
More here. Not really any pretense about how the sausage gets made.


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Love Ben's nodding donkey head. Bibi is good at his art, but the party will end. So many past Bibi's are now grains of sand on the beach.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Israel or any other country should have no control over congress or any other government agency.

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Now that DJT chose Vance for his VP, that seems to clearly show what direction they will head, does it not?

I haven't seen any photos of Vance on the wailing wall, so that's a good thing.

I also haven't seen any photos of RFK Jr. on the wailing wall either, so I'm inclined to throw my protest vote in his direction. I usually do that with the independents anyway.

It's a FU to the Uniparty, and a thumbs up for the unlikely independent underdog.

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Whatever good points Vance may have, this is imo a VERY BAD point:



"American hospitals are overwhelmed. It’s time to take this seriously. As a start, let’s fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine. That will help."

10:26 AM · Jan 14, 2022


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Are we sure this is a real tweet?

How can one verify?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

The comments say it was sarcasm, and it could have been, but it's hard to say for sure.

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I sure hope it was sarcasm, idk the context though, which could give clarity.

Seems to me unfortunately that no matter who wins the November 2024 (s)election we're gonna get a pro-Zionist, pro-jab administration in the USA.

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Unfortunately, that's the way it looks.

This looks like a Zionist coup to take total control, since they weren't satisfied with only partial control.

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I was genuinely surprised to read the Vance tweet. I shared it not to tear down J. D. Vance, but it seems important if this was in fact something he thought in January 2022. I'd rather Vance than a lightweight, slept-my-way-to-the-middle Kamala Harris. It's not even a close call.

"I was taking a knee before taking a knee was cool."


the Kamala Harris tree:


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The color i called wedgewood blue is what this link to Twitter/X verification calls "gray check" [and I quote]:

"Gray check on Twitter The gray checkmark means your account is registered as a government or multilateral organization or official on Twitter."


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I'm no Twitter X expert. It seems to have same the wedgewood blue color check mark as Missouri Senator Josh Hawley.

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I think it’s sarcasm. I’m not pro any of them. But that was sarcasm.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Americans, who should have control over Congress (which only ostensibly "works for the people") do not have control. Obviously no foreign nation should exercise such control.

"Israeli control" will only last as long as it serves the purposes of the globalist monsters, who, btw, aren't all "Zionists" and don't give a shit about either Israel or Gaza or anyplace else for that matter.

We're all being played.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Just wanted to say , in case no one's heard about it, that the building the shooter climbed up on was THE STAGING AREA FOR THE POLICE AND SNIPER UNITS!!! for the event. What...were they all inside the building? No one outside to watch over a Very Close, and prominent rooftop? STAGING AREA for the 4 teams, 2 Police units and 2 Sniper units. No one on roof or outside watching. Haven't heard anybody taking about THAT on the news lol.

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I would like a bulletproof link on this, please!

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I can't remember where I first read it, but here is a NYP article about at least the Police units being inside the building.


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Thank you!!!

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

More "Dolts"

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Planting Dolts: The Movie

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Starring Tara Reid in her toughest role ever as the agent who couldn't holster straight.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

And here's one that does mention the SS sniper units in the building. And how much time elapsed as the SS was aware of him on the roof.


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Brett Rammstein lmao

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Oh my goodness!

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Wow, nailed it with just the title.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

I remember David Icke & his son talking about this awhile back.

Here's the video (fast forward to 12 minutes to about 14 mins).

The gist of it being using the Jewish people to further their agenda with anti-Semitism as a shield (to not be stopped or criticized).


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Israel just wants peace in the middle east. A piece of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan. And a huge piece of Gaza and the West Bank.

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Shoes for Industry!! (in case you're riffing on Firesign Theater)

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The issue is going to come from Nutteryahoo using his population as a laboratory for Bourla and the Proselypfizers (a few good chart toppers on the hit parade before fading to obscurity), democide tends to piss people off... the following genocide of the 'enemy' as a distraction might not cut it this time...

Zelensky cries 'but what about me?' in the European distraction theatre...

As my Thai friends would say...

Same, same but diffelent...

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

What if the people of Israel were given saline instead of MRNA? I don't know because I haven't kept up with their excess deaths over there. Anyone?

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Definitely not the case. So many injuries and deaths there, right after the poison needles began https://www.truthforhealth.org/2021/07/documentary-covid-19-vaccine-injured-israelis/

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It was the fake jews plan to eliminate the real jews.

Sadly, the real jews didn't get that memo or finger that out before it was too late.

At least now, the real jews should know who not to trust.

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I know there were at least some pockets of resistance but I haven't heard anything in years.

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Is this the same documentary that aired about two years ago. At that time it was very convincing that plenty of Israeli’s got the poison.

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I think 10/7 shows us that the rulers of Israel have no problem serving their people up in an Operation just like ours will too.

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

This guy wrote a series of articles that go into great depth on this very fact: https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/yes-october-7-was-an-inside-job-but

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HIV strains never seen before in the population, extensive reproductive injuries and much more-clearly pointing to the injections...a kind of 2nd holocaust that they blindly stepped into.

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Wow, why on earth would he want to kill his own people? Makes no sense to me.

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It's a follow the money issue. Many governments leaders took huge sums to promote the agenda...in this case, they prided themselves on subjecting their people to the grand experiment. A curious twist here https://www.timesofisrael.com/pfizer-ceo-im-sure-netanyahus-desire-for-vaccine-deal-also-linked-to-politics/

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So evil.

