Aside from all obvious and highlighted changes, 911 tricked us into giving up our own life. In one day, we were trained to stop doing what we were doing, minding our own things, living our own life. Many of us became “journalists”, losing their family time in favor of “important” issues. Many found new ways of expression, becoming platform content creators, sacrificing their own pursuit for fulfillment.

No, it’s not about becoming “real” or caring about what is important. This is the gravest contamination of the soul in our times.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Since you mentioned the WWE, check out the video here of Trump speaking--he puts his hand to his ear and when he pulls it away, there was no blood on his hand (shouldn't the bleeding have been instantaneous?) Then he goes down and when he comes up, there's blood.


Jeff Berwick/Dollar Vigilante and a few in the comments section at ZH were saying this was an old WWE trick (take the fall out of sight of camera, then get cut and get back on camera with blood)

And I was suspicious that they allowed him to get up so soon, then conveniently the Secret Service person in front of him was shorter, so you could see Trump's head, then they got the money shot photo, w/ him doing the fist pump, saying fight, fight fight w/the flag flying behind him. (sheep already put that on a tee shirt to sell). If he was in real danger, would they allow him to get up like that with his head visible for a shooter?

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Yeah, I'm about to put that up right now. Slowed and zoomed.

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What if a dogpiling SS agent actually bit his ear?

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So...I used to know a pro wrassssler...

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Dunno — was joking about Mike Tyson yesterday, but look at the bloody ear pics…

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

And there's this:


alleged shooter was in Blackrock commercial

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Interesting. If this is not picked up by the msm, then thsts confirmation that they are all in on it

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Ahhh another you can't make this shit up moment.

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::scours ad for butterflies::

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So what was up with Maxwell Yearick then?

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"...would they allow him to get up like that with his head visible for a shooter?"

Yup, they even broke Secret Service protocol in order to get the Money Shot. Literally.

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I would have figured people who get clipped even in the ear drop instantly, there was a hesitation and the SS did a horrible job at protecting him. He was a wide open target

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DJT said he knew “right away 911 was an inside job” because he came from the construction business.

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QUICKLY...got the memo and changed his talking points.


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Got the mafia call ya mean😉

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deletedJul 14
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Yea when they're trying this hard... something's gotta give. Let it be the truths🤗

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Come on Dawg, take off your rose-colored glasses!

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Dozen stacks in a 24 hour period — new record?

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Plus most of these are short videos and stuff. (Then I'm burying the real shit like 9/11 under an avalanche of Trump Laser Pointer)

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Maybe a limited edition CD titled Assassin Nation coming soon to the SH merch table, but probably not a vinyl 'record' - these days, besides steam loco buffs and hard-core audiophiles, who even has a mental image of what a turntable is, much less has one in their possessions?

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I got astro turfed once and ever since it just makes sense I can be easily bamboozled. If I think I know what's happening, or just happened, I'm most likely in the bamboozle zone.

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How did they identify the gun kid from DNA so quickly.? He had no ID and they identify him from DNA when he has no criminal history. ?????

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Well you know they can sequence all those covids like nobodies business

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Unless they take DNA from newborns in the hospital and have that database.

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No bodies.

Just bidness.

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PCR test? Nose swab??

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They can take the DNA sample. It takes longer than 24 hours in a lab to test it for ID purposes. They got,his ID from the rifle that belonged to the father. Probably serial number. The news is so sloppy today.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Should have added the /s tag.

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Pretty easy when he's already on the payroll. 😐

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It has since come out that they identified him by the rifle that belonged to his father.

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The evolution of this figure who is now the central Global figure, the primary chess piece on a board game run by the same Owners of the World going wide.

And yet it feels like now the horses are just not going to be able to drink.

The Owners know what they are doing.

I'm not even mad, Baxter the Dog. That you ate the wheel of cheese. Frankly, I'm amazed.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

If people think this is an important event, and not just mid game oppery, they should get bystanders eyewitness testimony on the public record. You know, before these people start committing suicide and driving real bad. Like all the 911 eyewitnesses.

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"I have a terrible feeling that we about to get another false flag up here in America."

I'm consulting the astrological databases, and I see that between Aug 29 and Sep 7 of this year there will be a square aspect between Mars and Neptune. That's a candidate for a chemical "accident," like the East Palestine thing of March 2023.

The infamous 7/10 happened with Mars square Pluto. Mars square anything is potentially pretty bad. But between June 8th and June 15th there was also Mars square Pluto and nothing happened, right?

Lemme check Mars square Uranus, everyone's favorite mean planet. No, there won't be Mars Square Uranus until June 2025.

