Aug 10·edited Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

{Edited Sept. 7 to correct spelling of Kinyoun}

Digging around in the late 1800s, early 1900s history is yielding some early examples of the same plays from the general playbooks.

For example, paper by Dr. Joseph Kinyoun, first director of the Laboratory for Hygiene within the Marine-Hospital Service, which later became the Public Health Service, and the Hygienic Laboratory and MHS were the seedbeds for NIH, NIAID, CDC and FDA.

Kinyoun trained under Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur in Europe, and brought their infectious disease attribution techniques back to US.

NIH history:


"Within a few months [of Hygienic Laboratory set up in 1887], Kinyoun had identified the cholera bacillus in suspicious cases and used his Zeiss microscope to demonstrate it to his colleagues as confirmation of their clinical diagnoses. "As the symptoms . . . were by no means well defined," he wrote, "the examinations were confirmatory evidence of the value of bacteria cultivation as a means of positive diagnosis."

1896, Report of the Committee on the Causes and Prevention of Diphtheria, by Kinyoun, offers an early look at the use of microscopic techniques to "diagnose" disease in asymptomatic or mildly-ill cases.


"It is now almost a universally accepted fact that the bacillus diphtheriae is the sole cause of the disease. Formerly, the bacillus diphtheria, was supposed to cause only inflammation of the upper air-passages, which are accompanied by a pseudo-membrane. This belief is slowly changing, and the term diphtheria has a broader application; for it has been satisfactorily demonstrated that many of the inflammatory affections of the nose and throat not accompanied by a false membrane, were nevertheless caused by the diphtheria germ.

While this is not being accepted as rapidly by the medical profession and laity as the health officer could wish, the number of adherents to this belief is gradually increasing.

By reason of the microscopic and culture test, we have now two classes of diphtheritic infection to deal with, the one presenting the classical and typical symptoms - the clinical diphtheria - the other, where the symptoms are slight or absent, with the bacillus present, the so-called laboratory diphtheria."

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Jenner was a Mason - he even has his own named Lodge. Everyone has been educated into stupidity by psychopaths. And the lies are so great and so core to the being of people who’ve been educated by and benefitted from the system that the subconscious cannot cope with the truth. The same pattern is replicated across most other fields in modern academe.

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This is the most terrifying part… it’s all a lie and some of the most fundamental tenants of our civilisation have their foundations on these lies. So if you happen to question it… you’re seen as a mental case and get relegated to pariah status…

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Yes its almost calming to learn people have been getting along with this kind of shitfuckery for centuries. So OK don’t necessarily need to run around with arms flapping, just be alert to the potholes maybe.

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deletedSep 7·edited Sep 7
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I understand the points you are making, and agree that as the process of untangling what’s true from what’s false continues, some of what was published and relied upon for medical interventions pre-WW II may turn out to have truthful aspects.

I don’t agree that pre-WW II scientific and medical disciplines weren’t developed enough to be subject to intentional abuse for purposes of deceit and harm.

As with so many other aspects of the scam, it’s difficult to articulate, in large measure because the omissions and mischaracterizations are more significant to the deceit project than the true statements around which the omissions and mischaracterizations are arrayed.

That deceit process — in scientific research; in medical diagnosis and cause of death data collection; in law; in scientific, medical and general-audience publishing, in other disciplines — began long before WW II.

By WWII it had become much more efficient and centralized, and since WW II, the centralization and efficiency have increased.

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Rothschild Rockerfeller Revelationists... RRR. Like the KKK but different... Melatonin not a factor.

Club exclusivity.

Only red heifers (SQUARKMOO free variants) and messiahs need apply...

'He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy... "

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Everybody loves it as long as you keep it with "Rockefellers".

Many if not most melt down when this follow the incentives trickle into their goodies on the screen. Their new "trusted experts" like McCullough or Pierre Kory.

Or worse, their own doctors brought up into the problem reaction solution of disease and countermeasures.

Some were duped, sure. Indoctrinated. (Consider that word.)

And some are just scumbags who know better. But like parties and feeling pretty.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

It’s very disturbing to me that the medical cartel has such a hold on the vast majority of the population. They may shake their head and nod when you point it to them. But damn. They’re right back there with the next cough or next regularly scheduled appointment. I see no hope for them.

In my post industrial area many are on welfare. Because no productive employment and living hand to mouth doesn’t permit much time to focus on pulling out of the death spiral. With that comes free medical care. Wellness checkups. And they take advantage because FREE. FREE DEATH.

I’m cursed with once you see you can’t un-see. I know your frustration.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

If you do not see your Primary Care Physician every time you look into a mirror...you're kinda fuked 🤔

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It you don't cram 72-vaccines and have "Wellness" checks every few months for your baby, how the hell can you ensure that your beloved child will be on the Top Cancer List that those poor Africans aren't on?

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One of my nephews just had a kid, he and his wife are paranoid of us giving the kid covid and they have made sure that the little guy is already topped off on vaccines, regardless of what I have suggested. Super sad to me and my wife.

We paid our money, now we take the ride.

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Hast heard variations of this many times. Which is why I do get a little snippy with you when you go..."WELL DR. DREW JUST HAS TO GET PAID..."

or equivalent.

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I'm not too sure I've really pushed for people having to get paid even if they are killers, but hey, sometimes I shiat post a little drunk on the weekends, so who knows.

My true feelings on Drew would be said in Spicoli's voice:

"Drew is a fag!!"

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Just been thinking about this 'pulse-oxinetry' which they use to check your oxygen level in your blood?

