When I think of our 61 yo friend that went to the ER with "covid" in August of 2021 & died ten days later... I think of how much his young adult kids & his family needed him. He was an electrician. One of his sons was learning the trade from him. There is nothing that can replace that.

Millions of lives cut short and now as we roll into September my HMO (Kaiser) is sending "get your flu & covid shot" mass emails.

It's really depressing.

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Have you seen the walgreens shooting up the little boy, his pregnant mom and even the toy super hero? Puke worthy!

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I haven't seen it - so awful!

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I saw it. I thought it was so cute how that guy coaxed that little boy into taking that injection of perpetual misery and hospital visits.

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But, as per the 2022 US ad, that poor little boy is now a Vaccine Super Hero. He's 'taken one for the team'.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

This is as succinct and probably accurate as it gets. Can't reduce the sauce much further than this.

The only question in my mind is: Are they really as strong as this suggests, or are they fantastic at smoke and mirrors, and only appear to be so. All evidence points in one direction for me, but hard to know anything really.

I suppose it does raise another question. How does one live, knowing the precarity of their entire existence, and all that they know, at every moment, against such capricious power?

How does someone put one foot in front of the other, day in and day out, knowing that murderous, monstrous demigods are, at any given moment, merely waiting for orbital mechanics to match up with gps coordinates, such that you end up watching youtube videos of your nana or granddaughter or Sally the mail lady burning on the ground, as someone drives past saying "just go, we can't do nothing for her now."

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Here's how I'm "putting one foot in front of the other":

1. I got a dog, who needs daily walks and who wiggles her tail stub to greet me every morning (he's a rescue whose ears and tail were hacked off by some monster in Iran).

2. I've fully committed to making a beautiful garden out front of my very old, lopsided house.

3. I decided to hell with all my doubts and am embracing Orthodox Christianity.

It's working.

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You have a big heart for doggers.

I believe dogs can show naturally some of the most desirable virtues that every human adult should have.

I also believe that the best gift from God is a simple faith. The stupider it looks the more solid it is.


A simple faith is better than intelligence, memory, health, bodily strength, endurance and business ability.

Only the capacity to truly love is better than faith.

Such are my thoughts.

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Good thoughts, Agent Roger.

What I like about the Orthodox, in fact, is its insistence on humility. ... which dogs excel at! I think it's not a mistake that dog is god spelled backwards, right?!

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"doggers" measns something different where I'm from 😳

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edit: wiggles HIS tail stub every morning.

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Good strategy, and a sane one. They are dragging us into their perpetual dark, so we should move towards the Perpetual Light, and seeking to help things flourish and not die, poisoned and in despair.

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How indeed.

It bring to mind what the ancient Greeks said about the Persian Great Kings:

'One man can rule the whole of Asia because no one can say the word 'No'. '

They are certainly not, essentially, all powerful, just trying to ascend to that position.

But they do have the strength that comes from having a Plan and being able to co-ordinate globally having penetrated and subverted almost all key institutions.

Their other super-power? The sheer stupidity of the mass of unsuspecting, unobservant, humanity.

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It's not that they are so strong as much as the hammers are soft and bamboozled.

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Yes, the hammers are bred to be that way.

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

There are many other questions that doubt their success, such as how do they avoid the poisons and contamination that they have contaminated all food, water and air with?

That is impossible for them to avoid unless they live on another planet, which they don't.

Also, they are delusional if they think that they are not being seen, but that is only one of their many self delusions that will be their downfall.

They are NOT, and never were demigods or even superior. They are simply psychopathic predators that will eventually become the prey. Their delusions of grandeur will fail them.

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The Great and Terrible Oz! Funny how they use that movie in MK ultra programming.

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The day you are born you get a death sentence.

It seems most will never know that day on the calendar.

It's coming nonetheless.

I choose to do.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

I’m at peace with my sentence. In theory I’m at peace with this for those that I love. It’s life. I’m not at peace with these assholes bringing it early to those that I love. I can’t get there. And the frustrating part is, it doesn’t matter how I feel. Scorpion gonna scorpion.

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It doesn’t matter how strong they are. Very early they surprised themselves how easy it all rolled over. Now it’s all fun and laughter.

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They expected much more opposition in the West to lockdowns, I'm sure.

How easy it all was, even in those countries where they were imposed for longest, eg NZ, OZ.

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I come here as much for the articles as for the comments. Lovely to see some people are still living, thinking, caring and feeling. The fat lady didn't sing yet.

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I hear she took the Red pill

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Yep, might as well put this in the time capsule. The phone addicted youth might easily 'get it' but they'd rather have the battle in cyber space so as not to have to part with their phones. Such is the nature of digital heroin.

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Dopamine is a helluva drug…

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There's no hope without dope.

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

"We need you to worship us and make excuses for us and you will because you are useless eater gullible hapless dolts at our mercy and we are elites."

Rule number 23 : Make excuse for your abuser !

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The truth shall set you free !!

Right after it tortures your mind, body and soul.

It kills you.

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

'For great wisdom is grief, and deep knowledge, sorrow....'

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Yes I've heard tales of The Grey Lady. She knows much and weeps.

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💥💥💥”We don’t care if we murder thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions or billions. In Ukraine or the Middle East or in Ohio or Florida or Texas or New York City, in America or in Kanada or Aussie or Fraahhhnnncee or China or Korea or who gives a shit.” or Maui. What the fuck?!?! Maui! That shit was unreal. What they did so brazenly. So obviously. And we just move on…

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That’s so dark it invokes lightning.

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Life is dark(er).

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

Brilliant ,painfully on point! Thank you SH...!

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Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

It really is!

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This is what has giving me a bit of comfort the past few days...


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Thanks , it lead to so many of his great songs

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Sep 9Liked by Sage Hana

Very good posting, Sage. I'm visting with siblings I haven't seen in seven years and they're so beyond understanding any of this.

It's cringing how nothing leaps out at them. They believe it all.....stiil.

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If anything I aim to write an "I'm not crazy" corroboration stack.

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Best yet. One for the ages. Bravo.

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Please excuse me, kickoff is coming up right after this word from our rul.....erh..... I mean sponsors.

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Yup.... I agree....

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