old

Sons and I would feel

The exact same!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

200 rounds is not a lot of ammo. Couple of weeks ago I purchased 250 rounds at my local gun range from the owner. Target practice uses a good bit of ammo. Jus saying. 😎

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

So sorry this happened to your son.

The millions of military age men coming through our borders could very well be United Nations Soldiers. I suspect there will likely soon be another huge false flag event to give them an excuse to go house to house and confiscate everybody's guns. Welcome to North Korea/China/Hitler's Germany.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

You're probably on the list because you sub here. I've been on the list for years because I knew someone whose husband got crosswise with the IRS and one AM the US Marshalls were at my door to terrorize me. Accused me of harboring a fugitive. A man I never knew, never even saw a picture of. Just because I casually knew his wife. Feds told me I might go to prison. Told me my husband might also. He did not even know the woman. Had never even met her. Feds were sent from Columbus. But their boss lived in my township just a few miles over from me. Same school district.

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Oh my God!

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Testing positive for C19 is the 'dog ate my homework' excuse for their not wanting to expose the puppet at a given time. Perfect pretext for low profile at a time when questions would be asked about recent events.


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JD Vance's comment about firing nurses for not taking the jab was sarcasm. Read his post again and think about what it says. He was always a staunch opponent of all mandates.

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Can you find out if his bio tech Pharm Co. AmplifyBio had vaccine mandates to work there?

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Vance's personal investment in AmplifyBio is listed as less than $15,000. He's not exactly CEO.

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Just sayin', don't lump Vance with vaxers when he clearly is not one.

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What about Peter Thiel? Think he got with him by accident?

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Somebody better re-check that. Just don't jibe.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Anyone have a means to get behind the paywall? This article supposedly also shows Vance’s personal investment in mRNA, not just the corporate lunk. But I’m too cheap to give this rag any money.


It’s from 2022.

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"Vance’s VC firm also backs a $200 million biotech startup called AmplifyBio. In addition to Narya’s holdings, Vance declared he personally owns as much as $100,000 in the company’s non-public stock, according to recent SEC disclosures."



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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I think I love you.

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You'll get sick of my shit.

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AmplifyBio is in Columbus, Ohio and hooked up with Battelle in Col., OH. Actually in West Jefferson, Ohio which is adjacent to Columbus. Battelle is into lots of rotten stuff. And rich. Vance lives in Cincinnati, Ohio which is 2 hours south of Columbus. Vance grew up in Middletown, Ohio. Vance is rich at this point but is pushing his story about how he's just a hillbilly who grew up in poverty. Well, he is a hillbilly but a very smart, clever and well-connected hillbilly. Hillbillies aren't all stupid. I know for a fact.

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archive.ph : gets u to a n0n ΡαγwαΙΙ

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Does the wife's religion forbid vaccines?

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She’s a Jehovah’s Witness?

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Those just ban coffee and polyester clothes.

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No, Witnesses ban crucifixes, holidays and politics, supposedly.

Ask Michael Jackson and Prince.

Oh wait.

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She's a Hindu. Trump is one of her primary gods. Now she can worship her husband also.

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They ban all medical treatments including blood transfusions for hemophiliacs... Excluded from Army, too, in some european countries

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

So right Annika - and I've been wondering about the plasma that Witnesses have always used, instead of blood, for surgeries.

It's always seemed like a good idea to me, and now more than ever.

My Stanford neurologist brother says it's crap.

Maybe he's changed his mind now.......but I doubt it.

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Get fancy skivvies tho

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Mormons have fancy skivvies. Actually magic skivvies. Protection from all evil. Must be worn continuously.

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But I heard she was part of the Gates group. “ It’s all for thee and not for me”, so I doubt she’ll take any of it.

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Convenient Covid, strain for all political leaders on trouble

PM Blackface had it back in January 2022…

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Biden gets Covid every time they need to get him out of the public eye

for a few days or weeks. They are likely working 24/7 behind the scenes

getting the AI, Animatronic, and body double versions of Joe perfected.

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That's all they have to fall back on. A fake PCR test, and the lie he is sick. Well, "These people are sick" is a true statement.

This is leading up to him stepping down. He asked his doctor if it was right for him.

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It’s all the same team, right? Probably have just rolled out his magic carpet with one more hero trick.

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Jul 9, 2024 Biden ceded power. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/07/09/memorandum-on-delegation-of-functions-and-authorities-under-sections-1333-1342-1352-and-1353-of-the-national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal-year-2024/

Our Junta







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No mention of “Cackles”?

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Exactly. Cut her ass out of the deal. Despite marriage to China’s US legal team’s Senior Partner. Old model. New ride needed. A Junta. And the precedent should appeal. Too big a country, 4 Caesars not just one.

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If Cackles is a typical female, she should be blowing her stack, not just blowing others.

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She is a San Francisco swamp dweller and understands kneeling in obedience to Master.

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Oh, just like a guy spending a lot of money on a date expects a “return on investment”, you can bet she’s looking for a promotion for kneeling.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Presumably based on a RAT "test" .... now self-fulfilling can the Bidet be .... which is a salute to rats who cannot spare the time to win Darwin Awards.

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Don’t worry He’s taking paxlovoid again!!! I suspect this time it will really work!! Wink wink

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

If it’s covid…paxlovid! Test it, treat it, you can beat it!

::Muttering:: God damn jingles…

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Let me guess: they ran the test at 60 cycles! ... this is his exit.

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Seriously, it's not the cycles... it's the non specific amplicons.

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Don’t they always tell us what they are going to do? JoeBama said he would step down if he had a medical event. Next day he gets Covid. They must have got the settlement negotiations completed. And Trumps not dead. So it’s over for Sleepy Joe.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

MUST SEE Two Predictive Programming Videos Both are less than 5 Minutes long.

The X- Files episode exposed government secret DNA Agenda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VPnhQcqRbI

The Dead Zone Season 2 Episode 14: Plague (13 Jul.

2003) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv26t0CWksc

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Don't forget that Millennium ended with bird flu about to wipe out evrrrrybody.

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They wouldn't have Joe die of "covid" in July... during Summertime heat. Would they?

Or pretend he's died and he'll be off on an island hanging out with Epstein.

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Now they have put out that heat makes Covid worse.

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