Bobby Kennedy, Jr. during his Children’s Health Defense Psychological Operation daze used to use Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci as a rah-rah punching bag for the marks.
There was a time I didn't even realise it existed.
It is no consolation to have seen this coming.
The patterns were flashing bright neon.
Reading this piece, I thought of the misery induced by these policies/attacks. For that is what they are, attacks on our brothers and sisters. On our species.
The misery for those damaged. The gaping void left by those taken. The ripples of misery emanating from each time a bioweapon impacts a target.
How many walk their lives daily, walk while carrying the vaxx damage? How many can't even walk? Some of us didn't even know until decades later, never guessing that our personal hell had been caused - or majorly contributed to - by the bioweapons industrial complex. And by Evil people who want us broken and dead. Implemented by 'good family people just doing their jobs'.
Decades lost. Filled with trauma, isolation, and pain.
There is no rapprochement with such Evil.
We may not win the war.
But the enemy chess pieces also flash with neon lights.
Those at the interface of their attack against us.
Those who have to show themselves.
Those who cannot hide in the shadows.
Alas, we are sheep in a CACO facility.
Conditioned to be docile. Poisoned to the same end. Educated to the same end.
That is what the BS you've summarised is targeting, is distracting us from.
They are baffling us with BS daily, as part of their global psyop campaign, in order to keep us from doing what we know in our hearts and our heads is necessary.
Not sure there is a tipping point.
If there was, I think the conditions were long ago satisfied.
How ironic for Gates to describe his own high functioning autism (used to be Aspergers and even then, the more extreme cases) when it has been his vaccine campaign that has caused what would likely be high functioning autism into the "classic" kind for countless children. (The theory here is that the genes are there, but their effects wouldn't be noticeable unless the child suddenly becomes nonverbal after normal, or even superior verbal development. And other kinds of development as well.)
I don't think it is merely the diagnostic criteria that has changed. By making everyone "autism spectrum disorder," lumping these things together, it hides the fact that there are many, many more kids with enormous problems who would have been fine or a bit quirky without any shots. Some of those kids would likely be very, very bright.
What in the hell is he doing pontificating on autism?
That describes my son who just turned 31. They literally had to make a line ABOVE their top line of development. Then came MMR and two hospitalizations, where they told me " Nuh uh !" when all the tests came back negative and I suggested what the cause might be.
Of course , they also missed why he passed a red stool , COULDN'T be from the red Gatorade and red jello that they fed him exclusively.....when I insisted they consider that , they removed the total gown/mask warning from his door , anyway.
This was at a prestigious children's hospital in Jacksonville Florida
Thanks for that... Enjoying a delicious glass of local red on the patio, on a beautiful February evening, here in SW France... and some of it came out of my nose when reading the headline.... Don't forget autistic 'Big Balls' and the team... I asked a friend the other day if he wondered if autism was by design... Human-Big Ball-Machine interface and all that jazz...
"Anthony Fauci as a rah-rah punching bag for the marks.".... then 'Bourla the vet"? Roll on 25... this circus is much funnier than the last one...
The last pic!!!! Hahahahahah! Classic. This whole effing stupid narrative with all this jackwagons is so dumb! In other news people are dying en masssssss from "measles"...but on the other hand they are going to cure cancers with the "measles virus." Clown. Town.
Possibly, but if so, then I've forgotten the context...but boy, oh, boy, does that congregation's dealer have the best Yirgacheffe or what? As a kid, one of the Catholic churches we went to had bake sales in the basement after the main mass on Sundays.
I can only imagine what the edibles at that Chicago church's bake sales might be like. T.he H.igh C.ongregation? I'd caution bakery buffs about being careful about getting too much of the Peruvian Crème Fraîche icing they use on their cinnamon rolls. Luckily, due to the high cost of ingredients, those specialty items are so expensive that the risk of overindulgence* is quite low...unless you lifted some loose dough from the collection basket as it went around.
I remember this video! But you are truly prescient, sending it now. I just got done with a deep dive on the Medici Pope who sold the indulgences.
Brilliant idea, actually.
But then M. Luther got his knickers in a twist and old Henry wanted a younger babe, and all hell broke loose.
