Wanted to let you know that this morning I tried to reply to a comment directed at me on your latest post and got a message from Malwarebytes that your stack was having some sort of attack and might steal my info so would not let me on. This went on for more than an hour. I could get to others' stacks but not yours. Every time I tried, Malwarebytes put up a shield. Fixed now but WTF?

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I suppose I should have just posted relentlessly about Jabs Bad or Pfizer Bad or Bible Verses.

Or busted out vague platitudes about the "Biopharmaceutical Complex"


They will pull the plug or some lawfare or a trip to the market may get hazardous if the very few keep pointing out where this leads over and over again, and then retrospectively interpret the behavior of the same, predictable cast of characters.

Relax, Monster and WEFFIE Infodemic Minders who keep stopping people from subbing to the Dangerous Ideas Substack... most of the marks are never going to be able to deal with your level of betrayal.

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You are on fire today. Even this answer is 🔥.

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May 15Liked by Sage Hana

"You are on fire today."

That's what I was thinking reading this post.

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Wait I thought you were actively detonating all the new subs. Thats not you?

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It reminds me when a link to my pdf paper against the haccines in academia.edu was flagged as malware (a pdf!) by 3 out of the 7 top malware databases.

They are genius for evil!!

The full PLAN exposed:


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They used to flag me all the time when I wrote about the bioweapons. I quit the site and took down all my articles. They send me emails at least twice a week for years now, begging me to come back. 😂

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May 15Liked by Sage Hana

This reminds me that on a recent-ish post where you were discussing and linking to Paul Alexander (whom I’d unsubbed from long ago) well I made a comment, and then suddenly his stacks re-appeared in my inbox and I had to unsubscribe from him

again. ‘Twas bizarre.

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Sage Hana

I'd like to offer a bit of interesting historical speculation. If we assume that pandemic virus threats are a fake enemy and that terrorism was mostly a farce to provide an enemy as a stopgap to fill in after the collapse of the Soviet Union, then how far back does the fakery go?

I was reading a book about a Pakistani international bank that was shut down in the early 90s. It was tied to money laundering, arms deals, drug trafficking, black ops, you name it. They were utilized by the CIA, Mossad, Saudis and others. They took African central bank deposits (and stole them). This fraudulent bank was a huge global operation protected from on high.

Now what really struck me today as I was reading was a passage about how an arms deal broker wanted to talk to the investigative journalists because he was so angry about what he had found out. He had found that the Soviets had purchased from this rogue bank a manual for top secret US government tech. The bank must have gotten it from DIA or CIA directly and they then sold it to the Soviets. Another historian wrote a book about US tech transfers to the Soviet Union.

So was the big, big threat of global communism before these more recent fake threats also completely fake and propped up by Western elites? And then it fell apart internally and that was NOT intended and so they had to trot out new threats to replace the old paradigm in a hurry?

When that former CIA director said their disinfo program would be complete when everything Americans believe is false, I thought he was talking about a time in the future and now I suspect he was talking about something already long accomplished.

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My sense is after pondering the Day Tapes and the cooperation of East and West and false flag terrorism would be employed and science would be falsifed...

Is that post WW2 some long term plans were made to immediately split up the Paperclip Crew to US and Russia and long term plans were made.

Enough that Day would crow with confidence, that nobody could stop us now.

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In 1920 Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf wrote about the jew infiltrating the education system on Berlin and propaganda leaflets that turned the citizens into hatong their own country and history that is why he wanted to get them out

But is was the Jews who killed the Jews during the was with the Ford Co providing fuel and tanks to Germany

' It ain't necessarily so What you read in the news'

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The Soviet Union was an op. Same way hitler was. Following the money, to the extent peons are allowed to, shows that pretty decisively.

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These days one hears more and more people saying that Hitler was a good guy.

If Nazism was a psyop, shouldn't we say that this new bandwagon "trend" that some people jump into is also a psyop?

I have no problem in saying that all instances of totalitarianism were psychological operations. I would like that people would study American History under that light, especially Roosevelt, Wilson and FDR and Truman.

