Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. Honest. The razor’s edge exposes flaws in the matrix. The importance of congruency, you are tracking true.

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From the minute Kolor Revolution Saturday began and put my head down and in real time began to see the outlines of this all leading to Israel...and saw people buckling, it felt like...these guys are moving now.

And then right quick Bobby is with Donald and Jabs Bad just poof....goes. away.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

Yes. You have very clear vision. But this > They are going to try to kill your children. < must say ‘ They have been killing your children at horrific numbers since 2021 and are not stopping’ https://old.bitchute.com/video/CUhivZmkkDKP/. More on Tromethamine.

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Which makes it unbelievably sinister to refer to this and elide the shots that escalated the agendas.

It's Hunger Games. It's the Tucci interview. Laughing at the mark.

"I was just trying not to burn alive."

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Politics only employs those possessing multiple split identities. Being ‘true’ is thus genuine for each one. It must be a contagious condition, the channel flickers are everywhere.

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Why put 2021? They have been doing it for ages..

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The hard part is to really grasp that the God of the universe really does give a damn…for the Palestinians, the seed of Ishmael. For the Jews, the seed of Isaac. And for the Gentiles.

It still amazes me … the gift of eternal life thru the seed of David, Jesus Christ.

And mankind squanders it away on petty jealousy & wars.

My only solace in this sordid mess…

Written by a Hebrew of the Hebrews, but also a citizen of Gentile Rome…the Apostle Paul…

Romans 7:38,39

I choose by the freedom of my will to believe it. We all matter to the God who suffered in our place for our sins.


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I've been learing that there are actually MORE genetic Hebrews currently living in Palestine (as well as Christians) than in Israel. Palestine is not just descendents of Ishmael. Israel is by far Ashkenazi or Khazarian false Jews. Khazarians don't hesitate to bomb whomever is living in Palestine. They HATE anyone who is not of their tribe and they want that land.

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Romans 8 not 7

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Really shocking that a democide is not being taken seriously

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"But I am choosing to celebrate the bounty of riches Covid dropped at my feet like a basket of newborn kittens." Good Lord, FLCCC. Good Lord.


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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

“They will try to kill you”?

Almost 6 bln walking dead and detailed plans for more.

My opinion…

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Was having this discussion today.

Medium to high octane speculation.

I think a lot more people are dead than the official numbers. (I cannot prove this, no.) I suspect that the world population numbers are being fabricated to hide the cull.

I think we are right now, RIGHT NOW, in a Potemkin Village of reality.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana


& I think population statistics have been manipulated leading up to this.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

Population statistics and vaccine statistics have been manipulated.

My husband’s company was shaming employees here that their Germany sister company was 96% (or 98%) vaxed, but in Germany they were doing exactly same thing shaming employees about close to 100% vax rate in Canada.

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T-shirt idea:

"I survived the cull!!"

Or some variant thereof

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Kamala keeps saying 220 million Americans died of covid. Why does she repeatedly make that claim? Theater of the absurd.

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Because the Threat Matrix is paramount to justify the rage should the hammers ever awaken from their placated slumber.

THIS is the same Threat Matrix that Pierre Kory was pushing HARD for a year and ah a half. The Dangerous Virus.

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You mean, she wants her base to believe that 220 million Americans died of covid? Wow. I never would've thought of that.

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They all want their base to believe this.

Fucking Trump always refers to the Spanish Flu and how he avoided that carnage.

This is really really really not a Democrat-Republican deal when you PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT STAYS THE SAME.

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This is key. We're being pushed in the same direction regardless of who holds office, which raises the question, who is really in charge?

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I watch my workplace of which I maybe have contact around a couple hundred supposedly 98% jabbed… I think I could argue one Died Suddenly and one sudden heart surgery though in one who subsisted on MKUltra-sized Big Gulps of Sugar Fizzies fot many years. Lotsa out sick mebbe tho, but there is confirmation bias in the observer. Seems low for a cull?

