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Low blood sugar.

3m later: WE has video! 👍

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I heard Froot Loopmectin cures low blood sugar. But for the first 14 days after you take it, you'll be categorised as unfruitlooped for the purpose of death and injury statistics.

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A pandemic of the Unlooped.

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Oh sage, so sorry. Get ya a milky way midnight chocolate bar to tide you over. Their to die for:) praying for mychobsmashburgers for you! Like me, a meat craver, riding the katts bus to dollar general today, hoping they has thar John O'soules frozen chicken pieces so I could hand meat for meals every day lol. They did. So I'm saved lol. Dem smashburgers look dam good.

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Strap in! It's Deagle time or bust! (wait...wasn't it civil war time? no? beuhler?)

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Implant smoke screen while they chemtrail nanobots into your eyeballs

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Precisely. 1000% this.

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I knew all about Jared Damien Kushner buying 666 property, but turns out treasonous Trump lives on the 66th floor--I'm sure just a cohencidence


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That gold plated suite is the gaudiest thing since that Statue at the RNC.

It's like a parody.

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agree 100%

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Deuteronomy 17:17: The king must not take many wives, nor accumulate large amounts of silver and gold, lest his heart be led astray from God.

Deuteronomy 7:25: The Israelites are commanded to burn the images of foreign gods and not covet the silver or gold that adorns them, as it is an abomination to the Lord.

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I'm not religious at all, but are there supposed to be 2 antichrists or something? Like one direct like to David, whoever that was?

And just finished listening to herding humanity guy, he mentioned Apollo symbolism and reminded me of blog I read yesterday, saying Trump styles his hair that way to look like Apollo--is that why it's that color now? His hair used to be brown.

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I don't know. This is comic book stuff.

Herding dude is all in on it. True Believer.

Magical thinking, and I suspect the Scorpions are going to manipulate every single true belief structure.

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Yeah, he seems like a true believer.

They've definitely played the Christians--they worship Trump and Israel. They will never wake up.

Even post Trumpstein choosing Vance/Thiel and all the problems w/that choice, in their minds, it was NEVER Trump's fault--more bad advice or he got tricked by his advisors. Dumbest fs on the planet.

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weird thought on the whole antichrist issue, who is related to who, who comes from line King david, etc....

We really don't know anything about who these people really are--there's a lot of weirdness with the UK royals, there's some substacker who summarizes NWO books, and he seem to think that Rothschilds got breeding rights w/UK royals, so you don't really know who they are actually related to.

And it definitely seems like Princess Diana was related (daughter of) Sir James Goldsmith (actually a good guy despite the "Sir", warned about GATT/globalization and got fast acting cancer)--Diana has striking resemblance to his other kids.

Yesterday, someone on x w/good track record on truth had interesting posts about all the Jews who have married into powerful political families here--said something about Jews getting "birthing rights" into political families....

Just thought of this b/c someone on x posted a photo of Ivanka Trump when she was maybe a teen, and she looks NOTHING like she does now, and I cannot see any of Trump or Ivana in her face (at least IMO). So for all we know, there's something strange going on w/powerful families here in the US.

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All while the 'priests' make off work all the loot:)

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I kinda think chips are passee.....i think they are gonna use your biofield...

Not just for buying (although hand and forehead ring in my ears so maybe I'm wrong)

But i sure as shit they are gonna mine our bio fields to "make" something..maybe currency..maybe surveillance.

Give them time....

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Yes I think chips may be a bridge too far and to garner compliance over non-compliance they will just use biofields IF THEY CAN DO IT.

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And mining the lower end frequencies of our emotions, like fear, worry, violence, like they do already, but much more 'efficiently', don-cha-knoe. Fuck them. Eminate all the most powerful , positive energies and creative dreams of a Very Positive reality and future Every day, it's very within our natural ability to do! Use that for all your worth. That's why they try to keep you down and confused. No confusion, positive energy, is the key:) think outside the box they try to keep you in. Knowledge they've suppressed was for a reason.

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Froot Loops beware!

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😅 Good one Flurmie!

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Ha! Those poor Telegraph readers are going to be so disillusioned in what they read!

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Pssst….hey, would ya like some Tucker Carlson pseudo-snuff to go with your wellness kit?


I see a lot into the future. Didn’t see this one.

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I didn't even want to chip my dogs but there was no choice when we relocated to Australia

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Those implants give me the creeps because the area in which they are implanted is in one of the most powerful acupuncture points in the body. I wonder if that’s just coincidence?

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"For Social Security Purposes. NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION."

Yeah. Right.

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Turns out the STATE likes to lie.

Swinging the pendulum back and forth and the agendas grind on.

If you point this shit out, the all-in Ride or Die Hero Ballers, be it Obama or Trump...eat your liver.

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Don't mean a thing...

...If it ain't got that swing.

Doobop Doowop Doobop Doowop


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Taps chalkboard.

Attention class!:

"Ponzi Scheme."


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It's allowed for Real ID 😳

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Nice mashup SH. I think you nailed it.

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Attacking Peter Thiel like that! Aren’t you afraid he’ll do to you as he did to the Gawker? Be careful if Hulk Hogan shows up in the comments!

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