Remember the Tuskegee experiment. Those fuckers have been at it a long time.

I am sure the toxic smoke could have functioned as a smoke screen… .

And they have the nerve to vilify the Nazis when they in fact are in the family.

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+1 modern day chem trails

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And even when you point out chemtrails to people, they just say "water vapor" and refuse to look.

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When I was living in Miami in the 70's those pickup trucks with sprayers were spraying mosquito insecticide everywhere down every street. We were all fumigated.

All for the public health to avoid those nasty mosquitos.

I would rather have the mosquito bites than the fumigation.

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said Nazis were paperclipped to the US and their "research" fully funded and continued. just peachy.

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Truth. Same gene pool, the Aristocrats of old, the "royal" blood lines dating centuries....

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The biggest challenge that regular people face in overcoming the conditioning is realizing that the "government" is out to murder grift and enslave us all

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Would suggest that the biggest challenge is tracking back "the government" to the "hero" that promises vaguely to solve the crime is part of the killing squad.

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Like that so called addicted friend who stole my wallet and offered to help me look for it?

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the arrogant Tom Fuckery is just repulsive 🤬not surprising but just fucking gross. The relatively small chunk of douchbags among us is the true threat. remember the line from a few horror movies :"its coming from inside the house" we really need to vet the people we "allow" to rise into power like our world depends on it lol . fuck the smoke & mirrors kids "its clobberin' time " Thanks Sage

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Invoke your inner Ben Grimm!! Makes me wonder whether TDS might reliably correlate to being an anti-fan of the old Fantastic Four comics. In that world, Orange Man was tragic but good-hearted,

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Another "syndrome" (collection of symptoms).

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There is an iconic photo of a military helicopter (big Sikorsky) spraying students with pepper gas at UC Berkeley in 1969 at the time of the People’s Park demonstrations: https://picturethis.museumca.org/pictures/helicopter-sprays-tear-gas-demonstrators-university-california-berkeley-campus. I was there under that cloud. Make no mistake that the US military will be used against US citizens,if and when necessary.

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*will be

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"I feel betrayed," said Brindell, who is white. "How could they do this? We pointed our fingers during the Holocaust, and we do something like this?"

(Great song and performance, btw.)

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The SPARS planning exercise run by Gates and Johns Hopkins covered specifically how they would need to target the skeptical Black Communites which explains Pierre Kory's "my black and brown brothers are getting decimated emote-fest" (due to the dangerous germs)

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And the "compassionate" concern of Gates/GAVI/WHO about testing and distributing vaxes to Africa and India.

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Don't forget the Magic Merck Sauce, too!


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This evil has been around for a very long time. Those of us (once sweet summer children) who aren't sociopaths have a hard time even imagining the levels of evil at play here. Though there is certainly a mundane face of evil in going along with a corrupt/harmful system, the people who plan it are unimaginably evil. Those who are cogs in the machine often are unaware of what is going on, or may be uneasy, but "that's life". That "business as usual" harmfulness prevents people from understanding the vile nature of what is behind it. The scorpion class and their cognizant minions are hard to conceive.

Who would make a plan to spray a building with parents and children with toxic chemicals and radiation? Eugenicists.

I grew up poor and went to a government-sponsored nursery school in my neighborhood. Many decades later, my brother went to look at the place we grew up. There were danger signs and "toxic chemicals" posted on the fenced and shut down building. This was in a different, large industrial city, not St. Louis. All kinds of things like this are coming to light.

It's a surprise any of us are left standing. And if people struggle with cancer, they give them more radiation.

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<<"I feel betrayed," said Brindell, who is white. "How could they do this? We pointed our fingers during the Holocaust, and we do something like this?">>

The Nazis killed and forcibly sterilized German citizens in the 1930s. The old people, disabled people, loners, chronic patients, and even healthy people, like gypsies. There was a gypsy boxer who was forced to lose a combat and also forcibly sterilized.

And most likely, the Nazis also performed tests on Germans. If they could kill them, they can also throw fine powders at them to see what happens.

Clearly, the scientists from the army who did this were either Nazis or studied under them. Same modus operandi. Same betrayal. Same propaganda techniques to obfuscate everything.

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'In case the *Russians attacked.'

