Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

The old cure the cancer we gave you trick.

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Not that old saw. 😅


The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review

mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter


"We all have the tendency to paint issues with a broad brush. That is to see things one way for intellectual simplicity. “All pharmaceuticals are bad” or “I don’t trust any vaccine.” It is even more tempting to take a negative view on all new technology when the product launch in humans fails to a large degree.

These old mental saws could apply to mRNA vaccines. Halma et al have published a scoping review of lipid nanoparticle-mRNA products with fair balance causing the reader to consider future possibilities. "


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It's the lipid nanoparticle part that is wreaking havoc. Add the mnra and it's a disaster. How can they even imagine that would work. I'm leary of even vitamins that advertise as new, fast absorbing technology. Hearing they're putting stuff in dental anesthetics, insulin and high blood pressure medicine now. Vaccinating animals we eat.

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Yes, Dr David Nixon, Clifford Carnicom, Pablo Campra, and many more are finding nano technology, quantum dots, nano tubes and fibers in everything injectable. Ana Mihalcea even found it in Benadryl. It's been found in Coke, Pepsi, Red Bull, every brand of Organic Coconut water on the market...basically in every liquid anything. I haven't found anyone testing tablets and meds, but even in 2020 there were videos on Tick tock and such finding metallic magnetic substances, probably graphene? in vitamins, antibiotics, teabags,and baby food.

However, the one thing they are NOT finding in the vaccines, that we were told were using mRNA technology, is mRNA...little if any and most are 0! These are not mRNA technology, these are nothing but toxins, bacterias, and mostly Darpa Hydrogels with payloads of what? We can only guess... and until they are delivered, the nano tech self assembles and combines with our tissues to make the biosensors that they can use to track and torture and control us, as all of their scientific publications describe. Or the synthetic spider silk and kevlar clots will slow kill the rest. All unvaxxed and untested have the nano tech and fibers but I believe the other material, the silk and kevlar components are in the Vax. I haven't heard anyone saying unvaxxed are having the rubbery clots, has anyone else heard this?

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Thank you for this information. And no, I've just heard of the vaxxed having the rubbery clots. The coroner's that are finding them are saying that cremation services have risen dramatically, so there's not as much evidence as there could be. How convenient. And surgeons are finding them in live people now, but are suppressed from speaking out.

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Explain high blood pressure meds please

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A Midwestern Doctor has a great stack on this. BP meds are symptoms of arterial disease, not a fix. Many issues …

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Just anything injectable is sus these dais is all I know

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

If & when the penny drops, it will make the UK riots look like nothing at all.

Think how many kids have been murdered by the C19 bioweapons alone, let alone all the other bioweapons over generations.

I picture Big (P)Harma in smoke, it's buildings reduced to rubble and it's share prices evicerated.

For their crimes they deserve worse still. As a weapon of The Monster, they will receive much worse.

The idea they will continue profiting from the carnage they have caused is plain sickening.


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Andreas, I don't think the penny will drop.

People want their Ivermectin for the syndrome of a novel virus.

The shots? Full steam ahead. Fuuuulllll steam ahead.

People got badly damaged in Psy Op #1 and if you did not have your witz about you, and made it barely past Hunger Games Round #1, you are buckling like a chump right now.

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

I fear you're both right, Sage and S.....

But objectively the threshold for making the traitors net zero has been met.

We're still in the blocks, waiting. Always waiting.

As the cull continues. And as the majority claim there IS no cull.

Thoroughly over this 'phony' phase of proceedings.


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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Penny won’t drop. People still like the cover of covid. Sorry everyone. Only bronze. Covid’s fault.


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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

The penny dropped during a cloud seeded storm. The people chased it as it fell down into the gutter, only to be met by Pennywise. They were never seen again. https://youtu.be/uBwwOdMpGes?feature=shared

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And we are like the spectators watching the horror show, we know what’s coming, yet we scream at the stupid people: ‘don’t chase the penny! Don’t look inside! IT is EVIL!