Now for Saturn. I hate Saturn: he's a commie. Yep: August 12-19 features Mars Square Saturn. Mebbeee they choose one of those dates. Maybe August 16th, because the Moon is in Capricorn, squaring the North Node in Aries (Mars is in analogy with Aries, Saturn is in analogy with Capricorn, a messy day for astrologers.) Also, Pallas, the asteroid of false flags, is in Scorpio and squares the Sun in Leo, which looks like a bad omen. 8/16 is not catchy, though.

Speaking of the nodes of the moon, Mars is square to the nodes between 9/12 and 9/21. But Mars is in Cancer, where it has much less energy. So, maybe World peace breaks out, I don't know, lol.

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Look at a map to see the locations of East Palestine, Ohio and

Butler, Pennsylvania

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Gulf of Tonkin?

Pearl Harbor?

Black Tom Island?

Just part of the standard card deck maybe? They shuffle and deal next hand

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Agreed… FULLY FAKE FOR FUCKS SAKE. Trump is clearly ensconced in the global op now.

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Oh yesterday’s appetizer wasn’t the full barbecue

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Then I think knowing it's an op there's still value in observing the response. So they've taken my money for a tier 2 or 3 seat. Think I'll go ride my motorcycle before the heat sets in.

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Definitely. Make sure you’re stocked up on TP and all that. Might take a couple motorcycle trips though

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Haha. I was recently marveling about the great TP op. A mc trailer with a stack of TP could be a great round two response. With a maga visor and hair for helmet.

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They have many decks to choose from.

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Lot of them have the same cards in them. Thinking its same deck but gets shuffled sometimes

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Concerning 10/7, not one grain of couscous falls to the ground in Gaza that Mossad does not know about...the math does itself. As for yesterday, given the necessary resources I have little doubt Sage Hana could link this Op back to BrutusvJulius back in 44 😉

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😹 Ep. 278: "Brutus was an Op"

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I love all the added videos in this one. It tells quite the story that most people still need to hear.

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Jul 14Liked by Sage Hana

Shooter dead. Time to go back to some real investigations. Lone Wolf. Shut close. No talking there.

Something obviously went terribly wrong with that young man. We already saw this movie.

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Think we're done here. Case closed.

Now let's go get chili at Fran's Diner.

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Did Israel and the IDF get real mRNA Pfizer?

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If your look at their all cause mortality within 6 weeks of the shots, I’d say a mix of deadly and non-deadly shot were administered

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I theorize that that 6-week spike of death was not supposed to happen.

They did not intend for the shots to kill people so quickly.

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They did an outstanding coverup, claiming those that died had covid and were unvaccinated. Norman Fenton does straight annihilation of this over at Where are the Numbers. I’m sure you know, just saying for others

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Are they all invited to the Geert ADE finale party? This is such an important question, to piece this all together. It is possible that they were played, and we get to see Israel go away for good sans Samson Option.

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Thank you again, dear SAGE! Six years into my investigating 9/11/01, and about five months after the San Diego Citizens' Grand Jury indicted 16, including Rudolph Giuliani, David Rockefeller, Jerome Hauer and Peter G. Peterson, the year 2007, this song, "9/11 Is A Big Lie", came to me as an effort synthesize major Holes in the Official Story. You are SO RIGHT that getting to full truths about 9/11/01 CAN expose the " 'COVID-19' ' Big Lie and other B. L.'s that plague us. Lots of links in this Substack, too, one of the them to those brave folks in San Diego. CHEERS! https://donpaul.substack.com/p/911-is-a-big-lie

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Speaking of 9/11. this video was just upscaled to 4k. I've seen it before but not in this length and with narration and police radio chatter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ34eWqbayk

Apparently, the North Tower was 'glowing red' and on the screen it says 'aviation 6' saying as much. 106th floor crumbling. I'm a believer in possibly explosives being used, but 110 story towers not folding in on themselves properly would have caused some major damage to nearby buildings (yes there was damage but no where near as bad if it all went sideways). I'm a bigger believer in DEW's being used too, the patents show the tech has been here for quite some time. I don't buy the planes cutting through the towers like butter either, not the entirety of the planes. Everything about them looks off to me. In my opinion, those responsible could not risk the job going sideways, and they needed their war. Maybe we will never know, but I do have pics of workers standing over some liquid molten substance at ground zero. I don't know what to make of it, I could be way off base here.

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Have you read Judy Woods’ “Where Did the Towers Go”? It may have a lot of the answers to these questions and it certainly seems ask a lot of the right questions. I haven’t tried to verify a lot of the data, like the seismographic readings, e.g., but it is worth doing so.

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