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Different areas got different lots.

Can say for sure that I do know of one HOT LOT METRO AREA.

Unbelievable carnage. Slow carnage, sure.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

Lots of new crazy high blood pressure in vaccinated around me. Hospitalizations for high blood pressure.

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Microclotting slows down your team spirit.

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I was expecting this too. If I pick the hottest lot its scattered everywhere according to VAERS — which I think they do on purpose (since a 70’s… I think flu vaccine fuckup) to hide the cullery. Even Marshall Islands for that one

here — this is reported deaths as of a couple years ago: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe19837cb-d3aa-46e7-808e-a26ab8e00eac_858x487.jpeg

I also though know of a Japanese neighborhood thats lost many these past few years

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Yep. Though some of that is ‘cause there’s more people there. Loosely follows population. I should update this — that was 2.5 years ago— after Sherp reported his bad batch experience. Such a sweet summer child https://open.substack.com/pub/drflurmgooglybean/p/the-good-the-bad-or-the-ugly-batch?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Japanese neighborhood where, may I ask?

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Aging neighborhood in suburbs of Kyoto. Lots of older casualties in the past few years. Definite spike among neighbors and family acquaintences

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Just one of the effects out of a Killion.


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Hospital murders. Yes.

Yes. This is late. This is late. Just like Dowd was late.

Just keep kicking it down the road.

Just keep up the placation. Just keep up the *BOMBSHELLS*




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I know it's late.

And I despise those that stick up for their hero and say they can't talk about the full reality and have to give it in small bites.

F'k them and their horse.

It's why early in the kull I moved on from any freedomfuck who spouted the infamous, "I'm not anti-vax but". as they can all go to hell.

But I was emphasizing hidden #'s to your remark.

I think a lot more people are dead than the official numbers. (I cannot prove this, no.) I suspect that the world population numbers are being fabricated to hide the cull

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“Just trust us”

Bourla Wants to Help You Even More

Pfizer for All!


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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

What semi-shocked me, coming out of a peak oil haze in the years before the Covid op started up, was this: the absolute screeching halt of “overpopulation will kill us all!” To “not enough babies, humans are going to vanish!” rhetoric. After decades of being set at ‘too many humans’, it was damn near instantaneous. You could almost feel the month it flipped, all across the media landscape. It was absolutely bizarre.

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Would it shock you that I wrote a post on this? 😅

Per usual, they are trying to get out in front of the awareness.

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Semi. Semi-shocked. Cloudbrain?

Yeah, it felt something like this in the past year:


I think they have Marsman running point on this aspect of the op.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

2035: “You can’t be angry at us scorpions. See here, in these old headlines? We’ve been telling you since 2024 that you weren’t screwing each other enough. Not our fault everyone is gone now.”

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I agree. I'm curious what you are basing your estimate on.

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Sage. Remains to be proven if ANYONE in the charmed circles of Hell care about anything at all. Literally. I suspect they care little about their human being to start. Now we could play psychoanalyst but it remains to be proven if this has any solution. For instance we can speculate on the trauma creating these actors whose actions we witness who care so little about their human being but pointless. We need to remove these people from power. In elections not voting and stating why to the curious if we please or not is one vote of NO PASARAN. The issue is not psychology but a problem of both their spirit and ours. Shakespeare had it right in Julius Caesar. Not that the murder is needed as in the play but the truth of the sentiment. Caesar in my use speaks as metaphor emblematic of the people of hell's charmed circles We the People cringe before and tremble and obey.


Why, man, he [Caesar] doth bestride the narrow world

Like a colossus, and we petty men

Walk under his huge legs, and peep about

To find ourselves dishonorable graves.

Men at some time are masters of their fates;

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings.

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Not “an act” but “acts”.

And not attempting editing or anything whatsoever


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It's a quote from Rabble Rouser David Martin at Bobby and Bob's Brussels Barbecue.