I had no idea of how truly barbaric the 1527 sacking of Rome was, where Guilio de'Medici (Clement VII, the guy who came up with the idea to sell indulgences to bring $ back to vatican coffers for the work of Michelangelo and others) had to go into hiding. If only Guilio's father hadn't been murdered in cold blood in the Duomo in Florence before he was born........who knows?
I'm just now getting around to my Catholic upbringing.......after all these years. But half Catholic, actually. It was always a war between my new age mother and devout Catholic father.
Prescient? Like woo-woo quantum entanglement and foreknowledge and all that sort of stuff? That might be (have been?) OK with a new age Mom, but might have been something difficult for a devout Catholic father to embrace. (It's been many decades, so I forget what level of PSI activity is tolerable to the church...for sure witchcraft is out of bounds, but I seem to recall there being a spectrum of acceptability among the faithful for ideas like those of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin*...pretty sure my Mom had one of his books, but it wasn't ever a topic of family arrgh-uments, far as I can recall.)
So, maybe Solomonesquely (?) split the baby, virtually, naturally [in silico?], and just call it a Blessed Coincidence.
*Fr. Chardin could be cousins with Jacques Vallee?
First, introduce autism to the world via their mind controlling media:
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Then have a rich psychopath deflect from his poison vaccines. Here you go Sage, it does not require a body language expert to interpret what is going on here:
We are at the end of a chapter in this movie with the anointed Vaccines are Dangerous and I'm Fiercely Pro-Vaccine I just think Vaccines should be Tested and I don't believe we should be forcing shots into unwilling Americans arms UNLESS The Science tells us it does good Camelot Bear Defiling Boy making a Heel Turn and furrowing his brow and we now just waiting to see how long it takes the Augmented Mectinized Marks read into the ways of the world *to see this and stop dancing on the graves of the dead and the maimed but they won't because they are augmented and demoralized and humiliated so they will come for my liver instead.
hint: *For many, never
**which hey...if they did wake up, they would probably have to remove the Stack and that may not be necessary as the Stack may detonate all on its own!
The comment section I frequent which, until only a few weeks ago, was holding its collective breath waiting for the unleashing of Bobby's dogs of vengeance has gone strangely quiet.
The war will have to be fought on a non-binary virtue laser. Like satanic child sacrifice, allowing no corruptible ledge into partisanship. Where the trail forks into only good vs evil, the primal us vs them. And when a unified team scores on that narrow a target the dam will break, opening eyes into other issues. Everybody wants to be on a winning team. This cannot be achieved on any ledge where extensive, multigenerational MK has already cemented brains into petrified sponges.
This is what makes the Epstein bomb the largest ticking threat to the hydra. We are just now climbing the most decisive hill in this damned battle, one which the parasites will defend with every single arsenal in their power. It is the split in their curtain threatening disclosure of the operator and their warfare.
Reality resistant…..almost every conversation I now have has manifestations of this ‘personality trait’. My family is steeped in denial they can only discuss bright and cheerful topics……👈this is how evil is perpetuated. Dietrich Bonhoeffer -“When we know something or someone is evil, we can take steps to fight it. With stupidity, it is much more difficult. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that stupidity is worse than evil because stupidity can be manipulated and used by evil. He also argues that stupidity tends to go hand-in-hand with acquiring power — that is, being in power means we surrender our individual critical faculties.”
Just think of all the stupid , well-meaning, people who put immense pressure on their families to get injected, who drove parents, grandparents, to the vaxx clinics....
We also thought politicians were not very bright clowns, skilled only at holding put their hands for brown envelopes, coasting along in do-nothing jobs: but look how dangerous to us they turned out to be!
Gates buggering African Children runs on the vax good/bad division = MK foment. The attention span is real but a constant. We can use it to plead immediate defeat or we may continue to look for the best constellations to improve our position. What I am saying is: I can’t think of another issue that I can still take to the streets and not be immediately shut down by brain cement “oh but look at the good side of it, I like babies with a straw too” preening. There is no ‘goody’ hangout. Yes, evidence likely has been destroyed (except for victim testimony) and they take all time needed to sweep the room. This is my ‘when you don’t have a gun, you reach for a rock, and then another one…and then you kick them in the balls hard’ attitude. No surrender.
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have caused more harm than good in their efforts.
