
Polio was the lynchpin for the entire vaccine racket. It has shocking staying power. Get into with anyone about vaccines and you'll surely hear...

1. Vaccines eradicated polio.

2. I'm not antivax, but....polio.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana



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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

As a young boy growing up in small town Alabama, I did not receive the polio vaccine, shots or liquid. My grandmother and my aunt both were teachers in elementary school I attended. As I remember, I was excused on vaccine day for an early lunch at home. I really wish they were still alive so I could asked them their motives regarding the polio vaccine. They must have known or suspected something. I did however get the smallpox vaccine. As I remember, you were required by the county to get it by a certain age, or not be allowed to attend public school. 👌

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Well, General, at least you got to learn to read and count, which probably was useful during your career as an engineer. What's a little bit of painful poison and nazi coercion when you are offered the almost uncountable benefits of public schooling?

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

“The fight against infantile paralysis cannot be a local war. It must be nationwide. It must be total war in every city, town and village throughout the land. For only with a united front can we ever hope to win any war.”

Local never seems to be the solution. Always have to go bigger. This was national. Now we are doing global. I hope to live to see the day we are fighting the bugs, starship troopers style.

Also! Rockford has DDT bombing runs and Peaches! Go Peaches!

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The severity, morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 must be re-emphasized to all, both young and old, as it spares neither. To avoid a catastrophic repeat of the initial surge, we recommend a population-wide intervention — a significant increase in the use of N95 masks — that might allow for a safer reopening of the U.S economy.

Signed, Keto Boy.


One POPULATION WIDE INTERVENTION leads to another and the next thing you know you needed MORE SEVERE LOCKDOWNS, says Evergreen Boy.

Ladies and germs....the Dream Team!

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

"Ladies and Germs"!


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In the flick, I don’t recall seeing the strafing depicted between games. Would have synced up in the timeline. Maybe that’s what Dottie’s husband was doing.

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Glyphosate, the new DDT. I'll post the scientific evidence proving how toxic it is and yet sprayed over all GMOs crops and also non-GMOs.

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


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& now Apeel!

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Call me old fashioned, but I still sprinkle some of that DDT on my cottage cheese & fruit for a bit of a treat every once and a while.

Just makes your muscles seize right up with nostalgia

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

I’m more if an Asbestos Chex and Lead Paint Frosted Flakes kinda guy.

Roughage and whatnot.

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Asbestos Chex! 😹

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Guess I’m back and fit for duty.

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The Food Metaphors and gag music videos are in your wheelhouse! (channels Yeadon: "This is in my wheelhouse!")

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

I think that’s more my Fraternity House background than actual University training.

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Natural talent and an affinity for the Processed American Food Supply can't be coached!

btw...fresh off the PR Agency wires:



First two comments are giving me a glimmer of hope.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Nothing like a good Ole Delta House food fight!! 😎😎

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Dr. Flu-Go….my first laugh of the day. Thank you!!

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Great post!! Thanks for covering this. I first woke up to the truth about Polio from this lecture by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, author of Dissolving Illusions:

Dr Suzanne Humphries, MD - Smoke, Mirrors, & The "Disappearance" of Polio (Vaccines)


More info here:



And Janine Roberts also covered polio fraud in her book Fear of the Invisible. Apparently, there were some very early cases, and the doctor treating such cases suspected a TOXIN. But of course the doctors who wanted to get injections in arms, just ignored that info:


"first medical reports on the polio outbreaks. They were from Vermont in New England and issued by the Government Inspector, Dr Charles Caverly...this report was dated 1892, just two years after lead arsenate pesticide started to be sprayed many times every summer to kill the codling moth on apple crops. Vermont was a major apple-growing region - and its polio epidemics started shortly after this pesticide came into widespread summer use."

And a couple of doctors even presented info to Congress on dangers of DDT, but were just ignored, etc.

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Dr. Humphries was interviewed on last Thursday's episode of The Highwire:


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And that's why it was called the "Summer Disease," and how President Franklin D. Roosevelt got 'it' while swimming in DDT laced water.