Who knows, maybe they discover that there are no nukes!

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Yeah, that’s a super weird trend, huh? Hero Hitler. Op.

Yes, a passing glance at Smedley Butler should be required. Also a gander at the immense money flows that got the soviets and the nazis all set up and going. Some real venture capital stuff going on there. It came back around though during the mergers and acquisitions activity with paperclip.

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If Gen. Butler hadn't told the globalists of his day to take a hike when they asked him to spearhead their putsch way back in the early 1930s...hard to be sure what things would be like now...they'd probably be a lot like they are now, but they'd have started being a lot like this a lot sooner.

I recall Bucky Fuller had some interesting takes on GloboCap in his relatively short & easy to read "A Grunch of Giants" (Grunch was his shorthand/acronym for Gross Universal Cash Heist).

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His term Great Pirates really nailed it.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Butler was more prosaic: " In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." Coupla smart geezers, them two...Butler died fairly young, Bucky held on quite a bit longer.

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Robber Barons

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It's a particularly perverse form of Hero Ball!

Me? I think the essence of National Socialism was the 19yr olds embezzling Hitler Jugend dues money.

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That sounds very right... (see what I did there?)

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Has anyone seen the latest Greg Reese?

'UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees'


Then there is King Charles' new portrait:


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"Pierre Kory is in this moment locking himself behind a gate that leads to Hell."

I'm read the rest when i get home. This sentence alone deserves a kofi. Mahalo

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana


The antidote is a poem by Rumi:

"I have lived on the lip of insanity.

Wanting to know reasons.

Knocking on a door.

It opens.

I've been knocking from the inside."


Be at peace.

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This post is a magical tour de force. You nailed it ! 🔥💥👏🎯❤️

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Good sleep.

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May 15Liked by Sage Hana

Once you come to your senses and begin advocating for the US withdrawal from the UN and the WHO, would you please dedicate your future substack newsletters to WORLD PEACE, for heaven’s sake!

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Not only is Kory a vaccine incentive specialist, but he is also a simulation expert. Simulation: not real scenario, Acting!!! Perfect man for the job. Every time I see that video of him it becomes so clear that he's hitting all the taking points to promote fear and the need for more totalitarian control over us. Over time it will become obvious to more people that Nothing is being done by way of Hearings and Summits. US and Isreal are in it together. The OP.

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The people that were given who magically show up at every European Vacation performance appear to be tasked with:

1. Reiterating the THREAT MATRIX, *(Dangerous Germs), and

2. the need for ongoing COUNTERMEASURES for the THREAT MATRIX


3. Explaining what the US Security State and Global Leadership is going to do, hand waving desperately to the WHO and never clocking the United States is driving this.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

At war with Covid? lol, no, the deep state was using Covid to make war against the American people. And the W.H.O. and CDC were used against us. They weaponized them against the people.

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Just tracking down the food chain to what the "Deep State" looks like with names and faces.

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It runs deep, very deep. And wide. The DC administrative state is a large part of it, the face that we can see.

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May 15Liked by Sage Hana

I've watched that Kory clip many times, I normally watch it when you post it and have various reactions. Interesting how this time I noticed that I've never believed what Kory is saying, even when I was still partly taken in by those guys.

Why? It's so over the top with panic, he's all arm-waving and acting panicky. It's like "calm down, bro". "It's not that bad". "you are over-reacting". So, he's not believable at some level. I assume folks pick up on that unconsciously. There's something repellant about him as he does this. He's not only acting, he's acting a lie. That's repellant

I've discounted him because of this, but as you point out the danger, that's a mistake. He's a scorpion.

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Acting is hard.

I also glossed over Kory's bad acting for a very long time until I saw his reax to Hospital Murder.

The dominoes of Tier Two began to fall and with each one, the alliances and the past could now be retrospectively interpreted.

I never saw Ron Johnson #1 and when I did, I basically knew all I needed to know.



