The FDA was just the running dog of the DoD when it came to COVID... this was a military operation and still is.

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The Operation of Global Pandemic was planned for over 20-years.

They ran it through the USM and had Red Herring Patsies and lawsuits already planned, me thinks. Most DEFINITELY fully read in Lead Teams running point on the narrative "dissident" backlash.

I think they have tried very hard to co-opt voices who were not playing along:

1. Inviting them to conferences. Ask them to be reasonable. Potentially compromise them.

2. Patrolling the cul-de-sac of Substack with Minders and Love Bombers.

3. TWC bribery to turn the marginal political resistance into Pharm Reps (Sponsored writers.)

4. Threats and bots and WEFFIE Infodemic trolls (Moderna)


5. Lawfare (possible fake) and threats of lawfare

6. Endless, YOU ARE NOT IN THE MOVEMENT BLACK PILL social pressure. Me: I know. I told you i'm not in your not a Movement b/c your Not a Movement is Security State

7. How much money you make? The oligarch asked me.


There ain't that many of us left still going hard in the paint.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Thinking back 20 or 25 years, I recall seeing images of wheatpaste posters of Rumsfeld and Cheney and bush. They were portrayed as wrinkled and corrupt. Total evil. This was in the wmd era. Now, with proper distance, I wonder if the whole Iraq fiasco was a simple magicians distraction for the covid setup. I mean, among many other overlapping things. Watch this hand, not that hand. These were the guys who were dod at that time. At the op inception, if that was indeed the inception.

Schwab is for sure their understudy in this regard. Distraction for the next op.

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Or two birds with one stone.

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Why do they hate birds??

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Birds aren’t real.

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It has always been about making money, and who pays the money to these leaches? The People through taxes endless taxes remember when under Obama when the economy was going under the government gave everyone x amount $ to get the economy going, the taxpayer paid when banks go under the taxpayer pays to save the banks and so on.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Trump/Maline/Kennedy cleaning house? 🤣🤣🤣

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The inventor of the mRNA Tech (allegedly) and the STILL promoter of the mRNA Tech.

And Bobby Kennedy desperately trying to forget that he knows all about this.


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The “if only there were safer jabs” guy

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He is horrible!!

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

But we knew it didn’t we?

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What is it called...? Um...oh yes, 'a fluffer'. A fluffer sucks on the fluff to keep it erect. The obelisk must be fondled often and rigorously in order to keep the cameras rolling out the porn of mind numbing hypocrisies. Plural.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

You must be exhausted

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I am, but then I wake up and see some bullshit from The Vigilant Ferrett about THE RFK INTERVIEW THAT *THEY* DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE starring Dr. Phil and I'm like...


Here are two!

So if your old boss Naomi is Big Mad at Pfizer, meeeebbbeeeeeeeee be Big Mad at the NSA/DOD/CIA contractors making the bioweapons to harm those BEEEBBBIIIESSSS..

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I see internet journalism in terms of marketplace strategy. Tier2 has a lot of subscribers. Redacted is huge on Youtube. Tier2 casts a wide net and is inclusive rather than exclusive. A tier2 strategy uses a lot of general language designed to get people to nod their heads yes. But the Sage Hana style of not being Normy friendly is also a marketing strategy (next gen). You've got to carve out your own space and present exclusive information and unique language. That is very endearing to your hard corps audience. It makes us feel exclusive. "This is not for everyone." That is the old Masonic trick of the mystery schools and occultists. Most churches also create this inner sanctum type of effect where the audience is split into the cognocenti, who understand the symbolism, and the ones who are trying to figure it out. Hell, jam band shows also have a cult aspect where some of the audience know all the songs, and some are trying to figure out what it's all about. It seems pretty natural for this to happen according to marketplace incentives. It's possible that tier2 producers are legitimately trying to make money at this shit (even though that seems old-fashioned), and are not CIA agents. This makes the job of weeding out the CIA agents even more difficult.

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The point of purchase makes all art (journalism) legitimate. Even if it's nothing but lies, or literal merde on canvas. If people are buying it, it's legitimate art.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

From the start something smelled fishy about all the new get on the trumpie train. Sure is odd rfk has been silent about donny duper’s deadly and damaging shots🤔

Of the three amigos Doc Bob is the only who was not once in contact with Jepsteinn or will something come up adding doc to the list?

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Some turds are just un flushable.

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The recuperation schemes are making their turn back into the leviathan.

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The key is what they do NOT say.

One of the key tactics in running a Persuasion Psychological Operation at Global Scale is framing what must NOT be discussed if this pesky topic is inconvenient for the Middle Managers (Anointed Politicians) and their partner Gleaming Talking Heads (Media) acting as Trade Show Reps for the Scorpions who again… own and rule the world.

