Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Here is the pattern: Blue sky, puffy, white clouds, sun. Next day, the white lines show up, usually criss crossed, sometimes lined up side by side. I watch them carefully and they disperse in a strange, velvety way, almost looks like melting fog. They all meld together, the sky becomes one solid mass of grey cloud cover, then it rains for the next few days. I have seen this too many times to count. And then, every once in awhile a pattern in the clouds emerges that become perfectly straight, side-by-side lines that cover the sky. No, it's not the wind because the pattern is quite precise: I envision some sort of frequency would cause this type of pattern, like HAARP. Someone pointed out to me that the CDC logo has had this line in the sky pattern on it for a long time--I never noticed, now I can't unsee it.

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Yeah I’ve also noticed they can have the opposite effect, i.e. blocking or lessening incoming rainstorms. Many times here in California when there is a forecast for a coming moisture system, I’ll see a bunch of spraying before it arrives and then when it shows up the rainfall totals are much less than initially predicted. Really hard to figure out the how and why with this geoengineering program…

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I suggest you look into the work of Jim Lee. https://climateviewer.com/

I looked into Dane Wiggington at one point too but I was very unsatisfied with his answers on an intellectual basis & I had more questions as a result. Also, intuition was waving red flags. Then I came across Lee and find my questions answered, with evidence, & many I didn't even think to ask are answered, & dots are now joined. There is a lot more nuance to this issue than most people appreciate.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Totally agree with total deprivation of vitamin D

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Right--which is especially stressful right now with the controversy out there about Vitamin D supplements actually being Cholecalciferol, which is used as mouse poison. How do those of us in climates with very little sun safely deal with deficiencies? It's maddening not to know and who to trust for help that isn't a grifter lying through their fangs.

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The relative dosages for mice on that poison is insanely high. That level of dose is likely poisonous to most/all animals, including us.

Side, yet perhaps important note. It’s not clear that mice even have mechanisms to produce or manage vitamin D levels. They are rarely in the sun, and have fur, so they may have evolved in a way that eschews the various vitamin D molecules in their function.

Mice are not humans

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry-that was strange grammar. I get worked up.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

You can do that here.

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Grammar is an op.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

When you see the efforts to starve us of sun exposures makes sense to scare you off taking vit D3

I have been taking it now since the bio weapon disease and have kept well

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HAARP & darpa

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Two of the Marx bros

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On a roll!

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The mackerel pattern is HAARP

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

My wife surfs in Nicaragua, the checkerboard trails have just started to populate the skies there in the most remote areas. It is unspeakably sad.

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Would love to know which military is chem-trailing Nicaragua.

I guess every nation signs off?

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, there is obviously money disbursed to obtain license to ionize, etc., a nation's airspace.

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Is ChemTrailing a UN Program?

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Not yet a stated one, likely an unofficial one. As Elana Freeland observes, there are multiple objectives to chemtrailing. All counter-biological.

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The two whistleblower pilots in this video say that air traffic control must be in on it, also that we will all know people who work in airports either directly or indirectly and to ask them what they have seen. He says the runways have to be longer than most. The original video seems to have gone but I'll keep looking. https://rumble.com/v55080u-pilots-testify-bill-gates-is-carpet-bombing-cities-with-chemtrails.html

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Flight tracking apps too. Seen many a plane that don’t leave a trace on the apps.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

This. Absolutely. The planes farting out the filth aren’t tracked via ADS-B. I’ve proved this to myself time and again.

That means they are squawking something else we can’t see and ATC is absolutely complicit.

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That's been our experience in Uruguay where you rarely see chemtrails in the sky. But it hasn't been our experience at all during the summers in Austria, Croatia, Spain. Here we very clearly can see the commercial airliners spraying this s**t using the Flightradar24 app!

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I’ve been assuming the tweets about various flights people with “intel” in their handles tweet must be things somebody wants people to know about for some reason. Its nuts to squawk otherwise

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Australian parliament in 2004

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Aren't any and all militaries bought and paid for, just as all governments are?

