Aren't those cops in the middle of the street at 3:14 with the fire blasting the big trees concerned that the embers are going to come melt the hood off of their cars?
I live in the Denver metro area (Colorado) and every time the chemtrails are thick, the next day temperatures are higher than normal. Then they send in the wind and create panic through mainstream media about "high fire danger." Now we have Xcel Energy threatening they may need to shut off power because of high winds. There's a real triage psyop going on here, but then again we have a "deep blue" governor who's in on the deal to create kalifornia2.
I take care of my elderly dad & he has the tv on at his place ... always watching the news. I hear the weather gal say in a smooth, sales girl, robotic voice "we have a have a beautiful day with HAZY skies".
I don't think they say anything about chem trails.
I'm in N. Cali.
But it's not fog, not smoke, not smog, but a layer of white-ish haze.
In Austria in the summer, on the state-run news, one weather reporter actually speaks in all earnestness in a giddy voice sometimes about something that translates along the lines of "tomorrow's candy-white skies" we could again look forward to. (I could ask a friend if she remembers the exact wording if there's interest.) At any rate, it was over-the-top and infuriating to know most of the public hears this and thinks nothing of it.
Sheeple.💉🐑💉🐑 They are clueless. No idea what is happening. It’s ALL around them & go on with their lives unaware of the poison which engulfs them. Like their drones😵💫😵💫😵💫
Buildings have walls. Many walls have electrical wiring in them. Modern weapons can transmit huge amounts of electrical energy from A to B invisibly. Requires only an expanded imagination to conceive of an airborne beam weapon designed to fry household electrical circuits in one pass.
The chemtrails are dessicants and accelerants. Winds can be engineered, with the help of chemtrails also. There's no question that all means were used in LA.
As a former pyrotechnic maker, we know that the chemicals in the chem trails, such as barium nitrate, and aluminum powder are what fireworks are made of.
Barium gives that beautiful green, and aluminum/magnesium are the white sparks.
The "How?" Picture of the burning big box stores reminded me of something.
It reminded me of the "pandemic." You see, they found "the same strain of the virus (alpha?)" in disparate places around the globe, NY, Italy, etc. But there was no evidence of a path showing how it got from one place to another. Like the graph, "and then it went off, just like a bomb." Plus, no evidence of it "spreading" afterwards.
So far bad chemmies for weeks before fires in Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix valley, north county San Diego and seems all places stopped day of fire or greatly reduced. Almost everyone even outside of LA area is not falling for accidental or natural.
Moses saw that the bush was not burning and yahweh say this is good. And yahweh said let there be fire and brimstone (moabs) dropped upon ye wee child of amalek. And there was piece(s) on earth, amen. 🙏
Lots of chemtrails everywhere. I'm trying to figure out if my eye irritation gets a lot worse when they are doing it. Or maybe the next day.
Another speculation: We are used to the tic-tac-toe chemtrails. But the other day I saw exceedingly large fluffy clouds. They somehow looked unnatural to me. I saw some unusual cloud formations in New Mexico many decades ago. I now wonder if they were natural or some kinda testing they were doing in the desert.
Maybe the conventional chemtrails are not the only kind. Or maybe I'm suspicious of all clouds now that I look at them closely . . .
I’ve felt hay fever-like symptoms off and on all fall and now winter—stuff that normally just concentrates in the spring for me. It’s bizarre. The fogvid maybe?
I was walking to the library in Newport Beach on that Monday and I also noticed the chem trails. I stopped my walk a few times so I could observe more closely. I was wondering to myself why now? Something must be up, because I had not seen so many before? Well then the fires. I think the whole mess is a deep state operation.
Thank you for the video, finally got to see a palm tree on fire, like a torch, the way I remember seeing them burn.
We'd be in big trouble with the city/county if we didn't clear the dry palm fronds away where our palm trees were on the property perimeter.
Also, I've seen buildings burn from the inside a few times, maybe especially where I live now.