When will the conversation shift on who to execute for covid, because it trivializes the holocaust and you all seemed bent out of shape for that selfinflicted genocide. Now we have an actual genocide unfolding before your eyes and mums the word.
I haven't read this post yet, but a disillusioned. Friend just sent me THIS , ABOUT the EO creating an OFFICE OF FAITH! ("May I ask you, what is your faith?" subject that 'keeps coming up in thought leaders' 'conversations') like you said. And OMFG !!! (respectfully and ironically)
This guy is fucking off the chain in his mind-warping SPIEL !!! It was dizzy in it's monstrosity. Definitely hand picked for effect..
"These are terrible fucking people."
They are Evil.
There was a time I didn't even realise it existed.
It is no consolation to have seen this coming.
The patterns were flashing bright neon.
Reading this piece, I thought of the misery induced by these policies/attacks. For that is what they are, attacks on our brothers and sisters. On our species.
The misery for those damaged. The gaping void left by those taken. The ripples of misery emanating from each time a bioweapon impacts a target.
How many walk their lives daily, walk while carrying the vaxx damage? How many can't even walk? Some of us didn't even know until decades later, never guessing that our personal hell had been caused - or majorly contributed to - by the bioweapons industrial complex. And by Evil people who want us broken and dead. Implemented by 'good family people just doing their jobs'.
Decades lost. Filled with trauma, isolation, and pain.
There is no rapprochement with such Evil.
We may not win the war.
But the enemy chess pieces also flash with neon lights.
Those at the interface of their attack against us.
Those who have to show themselves.
Those who cannot hide in the shadows.
Alas, we are sheep in a CACO facility.
Conditioned to be docile. Poisoned to the same end. Educated to the same end.
That is what the BS you've summarised is targeting, is distracting us from.
They are baffling us with BS daily, as part of their global psyop campaign, in order to keep us from doing what we know in our hearts and our heads is necessary.
Not sure there is a tipping point.
If there was, I think the conditions were long ago satisfied.
Still, we have the receipts.
"What *they* are doing is clearly evil." Says Calm the Marks Crispin Miller on Reiner, April, 2022.
MCM once you want action from his BFF Zionist Bear Pig Satan Boy pal for the "holocaust", his words not mine.
"What good would it do?"
Trauma.Isolation.Pain. May all who participated in this plan go straight to Hell.
Straight to Hell? How's about on the way, puhleeze let them take in one final matinee with The Aristocrats...they'd fit right in!
How ironic for Gates to describe his own high functioning autism (used to be Aspergers and even then, the more extreme cases) when it has been his vaccine campaign that has caused what would likely be high functioning autism into the "classic" kind for countless children. (The theory here is that the genes are there, but their effects wouldn't be noticeable unless the child suddenly becomes nonverbal after normal, or even superior verbal development. And other kinds of development as well.)
I don't think it is merely the diagnostic criteria that has changed. By making everyone "autism spectrum disorder," lumping these things together, it hides the fact that there are many, many more kids with enormous problems who would have been fine or a bit quirky without any shots. Some of those kids would likely be very, very bright.
What in the hell is he doing pontificating on autism?
That describes my son who just turned 31. They literally had to make a line ABOVE their top line of development. Then came MMR and two hospitalizations, where they told me " Nuh uh !" when all the tests came back negative and I suggested what the cause might be.
Of course , they also missed why he passed a red stool , COULDN'T be from the red Gatorade and red jello that they fed him exclusively.....when I insisted they consider that , they removed the total gown/mask warning from his door , anyway.
This was at a prestigious children's hospital in Jacksonville Florida
Thanks for that... Enjoying a delicious glass of local red on the patio, on a beautiful February evening, here in SW France... and some of it came out of my nose when reading the headline.... Don't forget autistic 'Big Balls' and the team... I asked a friend the other day if he wondered if autism was by design... Human-Big Ball-Machine interface and all that jazz...
"Anthony Fauci as a rah-rah punching bag for the marks.".... then 'Bourla the vet"? Roll on 25... this circus is much funnier than the last one...
The last pic!!!! Hahahahahah! Classic. This whole effing stupid narrative with all this jackwagons is so dumb! In other news people are dying en masssssss from "measles"...but on the other hand they are going to cure cancers with the "measles virus." Clown. Town.