The question might be, why in Nicaragua?


Isn't that where Oliver North had some funny business there? Jog my memory!


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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Mexico apparently outlawed Chem trails 1 1/2 years ago.

Why can't everyone else?

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Yeah, but now México has their new WEF president, Claudia Sheinbaum, so time will tell how much longer that prohibition will last.

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They are launching from the ground in Comboyne New South Wales Australia and 3 days later heavy rain

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Everywhere in NSW. Remember Kempsey and Windsor/Richmond flooding. All deliberate.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Yeah, all this craaa-zzy flooding all over Central Europe now 😡

Kinda began noticeably last summer

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Be careful what you ask for because if Mexico has stopped 'chemtrails' that means they are probably rerouting flights away from the ice super saturated areas so you don't see the pollution so much anymore, but it's still there because jets engines pollute wherever they fly. And the parasite class get away scott free polluting the stratosphere which is where they tend to fly. It is the stratosphere pollution that gives us the white skies as opposed to a healthy blue. But nobody seems to notice this so much. Maybe it is more visible where I am. This pollution can remain up there blocking our sun for 2-4 years! Pollution clouds aka chemtrails aka contrails occur in the troposphere & are a visible reminder to us all that our skies are being polluted but the pollution only lasts a few months before coming to earth. Ultimately all the pollution comes down on our heads but the harm potential is different for the stratospheric flights.

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I'll look into Mexico's chemtrail policy and whether it is being faithfully executed, thanks.

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Pretty sure it is in the comments here. Someone living on the US Mexico boarder doesn't see them anymore and looked into it.


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The pilots should be lined up and sh...

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shat upon?

shown the error in their ways?

shipped to Sealand?

sh…. sh…

Sage Hana? Subscribed to Sage Hana?

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

Once I found myself in an airport elevator with a pilot - only two of us.

I said that I was surprised that up above the clouds the sky is more smeary white than previously.....why would that be?

Said he hadn't noticed it. When I got off the elevator, I turned to him to say, "You wouldn't notice it, would you?"

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

I've seen spraying several times recently. My kids and I watch it happening on our dog walks. Dumping this crap onto the planet is probably the most insane experiment ever conducted and it is completely opaque to the people of the world. We don't know what is in it and neither we nor they have any idea what the long term effects will be.

Remember the theory that a meteor impact threw up dust enough to change the global climate and so ended the dinosaurs? If dimming the sun doesn't cause such catastrophic atmospheric change, they may still manage to poison the soil of much of the earth with things like aluminum. And yet we aren't even allowed to know about this so that we can object to it.

I think one of the only ways out of all this mess our world is in would be to end all government secrets. Every single penny they spend should be on a government blockchain and fully open to the public in realtime. No exceptions.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

But after people have been brainwashed from infancy to adulthood by the government and all media why would you think the masses would object? The masses exhibit total acceptance of the evil.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

For example, how many people you would describe as part of 'the masses' is fully onboard with depop down to self sterilization, eating bugs, living in a panopticon, and surrendering 95% of their personal decision making to WEF?

Most people will NOT accept that. They don't know they are being led to the slaughter and the elite know that everything must be done to keep them calm right up until the final moments.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

For the last 15 or 20 years, when told to hand over my photo ID (driver license) at every medical appointment, to have it copied into the computer, I have refused each time, often resulting in an unpleasant argument with the employees there. I have been asked by numerous people (patriot types) why I refuse to let my ID be copied. They have no objection to it. They can't understand why I would refuse. If even the patriot types don't get it, then the sheeple certainly won't. And most people are sheeple. When I went to a surgical center months back for surgery, at check-in, I was asked to put my hand on a little electronic box so my palm could be copied and kept in their computer. I refused of course. I also had to refuse to agree to being video-taped or audio-taped while I was in their center. That required a supervisor to be summoned. On and on it goes. The sheeple will go along.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

If a substantial number of people did this, it would make a difference. Good for you. Since I'm opting out of medical appointments with "systems" I won't be giving this to them. I'm also considering trying to find a testing place that doesn't do this.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

Bingo. If lots of people said NO they would have to back down. Few people will defy the slavemasters.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

Most people want convenience over rights, I fear. It never occurred to me not to give my ID to them, I just assumed they needed to know I am for accuracy. This is mostly for lab work these days. They also want my insurance card for a doctor not in their system.