We get a ton of rain here and the outside of buildings can be water saturated. Electrical fires, and kitchen grease fires can go quick from the inside with that black smoldery smoke that kills the people people and animal people inside really fast, who may have been sleeping, or just couldn't get out.
Of course, our conditions here are the opposite of SoCal, so......yeah, buildings there aren't going to have water logged exteriors.
And I don't know if my "water logged exteriors" hypothesis would be agreed with by actual firefighters.
PS TomT asked me to ask you if you discontinued his sub. - he was blocked from commenting when he tried to ask you himself. He also was told he's getting a refund for your site, and is thinking it's stripe and not you.
Hi, I'm also asking for Tom Tunes. He was blocked and his subscription refunded. Would be sorry to not see him on your Stack anymore. Would you look into this, (insofar as is possible in this dumb system) and be able to reinstate him?
Foster Coulson’s family owns the fire aviation company used by LA County. Fantastic timing to renew a contract the day the Palisades fire starts. While the media has repeated the story the county cut the fire budget the contract states SCE largely funds the aviation part and no media I have seen asks about this contract and SCE funding.
07 Jan 2025
The District, as a Special District, is funded independently from the County’s General Fund, and relies primarily on property tax revenue to provide essential fire protection and life safety services.
The cost of the extension is $7,500,000 and represents the total operational cost including stand-by time, flight hours, portable retardant, gel, and any associated operational costs. SCE has agreed to provide funding to the District for the fixed lease costs relating to stand-by time for up to 365 days for 2025. Sufficient funding is available in the District’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Final Adopted Budget and the District will continue to allocate the necessary funds through the requested contract extension.
There is no impact to net County cost.
08 Jan 2025
Coulson Aviation helicopters help battle Los Angeles wildfires - Victoria Times Colonist
Spraying goes on over my house weekly in northern New England. Clear day in the morning and a microwave sky in the afternoon. Sometimes the planes fly so low you can see the stuff coming out of the nozzles in the back. I believe it's all related to the ongoing depop agenda. Who knows what technology they can "turn on" when we have all breathed in this crap. I've been wondering if the "elite" actually have some type of real shot that makes them immune. They are breathing this stuff too. But hey, I'm a conspiracy theorist so I guess I'm "out there".
Ha Ha "I am not arriving at conclusions." I am when it comes to those fires. You've done a great job posting evidence. Any jury would have to say GUILTY AS CHARGED!
For anyone who feels compelled to write their state senator or comment to online news media articles about chemtrails in their state, here's some verbiage to use: "I do not consent to the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight" ...government knows this is official rejection from humans, and it's a universal law thing (from what I understand).
I have doubts that one can discover what is real by looking at the effects of things. In general, I'm skeptical about the principle of induction.
I think it can work, some times. But other times it fails.
For example: you get back home and the kitchen is a mess. The pantry has been ravaged and fridge is open. Everything is out, even the cake, which now lies on the floor. There are footprints of non-human animals. Who dun it? You look at the dog and at the cat. The cat is up the bookcase, observing the future from a vantage point, dominating the living room. The dog is on the carpet, covered in whipped cream, that he is licking, as he sobs and cries, feeling awful. You use your powers of induction: all evidence points to the dog... but you know the cat, and his mind control powers. After all, the cat was born outside a Synagogue. Something infected his soul... You quickly deduce "Aha! This is not what it looks like! I believe you, dog. You were framed!"
But all that is wrong. You are just bamboozling yourself by your anti-felinic bias. In reality, the cake was suicidal. There is a note, where the cake says it wasn't the cat. Your deductive powers are also wrong also wrong!
What is left for us, if we cannot induce or deduce? The poor victims of the Popperian cult would say "use abductive reasoning BRUH!".
But that's too Hebraic. Can't afford to do that.
Back to the burning question. Jews who were pimps were burned at the stake in the 1400s in Lisbon... Everybody knows that to start the fire the wood and the bushes have to be dry. Water content is an obstacle to a) start a fire, and b) too spread a fire.
How dry are sex criminals?
