Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

I was a flight attendant for 18 years. I grew up as a child of a careerAir Force pilot. What happened on September 11 was physically impossible.

Muslims trained in a few weeks on small planes like Cessnas could not handle airliners! The weight of the planes/handling would be Impossible! WHAT AMAZING FLYING!

Also, does anyone know what a 757’s were made of? Look it up! How many times have pictures of bird strikes hit the noses of large planes?

The whole thing plus if you look hard enough will find from EXPERTS that the towers, the Pentagon and Shanksville were not contrived by people with aviation experience.

Look at George Jr’s face that morning in a school with young kiddoes! Andy Card comes up and whispers in Jr’s ear.

When I saw that video clip of Jr’s expression at the whisper in Jr’s ear I knew our government did the deed…

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Plus the book was upside-down, proving DUMBYA’s idiocy (now that I think of it, I can hear his laughing style which resembles Charles Manson’s.....). ANYWAY

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With the assistance of the Zionists. Read Christopher Bollyn's book, Solving 9-11. This was a US Govt.-Zionist plan hatched over years to insure that the US went to war and to assure that the people would hate Arabs.

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The fact that portions of our world & some of our people in Government are ruled by demons is becoming increasingly proven as fact, to me, anyway.

Jesus was not kidding when he said, "Satan is your Ruler," to some of the powerful of his time...

It is our job, as those NOT ruled by the Darkness to expose the behaviors of those that are, and in this Free Will Universe, make certain everyone understands that they have a choice, every single second of their lives, whether to choose love, compassion, & truth, or whether to choose selfishness, greed, fear, lies & aggression.

I keep praying & I keep telling the truth as I know it, while reminding everyone that as the darkness exists, so does the Light. Choose it, enough & the darkness must die.

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Amen. The ubiquity of evil decision making in all aspects of this operation is part of the evidence set that led me back to humble faith.

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Dr Mike - Hallelujah!

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So what flew into the buildings then?

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Who was the guy who sot that ear-themed picture of President George Fluid and what is the address of his base masonic lodge?

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Will E. Coyote Productions Substack-dot-com

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

I remembered watching it w/co-workers. One young woman, named Honesty, always dressed to the nines, started jumping up and down for joy :"We're going to be RICH!! We're going to be RICH!! We're going to be RICH!!" with a maniacal laugh until she realized she was the only one laughing. She sheepishly looked around and gathered up her things and left. Turns out she had married into a family that manufactured munitions in Muncie, In. No one ever suspected. Next town over, Anderson, In has a new president of the xtian college. John Pistole began a career with the FBI in 1983 before he rose through the ranks and was appointed deputy director in 2004..... President Obama nominated Pistole as administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the spring of 2010 and he was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate.... After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Pistole was placed in charge of the FBI’s counterterrorism program, eventually becoming the FBI’s executive assistant director for national security. In 2004, Pistole was named deputy director for the FBI. Since the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, Pistole contributed to the formation of terrorism policies during both the Bush and Obama administrations. He inaugurated a govt-funded Cyber Security program at the little xtian college. (Erin J M) Go figure...

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"She sheepishly looked around and gathered up her things and left."


The shibboleth here is:

"I'll get my coat."

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

I’ll grab my suitcases....

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I know I did...

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Holy Shite!!!!

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

NO idea. I am shocked. I was there from 82-86. WOW. No wonder many of my fellow alumni majored in (back then) Computer Programming.

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they were trying to turn them into get rich quick stock traders back then-every xtian kid's dream. this is a govt surveillance -cyber security special program that he came to set up and oversee.

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And THIS is why I still don’t get my Anderson College/University Alumni mailer! Plus.... I have donated $0.00

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I think it's been pretty well co-opted...

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I’ve never been back for a reunion nor would I want to. Knew that there was a creepy vibe to that school! Thanks for that info!

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This is most interesting!!! I remember the two Presidents at Anderson. One of those creepy, sleepy towns... 🤢🤢🤢

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creepy all the way...exposed a fair bit of it along the way. some heavy-hitters at the top.