However, your post gave a good alternative view to that. The doctor I go to normally (functional medicine/alternative doctor) has never asked for an ID from me. It's a small, non bureaucratic practice. They have my insurance info and credit card.

That's the kind of practice they are trying to force out of business. This is predicted in the Day Tapes, both the ID in hospitals (and everywhere) and forcing doctors out of private practice. I just finished listening to all the tapes again.

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I visited the ER recently after I slammed my tibia into the edge of a counter, I thought I had hair lined fractured it, the pain was bad. Deep bone contusion that a month later is still messed up. I noticed they now have metal detectors with even more security, which eyeballed me a little too much, along with their hate speech signs plastered all over. This was at a small local hospital (newberg oregon) providence to be exact, which they also have a huge sign on their front entrance lawn with the leftist slogans diversity empathy etc.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

I had that experience at a local hospital. I was told to go to that hospital for pre-surgery testing. I went in and at the second door was a cop in uniform with gun on hip and I had to walk through a metal detector. Cop had the militant attitude to intimidate I guess. I returned the scowl.

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Yep I got the same scowl, and it was just me and my friend there alone in the lobby so he was paying us a little too much attention for my liking. The signs posted all over make it seem like anything you say or facial expression could be taken the wrong way

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Bless you for your refusals to comply.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Right until that final chute turn, with the bolt gun moments away.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Then why do they feel the need to censor everything and control information and gaslight so hard? People make their decisions based on false information conveyed to them by smiling talking heads with every tool of psychology and propaganda employed to keep them among the faithful. Just a bit of freedom in information starts to cause revolt, which is why there are sharp lines drawn around what dialogue is allowed into the main forums of public discourse.

If the problem was that people are just too stupid and bad, then the solution would be limited government. However, I believe that isn't the problem facing us right now. Instead, we are faced with the issue of a relatively tiny group leveraging every form of power to deceive and set people at odds with each other. Just saying people are dumb and want to be subjugated plays right into that plan. They don't even know they are subjugated because a vast and elaborate shell of illusions is woven into their daily existence. That structure of illusion is vulnerable, especially when their eyes are telling them something different from the propaganda machine.

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Excellent comment! I'm always a bit uneasy when people are called "sheeple" because it's not in their best interest to go along, that that been hidden from them and billions of dollars and a whole lifetime of propaganda is pretty unequal odds.

I do at times get frustrated with relatives and friends who refuse to listen, or listen politely but then label me a "conspiracy theorist." That's when I see them as "sheeple" out of my own frustration. And I am no match for the lifetime propaganda machine, but will keep trying anyway.

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I think eventually people will flip their opinion all at once. We'll all be too stunned to say I told you so. People will act like they always knew the shots were bad and the government wanted them corralled and then dead. I bet that is how it happened when USSR ended. People who had been quiet dissenters were probably shocked at everyone suddenly agreeing with them when the day before the public would have turned them in to the secret police.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Within the realm of possibility. In chaos theory known as a phase shift. How small inputs can create something new. Hopeful idea. So just chip away at it, I guess. What else is there to do.

In a way, linear thinking is somewhat like we've discussed that there are only two choices, seen as opposites (but really within a limited scope). You have to be on team A or team B, etc. Linear thinking is similar in that we assume that things will plod from point A to point B in a stepwise logical fashion.