How many sex crimes happened in LA in the last 66 years, seven months and five days?
Sage, do you remember the movie Lolita? With James Mason and Peter Sellers. Lolita was an actress named Sue Lyons. Lolita was kind of an idiot. And her mom too. There was a character called "Mr. Swine" in the film. I can't imagine why.
Was that film about... sex crimes? or about mind control? or about control of perception, like all stage magic?
Very good actor, James Mason. Cat face.
Anyway. Induction. Epistemological investigations. Look at the evidence. Blah blah blah. Homes burn from the inside. Is that really the evidence? or a false appearance? Can we trust video, after the nose of the plane clearly went through that sky scraper?
What happens to cats when they die? Do they become reincarnated in innocent looking shrubs, immune to fire? "I just hebbbened to be there, officer, and the fire started from the inside of the house. I don't know how it happened because I wasn't looking because I'm a fuckin' bush and you are hallucinating, officer."
Clearly, the Moon is sometimes bigger, and sometimes smaller, because it actually shrinks in size, and grows back again, periodically. There is no better explanation, according to the evidence. Induction for the win!
Was David Hume a cat person or a dog person? He was probably a womanizer, much like Marlon Brando. So, I think we probably liked cats better than dogs.
My fav English philosopher is George Berkeley. Definitely a turpentine person. A pine man. Have you ever tried to have a pine tree as a pet? It takes a lot of imagination! Berkeley was most def a dog person, too. You can't trust cats, that's a given. Cats will have you believe that birds aren't even real. That's irrational! Dogs are better, and they like pine trees.
Anyway, Natural Rights. Inalienable Natural Rights. If they are given to people by the Creator, and if atheists say there is no Creator, can we deduce that atheists say there are no natural rights?
Does the Monarch have the natural right to rule over you, because God appointed him as King, or as President of the Republic?
Isn't it a historical fact that Presidents have more power than many Kings? Shouldn't it be the other way around: that the President is more limited than the King? Not by God, but limited by the Law.
What do cats prefer: Monarchy or Republic?
I know what you are thinking: cats are all anarchists, and, in good logic, all anarchists are cats who frame dogs.
That's impossible: anarchists love all dogs. They can't be cats. Therefore, cats are staunch defenders of liberal democracy, a system where anything can happen.
This is Courtenay Turner talking to an expert on the J6 psyop. I wonder if the J6 people will sue Wikimedia foundation for defaming them. In my mind, it would be fair to destroy Wikipedia with a trillion dollars fine for lying so much about everything. Also, any other chronic liars, like twitter, facebook, alphabet (google, youtube,) TV networks, Newspaper companies, and many others. Or, they could just sue all the spy agencies of the Foederal Gub'mint.
Would there be chemtrails still without wikipedia, facebook, google censorchip? Would there be dioxin attacks, cases of arson, insurance fraud, or ecoterrorist attacks, without the "Media" 2-tier control (of perception) grid?
But, skeptically speaking, I hypothesize that the reason why errrybody from all sides is getting a "pardon" is because the control grid would be greatly damaged if the Courts would apply laws according to the spirit with which they were written. By forcibly retiring the "warriors" of all sides, now the courts are kept in lockdown, and the control grid is protected. It's a great chess move by the Scorpion class.
Aren't those cops in the middle of the street at 3:14 with the fire blasting the big trees concerned that the embers are going to come melt the hood off of their cars?
I live in the Denver metro area (Colorado) and every time the chemtrails are thick, the next day temperatures are higher than normal. Then they send in the wind and create panic through mainstream media about "high fire danger." Now we have Xcel Energy threatening they may need to shut off power because of high winds. There's a real triage psyop going on here, but then again we have a "deep blue" governor who's in on the deal to create kalifornia2.
I have seen chem trail footage from all over the country, egregious, off the charts
I do not consume Tier One Media except when I want a slam dunk easy post to write, (😅).
What does Tier One Media say about Chem Trails, if anything? *Conspiracy theory*?