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Um, 9/11 anyone? Operation Warp Speed? Mandates everywhere? Agenda 21/30?

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Jul 17Liked by Sage Hana

Seems to me I remember Bibi strutting around at the beginning, saying he was going to use his population as lab rats. Imagine. I saw a few women online who were worried about that but I think most just fell into line. That documentary on injuries and deaths was full of people who took it because they needed their income and of course they were utterly disabled and couldn't earn. Never Again indeed...

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Bourla the trained veterinarian specializing in fertility....hmm...

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Like a Lion in Zion...

However, it's the other tiny hat DARPA/WEFfie guy Bancel, Murderna via Merieux (builders of Wuhan) that you want to watch... That one is statist.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

They just won’t give it a rest will they? Iran bad. From Trends Journal just now. CNN ran an exclusive story on Tuesday claiming that “U.S. authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump.” Human source. Well that makes it true. Bombs away. When is nutty’s congress show. Got to get sign off on the genocide.

And don’t forget. China bad. Like these ass lickers would ever endanger one of their pretty flattops with all those expensive lawn darts on deck.

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Keep an eye on Vigilant Wellness Media. See if they run with this.

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Thanks. I guess it’s Thiel’s stovepipe now.

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Foster Coulson running point on the Conservative Media Organization rollout, using TWC affiliate cash to "support" the jabs bad conservative media.

headed up by Vigilant Fox, formerly with Naomi Wolf's Daily Clout.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Musk starting to run point on orange man. Committed to $45 million a month now, for a super pac.

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Recently visited the Island Nation did Musk.

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I wonder if we aren’t in the middle of intrigue. A palace coup. It’s possible the silicon faction of the technocrats are making a move on the levers of power, and possibly quite a few rungs up the ladder. They were flunkies, under the control of finance, but they’ve built the tools of technocracy, control them, know how the code works, and they may be flipping the old money overboard in this brief, and rare, window of opportunity. No point in keeping old money calling the shots, if you have control of almost infinitely powerful tools. Go for a Full Reset. He who controls the ai, pew pews and space travel, may control it all forever more. Might be their last chance.


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I just realized how stupid that cnn piece is to the narrative. Or maybe reinforcing? So they had intelligence of a plot to assassinate yet they did not increase security. They decreased it. Bad optics. SS bad. Or intelligence bad? Defund them all. Don’t they have any decent Hollywood directors around or are they all too busy butt fucking each other.

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Different but related topic:

The reason I am asking is there is this list circulating show the huge number of "jewish" people in power all over the world but especially in US. One of the figures was 89% of the spouses of US representatives are "jewish" (sounds like minders to me), when jews are .5% of the population

What is "Jewish" in US/west?

- Tribe

Does not apply to most people in the west, which are originally from Europe and not semites.

- Culture

Again, it mostly does not apply. So-called jews all over the world are integrated into their local culture. This is an old problem, half of the old testament complains about the tribes of Israel losing their way.

- Religion

Read the statistics: in US, jewish people have the highest number of atheists. Even the supposedly religious jews in US are more excited about Christmas than their own traditions.

- Nationality

This is pushed by the state of Israel which is a nazi state - they are basically trying to erase the majority of the jews which do not support genocide, terror and colonialism.

What is left? I have an idea. I think in US at least, "jewish" label is mostly a declaration of belonging to a club. This is the globalist, totalitarian oligarchs' club. As always, the psychopaths are not even hiding, because they don't have to - most people are soulless meat robots that are programmed via media. The "truth" to the NPCs is like a pair of shoes to a stone.

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I continue to not understand the precise taxonomy of Jewish or "Semite".

Many will parse it out as "Orthodox" or "secular" or Ashkenazi and so forth and I wonder are we discussing bloodlines, or differing Sky Fairy Concepts with different rules.

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My understanding is that "Semite" is a language marker and it has nothing to do with genetics, culture, religion or nationality.

It is used in archeology and history. If you speak arabic or hebrew natively, you can be considered semite. That's it.

As for "jewish" that's what I am trying to understand above by proposing a theory. To repeat, I am referring to the power hungry, psychopatic, pedophile oligarchs, politicians and criminals that have taken the label "jewish" and contorted it into their own.

This is not new - look at the nazis stealing the swastika symbol or the imperialists americans stealing the "liberal" label and twisting it into meaning genocidal, racist corporatist.

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Make Israel Palestine again.

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Paging City of London

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Everyone should hear and see Christopher Bollyns presentation which was presented last in this post. This is the foundation and substance of Israel. The allowed 10-7 event will be the people of Israels 9-11 and subsequent Patriot Act implementation.

If one can defend the production of Israel as shown by Bollyn, one can justify anything. A self-centered ideology. How else could one explain the Sansome option to destroy the rest of the world if they feel threatened or the Hannibal option to murder citizens for ones positions benefit or the idea to take no prisoners alive to avoid any inconveniencies? Disgusting supremacy beliefs.

Heritage Christian America is the target for destruction as outlined in the post-WWII Frankfurt School The Authoritarian Personality Chapter 23 using "Eros (sex and pornography) and Propaganda". Their very own words. The Goyim are indeed stupid animals to accept this and fund it.

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It is the United States of Israel so, yeah I guess they should.

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