Maybe chaos theory is just another psyop thing since it was so popular not long ago. Still holding out for hope of a shift.

Biological systems and people are endlessly complex. Before we became so polarized, we knew this. Now it's just flat, shallow, black-and-white thinking, deliberately instilled using fear and other psyops. But the shallow is not reality.

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Team A or Team B. Like we all learn in government schools. Like we learn about sports teams. Like we learn at the high school football games and then later at the college games and then the professional football games. Like we learn at the high school Pep Rally. I'm not against competition. But I see so much of what is done at government schools prepares THE SHEEPLE for life in good ol' 'mericaaaaa. Why do we celebrate Independence Day each year when we are slaves to this government? We are told every day that we live in a Democracy. FOX(faux) people pound it into our heads. But the Founding Fathers created a Republic with a Constitution and Bill of Rights. Demonocracy.

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All these paid sub comments about government culling… hey Sage, they make me feel kinda violated, like Lana Del Rey at a country club or Sandra Bullock in “Hangmen”….


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Actually total ignorance

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana


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Makes me wonder if this is their depopulation move. Everything else could be to keep people divided and at odds with one another, but not many people seem to care about what is going on in the skies.

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Here’s is what I’m hearing is in the spraying - They verify the primary elements being put into the atmosphere by chemtrailing include barium, strontium (both of which are carcinogenic), aluminum oxide (research shows it to be a culprit behind Alzheimer's and other diseases), microplastics, about 2% uranium and of course, graphene oxide.

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Water & soil already saturated with the glyphosate heavy metals and nano particles, breathing it in daily

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If only I could find an off label bazooka with a bit more range. That’s been an almost daily thought for about 30 years since I first noticed the spraying.

They say to fix global warming but we know there’s no global warming crisis. If it’s poison they breathe the air too. Do they have a secret chemtrail antidote we don’t know about?

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Gonna throw out an off the wall idea. What if the entity arranging and scheduling all this isn’t biological? Perhaps an AI woke up 30 years ago, and has been working slow and steady for a while?

Like I said, off the wall.

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Haha, I suggested aliens were terra forming the planet to fit their needs.. So your idea not off the wall at all! 😁

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Oh, no. It’s schizo nutty. But the world seems schizo nutty lately.

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As much as I’ve learned and as much as I have yet to learn I try to keep an open mind. I’m not sure what would surprise me.

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👍 - have often thought the same thing. About an antidote?!

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Yeah, other than what we can do on our own….detoxing, eating organic or homegrown, sourcing pure filtered drinking water, supplementing, etc

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👍 - substack stopped my “like” button from working. Hence: 👍 (;

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That what I wonder. If they poison the planet how do they escape? Aliens?

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They may have remedies for the poison, like special kinds of chelation. If they've had cancer cures for 50 years, it seems within the realm. Also, they want transhumamism for themselves, so they say. Maybe transhumans can live with more poisons.

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Just listened to this. Worth a listen. Haven’t watched his doc yet. On the to do list.

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TY...chems have dominated my screeds for decades...

TN has banned them...where is the rest of the world...? Coughing and sick...

and Maui - people are still in tents...they will NEVER let them go back to their homes...and more will die and be sickened by the new GMO mosquito release. Less people to corral into the new 15-minute shitties, serving chitin cuisine.

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They're busy, even in New Zealand. It's beyond disgusting. It's evil and the clowns flying the planes have forgotten their children, families and friends in their unbridled haste to sell their souls.

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Even when there are no chemtrails, you can see how the cloud formations have changed. How does any of these idiot pilots justify filling the skies with their crap? Oh, I forgot...it's for the money. These turds don't realize they are poisoning their families and friends too. We live in a world run by freaking retards.

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

It's really bad in the part of BC, Kanada, that I live in....... those pics might as well be from my city.....