I take care of my elderly dad & he has the tv on at his place ... always watching the news. I hear the weather gal say in a smooth, sales girl, robotic voice "we have a have a beautiful day with HAZY skies".
I don't think they say anything about chem trails.
I'm in N. Cali.
But it's not fog, not smoke, not smog, but a layer of white-ish haze.
Weffie haze.
In Austria in the summer, on the state-run news, one weather reporter actually speaks in all earnestness in a giddy voice sometimes about something that translates along the lines of "tomorrow's candy-white skies" we could again look forward to. (I could ask a friend if she remembers the exact wording if there's interest.) At any rate, it was over-the-top and infuriating to know most of the public hears this and thinks nothing of it.
Sheeple.💉🐑💉🐑 They are clueless. No idea what is happening. It’s ALL around them & go on with their lives unaware of the poison which engulfs them. Like their drones😵💫😵💫😵💫
Deep red is in on it too. Zero difference.
Buildings have walls. Many walls have electrical wiring in them. Modern weapons can transmit huge amounts of electrical energy from A to B invisibly. Requires only an expanded imagination to conceive of an airborne beam weapon designed to fry household electrical circuits in one pass.
The chemtrails are dessicants and accelerants. Winds can be engineered, with the help of chemtrails also. There's no question that all means were used in LA.
Putting together some pieces in a logical way.
The chemtrails I saw in Carlsbad California last January put those ones to shame. California has been chemming people for a while.
As a former pyrotechnic maker, we know that the chemicals in the chem trails, such as barium nitrate, and aluminum powder are what fireworks are made of.
Barium gives that beautiful green, and aluminum/magnesium are the white sparks.
I'm thinking that we may be crop dusted with pyrotechnic chemicals?
The "How?" Picture of the burning big box stores reminded me of something.
It reminded me of the "pandemic." You see, they found "the same strain of the virus (alpha?)" in disparate places around the globe, NY, Italy, etc. But there was no evidence of a path showing how it got from one place to another. Like the graph, "and then it went off, just like a bomb." Plus, no evidence of it "spreading" afterwards.
I was thinking about taking a photo of the insane chemtrails the day before the fire but it was too depressing.
I did take a picture a while back of the aerosol “spider webbing” ,
So far bad chemmies for weeks before fires in Las Vegas, NV, Phoenix valley, north county San Diego and seems all places stopped day of fire or greatly reduced. Almost everyone even outside of LA area is not falling for accidental or natural.
Moses saw that the bush was not burning and yahweh say this is good. And yahweh said let there be fire and brimstone (moabs) dropped upon ye wee child of amalek. And there was piece(s) on earth, amen. 🙏
So, the story of Moses and the unburning Bush.
Lots of chemtrails everywhere. I'm trying to figure out if my eye irritation gets a lot worse when they are doing it. Or maybe the next day.
Another speculation: We are used to the tic-tac-toe chemtrails. But the other day I saw exceedingly large fluffy clouds. They somehow looked unnatural to me. I saw some unusual cloud formations in New Mexico many decades ago. I now wonder if they were natural or some kinda testing they were doing in the desert.
Maybe the conventional chemtrails are not the only kind. Or maybe I'm suspicious of all clouds now that I look at them closely . . .
"I've looked at clouds from both sides now": Joni Mitchell at the 2024 Grammys in Los Angeles.
I believe Joni was one of the "Ladies of the Canyon". (See book, "Weird Scenes from the Canyon."). Psyop?
Yeah, Elana Freeland says we haven't had "natural weather" for several decades
I’ve felt hay fever-like symptoms off and on all fall and now winter—stuff that normally just concentrates in the spring for me. It’s bizarre. The fogvid maybe?
I was walking to the library in Newport Beach on that Monday and I also noticed the chem trails. I stopped my walk a few times so I could observe more closely. I was wondering to myself why now? Something must be up, because I had not seen so many before? Well then the fires. I think the whole mess is a deep state operation.