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Well Erin..., since we stirred up all the memories I couldn't resist sending this...true story:

https://debra152.substack.com/p/ladies-lingerie Might explain your creep vibe...

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Looks like a very interesting read! Actually, nothing surprises me anymore. AT ALL. I don’t think I’ve been surprised about anything since I was four years old.

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Not to mention the weird “Spirit Camp” some friends from Anderson mentioned... NOPE.

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AU and Camp Ch were started by 2 brothers with a divergent spiritual experience. Some genuine talent there as well as fraud. same same, but different as they say in Thailand.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

"Revisionism is an historical discipline made necessary by the fact that all States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of a group of “Court Intellectuals,” whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public.

The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances, the Revisionist works to delegitimate, to de-sanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public." - Murray Rothbard


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"That seems to be on purpose."

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😁 They had it sorted out that it was "Osama bin Laden" in like...45 minutes.

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It didn’t need to be sorted. That name was the first thing out of my mouth when I turned on the TV. They lay down a foundation ahead of these things I’ve heard

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Hey, I hear his niece is so hot right now. The guest to have on your podcast. Straight from…checks notes…Switzerland. That’s the one that was neutral, right?

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

AND then we got the good ol TSA. I can still hear the sheep saying then, “but it’s for our safety!”

Huh, haven’t we heard that of late?

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Ha! Now I know that Sage Hana is OLD ENOUGH to have been watching FANTASY ISLAND!

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I mean...I know about Casablanca and Sunset Blvd and stuff too and I ain't THAT old. 😅

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Didn´t say you was old. Said you was OLD ENOUGH!

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when the second "plane" hits and trespasses the building like imaginary Mexican viruses would through Trump's invisible border wall of wonder, there is a fire ball on the fae where it hits and a second fire ball where the graphene-based nose of the "plane" exits the building. Remarkable hardness and toughness.

Do you think the fire and the smoke are real or CGI?

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So I do have a video forensics post sitting in my software.

But if you watch that second plane "live" on NY Good Day, freeze at 1:09.

I may cut a video right now.

The nose of the plane, errr..."plane" is so far out the other side as to be a seeming artifact of cgi.

To be clear: I do not KNOW what hebbened.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

OMG!! I am watching the old-school Fantasy Island again!! I am on Season Three of Seven....✈🌴🥥

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Happy polygon day. Event 202? Anyone hearing silent whistles yet?

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Damn. Sorry to see that. Yeah, I guess that qualifies?

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Left ear only.

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana

Have you or a loved one been exposed to Havana Syndrome? You may be entitled to financial compensation. Call the law offices of…

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Sep 11Liked by Sage Hana


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Gee, Sage, you sound a little skeptical. Linking once again @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Oh.My.Goodness.” Catatonic schizophrenia.

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Just ask the question why: 8 black boxes, no data; 19 terrorists through air terminals, no video but a useful passport see Nord See pipeline. Pentagon, no useful video; outside debris? 6 ton engines, where? 757 cannot fly at 500mph 10 ft off the ground: ground effect prevents it and likely the wings would come off.

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No aircraft were flown into buildings on 9/11.

That narrative is completely impossible.

There is no evidence of any hijackers boarding planes,

because there were no hijackers. No hijackers could have operated and navigated

planes to a building hundreds of miles away and hit it dead on.

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There was videos of the highjackers in the airports going through security.

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Plus they found an intact passport of one of them!

That somehow floated out the fiery plane that exploded like a bomb unblemished to the ground below.


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Now I am so interested!

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Me too!

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No there was not.

The video that purported to show two hijackers in an

airport in Portland Maine, did not come from an airport security

camera. It was from a camcorder. Security cameras take one frame per second,

and they have a time stamp embedded in the frame.

They reviewed footage from over 300 airport cameras and they did not produce one frame of any hijackers preparing to board their flights.

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Then what did we see flying into the buildings?

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You are correct. That makes sense. Thank you for helping me see that.

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All the innocents murdered that day.

I read recently of the investigations ( by private entities not our “government”) and it was very interesting.

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This one was circulating around yesterday. Of course turning away at exactly the wrong time, but could argue there was debris flying out:


Do not know provenance — me no do telegram

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