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

Can't help but think of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surrender_Dorothy

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Hurricane Erin anyone? Remember the hurricane that would have hit lower Manhattan on 9/11, but there were literally no mention of it through the 4-5 day straight shot towards NYC.

I like the explanation of chemtrails around 20:55 or so


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Contrails and chemtrails are the same thing. Contrails are full of toxic jet pollution, including aluminum and barium. This is because Jets basically burn kerosene, and it is unregulated. Here's the dirty secret of the airline industry - your clear blue sky is just as full of toxic jet pollution as your streaky airplane induced cirrus cloud-laden sky.

The reason some jet emissions turn into visible clouds is because the Jets are flying through ice super saturated regions (ISSRs). You will notice, once you start to look, that in areas of the sky where there are naturally occurring cirrus clouds, you will also start to see the streaks of the jet emissions turning into visible contrails.

I am grateful to Reinette Senum for having Jim Lee on her substack interview. I started to follow Jim Lee and climateviewer and found a whole new world of suppressed truth. Another great interview with Jim was on Del Bigtree's Highwire.

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Jim Lee is excellent. It's not just the military and Gates. It's also the airline industry. My guess is that someone is behind allowing the unregulated jet fuel. This is by design. Just like the food pyramid/lowfat diets making people horribly sick.

They make such a fuss about individual cars, but those have catalytic converters and better fuel.

It's easier to point this out and talk about it with everyone and anyone is to talk about the jet fuel problem, i.e., contrails (call it that or not, depending). I don't use the word chemtrails with most people, though those are a problem, too.

I can explain that it's not water vapor, but that the fuel is so much worse than car exhaust, ruining the weather and creating "cirrus clouds."

My guess is that the commercial pilots don't realize they are creating a problem. The scorpions are setting it up that way. I'm no expert so may be wrong about some of it, but think Jim Lee is an excellent source.

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Thanks Katie. I'm pretty sure the commercial pilots don't realize they are creating a problem. I tried to talk to my neighbor about it, his dad and his brother are both commercial pilots. He got that look in his eye like "now you're going to talk about chemtrails ". The same look I get when a politician knocks on my door, and tries to turn me into a True Believer . I'm not sure we're even friends anymore! The chemtrail decoy is doing a pretty good job of keeping everyone off the scent of the airline industry, right?

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Ever look at all the patents there are for this?

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I would be glad to have you show me one and to have you explain what it has to do with what you are seeing in the sky.

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I will try to find one and share.

I had morgellons and if you had it, you would start questioning everything. ( I think you are very inquisitive and eloquent, from many past comments, Pharma)

The illness correlates with” whatever is spraying “ air pollution.

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PS - I am not saying that your illness is not correlated with air pollution. I am just saying that a clear blue sky is likely just as toxic as a sky filled with the white streaks that you see.

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hi Rosalind

I'm sorry you had Morgellons, that does sound completely horrible from what I have read.

Thank you for the compliment!

I'm not generally smart enough to question everything, but somehow great information gets shoved in my face occasionally.

Like when I randomly picked up the book "a shot in the dark " by Barbara Loe Fisher in the '80s and was alerted to the nightmares of the shots.

Off topic maybe, but like when my horse's sarcoid skin cancer magically disappeared, and the feed formulator said "it's the iodine, DUH " (Hence my substack Iodine for horses).

I felt like that same thing was happening when I heard Jim Lee interviewed on Reinette Senum's Foghorn Express. I think one of the tells that Jim Lee is a good source of weather modification, geoengineering, and climate information is that he doesn't automatically come up when you do a Google search for geoengineering, you have to specifically ask for Jim Lee or climateviewer.

I'm not putting out any original thoughts here, just passing along the stuff I've learned from following Jim's channels. I've seen your name before, and it has connotations of someone who is smart and likes to think 👍 .

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I want to investigate Jim more, thanks. I got the condition after visiting my parents in Florida, early to mid 2000’s.

I have had Lyme as well. A weaponized illness.