Thank you for the video, finally got to see a palm tree on fire, like a torch, the way I remember seeing them burn.
We'd be in big trouble with the city/county if we didn't clear the dry palm fronds away where our palm trees were on the property perimeter.
Also, I've seen buildings burn from the inside a few times, maybe especially where I live now.
We get a ton of rain here and the outside of buildings can be water saturated. Electrical fires, and kitchen grease fires can go quick from the inside with that black smoldery smoke that kills the people people and animal people inside really fast, who may have been sleeping, or just couldn't get out.
Of course, our conditions here are the opposite of SoCal, so......yeah, buildings there aren't going to have water logged exteriors.
And I don't know if my "water logged exteriors" hypothesis would be agreed with by actual firefighters.
PS TomT asked me to ask you if you discontinued his sub. - he was blocked from commenting when he tried to ask you himself. He also was told he's getting a refund for your site, and is thinking it's stripe and not you.
Hi, I'm also asking for Tom Tunes. He was blocked and his subscription refunded. Would be sorry to not see him on your Stack anymore. Would you look into this, (insofar as is possible in this dumb system) and be able to reinstate him?
Alright, I'll unblock him upon both of your requests.
Because I very much like and respect both of you.
I can't find his handle, send me his profile link if this is important to you.
This is it:
Okay he is unblocked. Done.
Excellent info by “Bassehound”.
Foster Coulson’s family owns the fire aviation company used by LA County. Fantastic timing to renew a contract the day the Palisades fire starts. While the media has repeated the story the county cut the fire budget the contract states SCE largely funds the aviation part and no media I have seen asks about this contract and SCE funding.
07 Jan 2025
The District, as a Special District, is funded independently from the County’s General Fund, and relies primarily on property tax revenue to provide essential fire protection and life safety services.
The cost of the extension is $7,500,000 and represents the total operational cost including stand-by time, flight hours, portable retardant, gel, and any associated operational costs. SCE has agreed to provide funding to the District for the fixed lease costs relating to stand-by time for up to 365 days for 2025. Sufficient funding is available in the District’s Fiscal Year 2024-25 Final Adopted Budget and the District will continue to allocate the necessary funds through the requested contract extension.
There is no impact to net County cost.
08 Jan 2025
Coulson Aviation helicopters help battle Los Angeles wildfires - Victoria Times Colonist
Spraying goes on over my house weekly in northern New England. Clear day in the morning and a microwave sky in the afternoon. Sometimes the planes fly so low you can see the stuff coming out of the nozzles in the back. I believe it's all related to the ongoing depop agenda. Who knows what technology they can "turn on" when we have all breathed in this crap. I've been wondering if the "elite" actually have some type of real shot that makes them immune. They are breathing this stuff too. But hey, I'm a conspiracy theorist so I guess I'm "out there".
Ha Ha "I am not arriving at conclusions." I am when it comes to those fires. You've done a great job posting evidence. Any jury would have to say GUILTY AS CHARGED!
For anyone who feels compelled to write their state senator or comment to online news media articles about chemtrails in their state, here's some verbiage to use: "I do not consent to the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight" ...government knows this is official rejection from humans, and it's a universal law thing (from what I understand).
I have doubts that one can discover what is real by looking at the effects of things. In general, I'm skeptical about the principle of induction.
I think it can work, some times. But other times it fails.
For example: you get back home and the kitchen is a mess. The pantry has been ravaged and fridge is open. Everything is out, even the cake, which now lies on the floor. There are footprints of non-human animals. Who dun it? You look at the dog and at the cat. The cat is up the bookcase, observing the future from a vantage point, dominating the living room. The dog is on the carpet, covered in whipped cream, that he is licking, as he sobs and cries, feeling awful. You use your powers of induction: all evidence points to the dog... but you know the cat, and his mind control powers. After all, the cat was born outside a Synagogue. Something infected his soul... You quickly deduce "Aha! This is not what it looks like! I believe you, dog. You were framed!"
