
Be wary of public health and science advice from billionaires who want fewer people on their planet and who 'OWN THE SCIENCE'.

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Hey Sage…..you know how I keep tabs on my tech overlord, who has substantial ties to Gates and seems to be creating a biopharmaceutical corridor in the Northeast….anchored with the Roux Institute in Portland, Maine (which is affiliated with Jackson Laboratory, who has expanded extensively into China and Japan) and considered a satellite locale of Northeastern University (which fancies itself a global hands on education institution).

Well, bearing that in mind, follow the money….


So yeah, the tier two minders are pointing at the WHO and ignoring what is being constructed in their backyard. Paging Dr. Nass….code red.

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1. Laser point to WHO and "Goliath".

2. Quietly set up shop in back yard.

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Yup. And when the next “emergency” unfolds, the infrastructure to corral and coerce the population will be in place a lot closer to home than Geneva.

And the three letter agencies and corrupt politicians will dutifully follow the directives emanating from the “experts” housed and funded by the philanthropaths in NGOs and Academia.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Sage Hana

They're not lying - about what they actually are;

“To be an actor in this national endeavor is something that galvanizes all of us,” Vespignani says. “We are creating a system for the future. It has never happened for infectious disease. It is not happening at this level elsewhere in the world.”

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I agree. I think there is much more to this endeavor than they are saying.

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Hi Laura. Portlander here. I am big concerned around this and am trying to educate my neighbors (live two blocks from B&M factory). Would love to connect with you offline.

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Are you subscribed to my substack? Wondering if I have your e-mail.

By the way, did you also see this….


Iberdrola is WEF, energy sector. I doubt there move to solidify their power and control of the energy in the New England corridor at this time is a coincidence. And note, former Governor Baldacci is affiliated. Oh, what tangled webs these guys weave.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

There is much good to bringing the receipts to all this and stringing it all together. There will be those who begin to see the little cadre of murderous racist psychopaths who have been gleefully burning children alive in Maui and Gaza, in Ukraine and Africa, Dresden and Paradise, for literally thousands of years. There will be a tipping point where humanity awakens, it is inevitable. This is not the first time (109 times and counting, who knew), but it may very well be their last.

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Probably and sadly, more innocent people will suffer including people that were born into a cult.

This may be where you and I diverge.

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I do agree many more will likely suffer, and I may likely not see the resolution and epilogue I allude to. So there’s that. And maybe we do diverge in viewpoints, that is a good and natural thing amongst thoughtful humans to have differing perspectives. It’s that deeply ingrained scorpion programming in all of us that pits us against each other - keeping us divided, fighting for imaginary scraps. Flip the merchant's tables and burn down the synagogue. It’s a glorious day.

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Because I understand how the predator works now a lot better.

And they lead the bugs into the zapper.

They hide under cloak.

You may expose but you cannot clearly identify. And so it goes. So it goes.

So the notion that bang-bang the Wicked Witch is dead is folly, in my admittedly not sure humble opinion.

The Wicked Witch will simply reconstitute as Dorothy or Fido and the bugs will commence the zapping again.

We are in a very strange place where the tech is racing against the ability of people to awaken and over two years, this is just too hard for most.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

agreed it's a strange place we find ourselves in, agree the wicked witch just reconstitutes and morphs endlessly in increasingly obvious and brazenly shoddy disguises like one minute it's Bobby as Atticus Finch the anti vaccine lawyer and next its the character actor JD Vance in plaid playing the hillbilly ginning up the trumpers to send their children to die for Israel. I am not gonna stand here and say I have great confidence we will ALL wake up in time. Im saying I have a feeling the great cosmic mirage we are all stumbling around within is seemingly designed with a streak of cosmic level irony that may or may not be expressed in these final few scenes of the greatest story ever told

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But meeebbbeeeee if the hammers can awaken a bit, the floodgates will open and the Ops won't work as well.

Signed,Sweet Summer Bot

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Where'd you get the 109 figure from? ❤️

I aim to make it 110.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

Scorpions ::glance at ze bots coming online, looks back at labor pool::

“We no longer require your services”

Humans: “which services?”

Scorpions: “all of them. Go die quietly please. Don’t be gauche.”

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👆folks, click this one


Life feels like this lately, with scorpions shooshing you to be quiet, as they drive the knife into your chest.


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Yes S.. like 👆 and Miri’ 🎯!!! The scorpions’ now desperately ‘shooshing’ to ‘Quiet’us’ as PD James foretold in that creepy book ‘children of men’.

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Good Q about Kirsch. Why (if real and true) does he not share that "experimental" cancer cure with the rest of the world? Such a tool. But he offered 100K to airplane seatmates who would remove their masks. Anyone believe that tall tale?

Once more, it's the Day Tapes that's the crux of the matter. Everything becomes clear when one learns all about those plans they had for us from way back in the '60s (or even earlier).