We are breathing it in daily now. The nanotechnology really is insulting to me. Morgellons is somehow related, there’s an electric component to it.

Changed my diet and switched to distilled water helped slowly. & a heavy metal detox.

Clifford Carnicom has been studying it for decades and was severely persecuted. He’s still going, calls it cross domain bacteria.

Maybe my genetic weakness to biotoxin mold exposure made me more susceptible to morgellons, I don’t know.

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Ugh, Lyme is the one that scares me the most. I don't even worry about cancer.

And the mold problem. I am like a human bioassay for mold. It gave my ex chronic fatigue syndrome (all better now...)

Self-care is my full time job now, the water distiller, the dehumidifier (dump that stuff right into the distiller ;-) ) , more supplements than you can count on both digits , exercise, horse love,

I saw some stuff about cross domain bacteria, very credible

Trying to remember where i saw something interesting about morgellons, it was like, this is keratin gone crazy or something? You have probably already seen that.

I keep my horse and myself on iodine, 9 mg/day for horse, 25 - 50 mg for me,, depending on ??. Neither one of us has had Lyme yet, but I can't swear that the iodine is preventing it.

Reading "why isn't my brain working" which is excellent, and may be the first book that actually results in using fewer supplements! better targeting!

Be well my friend! As best you can, considering!

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I feel like this needs to be shared far and wide. This is mind blowing. What really is the purpose of the chem trails.


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I wrote this to another Stacker who is talking about .geogineering. geoengineering is real, yes, SAI and SRM etc. And it is fantastic that you are calling attention to it!

It's also good that you are staying away from the use of chemtrail terminology...

A person has to wonder who would be interested in financing and perpetuating the idea that the government is "spraying us like bugs " , when totally legal unregulated jet fuel, essentially kerosene, is liberally burned over our heads every day, releasing plenty of toxins. aluminum and barium among them.

Yes, there are lots more airplane induced cirrus clouds visible above our heads these days, mostly due to the enormous increase in jet traffic! The dirty secret of the airline industry is that a clear blue sky is just as full of toxins as a cloudy streaky sky. In 2015 the airline industry managed to avoid regulation of jet fuel by the EPA, despite testimony by Jim Lee and a few other activists interested in actually cleaning up our air. Since then, chemtrail hysteria on the internet has only increased, with Google heavily promoting those sites.

I invite you to join the serious citizen scientists and meteorologists on climateviewer .com, .org and on youtube. The real facts are just as fascinating as the propaganda and smoke screens being sprayed by shills for the airline industry

The exact photo that you featured in your article is here!  Here is some classic Jim Lee chemtrail debunking 🤪 



A NASA 747 utilized to transport the Space Shuttle was used for a study of trailing wake vortices. Six smoke generators were installed under the wings of the 747 to provide a visual image of the trailing vortices.


In this 1974 NASA Flight Research Center photograph, a Boeing B-747 jetliner is shown taking part in the trailing wake vortex study. In the photograph, the two wing tip vortex trails, being the strongest, stay in tight cylindrical rolls. The "strength" of the vortices decreases toward the midspan of each wing, and the trails become less defined.


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This website is trying to convince you that contrails are not chemtrails… but maybe very similar



“15. What are chemtrails and are they the same as contrails?

Chemtrails describe a conspiracy theory claiming that chemical substances are secretly being sprayed from the sky for nefarious purposes. There is no evidence supporting the conspiracy theory of chemtrails. BBC wrote about chemtrails”

“14. Do artificial contrail cirrus clouds behave differently than natural ones?

Naturally occurring cirrus clouds have the same significant influence on climate as contrail cirrus clouds. Both reflect the sun during the day and keep earth’s surface warmer at night. In general, both trap more heat than they reflect back into space and contribute to global warming.

However, researchers have noticed slight differences in the particle composition of natural and contrail cirrus clouds depending on the age of the cloud. These are topics requiring further scientific research “



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