Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

I don't hold much hope for those that haven't awoken from their slumber by now.

We're in for a wild ride, and we need to be mentally, physically and most of all, spiritually prepared for what's coming.

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Well said.

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"Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear." - Jeremiah 5:21


"I do the best biometric tracking. No one does biometric tracking better than me.

It will be YUUUGE, I tell ya."


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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Did you know Gogle Wallet already contains vaccination status?


Now why in God's name would your payment methods need to be linked to your vax status...🤔

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Why are people stupid enough to use any digital wallet?

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That old siren, convenience.

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“Behind Winston’s back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfilment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan. The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it, moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard. There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live — did live, from habit that became instinct — in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”

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wonderful site Amy!!!

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Didn’t have infrared tech then…

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Well traveling from Canada to US (at the major Peace Arch crossing) is a total nightmare no matter the time of day. People will be begging for the faster ID possibilities! I get so tired of the border guards asking me so many none of your business questions too. Where are you going? For how long? Why? When will you be returning? Are you bringing anything with you? Where do you live? What do you do there? — I’m about to ask them back!! Recently I did ask why they only had half of their lanes open on a SUMMER SATURDAY MORNING (totally backed up) and the guard was actually nice and human and shrugged his shoulders and honestly didn’t know. The richest defense system in the world can’t open all its fucking lanes on a Saturday morning?!! That’s enough to make you wanna stay in your own country. Speaking of Canada, a couple of the provinces (BC and one another) are already trying out Provincial Digital IDs to access online unemployment services and the like. Hmmmm want your money sooner? Don’t want to wait on hold for frikkin ever to “speak to an ‘agent’?” …not to mention the public school system requires some weird facial recognition MyID thingy to access Report Cards!!! How about a fucking paper in an envelope, or even a PDF thank you very much.

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Makes it easier for them to send you your fentanyl. BC is gone.

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And don't forget my favorite question: What is your relationship to the person in the passenger seat?'

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28

No ID, no job, no bank account, no food, no shelter, and so on.

No access to SH substack?!

A little too much for my little mind right before going to bed.

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We are probably dancing close to the sun now.

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If only they'd let us see it.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Good. Our wings will become iridescent.

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Sun simulator (s) blinding us

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Hope you’re all looking at this guy. https://dhughes.substack.com/p/sabrina-wallace-the-global-information

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Sabrina Wallace. She scares me or should i say what she says scares me a lot.

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But it's true! It's all out there to find and read if you know what to search for. She helps you with that too. Always remember, she doing this for us, but most of the time she's talking to THEM. The people who go to work everyday, making money, destroying humanity. Bio Engineers, Researchers and the likes...also those who hold the remotes to our bodies. That's why the attitude when she says "YOU...". They're watching, believe me, and she's trying to get them to stop it, they're the only ones who can! The whiny voice she does, well that's many of us who don't want to believe it.

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What she says is scary and so is she.

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Thanks for the link, very interesting

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The only thing that is concerning me is his lack of mentioning issues like this: https://rumble.com/v4bgpyr-aipac-jewish-lobby-attacks-congressman-massey-for-refusing-to-fund-genocide.html. He shoots all around the target mentioning Wall Street, international bankers, Bolsheviks, but in my limited time reading and watching hasn’t named them yet, only “Anglo-Americans”. I’m a sucker for the English accent, I admit.

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Saga and Catherine are more relentless than the bastards. Lucky for us.

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I thought Fitts is also a bad guy.

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No I don't think she is at all....

She's been telling us what their plan is..and knows all about the Pentagon missing money.

But do not comply is hard..she's trying to work through her state legislature...but not all states are receptive.

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begging governments for favors is a mug's game, imho

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Maybe into UFOs?

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Ugh day tapes always

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You think the "Day Tapes" are scary,

just wait till the "Night Tapes" are published.

Absolutely frighting!

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Gonna be outtakes from M. Night Shyamalan films...scarier than Scary Poppins was.

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I see ghosts.

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and the Shireah Law tapes and the Talmud special!

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Ha ha, funny...not

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2017 my apt ( partially hud) complex got a “ green grant”. Did the spy parking lot lights ( nobody could sleep! after)& switched the wiring inside for LED’s .

All the pines & (some pets )were dying from the “WiFi “and such.

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We tag pets….how? Why? People have been indoctrinated through this to see chipping for identification purposes as a responsible and loving thing. Is it such a leap in logic to think people will be made to believe that chipping humans for identity purposes is a responsible and reasonable solution to many societal ills? They just always forget to discuss the downsides and the ways the “system” can be abused. And they totally gloss over whether one should be made to participate in such a system….we discuss less and less our God given rights….and what they mean or should ensure in our ever increasing tech driven world. Skynet is real, but it’s not natural….it’s man made and its very design relies upon one man’s right to exercise dominance in all things over another person. Oh….they’ll claim the system will be decentralized and guard against abuses….but the system has architects and owners. Never forget that….and never forget that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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"Sound of Freedom"

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Yup….thought of that as well.

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I remember the discussion around chipping your kids way back when the Amber Alert stuff was happening. First response is always 'great idea' where safety and health are concerned. so easy for them.

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Also to prevent child kidnapping. It will be fear and force.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

LED lights case in point. Using Googs Maps after leaving Bradenton, FL one night last summer, I somehow wound up on a pay toll road running north on the west side of the state. I didn’t really care as there was no traffic. Strange, no toll plazas whatsoever. Every few miles a huge flash as the omnipresent LEDs would snap a pic or something of my vehicle. Now this was a pickup truck I had rented in California. By the time I exited this tollway, my debit card had already been automatically charged for the trip. Wow what “convenience!”

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Holy shit this is so sinister.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah this has been going on in Canada for YEARS! to avoid traffic use the 404, all tolls automatically charged to your car. 🤡🤡🤡

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I didn’t have s transponder or give anyone my card. Hmmm

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Listening again to Trump...logically, you can't just biometric the illegals..the entire population has to comply..or it wouldn't work.

No wonder Thiel switched sides...no wonder Vance as vp...he's gonna be in charge of the rollout.

Kinda like operation Warp speed..Trumps gonna usher in the mark.

And it won't take long for the beast to say..now if you want to spend money or borrow, get a loan, or sign up for Medicare and social security..you need the real ID

"We have to have your real ID,,,remember all those s9cial security. Numbers were stolen?..you want your social security, don't you?"


shit shit shit.

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Exactly! Spot On with Trump and Vance!

When they announced the Soc Sec # breach, I said No Way! They're stealing our identities for illegals...they are our replacements, so only makes sense.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

The deceptive are worse than the straight forward bat shit crazy.

Trump's biometric bullshit is Icke's "problem, reaction, solution" over & over to incrementally implement their plan.

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Aug 28Liked by Sage Hana

And your recent cross post from Miri AF was excellent! Explained so much. Thank you

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I haven't read this post yet, but here is a link to an article about spraying this summer in NYC (and in the past) that I think is a possible way to disperse "things" to cause pandemics. Something to consider. :


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