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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Along the lines of “they tell us”, I just saw this SPARS-like scenario planning exercise/document. I missed it during its first go around. It’s a good thing they got on this planning after just barely safely surviving 150 years of solar flares, since the last big solar storm. Just in time for our current “space weather”. What are the odds? Probably just lucked out, and they love us.


(/s… I will be reading this tonight. My hunch is it’s the spars equivalent playbook to ‘don’t look up/leave the world behind’. Btw, isn’t it interesting they told us to not look up in conjunction with the trails going into overdrive?)

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Try to blast this into the Tier Two public to get ahead of it and you run into:

Tucker Good.

Trump Good.

Ron Johnson Good.

WHO bad.

Pfizer bad.

Tier One just buys the whole thing as is. The Plymouth, the Clear Coat, all of it.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Tier One also buys the gold-colored-chrome trim package...and of course, LoJack, because if anyone took that Pinto away from them, they'd lose everything.

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Yup. I don’t know how you stay with it. Totally disheartening. Must be your AI troll team willpower that keeps you going 😉

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I just have a tick of personality where I cannot abide gaslighting.

I now know that many enjoy gaslighting and long for it.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

I have the same tick. I can’t abide lies, but most empathetically those from myself to myself. It’s somewhat exhausting, but I can’t seem to shut it off.

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I'm very grateful for you and others who continue to arrive here at AIBotville and keep it real.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

I’m grateful you keep writing and point out the ‘what should be obvious’ and ‘what’s blindingly obvious in retrospect’.

I’m fairly certain being here is just an exercise in profile building, for when the cull gets good and real, but shit…that ship sailed long ago. Might as well stay sane with a blowoff valve until the collection squads arrive.

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May 15Liked by Sage Hana

I have that tick, too.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

People who live in Wisconsin. Wiccans? At least some of them likely are, maybe Kory and Johnson.

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Another notable Wisconsinian is Nurse Erin, 9/11 Special Forces soldier turned nurse who gave us the Hospital Protocols expose which survived on Journeyman Pictures all the way through the fake pandemic on YouTube and of course she was vaulted onto TUCKER CARLSON (always a smoking laser pointer) and wrote a book.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

I wrote a book.

I got a book deal.

I helped destroy thousands of books no one ever read.

Welcome to

Money Laundering 101.

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I never understand the destruction part.

Would it be less of a laundering if people actually bought and read those super boring books?

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It really does seem like a lot more effort than fine art. Maybe they are bored.

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Maybe an occult Egyptian ritual based on recycling papyrus? Or somehow related to the phrase Holy Moses? A make-work jobs program for teenage kids in Illuminati families?

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“Ah mom! Do I HAVE to get a summer job?!”

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They could’ve been comic books

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May 14·edited May 14

And the George Floyd op was in Milwaukee bigtime. And the naive teenage kid, Kyle who got caught in it, whose life had been ruined because he was a white male who defended himself when they were trying to kill him. A lot went on in that state, a state that used to be about dairy and cheese.

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Was he white? In the trial he looked like an injun!

I mean, when will the white man stop harming the aboriginals?


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May 15·edited May 15


Both the guys he shot were white, so race never entered into it. If he wasn't white we'd have known. But they were on the left, one was a pedo. So that made him automatically a far right wingnut, though he favored Hillary in the previous election.

Hillary? What do kids know? and now he's a MAGA guy. He wanted to be a hero and defend a business from rioters, plus make a few bucks as a guard.

Poor kid. Nearly all of us make stupid mistakes when that age, but history and the narrativists scooped him up pretty quick as a poster boy in the "Let's you and him fight" distraction. Gotta keep the Trump bad! no Biden bad! story alive.

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spookipedia says "cheesehead" is the prefered demonym.

Also the state animal is the badger, so we can easily call them stinkers.

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Funny guy (Adam Felber?) had a Saturday show on NPR (long time ago)...proposed a bumper sticker for Wisconsin "Wisconsin: Come Smell Our Dairy Air!" Saturdays used to be amusing there, what with Click & Clack: The Tappet Brothers and Paula Poundstone & PJ O'Rourke on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me... www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jav28qjGNPY

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I have a table from 2020 showing that the FLCCC group was achieving mortality rates in their ICUs similar to folks with sepsis; (somewhere around 6 percent I think) compared to nearly all other ICUs in which the mortal rates were 24-35 percent. Gives one a lot to think about.