Seems to me if I am breathing then I will have oxygen in my blood


In 1987 they started using this meter everywhere

Don't trust the medical system

They bring in this contraption and next thing you know you are on a ventilator

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"For patients with COVID-19, pulse oximetry helps with early detection of silent hypoxia, in which the patients still look and feel comfortable, but their SpO2 is dangerously low.[5] This happens to patients either in the hospital or at home. Low SpO2 may indicate severe COVID-19-related pneumonia, requiring a ventilator.[12]"

How on Earth could anyone have believed in this crap? "Sometimes people seem perfectly fine and are talking and everything but there's not enough oxygen in their blood to stay alive because magic device."

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People believed it because none of it ever made any sense. This was just one more thing that didn't make sense, but were given an explanation so people were cultivated to make sense of it. Humans will make connections where there are none and this has been exploited. Gaslighting from birth onwards.

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I married the latter... Whatamistaketomake aaa.

They can all 'gahn git facked'... 😁

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‘But Pierre Kory has started the trusted doctors initiative!!!!’

Hopium: psychological fentanyl

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Liking parties and feeling pretty is all about status: social rank.

Not truth. Status over truth always for those clamoring for the oligarchs teats.

Oligarchs only use the truth of how to manipulate and maintain/increase status and power.

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There are supersymmetric cows? 〰️🐄〰️

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The Pittsburgh area is really something, isn't it.

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Do they do beefsteaks there too?

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Aug 11Liked by Sage Hana

I’m glad you brought this part up again about how the tests could all be faked. If one looks at the comments on the Sasha article on how to fake pandemics that you referenced here one finds the comment: “

Maurice McCarthy

Feb 3

Dr. Mike, this raises a big question. What you describe appears to me to be quite the same as Michael Morz's method to distinquish the natural covid virus (with the nucleocapsid protein) from mRNA generated spike protein. This is the method used by Burkhardt and Lang to prove by differential immunohistopathology the damage caused by the mRNA jabs. It was triumphantly proclaimed by Bakhdi as the proof of what he had been saying for a whole year. This means we have proof only because we trust that Burkhardt and Lang did it correctly. The method is described here: Vaccines 2022, 10(10), 1651; https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10101651”

One then goes to the Morz study and reads the materials and methods section and one finds that ultimately, the antigens to be detected to tag spike protein are provided by a few different companies. And one cannot really know what those antigens are, i.e., if they actually represent any part of a Covid 19 virus. And, of course, that goes for Burkhardt and Morz as well. They can’t really be sure, either. It’s like a religion. As long as one believes there is a spirit out there directing everything it all goes together. Once one loses faith it all falls apart.

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The old "staining" method which preserves the threat matrix.

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Liked by Sage Hana

All the photos of people in this post are of white people. From now on I´m a black person.

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Great post too.

I tell storie with lessened articles and personal pronouns to look slavic agent troublemaker okay

okay is punctuation okay

moons ago plenty crisis student debt okay

big time okay

some say 'no pay debt back cuz fraud us can't job' okay

choson peeps not-korean funny hats say 'you hafta pay pacta servanda sunt you big cattle you worship sun you anti choson you get smeared' okay

little hatter influencers say 'it's immoral not to pay studen loan back, it's theft, nothing is pardoned nothing is free you have to learn your lesson' okay

but me reasoned 'tango requires at least two bored nurses pretending there is disease unicorns everywhere, so lenders as irresponsible as borrowers, lenders also need to learn lesson to not lend money to stupid retarded people who don't have electrolytes to study things in inflated colleges, lenders also create fraud, you all stink' okay

me tolds people 'speak back to choson koreans with reason, not with emotion' okay

peoples say 'naaah! us nationalists broh! us vikings! us no reason! us cans outwit the choson and out-machiavelli the influencers stooges of the lenders! us say yeah borrowers must pay, that will teach the lenders, yeah! vikings smart! runes future big time! give me liver and my keto salt!' okay

agent rog borealis becomes depressed like a circus bear as a result he baths in ice cold estonian vodka good for skin ulcers okay

me say jesus christ these nationalists are so dumb they still don't see the fraud of unicorn money flying everywhere these arrogant bastards believe they can get out of this unscathed without ever admitting huge loss and going back to basic basic basic basic lifestyle with actual rule of law which foments very slow and steady economic growth based on real money and not on debt money lending is good but its very dangerous and law has to be very strict no unicorn bullshit focus on earth ground reality or you slave forever vikings live up in sky they sound like persian astrologers oh my gawd we so screwed only sane can borrow only sane can lend greedy people cannot bank narcissists cannot bank weed out the dummies and the scorpions from the systems okay

that doctrine could be wrong let us think and pray okay

shikashi agent rog banzai nijuusan goes sweeto summeru chirdu and tolds peoples "you know, you don't have to pretend to be nazis to defend yourselves, don't play into their trap, this is basic textbook stuff, why you so fucking retards all the time, they play you like a pendulum, show me in the fiddle where they scratched the bow" okay

then inbox gets flooooooooded with insults and threats okay

victims very dumb not want learn okay

victims no enough electrolytes okay

end of okay

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You are so funny.

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Before the “Miracle” of modern medicine, people were largely healthy. Proper sanitation probably did the most in advancing human health. Since then, medicine has been redefined to incorporate science in ways to develop drugs i. response to the toxic environment created by the other industries controlled or owned by the same cabal. This paradigm has grown to incorporate the food industry that probably causes the vast majority of ailments in the population today - diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cancer, you name it. We’ve been sheeple for a long long time.

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I have faith in the intelligence level of humanity🙏🏼, so I choose the astronomically high level of scumbaggery 🤣🥲

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Looking at the picture of Peter McCullough with his wife. Is she his minder?

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Interesting thought. What makes you think that?

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Just wondering. It's the vibe between them. She looks like she tells him what to do, etc. It's not a conclusion, just a thought.

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