But all that is wrong. You are just bamboozling yourself by your anti-felinic bias. In reality, the cake was suicidal. There is a note, where the cake says it wasn't the cat. Your deductive powers are also wrong also wrong!
What is left for us, if we cannot induce or deduce? The poor victims of the Popperian cult would say "use abductive reasoning BRUH!".
But that's too Hebraic. Can't afford to do that.
Back to the burning question. Jews who were pimps were burned at the stake in the 1400s in Lisbon... Everybody knows that to start the fire the wood and the bushes have to be dry. Water content is an obstacle to a) start a fire, and b) too spread a fire.
How dry are sex criminals?
How many sex crimes happened in LA in the last 66 years, seven months and five days?
Sage, do you remember the movie Lolita? With James Mason and Peter Sellers. Lolita was an actress named Sue Lyons. Lolita was kind of an idiot. And her mom too. There was a character called "Mr. Swine" in the film. I can't imagine why.
Was that film about... sex crimes? or about mind control? or about control of perception, like all stage magic?
Very good actor, James Mason. Cat face.
Anyway. Induction. Epistemological investigations. Look at the evidence. Blah blah blah. Homes burn from the inside. Is that really the evidence? or a false appearance? Can we trust video, after the nose of the plane clearly went through that sky scraper?
What happens to cats when they die? Do they become reincarnated in innocent looking shrubs, immune to fire? "I just hebbbened to be there, officer, and the fire started from the inside of the house. I don't know how it happened because I wasn't looking because I'm a fuckin' bush and you are hallucinating, officer."
Clearly, the Moon is sometimes bigger, and sometimes smaller, because it actually shrinks in size, and grows back again, periodically. There is no better explanation, according to the evidence. Induction for the win!
Was David Hume a cat person or a dog person? He was probably a womanizer, much like Marlon Brando. So, I think we probably liked cats better than dogs.
My fav English philosopher is George Berkeley. Definitely a turpentine person. A pine man. Have you ever tried to have a pine tree as a pet? It takes a lot of imagination! Berkeley was most def a dog person, too. You can't trust cats, that's a given. Cats will have you believe that birds aren't even real. That's irrational! Dogs are better, and they like pine trees.
Anyway, Natural Rights. Inalienable Natural Rights. If they are given to people by the Creator, and if atheists say there is no Creator, can we deduce that atheists say there are no natural rights?
Does the Monarch have the natural right to rule over you, because God appointed him as King, or as President of the Republic?
Isn't it a historical fact that Presidents have more power than many Kings? Shouldn't it be the other way around: that the President is more limited than the King? Not by God, but limited by the Law.
What do cats prefer: Monarchy or Republic?
I know what you are thinking: cats are all anarchists, and, in good logic, all anarchists are cats who frame dogs.
That's impossible: anarchists love all dogs. They can't be cats. Therefore, cats are staunch defenders of liberal democracy, a system where anything can happen.
Can't help but hear Tom Waits singing as I read this.
Continuing my "skeptical on skepticism" theme, I'm watching this video:
This is Courtenay Turner talking to an expert on the J6 psyop. I wonder if the J6 people will sue Wikimedia foundation for defaming them. In my mind, it would be fair to destroy Wikipedia with a trillion dollars fine for lying so much about everything. Also, any other chronic liars, like twitter, facebook, alphabet (google, youtube,) TV networks, Newspaper companies, and many others. Or, they could just sue all the spy agencies of the Foederal Gub'mint.
Would there be chemtrails still without wikipedia, facebook, google censorchip? Would there be dioxin attacks, cases of arson, insurance fraud, or ecoterrorist attacks, without the "Media" 2-tier control (of perception) grid?
But, skeptically speaking, I hypothesize that the reason why errrybody from all sides is getting a "pardon" is because the control grid would be greatly damaged if the Courts would apply laws according to the spirit with which they were written. By forcibly retiring the "warriors" of all sides, now the courts are kept in lockdown, and the control grid is protected. It's a great chess move by the Scorpion class.
Hutchinson effect