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Do respiratory viruses usually cause sepsis?


Did Dr. Kory ever consider that maybe it was not a respiratory virus?

As I grow in awareness, these questions haunt me.

If the vents were killing people, why did he not just pull the marks, err...patients off of them?

He says the vents were not killing people. Hospital murder didn't happen. (Or that world would be lost to him 🙄)

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FYI, Ms Latapova is not critical of Pierre Kory.

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It gets tricky with the personal relationships, does it not?

Which is why I value my neurodivergence and try to use all the good intel from all the various sources, be they Erasmus Lab Mice Cutters, or Big Tech IT guys, or former Big Pharm contractors, or laser focused former restaurant workers or paralegals who can dive into laws and orders of government and on and on.

My sense is that most if not all will go across the river as long as they can before running into a friend or an ideology that will have to sacrificed like a Sacred Cow.

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Not tricky for me, no.

I'm a bit more credentialed than "former restaurant worker". At least go with the highest achievement if you're going to use euphemisms. :)

As someone who has been a target of attempted co-opting several times, I must say it would have been a strange thing indeed for any motivated & skilled individual with NOT to have been so-targeted.

That's my explanation for whatever is happening there.

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Yup. And they all found my inbox as well. Just as you did.

It never stops.

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I genuinely do not give a solitary fuck about your credentials.

I care about your mind and how you approach anomalies.

I also know that Twitter Warriors are prone to falling into personal relationship Psy Oppery which is a big part of how all of this gets done.

I have literally never seen one person manage to float above the Twitter Psy Op and there is a reason that the Big Techs did not allow their children to use it.

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By "there," I don't mean Ms. Latapova and Dr. Kory.

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We are not at war with any virus… we are at war with psycopathic philanthropists .. who are driven by eugenics… so many safety avenues shut down… doctors silenced.. police with minimal power.. judicial system fast asleep… leaders of each western country asleep at the wheel.. their minions sit on their behinds looking at phones then when it’s time to really address the ever growing problem.. they trot off elsewhere.. we are at war and we have nothing but a voting slip to fight back every 4 or 5 years… time for change.

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Do you mean philanthropists such as Steve Kirsch who ran Alternative Treatment Rockefeller managed organizations to fight the War on the Virus that we are not at war with?


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Did the Rockescorpions break out a special cancer treatment for their guy Stevie, or was that part of the bargain for him to play his part.

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If one were cured of cancer by a rare experimental treatment, why wait 13-years to jump on an Alterna-Treatments mission....for a novel virus?

Why not jump on ALL CANCER ALL THE TIME IN 2007?

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Why, indeed?

(No room, no room, no room at the table, said the Mad Hatter. Move down, move down)

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"Hey y'all my life was saved with experimental cancer treatment! (Which is never named.) I just filed that away for 13-years until a novel coronavirus emerged randomly from bats. NOW I CARE DEEPLY ABOUT ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS."

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I'll add to what Day said about people not asking the right questions. People don't look at the right details and notice discrepancies. Like the 13-year gap in altruism.

Early on I was taken in by these folks. I brushed away the cognitive dissonance. Getting better at not doing that.

But then it leads me to wonder whether he even had cancer. Was it a foreshadowing setup. to explain his altruism. He was already in the eugenics camp. I see these people as players on a stagecraft stage.

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In official medicine, spontaneous remission of cancer is very rare. Which means that it is very common.

Official absolute truths linked to BIG ASS INDUSTRIES tend to be revealed as totally false over time.

Also, people who consider themselves scientists and doctors often say "you can never be 100% sure of anything in science." Which means that, yeah, they know cancer is largely a psyop.

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Guess Stevie did you some bad.. maybe forgot to send you a Christmas card ?.. seems like he is in your telescopics… pull the trigger … then you can work through the next 500 .