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And it's most heartbreaking when it's your children and siblings. I can beg and plead, or scream and shout, makes no difference they cover their ears and block me out. My youngest son has literally blocked my phone number and my oldest says it makes him sick to his stomach to talk to me. Even to have a conversation about the weather, anything...he knows I haven't changed my views and it sickens him. How can people you love and only want to protect, think you are being unreasonable??? My heart breaks daily. 😭

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

That's part of the plan, tho. The things you want to share to protect them are so awful by design that most people can't handle it. All you can do for them is pray for protection. I'm horrified by it all, but would rather know than not, and know what to pray about:) that's the key. And smell those flowers:)

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

My heart feels your pain.

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For the penny to drop there has to be a box with a slot.

Most people have sealed that slot.....

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

I've always had the vague feeling I was involved in a tragic, intergalactic switched-at-birth accident. These days, I'm increasingly convinced. How can anyone buy into this insanity? God help us.

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People, some more than others, want "normal" more than they want anything.

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reasons for that, too... some legit, but wouldn't dally over long with it. Life and time are precious

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

I've been saying how did I find myself in this Cosmic Snuff Film?

I guess I chose it....yeah, right.....or, karmic debt or I have lessons to learn??!!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Lots and lots of people out there attached to lots and lots of "things." This seems to be a time where lots and lots of people are "creating " Karma.

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always doubted that neat little answer. pretty sure we didn't choose these parents, etc. it's a bit of a victimizing, disabling trail of thought. maybe we're here to impact...in all kinds of ways and by all kinds of means. makes it a little more interesting...

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If you were born between November 1983 and November 1995, chances are you were born with Pluto in Scorpio, which any competent astrologer would say that probably has to do with that vague feeling you mentioned.

Pluto is a bitch in general, and a bad aspected Pluto is a three-headed bitch.

Good news is that you can have the planets working for you.

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Rog...this belief in Forces Unseen.


Star alignments.

How do you....reconcile...

::Jumps off building::

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It's not a belief, okay? I can stop believing anytime I want, okay?


Now, more seriously. I think, much like the illuminati card game, they send messages to each other by picking specific dates when they do things. The calendars or ephemerides of planets and asteroids are just one big ass deck of cards, to build hidden messages.

But for outsiders it's just fun to watch the coincidences hebbening.

And our generation has many potential "bad" alignments ahead. Not so much for younger people. Those will see less shit. But anyone >29 and <=40 is so screwed at all levels. The financial aspect is particularly egregious in the charts five years ahead. Just sayin'

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I don't think you need star charts or Holy Books to figure out: Hoooomanz Bad and plan and do bad shit.

But this is why my liver is in danger.

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Am looking Tulsi's birth chart.

She an Aries, with Mars conjunct Venus, like Hitler. Although Hitler was a Taurus. Not the same. Mars conjunct Venus seems important for Power.

Moon in Leo, that's why she stutters sometimes, and recoils when she's not reading a prompter.

Sun in exact opposition to Pluto: she won't win elections, but she will do psyops.

She "was" in intelligence before she got dumb and sent to the senate. That's Neptune in Sag. with a trine aspect to three personal planets. Yikes! She doesn't believe chipping people is strictly necessary. They just don't need it! An old plan. Chipping is just scorpionic fun!

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I lament encouraging this slightly.

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marvelously undeterred....;-))

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

What does 1951 have to say?

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That's so old!😅

That's Pluto in Leo. It beats Pluto in Scorpio by far. That generation has seen a lot of good luck. Great music, too.

Bad relationship with children in many cases. That was largely due to Neptune in Scorpio. Not your fault! Blame the stars, like I do! LOL!

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Why, thank you, Rog. No children, so no stars to blame in that area.

Interesting about Pluto, my sun sign is Leo (but moon in Scorpio.)

Yes, I'm old, and yes indeed, I saw all the good bands! 😁

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Have a happy month with your birthday in!

