Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

HAL, the acronym is one letter removed from IBM. Clever.

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Sort of like Neil A’s name backwards.

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There ARE people who want to live in the first world that you depicted and they work to enact the judeo-masonic self-centered vision of their masters through secrecy.

Maybe HAL was there to imprint upon people long ago the idea that computer programs (AI) are good meaning and cannot be bad ( but AI has been shown to purposely withhold, deceive and even lie).

The Kissinger-Schmidt philosophy is to completely enslave the public through AI in a phone-tree-like prison complete with pre-crime assessments where harvesting people and taking their stuff and death can occur more securely.

The Milennial article suggesting accepting both contradictory options is probably put there in 2019 to attract the no landing people into a dead end culdesac where they cannot think further like the conclusion-deficient prominent No Virus group. Need to ask HAL what No Virus position says about our world and the Judeo-Masonic vision ruling it. Do not be surprised if HAL Epsteins himself or herself or gets a visit from the Clintons.

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I remember the night I saw that movie like it was yesterday. At the time it seemed so futuristic. And cautionary...

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Part of the program.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Still being programmed.


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Holy shit!

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Soooo....now they are showing us how they did it and rubbing our noses in it. The Hammers won't figure it out. This is a must see. 👍👍👍

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Another film with the political version of "What's my budget?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIiCjhCBDaM

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me too...loved it...now we're living it and more...yikes!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

One thing I can’t put together is why the Soviets let us dunk on them with this bullshit. They got a sizable half of the Nazi scientists that Paperclip didn’t get. These guys would have known.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Remember when we were best buds prior to and during WW2 and then became mortal enemies immediately after? Maybe at a high enough level we weren't.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

The Day Tapes segment where he talks about how countries cooperate in ways we are not aware of, much more than we think. When I hear stuff like this, I think of that immediately.

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Maybe they went into hypersonic missiles...one of those wacky ideas that might just pay off?

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

A perfect summary of 2001 A Space Odyssey. I saw it that summer, at a drive-in movie theater, with my nerdy friend who wanted to film it off the big screen, illegally, from his father's car, with his new Super 8 movie camera. The special effects were sensational. We felt like we were being given esoteric knowledge.

He later worked for the government, and did some freelance special modeling work on some Sci Fi films, like Star Trek.

I also watched the "moon landing" at his house the next summer. We believed it. He still does. I do not.

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I have a post very early on here, where I said, Call me naive, but I still believe we landed on moon.

Now about 70-30 No Moon Landing.

Primary Reason: We never. went. back.

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and the distressing shame on the faces of the returning astronauts...that was a tell for me...

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Me too. That was the most bizarre press conference. They had just been to the moon for crying out loud. Where was the exuberance, the sense of overwhelming accomplishment? Just... nothing. Seemed like embarrassment from telling a lie.

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Thanks for the link for the not moon landing

I also thought why hadn't they gone back

I guess radiation scared them off

So what percentage of britticanica is real.

Seams the USA has been a load of BULL

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Not even to mine rare earth metals. I’m on the fence. There is just soooooo much space activity going on even silly Elon can get shit pimping up there. I think it’s easily possible. Did they bother? So much easier to make a movie

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Me too Dave. I was working at MIT Darpa Labs on the Apollo project during the Summer of Love. Even the lowly test engineer received a commendation signed by all the big wigs. Also received a commemorative metal that supposedly contained metal from the Columbia module. As I have stated before, Kovid changed my outlook on everything that has happened since JFK and prolly before that. It's Strawberry Fields all the way down. Nothing is Real. 🍓🍓🍓

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In my humble opinion, the summary lacks the reference to the music. The cosmic fetus sequence would've been impossible without the orchestra.

How many fetuses have been thoroughly exterminated due to political ideology since 1968? Don't judge morally, it's all about utility, they would say.

"Put on that damn mask, your body is not yours to breathe freely, who do you think you are, obey The Party!" That was a rendering in human language of the autistic screeches of most feminists in 2020.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Don’t need a HAL when you have a DEW..check this out, unbelievable (believable😢):


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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana
Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

With that spirit of aloha, they just can't lose.

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"So they DO want to kill us?" Yes, yes, they do...with unimaginable urgency...

Great stack...Hal was so savagely cool!

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“Enhance that security” “rogue nations” “purchase of weapons” “we have no defense against… the dark arts” “clandestine infiltration of the weapon” “destabilizing” “Cold War is over” “Russia is no longer an enemy - 2001” “potential adversaries”

… (imaginary bomb - through your phone - 👑🦠 weaponized piles of money - Problem Reaction Slavery)


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totally stealing this... Problem > Reaction >Slavery

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Re: McGowan. Jesus. I never really put together how many things were jammed into july(ish) of ‘69. I’m gonna have to verify this.

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Um SAGE! How do you do it?? Yikesarooni! 🤗❤️

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No shit Sherlock!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

Lookout Mountain Laboratory

I heard Jared Leto bought the place.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Laurel canyon and Los Feliz are two of the spookiest places on earth, and only a few miles apart. On par with the Presidio in SF.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

I never picked that up in all these years - "My instructor was Mr Langley" = CIA Headquarters = LANGLEY VA 23665.

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My first thought as I viewed the clip for the first time!

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I feel an elision in the orce

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We will simply elide the Van Allen Belt.


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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

I prefer Van Halen myself!!! 🤓🤓

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And if we elide a definition of hypergolic who’s to know?

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Chinese peasants. As it falls out of the sky onto their villages and their heads.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Hey Sage,

FYI: “Rosemary’s Baby” was NOT a Stanley Kubrick film. Roman Pulaski was the Director. It should also be noted that after the film was completed, Pulaski‘s wife Sharon Tate (who was very pregnant at the time) and some friends were murdered by Charles Manson’s groupies.

A form of revenge agst. Pulaski for mass exposure of satanic cults and the Advent of the Anti-Christ?

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Thank you, Veronica, corrected now, promo code: YOU. 👍🎬

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Sorry! Yes! Will correct!

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You are right. But the directors name is Roman Polanski, polish-american jew. Did a number of stunning stuff, like Kubrick.

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take a closer look at Lance, Neil, and George Custer:


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There was a strident debate, 5 or 10 years ago on the use of AI in automated systems (robots, drones, security systems) and the need to keep a human in the decision loop. China argued that keeping a human in the loop eliminates the speed advantage of AI. Given the propensity of madness and moral depravity in the elite class (including the subservient aristocratic, debutant, and appointed class), I believe the Chinese argument won or is winning the day.

The upper caste's see Humanz as cattle, so as long as they achieve their objectives, who cares what happens to the masses or any one/one thousand/one million/one billion cows/cattle.

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