OMG...with so many self-proclaimed human Gods to follow, I am completely lost. Help me pick a divine leader to give my life to in forever devotion.
Join the congregation with George?
Did you once post this?
Possibly, but if so, then I've forgotten the context...but boy, oh, boy, does that congregation's dealer have the best Yirgacheffe or what? As a kid, one of the Catholic churches we went to had bake sales in the basement after the main mass on Sundays.
I can only imagine what the edibles at that Chicago church's bake sales might be like. T.he H.igh C.ongregation? I'd caution bakery buffs about being careful about getting too much of the Peruvian Crème Fraîche icing they use on their cinnamon rolls. Luckily, due to the high cost of ingredients, those specialty items are so expensive that the risk of overindulgence* is quite low...unless you lifted some loose dough from the collection basket as it went around.
*Yeah, most would say 'overindulging', but remember the Catholic heritage. :-)
I remember this video! But you are truly prescient, sending it now. I just got done with a deep dive on the Medici Pope who sold the indulgences.
Brilliant idea, actually.
But then M. Luther got his knickers in a twist and old Henry wanted a younger babe, and all hell broke loose.
I had no idea of how truly barbaric the 1527 sacking of Rome was, where Guilio de'Medici (Clement VII, the guy who came up with the idea to sell indulgences to bring $ back to vatican coffers for the work of Michelangelo and others) had to go into hiding. If only Guilio's father hadn't been murdered in cold blood in the Duomo in Florence before he was born........who knows?
I'm just now getting around to my Catholic upbringing.......after all these years. But half Catholic, actually. It was always a war between my new age mother and devout Catholic father.
Wonder how the injection pushing pope is tonight.
May God have mercy on his soul.
Prescient? Like woo-woo quantum entanglement and foreknowledge and all that sort of stuff? That might be (have been?) OK with a new age Mom, but might have been something difficult for a devout Catholic father to embrace. (It's been many decades, so I forget what level of PSI activity is tolerable to the church...for sure witchcraft is out of bounds, but I seem to recall there being a spectrum of acceptability among the faithful for ideas like those of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin*...pretty sure my Mom had one of his books, but it wasn't ever a topic of family arrgh-uments, far as I can recall.)
So, maybe Solomonesquely (?) split the baby, virtually, naturally [in silico?], and just call it a Blessed Coincidence.
*Fr. Chardin could be cousins with Jacques Vallee?
This first one just now revisited me via YT's far-right recommendations column a few years after first hearing it, so I went to the channel and found the second one...not competing with the originals, but family-friendly.
First, introduce autism to the world via their mind controlling media:
1986: Congress Grants Immunity Shield to Vaccine Makers for Venom Injection Damage | Film Rain Man Begins Production
1988: Rain Man Released to Educate, Condition, & Normalize Autism
1986—2025: Number of vaccines administered explodes to 78 - and rising - from birth to two years of age. Autism diagnoses explode right along with them.
Before the film few even knew what the term meant because it was so rare it was seldom reported:
Then have a rich psychopath deflect from his poison vaccines. Here you go Sage, it does not require a body language expert to interpret what is going on here:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 1: When the Economy is Destroyed:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 2: When We Shoot GMOs Into Little Kid's Veins:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 3: The Vaccine "Final Solution":
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 4: This Next Pandemic Will Get Their Attention:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 5: 700,000 Side Effects:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 6: Lessons from Epstein's Scarcity of Carefulness:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 7: When Children Die:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 8: When 20 Million Die:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 9: When the Economy Dies & We've Injected Billions:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 10: When Vaccines Cause Bad Things:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 11: When Vaccines Are Forced to Get Social Security:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 12: When Lockdowns Never End - Meet Bill Gates:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 13: When Vaccine Safety Testing is an Object of Mockery, Bill Gates:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 14: When You Stick Metal Needles in a Child's Arm & They Cry, Gates:
The Laugh of A Psychopath Part 15: When Nuclear War & AI Cataclysm Get Your Motor Running Bill Gates:
We are at the end of a chapter in this movie with the anointed Vaccines are Dangerous and I'm Fiercely Pro-Vaccine I just think Vaccines should be Tested and I don't believe we should be forcing shots into unwilling Americans arms UNLESS The Science tells us it does good Camelot Bear Defiling Boy making a Heel Turn and furrowing his brow and we now just waiting to see how long it takes the Augmented Mectinized Marks read into the ways of the world *to see this and stop dancing on the graves of the dead and the maimed but they won't because they are augmented and demoralized and humiliated so they will come for my liver instead.
hint: *For many, never
**which hey...if they did wake up, they would probably have to remove the Stack and that may not be necessary as the Stack may detonate all on its own!