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Apr 2Liked by Sage Hana

"Polio" epidemics only became a thing following the widespread use of modern insecticides - Paris Green, Lead Arsenate, DDT etc. Its still being used in Africa, India etc to protect the useless eaters from dangerous bugs. In the West we get new IG Farben/Bayer/Monsanto goodies.

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Leaving this link here as I may go back and rewatch.

I did two version of that Ebola Ring trial warnings post. (GVB warned they were poorly designed and essentially fraudulent and never ever sorts out that Bob Malone is crowing about designing them on his CV.)

But this clip was in the first version and IIRC GVB is more or less acknowledging the callous approach that is used with "African" nations.

He speaks with some bluntness.

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The Notorious!

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It’s not going to be funny when they spray everyone again, but this time we bleed from the eyes, and Mr Now! says “told you so!”

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i remember running through ddt fog behind spraying truck as a kid.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Made the freakin’ frogs gay.


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That should totally be on every HS prom playlist

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Check out these lads. I’ve had some shit days here lately. This vid at the start of the day? Smooooth sailing from that point on.


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This is good. Digging the shamisen-esque opening

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How on earth did you ever find that one? Those trees bring back memories of Northern Europe in the winter.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

The gem came to me 100% through the YT algo. I looked into the fellas. 3 self professed stoners from Belgium. Sounds about right. I also learned they did a brief tour in the US and played in a festival in Louisville KY. If I’d had known about them at that time, I’d had been there. From the looks of it, they played there during Derby time.

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Apr 4Liked by Sage Hana

Very cool find! Thanks for sharing your sense of humor!

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What did the French do to you?

(Watches video)

Uh, sorry wrong frogs. But Alex, methinks he doth protest too much...

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Took me a minute. 🤣

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I think the French DO eat frogs though, specifically frog's legs. All kinda recipes there if you do a search.

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We eat them here in the states, too. Just need a Swamp and a trident and a fryer!! ( not joking, first hunted and ate them with my cousins in the deep south in 1975, probably real good ddt frog back then)

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

I was hitchhiking through Miami in 1965 and saw that taking place. Coming from California I couldn't believe it.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks for this Sage.....my Dear Departed Dad 'caught' 'polio/DDT' in the late 1940's in London @9 yrs old in both legs, the very last 'outbreak' in the UK affecting c2000 people and first came across these lies via Micheal O'Bernica a few years back - wanted to post his video here but it's been taken down by UTube.....A man among men.....thanks for the inspiration of my life Dad.....always missed

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I’m wondering now if the first real psyop put into play by the United Operation Paperclip of America is the ramping up of the polio scare to get products directly into bodies.

Now what’s interesting is the creation of modified, weaponized mosquitos, nature’s needles.

Which is clever, right? Using the fear of one injectable to spray the crap out of the population, make ‘em sick, do they’d be willing to take in a different injectable. Bizarro world

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So YES. This is the next indicated question. And it is not exactly a leap of logic.

There comes a point once you look at the Monster in the eyes and don't flinch where you have to keep tracking back. And it is kind of astonishing to behold.

So it all does begin to tie together, Marcus.

The emergence of AIDS (this topic is of course loaded with controversy, V/NAV, etc.) does seem to overlay with the forced vaccination area in the Belgium Congo where a million Congolese were force "vaccinated" with the polio oral "vaccine".

So each Op builds on the last one. But to be clear, I do not know, but I would like to. The STEMS it is clear, will say anything at any time.

That is the thrust of the "Is Biological Science Inherently Sociopathic? The Perils of Playing God, Part Two"

Now factor in that SV40 is still showing up in modern day Covid Op from the polio monkey daze...and it's

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forgive my scant recall of details--I had a major TBI in the last couple years that renders much of my recall fuzzy...

Anyway, I remember reading that there was a group of gay men-i think in NY--who received an experimental vaccine shortly before the AIDs cases began showing up in the same population. I don't recall why it was this particular group--perhaps they were in drug treatment? or went to a certain government clinic?