I have envy. All the bands of my generation are just meh: The Corrs, Korn, Blind Guardian, Aqua, Blur, Oasis, and all that boring Electronic Eurodance style of music. No. The best pop music was in the 60s and 70s, by far.

If you take good care of yourself and avoid doctors and pharma you will live to be much older and wiser and you’ll get to watch the collapse of this communist global dictatorship, and you will get to laugh all the way at the chaos generated everywhere by the sect of positivist psychopomps.

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Youse think dat's old. Try 1948 and a March fish to boot. 😎😎

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Lemme see...

a date picked at random: March 15th, 1948.


Mars in Leo. That's always great.

I see Mercury forming good aspects to Jupiter and Uranus. I interpret that as great mental stability.

For most people, mental stability is an impossible dream, like when penguins dream they can fly and that the Demiurge does not hate them.

On that particular day, Venus and the Moon are in Taurus. That's pretty good: they overpower the bad boys in Leo.

Boomers often have great charts. The gen x people are so nasty to them. It's pure envy! General, don't trust anyone under 60! They don't know anything!

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might as well do something with it then...;-))

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

500 Sky Fairy Concept subscribers have left the building


Keep up the good work. =)

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Detonate the boutique.

Back to One!

One subscriber.

"Hey I really love this joint, it's authentic."

Me: Welcome! 😹🥳

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Does using Truth Social make one a "Truth Social-ist"?

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DeBecker...I remember him back on oprah show when he was hawking home security...

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It was the Malone book blurbs. And that weird HI shoot for CHD(Global Covid Summit).

And just connecting all the players. He is right there.





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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Finally your boy answered https://x.com/MatthewHalma/status/1821758469080306056

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It will cure you if it doesn’t kill you. The immunotherapy as a cancer cure is the same story….shoukd only be used as a last resort. For some…reprieve and remission….for others, deadly. Don’t play those odds until you absolutely have to. And that was not the case with Covid. COVID was a giant clinical trial to advance the technology. Bastards.

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Aug 10Liked by Sage Hana

They have a slogan, Laura, of '100 years of progress in 25 years!'.

Our dead bodies are the highway to their glorious future: accelerated development using global data for all ages and races, and a far smaller population leaving ample resources for the Tech.

It's terribly simple and diabolically clever.

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Agreed. And the COVID jab and the many ways it potentially does harm is a perfect example of covering their tracks with their indecent “plausible deniability.” Ingenious really. And the masses have neither the discipline nor the attention span to hold them to account.

For them, the ends justify the means.

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Here is a quote:

"Spontaneous tumour regression has followed bacterial, fungal, viral, and protozoal infections. This phenomenon inspired the development of numerous rudimentary cancer immunotherapies, with a history spanning thousands of years. Coley took advantage of this natural phenomenon, developing a killed bacterial vaccine for cancer in the late 1800s. He observed that inducing a fever was crucial for tumour regression. Unfortunately, at the present time little credence is given to the febrile response in fighting infections—no less cancer." By Hoption Cann et al. 2003

Found in chapter 7, page 243 of this pdf: http://davidrasnick.com/ewExternalFiles/Chromosomal%20Imbalance%20Theory%20of%20Cancer.pdf

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The technology of surveilance

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It's a gift when someone reveals their true self to you.

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The Catholic Church did NOT like the gift of pedophile priests revealing themselves.

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2 things you should NEVER put into your body: mRNA and liponanoparticles.

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5D Chess

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And to think in this age of Technology that everyone can't come to the Definite conclusion that graphene is in the shots or not is laughable. It doesn't have to go thru extensive tests to be 'Isolated'. I've seen so many science articles come up on my Google feed that talk about new and ingenious ways their using graphene structures in projects that always show a diagram of the layer of graphene and how it's constructed. I'm sure it's plainly evident to see. IS IT THERE OR NOT?!!! I want the definitive answer to this question. WHY won't they provide that! It's absurd. Hammer on this till we get the answer. It's very key.

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Holy Sh!T! JJ Couey is right....look at these meddlers complimenting and sticking together....wow, it's in our faces.....