I almost spit on my screen.

There should be some kind'a snort warnings on these posts.

*Russians / noun

1. Includes all U.S. Government employees

2. All U.S. Government contractors and employees

3. Russian Government employees secretly contracting for the U.S. Government

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The Genie was let out of the bottle long ago. Way past the Rubicon. Off the reservation & beyond mission creep. Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp nailed it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDutqQSteA0/?igsh=MXA2amswNGpkejZtag==

Tyrants & Conquers don’t ask for permission. Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.

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Always leery of "ex-CIA" but thanks

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Similar to 'leaked' gubmint doc.

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"leaked" docs are even more suspect!

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whenever you see "leaked documents" substitute "selected for release", that will get you closer

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Perhaps "written for release" !


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I’m not a neophyte or unfamiliar with the process & system. Method of Revelation can be tricky. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Correlation does not imply causation. Each has to be filtered & gone through. Deductive reasoning helps, what can be proven. Known knowns, unknown knowns, known unknowns & unknown unknowns. Sifted through USAP’s is tricky & dicey. They knew they had a 20-30 year lead on technology. When things are compartmentalized therein lies one of the bigger problems. Extra ordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Yada, yada, yada, Yoda, Yoda ,Yoda, YODH, YODH, YODH. All truths & discoveries are meant to be uncovered. Cheers

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Thanks for this post Sage, AND the great song, loved it, perfect for obsessive types.

That Shipp instagram is from one of these, I think.

Haven't watched, though while skipping through the latest one (bottom), heard from minute 41 for 3 minutes and couldn't listen to more. More horrific than I knew. And I thought I knew.

One hour and 16 minutes


More recent, 3 weeks ago, one hour interview


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Yep. Thanks for posting the whole interview. Of course he’s not telling the whole truth & all

details but suffice it to say Drumpf is one of them. To pretend the whole organ’s apparatus & system is not a metastasized malignant & terminal corpus body politic is disingenuous & truly mind numbing smupid at this point. You simply can’t roll in it w/o getting any on you. It is like sleeping with the Whore of Babylon. You may not catch at that time what she has actively (dormant or symptomatic viral shedding) but you now are contaminated with every one of her predecessor’s DNA she has been with. Lie down with dog wake up with flees. I see Mind numbing dumb people.

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I suspect @ some point we all are going to have to trust our intuition & instinct. I find many of my trusted cadre are former. They figured it out as I did years ago. The terra firma is vast so the SME’s are varied & many are solid players. I try my best to not throw the baby out with the bath water just b/c of past affiliation. Lots of people got hoodwinked/blindsided by the system. Truth is truth wherever you find it. The struggle we all face is using the inate sentience & acquired Wisdom. Knowing where it is & what is real. Pliny the Elder got hi-jacked & cherry picked like they all do.

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moving the goals posts. pretending not to hear the protests or understand The Constitution.

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Tyrants & conquers don’t ask permission. Win a no win scenario by rewriting the rules. In Leadership training they call this a “Kobayashi Maru”.

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In this report they say zinc cadmium sulfide was thought to be safe at the time of the tests, then they insist it's extremely unlikely it did anything to anyone, and they avoid mentioning radiation, and the do mention biologicals that they threw on people:

"12. Were biologic materials used in the Army's testing program?

Review of the Army's files related to the zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion tests showed that in several cases tests were also conducted with microorganisms—such as Serratia marcescens, Bacillus globigii, or some species of Aspergillus (fungus or mold)—either alone or with zinc cadmium sulfide. All those organisms were considered by the Army to be safe at the time of their use. Relatively recent research has indicated that those microbes do not produce disease in healthy people, but some could cause disease in persons whose immune (body-defense) system is weak. Although some of the Army's tests involved exposures to zinc cadmium sulfide at the same time as microorganisms, such as Serratia marcescens, the subcommittee did not assess the implications of such coexposures, because that was beyond its charge and ability."

Sage, this is so fucked up!

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And whose immune system has not been screwed up for decades? I just assume the vast majority are immune compromised. If you can get to work every day, you are considered normal.

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these sickos gotta go...

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I've heard that some people have seen the drones spraying some things. Keep watch for certain areas to have new illnesses.

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Well, they figure it's time for another plandemic.

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