The comment section I frequent which, until only a few weeks ago, was holding its collective breath waiting for the unleashing of Bobby's dogs of vengeance has gone strangely quiet.
The war will have to be fought on a non-binary virtue laser. Like satanic child sacrifice, allowing no corruptible ledge into partisanship. Where the trail forks into only good vs evil, the primal us vs them. And when a unified team scores on that narrow a target the dam will break, opening eyes into other issues. Everybody wants to be on a winning team. This cannot be achieved on any ledge where extensive, multigenerational MK has already cemented brains into petrified sponges.
This is what makes the Epstein bomb the largest ticking threat to the hydra. We are just now climbing the most decisive hill in this damned battle, one which the parasites will defend with every single arsenal in their power. It is the split in their curtain threatening disclosure of the operator and their warfare.
I very much doubt there is any great revelation which could change things.
The general public are reality-resistant, and have little attention-span..
A video of Bill Gates gleefully buggering African children would disappear from consciousness almost immediately a the next distraction is served up.
Reality resistant…..almost every conversation I now have has manifestations of this ‘personality trait’. My family is steeped in denial they can only discuss bright and cheerful topics……👈this is how evil is perpetuated. Dietrich Bonhoeffer -“When we know something or someone is evil, we can take steps to fight it. With stupidity, it is much more difficult. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that stupidity is worse than evil because stupidity can be manipulated and used by evil. He also argues that stupidity tends to go hand-in-hand with acquiring power — that is, being in power means we surrender our individual critical faculties.”
Just think of all the stupid , well-meaning, people who put immense pressure on their families to get injected, who drove parents, grandparents, to the vaxx clinics....
We also thought politicians were not very bright clowns, skilled only at holding put their hands for brown envelopes, coasting along in do-nothing jobs: but look how dangerous to us they turned out to be!
It’s not stupidity so much as it’s willful ignorance.
As Ayn Rand put it: “You can avoid reality, but you can’t avoid the consequences of reality.”
It will be too late by the time the “reality resistant” clearly see what we had been trying to warn them about.
Gates buggering African Children runs on the vax good/bad division = MK foment. The attention span is real but a constant. We can use it to plead immediate defeat or we may continue to look for the best constellations to improve our position. What I am saying is: I can’t think of another issue that I can still take to the streets and not be immediately shut down by brain cement “oh but look at the good side of it, I like babies with a straw too” preening. There is no ‘goody’ hangout. Yes, evidence likely has been destroyed (except for victim testimony) and they take all time needed to sweep the room. This is my ‘when you don’t have a gun, you reach for a rock, and then another one…and then you kick them in the balls hard’ attitude. No surrender.
Nailed it!! Thanks
The majority do not care. It is sad.
Fantastic highlights collection! Focused and on point.
Very good bringing in Gates and Africa, that shit is what really makes your hair stand on end.
I know it pisses you off when I go all teacher on you and grade your work. Whatever. You'll be ok.
Hey Gates, you piece of Shiite, your house of cards is falling and the Devil s coming for what’s due, you! 👿 🔥
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have caused more harm than good in their efforts.
When will the conversation shift on who to execute for covid, because it trivializes the holocaust and you all seemed bent out of shape for that selfinflicted genocide. Now we have an actual genocide unfolding before your eyes and mums the word.
I haven't read this post yet, but a disillusioned. Friend just sent me THIS , ABOUT the EO creating an OFFICE OF FAITH! ("May I ask you, what is your faith?" subject that 'keeps coming up in thought leaders' 'conversations') like you said. And OMFG !!! (respectfully and ironically)
This guy is fucking off the chain in his mind-warping SPIEL !!! It was dizzy in it's monstrosity. Definitely hand picked for effect..
They neen Killed, and quickky!