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Mmmm barbecue.

Oh that reminds me

If David Martin and Doc Malik were to put their heads together

And you drew dots on the top

I think it could look like boobies

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One of dem dere abromovich bbqs?

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SH: I suspect that Donald Trump doesn’t give a good goddamn about anything other than Donald Trump.

ME: When I saw the video where they showed Trumps world tour where he basically blackmailed the leader of every country on Earth I told my wife "I'll bet he was blackmailed first and he is only doing what he is told to do to stay alive."

SH: I don’t think he even gives a fuck about Israel, to be honest.

ME: I would bet he is doing what he is told to do to stay alive.

SH: He’s just a lock to start the proceedings for the global meltdown that the Scorpions need.

ME: I am on the fence on this one with what you are saying as one swing of the pendulum but on the swing in the return direction with the military and ex military that haven't liked what been going on since Vietnam coming in out of nowhere. I would not bet on it but I also wouldn't be surprised. I haven't really shown my full hand and a lot of other people are the same way. You have to make it to the final deal in the card game to be one of the last standing and you don't get there showing everyone the cards you have in your hand especially at the beginning of play.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

The "vaccine" saved Lindsay Graham's life? Ah, so it is malignantly toxic.

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RFK supports late term abortion. You can't "care about the children" and do that too.

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Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

The vaxxine is a miracle of modern medicine..trust the father

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Are you ever on top of this one. I especially like “if you love actors more than your family I feel sorry for you” as encapsulates the mentality of most people. Doesn’t matter what you KNOW (in your soul to be right on every level) it matters what THEY SAY. Especially true of those addicted to these Tick and Insta things. If everyone threw their phones into the sea I doubt we would be in one tenth of the mess we are in now.

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I'm confused: if the universities hate protestors so much, why they don't just expel them and refuse to return their money?

A bit of fun cruelty: tell the protestors that they will not be allowed to get more vaccines if they are expelled and removed from the student body. Mass melt down after peak Marxist collective neurosis.

I'm already seeing it, problem reaction solution: an underground black market of covid vaccines for the young people that will not get saved by the maniac fascists who monopolize vaccines and public health.

The memes are now sentient and are laughing at humans.

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Since things are managed, why do people think that only one scenario is in play

Wouldnt it be good for a civil war or whatever if Harris who has no platform (or brain) and received no delegate votes for presidential candidate was to win. Then, that upset energy could be diverted for all sorts of things. On the other hand, actor Trump could change in office and institute all sorts of bad things.

The only certain thing is that the fix is in. The human being is the most studied thing in the world and that knowledge is not wasted on good will.

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Been a Nurse for 27 years. Yes, junk food is killing Americans in droves. America is ‘acute on chronic.’ Clean water, organic, whole, nutrient dense food, sunlight, and exercise are what humans need daily to flourish. We all get the shits. We all get head and chest colds. The majority of us would not be here today without antibiotics, myself included. I had pneumonia a few times as a child. Looking back, I was a very finicky eater. Stay health folks.

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Sky Fairy sez each chosen gets 27 Goy house um, persons. The rest get dead.

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Hell, a little Karamel on the apples will certainly sweet'n the dessert.

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It's not just "an" act of biological and chemical warfare. It's been decades of government and corporate policies.

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Right, that's a pull quote from David Martin at Brussels.

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If it is, it's pure coincidence. Perhaps that was his little drip of truth to rope in the unwary. I saw David Martin online once in 2021 (I think) and I have not tuned into him again since. His sleazy car salesman vibe tipped me that he was just an opportunist out to sell me some product or another.

It was more of a reference to the littany of bad policies that have harmed people's health over the decads: "eggs bad" lie, "cholesterol bad" lie, "grains good" lie, "food pyramid", "DDT good" lie, "vaccines saved us from polio and other diseases" lie, "vaccine manufacturer immunity" law, and all the other health policies which when combined enabled the covid psyop to roll out.

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