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Kirsch writes:

"If we are going to save humanity from extinction, we had better be doing something about these 3 issues:

global warming


the accelerating decline of every single major ecosystem

All of these trends are getting worse. None have been reversed at a global scale. We need action on all three. But right now, none of the candidates have the courage to even talk about serious solutions. In fact, on some issues, they won't even talk about the problem!"


Gosh I hope DARPA Steve, quarter billionaire and DNC megadonor, didn't have more than "replacement" rate of TWO CHILDREN.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

If you check the history of 'urban renewal' in the u.s.a. 20th C. and displacement of indigenous in Eastern U.S. you see a similar pattern: destroy what is already working for ordinary people so we can build back "better" than before. That is, give us your valuable land or we will kill you.

Same script.

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"People don't ask the right questions."

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, peak oil is, according to some geologists, false. The term 'fossil fuel' is according to some geologists, false. According to some geologists, the earth's core produce hydro carbons oil, gas, coal as part of the core's natural chemistry, never ending until the solar system fades. As to over population, some have looked at India's population, added the numbers published by every district in India, and they come to a number around 1 billion, less than the 1.5 billion communicated globally.

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Yes. I have invited my educated guests to opine on this.

Very very difficult to sort out what is real on anything.



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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Sage, I see your address is 548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104. This is the same address as Doreen Agostino's substack and Elizabeth Nickson's substack. I follow all three. Do you interact with each other?

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Magical. Five Eyes.

Every time.

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The honest five eyes!

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Y'all got a special breed of Public Health Depopulation Fascism going on up there.

As is Jessica Rose and Paul Alexander, right?

And Makis Fenbenazole dude and Foster Coulson?

Got a lot of Aussies and Kiwis and Brits also patrolling the FREEEEEEEDOM SPACE with lots of interest in the Americanos.

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Michael Yan will save us.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Definitely Paul Alexander the Wellness cabal! Canada, like the rest of the 'FIVE EYES' are well on the way to locking the pen, Bill C293 in Canada passed the house in June and is in the Senate for final reading. This bill is in 'lockstep' with NZ's legislation for the same nonsense. That effectively ties the Federal government to all (incorporated) municipalities under ICLEI rule to execute the final solution!

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That's the Substack offices in SF.

Become a little more savvy maybe?

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Thanks for the confirmation, yes, many substacks list the same address (duh me!). Savvy is the challenge these days, I believe nothing and read all that I can. Gate keepers are challenging. I eventually figure that one out.

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"Hey Sage, just wanted to discuss Peak Oil and also dox your address and stuff! Maybe I can send you a computer?"


Just relentless.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

you are remarkably civil at times. Cannot imagine someone making it all the way to substack, finding your stack, then comparing contact info with the other named stacks. It's a flying monkey with a message of some sort taped to its leg.

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Kanada would like to do their part to SAVE THE PLANET.

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Funny how Malthusian/Fabian goals become these great sounding programs. And only in Canada is it free! (No, they take it out of your back pocket (taxes) and dole it out through a bureaucratic albatross.).

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You want my real address and you can come to my house right now?

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No, I don't require your address, just wanted to connect the dots as Doreen and Elizabeth are Canadian. So am I.

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Canadians with a San Francisco address?

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YES! Every. Single. Human SHOULD listen to the Day Tapes again and again and again until they grasp that everything in them has come to pass, is passing and most certainly will! Another fucking mumbling brainless twat just came into my shop wearing a fucking muzzle and try as I might, begging God for patience I CAN NOT be nice!! Trust the SCIENCE everyone! Why would they lie!?!?!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Chucky 9 starring Billy G...where overpopulation gets serious. Both Chucky and gates love death and murder.

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hes Israel in human form

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I think Zionism has killed Israel so its only a matter of time but the human & culture cost is mind boggling & ea day MORE berserk crime mass scale. it must be stopped for ALL OF HUMANITY

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Need to get rid of that cancer from the face of the earth. We'd all be so much better for it. But am also hoping the 80-year curse befalls that misbegotten "country".

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Those who garden know that the default mode of nature is abundance. One tiny seeds has the potential to create millions of plants. Forever. The tapeworm class is creating a model of shortages. That model requires perpetual funding and efforts. When you burn or cut down a forest, new growth will come up faster. There is absolutely NO need to manage. To believe humans will do a better job than nature (God, Source, The universe) itself, means you've reached the peak of mount stupid. Researchers like Swedish Hans Rosling have shown that population growth slows down when certain conditions (levels of well-being) are met. Exactly the opposite of what the Tapeworm does: suck it's host to death by stealing all nutrients necessary for life.

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Dani Katz did a mind blowing interview with the whistleblower at Pfizer who saw what was in the vials with Carrie Madej; same guy who did the Pfizer project veritas Jordon Triston (sp ?) Walker blowup and fell out with them after the whole bohemian grove debacle. Must listen! Here’s part one: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/word-up-with-dani-katz/id1619155042?i=1000669940845. You need to subscribe to listen to part two but Dani is worth it! She is a real journalist, and the fact that she doesn’t get big numbers of followers, even after her amazing work proves that she is legit.

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