What i do remember having is a gut instinct, after reading about the experiment is that this may well have begun the AIDs crisis.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

when the mosquitoRNA shots get out of hand, they'll bring back the DDT as a cure, an

injection mDTT? Good for what ailsya. Or even ivm, that could do it.

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There is a guy named Forrest Maready who has book called "The Moth in the Iron Lung" that purposes a theory that DDT was causing polio along with getting tonsils removed.

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The tonsil removal is really interesting, in that it’s simply the first line of immune defense the body has (part of the lymph system).

In a way it’s an antennae, the canary in the coal mine indicating that something coming into the body shouldn’t be there. And yet, the medical community removed it regularly.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

The medical mafia tried to persuade my mother to have mine removed (early sixties) but as a farm gal she stuck with the natural remedies. There are a lot of people wishing she hadn't - ha ha!

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Mine grew back after a while. I still have em. Maybe that meant that they are supposed to be there. 👌👌

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe your doctor was an under the radar resister of his time?

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Apr 2Liked by Sage Hana

Sad that they still spray! Not DDT. BUT much worse. No wonder animals, land, people are sick. Not to mention marine life! "All for the climate change" my ass

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe they do spray us with ddt as well.

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They might you never know with these yahoos

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Lizards, frogs, tadpoles, fish, other insects, spiders, birds, bats, to name a few, feed on mosquitoes; some of them as a primary food source. Makes perfect sense to poison and kill all the mosquitoes; nothing bad could possibly happen upstream.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

DDT to kill the germ carrying skeeters.

Now we just load up the skeeters with generic nightmare and spray them on people.

Round and round she goes

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The Circle of Cull.

Give the herd cancer mRNA shots and then give them cancer mRNA.

Watch the Middle Managers and Anointed Ones contort. Snicker.

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Damm!! Dog!! U on 🔥🔥🔥

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According to *virology* Please know that other enteroviruses are implicated in acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), including enteroviruses not discovered nor tested for during the height of the US *polio* scares in the 50’s.

This includes EV 68, EV 71, various echo viruses and Coxsackie disease. Many knew this by 1960. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/327642

Since AFP peaked in the summers, and is thought that it was spread by the fecal-oral route (ie. Feces around one’s mouth, eyes, and nose) it’s quite possible that it spiked in the summer from kids swimming in imperfectly or untreated public pools.

Of note, mandated chlorination of public pools was instituted in 1961 in the US.

Also of note is that Blacks rarely got AFP. The main reason, ironically, could have been racism. They were often not allowed in public pools in the 40’s and 50’s. https://www.pcs.org/features/segregation-swimming-timeline-in-the-united-states https://www.nytimes.com/1961/11/16/archives/swimming-pools-get-health-code-model-ordinance-for-public.html

Even w/o the DDT angle, chlorination of municipal water (though with its drawbacks) likely was the driver of the decrease in AFP in the US.

In fact, persistent AFP/AFM outbreaks seem to cluster in areas with known histories of foul water sources (ie. India)

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Apr 2Liked by Sage Hana

DDT will follow me forever, it seems..... My first exposure to DDT was when I was four yrs old in Italy..... I found an empty can at my grandma's house and....hit my cousin over the head with it because he was chasing me and trying to get me in trouble...I got him back with the DDT can and didn't realize at that moment that my life would be forever changed.......I started fighting against GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, health and the like some 15 yrs later and haven't looked back.....

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Apr 3Liked by Sage Hana

Sweet Lord.

Sage. We just talked about this. They were exempt from it and STILL took the shit.


Suppose she called up Don to thank him for her beautiful, beautiful alien tendril clot?

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Mistakes were made.

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Gee, our government would never spray it's own citizens, must have been contrails. Oh wait, B-25s had twin Wright Cyclone gas engines not jet engines.

Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Apr 2Liked by Sage Hana

Living, for a time, in hot, muggy Southern Illinois as a child, I remember standing in my yard in the summer and watching a jeep, as it whizzed by, merrily dispensing clouds of DDT into the ditch along the property line, spreading good health to all!

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