And it’s not just Tier One Media (Corporate Media)… those Baddies that all the bargaining hammers in the warehouse now love to hate.

See our Clever Scorpion Owners are also smart enough to set up a whole parallel “alternative media” which will also somehow conveniently avoid the following topics.

These are your new Goodies.

These are your new Heroes.

They want to point you to Pfizer Bad (this is getting especially pronounced with a few in Tier Two who seem to be in a panic) or Bad Fauci or Bad FDA or Bad “Governments”.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

"Don't crush that dwarf!! Hand me the pliers!"

- Firesign Theater

Dr Bobble the Gnome sez.,

DayGlo Orange Nano Doritos aren't just *tasty*...they're really, realy good for you!

How good you ask?

Well, immediately after updating our National Food Pyramid Guidlines to increase carbohydrate intake by 25% , we're extremely proud to announce that DayGlo Orange Nano Doritos, now officialy a *super-food*, will take the top slot in providing those carbs, at a daily intake

representing 75% of the minimum daily requirement.

In addition, we'll be working with HHS, CDC, and school systems across the country to build this nutritional *super-food* into *ALL* Public school meal programs, including subsidized Breakfast and Lunch Meal Programs.

"Teh jab almost killed me."


Undt vor my neggst trick, veee shall findt Herr Doktor Bob Malone...


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They're in everybody's eggs, dear... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv041-dAnqs

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Now Available In Outer Space.

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Joe wants to know if they have ice cream.

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Is this the same bum who helped invent mRNA poisons? He's a perfect fit!

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They are not done with mRNA.

Not by a long shot.

When McCullough ran "next rollout may be brighter", that's all you had to know.

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Most people have necessarily for mental healt glossed over in their minds his big finger to the people. I mean come on! ITs mRNA to remove the 'BAD' mRNA... we are just through the looking glass with this one.. Or we all died and did not go to heaven.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

To think or be like a scorpion - to first kill and maim with mRNA shots (& cause cancers), and then roll out "cancer curing" mRNA shots is so incredibly effed up. 🦂

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I've pondered this for a long time going back to how long say, "cancer" was studied TO DEPLOY.

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Aug 29Liked by Sage Hana

Looking back over the past few years I remember the line ‘one in three people will develop cancer in their lifetime’ being touted by the health authorities. That’s some predictive shitfuckery right there because we damn well know the mechanism of this cancer epidemic. We’re being played like fiddles.

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Just like they knew how many were going to die in Vietnam.



Predictions are more like...plans.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Sage Hana

"The Secret History of the War on Cancer' Since Hitler's day...Bayer (yes, the nice aspirin people now allied w/ Monsanto) knew which chemicals caused which cancers...ex: 100% of men that worked w/ black dye died of bladder cancer. The upshot-Bayer manufactures the cancer-causing chemicals AND the chemo.

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Cuz more luciferase

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Does that mean the injected will GLOW 🤡

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With the right tech, yes

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With the right frequencies, frequently.

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They already are.

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How about - Malone is executed for crimes against humanity and lying to the people, and THEN we let Kennedy clean house.

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C'mon Dave!

Where's ur sense of challenge!!

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Fuck Malone and his challenge. I challenge him to a duel at sunrise. Along with the slapping of a very slimy glove across his face.

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Hear Hear!!!!! Lol. I like your thinking

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I have a prescription for cleaning house at the FDA.

As an Organ of Evil, this prescription could be applied to any other such Organ.

IOW, ALL of the Organs.

Literally burn it to the ground.

1. De-authorise it, or whatever the term is. Make sure there is a note prohibiting such an Organ to ever be created again.

2. Fire every single employee, while making sure to arrest the criminals associated with poisoning the population in any way. Or criminals profiteering from the poisoning.

3. Bulldoze the buildings.

4. Use the funding freed up to properly support those who have been poisoned/damaged.

There is a great meme/quote about the Federal Reserve. "What do you replace cancer with?" This is the response to anyone who asks 'what would you replace FDA et al with?'

Will never happen.

Not in a controlled fashion.

Will happen, as a much less controlled demolition of the Organs.

The idea that one brave Garden Gnome could redeem FDA from the inside is so far into fantasy that it might just happen.

So they can keep poisoning and slow rolling us until the clock runs out.


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Your post hits home my dear. Shocking

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Not writing the three-letter word 'God' means the person is a malignant narcisist, or a trend follower who idolizes a malignant naricissist.

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One can earn more money as a member of the Executive branch than as a Nobel Prize recipient. But it takes more real work than the Nobel Prize gig.

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