From 'Who's policing the police?' to pure ALOHA

Tulsi Gabbard's recent experience turned into surf piece...

"For those of you who don’t know who Tulsi Gabbard is, first of all, to me, she’s a surfer. She actually is. That says an incredible amount to me about what she’s made of. She’s also a Former Congresswoman. She ran for President. She’s a veteran. She’s a soldier. And, she’s a warrior."

"What you read in Robert’s (MALONE) article about what’s being done to Tulsi should deeply disturb everyone, because the very organizations imposing these flags and restrictions on our honest and brave citizens (and [former] congress people) are the very ones in charge of our safety. If this is what their energy output is going toward, then is anyone actually guarding the country from actual bad guys?

ALOHA to you Tulsi."

"Aloha gorgeous and wonderful woman. You’re made of the good stuff and I hope to paddle out with you one day.

This just organically turned into a surf album. I couldn’t help it. A surfer knows. :)"


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Well Tulsi and Bob were both big on BioSurveillance for the made up pandemic.

Plus she said that Joe Biden would govern with the spirit of Aloha and heal the divisiveness tearing our country apart.

Malone probably got his talking points straight from DeBecker.

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It's part of the theater. Donald, Mr. Fast Track himself is being crucified.

I say the more they press down on someone, the more we should scrutinize them.

Always wondered why Bill Clinton was dragged through the mud when the elites couldn't have found a more eager player. Then I learned about the 'humiliation' ritual.

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So Trump risks loosing a huge amount of support from Reps,Libs and Dems with his stunning (ignorance?) regarding the kill shot. Musk is suggesting some good came out of killing millions of people (and the likely future deaths of many millions more)because it caused the further devel opment of the weapon system to accelerate. A sly reference to the digital, programmable nature of the mRNA platform. He finishes off with a large plug for a Cancer vaccine which the shots have already demonstrate their ability to create and accelerate.

These are our saviours?

Sweet suffering Jesus!

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Musk wants humans & animals to be cyborgs. He’s a globalist’s dream boy. Doesn’t even have to use his own money to accomplish their goals. He’s not for free speech. He’s saving everyone’s data for later use against them. If needed. So fire away on X! Elon, like Mr. Garden Gnome, enjoys creating things that kill, while telling everyone to have more babies & sign em up for his “new shiny technology”. No wonder his oldest son, I mean daughter, has disowned him. He/she is probably the smartest one in that family. I’ve never liked him. He can take X & stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Cuz he’s a dark individual playing both sides of the coin! Don’t trust Tulsi either. She’ll do whatever she needs to do whenever she’s needed. It’s a common theme at the top. Ugh.

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Uh, he's building Skynet

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Aug 9Liked by Sage Hana

Everything that’s put out there by the billionaire class will be weaponized eventually. Give it time. They always tell you it’s a good thang!

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Yes this is the "ostensible reason" vs. the "real reason" that is fundamental to how this gets done in the Day Tapes.

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These ΡsγΚ0ΡαΤΗS' Drug is ATTENTION [ whether they r in ΒlLderBerger 0r Dανο$...]

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What am I missing? I’m blocked by truth social

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I guess I’ll just have to live with Covid and cancer. Not taking this kill shot. I sure wish Trump would stop taking credit for it. He needs to denounce it ASAP. Maybe this merger with RFK jr will teach him a thing or two.

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We know better than to listen to Trump and Musk re vaccines - they probably own big pharma stock as well…but the fact that they dominate the air waves is the real issue. Working in concert to get Trump elected is their goal not the well being of the masses they are signing on to murder. Wish their devilish horns would be visible in their snapshots. Beware the coming savior/s. All the MSM can talk about is the coming debate- more lies for the masses. There is no justice, there will be no justice, rely on your common sense, critical thinking skills and ability to resist.

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People like their heroes and have a death wish.

They want to kill their children.

They want to pick up Rosemary's Satan Baby because it's too hard not to.

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