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☝️ "A perceived personal relationship takes precedence over how Global Psy Oppery works is the assumed premise here" which indicates that you are very likely not too sharp or unable to get past simple soap opera dynamics.

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Ouch… you an expert in just about everything aincha!… I never got that far up my ass!

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There is more than one in team Phil… thought you would have plumped for BG …

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This doesn't make any sense.

As though it's Kirsch, or Rockefellers, or Gates, or Skoll, or....

Bill Gates is easy. Which is probably why you plucked him out. Like....FAUCI.

Comfortable Baddies.

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May 14Liked by Sage Hana

Comfortable Baddies.

They my ole tennis shooz!!

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No everything needed money influencers… stuff said in 2020 is meaningless.. when you compare the actions of some like Kirsch since 2023 .. I do not see any uturns being made by Gates.. Fauci…Birx… Dansak.. Bourlas… the list is bigger than we think… and all unaccountable.. but if you feel this is all the fault of one person… that makes no sense at all.

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May 14·edited May 14

If you look at those uturns they reveal something. The mainstream narrative vs the "alternative" narrative. The alternative narrative is to snag those people who see through the mainstream one. Just an appearance of nonconformity.

They only appear to have come around, but there are things they keep in place. If you want to see what some of them are, follow jj couey for a while. He was wooed by the "alternative" group to keep him quiet. He's a biologist. He knows most of these folks personally, has been on podcasts with them, etc. You have to watch some of his stuff 1. To see the biology and where we are being misled and 2. To hear about the "alternative" or "dissident" doctors, etc. and his experience with them. gigaohmbiological on youtube, rumble, twitch, and his own site https://stream.gigaohm.bio/home

We can't just feel grateful that someone has partially "come around." The partialness and the wasting of time/energy of people who want to see the whole thing, bloody though it is.

The point is that they are all in it together. Don't take my word for it, watch/listen to people who know more about it. Like Couey and a few others. It takes some work, but worth it.

Lotsa people died. Because. . . .timing.

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JJ bashes Sasha now. Does JJ talk about Fan Wu and no SC2? Where his paycheck come from? Best JJ got is scooby doo & transfection is dumb.

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Brave Sasha seems to be the clearest thinker in all this time.

Perhaps she gets attacked because of that: people project their own flaws for not being able to see clearly before.

But I come from the libertarian world. It was surprising to me the division there: obviously, it makes no sense to mandate anything, why are we even discussing this?.

Some of the people who never fell for the "War on Terror(TM)" did fell for the "War on Germs"(TM). But others didn't fell for it. Why?

Basically, the ones who hated Politics the most were safe. But those libertarians who still today believe there was a covid disease and a germ, they had hopes that there was something that could be done politically to stop the war machine. That's why they fell for this trick.

Hate can save your life sometimes.

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"Wisconsinonian" typically referred to as "Cheeseheads".

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Hey Sage, you forgot to add the haccinated emitting a Bluetooth Low Energy signal !

Get a BLE Sniffer / tracker free app and have fun at the supermarket, bank, etc. Loads of vaxxed signals in your phone come and go!

They plan a digi-prison for all of us with loads of netflix, porn and games and universal basic income!


Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.

The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.

The full plan exposed, and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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Fred, I read your similar comment awhile ago on the Clif High audio stack. Clif tends to obfuscate and conflate.

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Tell our friends in Israel to flee. The globalists are planning to provoke neighbors until they finally invade and destroy Israel:

You need create a global war to create a global government:


All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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ok, I'm a sucker for gadgets. I want one of those bluetooth sniffer things.

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You can do all with apps on Android or Linux phones or gadgets like:



Even crack the code:


Please keep me in the loop about your findings!

In a downtown cemetery (they need EMF to activate) the dead still emit BLE but only those after 2020 (vax years)

The MacAddress changes when they interact with each other.

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Thank you! I don't have Android or Linux. I'll see if I can find a burner phone cheap as a dedicated device. I'll look at the crash course first.

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